Symfony2 install ChillDevProxyTemplatingBundle - Cannot import resource - symfony

i´ve just installed the ChillDevProxyTemplating Bundle for symfony2, described here:
My templates was rennamed correctly by the bundle (from 'default' to 'php'), but when i try to call my controller I get the following error:
Cannot import resource "." from (...)app/cache/dev/assetic/routing.yml". (The following loader(s) are not registered: default).
Has anyone an idea how to fix??
Thanks a lot !

As explained here:
You might just need to install ChillDevViewHelpersBundle to get it working.

I previously added answer to this question, but it was removed by moderator since my reputation was not high enough to post a comment.
But now thanks to support of community I was able to investigate this problem:
It's now fixed :). Thank you for pointing the problem.
The problem was, that Assetic, in dev environment tries to parse all the templates based on templating engine name so it needs loader for each templating engine - of course for "default" there was no loader and thus caused an exception.


'XrmFakedContext' does not cointain a definition for 'ExecutePluginWith'

I'm trying to upgrade a unit test project to the latest version of FakeXrmEasy 2.1.2 and I'm getting the error below:
'XrmFakedContext' does not cointain a definition for 'ExecutePluginWith' and no accessible extension method 'ExecutePluginWith' accepting a first argument of type 'XrmFakedContext' could be found
Any ideas what I'm missing?
This might happen because some methods were moved into dedicated namespaces and so some extra using statements might be necessary.
Please try adding these usings:
using FakeXrmEasy.Abstractions.Plugins;
using FakeXrmEasy.Plugins;
Also please check the documentation site with other steps that might be useful. In particular the Quick Guide to migrate in 6 steps is probably an essential resource:

symfony3 vendor's console commands not available

I just created a new symfony3.2.6. project and added a few vendors (FOS User Bundle, Propel2 and Twig) but no new console seem to be available. At least I do not see any of them when using 'app/console' or 'bin/console' command.
/app/autoload.php is loaded from the console-file which also seems to load the /vendor/autoload.php file.
Are you able to give me a hint on what I might have done wrong?
Thanks a lot!
figured it out. The problem was a wrong version-requirement description on THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!

Export everything from Alfresco

I need to export everything (sites, dashboard, users, groups ecc...) is under my Alfresco ed import all to another Alfresco installation.
I discovered this usefull tool but seems to me that it is good to create an .acp of a site for example but it's not enought for others stuff expecially users.
Please, what's an easy way to export everything from Alfresco ? And then how to import ? Thank you.
I used this Pynthon scripts but no way an error on the python script execution : C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\Nuova cartella>python file.json --username=xxx --password=xxx --url=localhost:8080/share/page/site/xxx/dashboard File "", line 5 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have Alfresco 5.1 and Pynthon 2.7.12
Your url param is incorrect. Use the below one.
python file.json --username=admin --password=admin --url=http://localhost:8080/share
This should work for you.
The Share URL should be, http://<IP or systemname>:<portnumber/share, but you've mentioned the one site dashboard url. Please change that.
You can also use alfresco OOTB replication service and replicate all the data from one alfresco instance to second one.

liferay error on superclassing IFramePortlet

In the developing of liferay portlet, If I use IFramePortlet(com.liferay.portlet.iframe.IFramePortlet) in portlet-class tag in portlet xml
ERROR like this -
Registering portlets for gospel-for-asia-portlet
ERROR [localhost-startStop-6][PortletBagFactory:411] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.liferay.portlet.iframe.IFramePortlet
(sometimes NoClassDefFoundError happens)
This error occurs on registering not building. I did add External Jars with portal-impl.jar for this.
That source is presented on github. I didn't change anything.
I am struggling with this problem for couple of days. Any clues would be welcomed.
Thank you.
You must not add portal-impl.jar to your custom portlets. This is the problem: IFramePortlet is part of portal-impl.jar, so it's part of Liferay's implementation. You don't have access to this class from a plugin. If you want it, you'll have to get the sourcecode and implement it yourself.
Adding portal-impl.jar will try to initialize all kind of portal infrastructure for a second time. Plus, you'll not want to depend on such a big library just for a tiny trivial portlet implementation.

symfony deployment error: mapped superclass

When I deploy a symfony website including mapped superclass entities online, I get the following error:
AnnotationException: [Semantical Error] The annotation "#Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappedSuperClass" in class Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\Foo does not exist, or could not be auto-loaded.
Worst is, this error doesn't show if we use web/app.php (with debugging mode true), whereas it blocks the programm if you use web/app_dev.php.
I should add that, locally, this error does not show up while using either web/app.php or web/app_dev.php.
Does anyone have a clue about this dark mystery?
Thanks in advance for any hints.
I will be answering to my own question, for the sake of future deployment processed by any fellow programmer.
the problem was in the doctrine annotation.
I put:
whereas it is:
on mac, it doesn't make a difference. But also on linux if in prod mode (with debug option at true). that is why it was working with web/app.php.
However, in dev mode (web/app_dev.php), it doesn't work on a linux environment, which makes a difference between capitalized and normal letters.
I hope it will save you the headaches it caused me ;)
[issue solved]
