is this syntax correct for unpacked array index-wise initialization in system verilog - multidimensional-array

I have used previously unpacked arrays in different context where every index is initialized in for loop, but now i need to initialize them in module header and got stuck how to initialize only few indices and remaining should be default
module phy #(
parameter NUM_HB = 12
,parameter string STROBE_LOC [NUM_HB-1:0][04-1:0] = '{[0][0]:"TRUE",[0][2]:"TRUE",[1][0]:"TRUE",[1][2]:"TRUE",default:"FALSE"};
input clk,rst

The syntax for an assignment pattern of a multidimensional array is not straightforward. You need to provide a nested set of arrays fore each dimension.
module phy #(
parameter NUM_HB = 12
,parameter string STROBE_LOC [NUM_HB-1:0][04-1:0] = '{
input clk,rst


Nim: How to pass an array of varying size to an argument of a foreign function calling into a .dll?

Bellow is a minimal example when wrapping the OpenAL32.dll. The foreign function alcCreateContext has the argument attrlist which takes a ptr to an array of type ALCint or nil. The issue is the array can be of different lengths depending on the amount of different flags passed in. The array should be organized as [flag, int, flag, int, ...]. How can this be accomplished in a more dynamic way allowing the inclusion of ALC_FREQUENCY for example? The array size is currently hard coded into the procedure and its nasty.
when defined(windows):
{.push cdecl, dynlib: "OpenAL32.dll", importc.}
{.push importc.}
ALCint = cint
ALCdevice* = pointer
ALCcontext* = pointer
ALC_MONO_SOURCES* = 0x00001010
ALC_STEREO_SOURCES* = 0x00001011
ALC_FREQUENCY* = 0x00001007
proc alcCreateContext*(device: ALCdevice; attrlist: ptr array[0..3, ALCint]): ALCcontext
proc alcOpenDevice*(devicename: cstring): ALCdevice
const attributes = [ALC_MONO_SOURCES.ALCint, 65536.ALCint, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES.ALCint, 65536.ALCint]
discard alcOpenDevice(nil).alcCreateContext(attributes.unsafeAddr)
I experimented with openArray and other containers. Is the solution some sort of cast? This is also the workaround for getting more then 256 sounds out of OpenAL.
Answer from PMunch. Thank You.
The foreign function now wants ptr UncheckedArray[ALCint] and when passing the argument use cast[ptr UncheckedArray[ALCint]](attributes.unsafeAddr)
when defined(windows):
{.push cdecl, dynlib: "OpenAL32.dll", importc.}
{.push importc.}
ALCint = cint
ALCdevice* = pointer
ALCcontext* = pointer
ALC_MONO_SOURCES* = 0x00001010
ALC_STEREO_SOURCES* = 0x00001011
ALC_FREQUENCY* = 0x00001007
proc alcCreateContext*(device: ALCdevice; attrlist: ptr UncheckedArray[ALCint]): ALCcontext
proc alcOpenDevice*(devicename: cstring): ALCdevice
const attributes = [ALC_MONO_SOURCES.ALCint, 65536.ALCint, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES.ALCint, 65536.ALCint]
discard alcOpenDevice(nil).alcCreateContext(cast[ptr UncheckedArray[ALCint]](attributes.unsafeAddr))
An array in C is simply a pointer to anywhere with one or more contiguous elements of the same type. So to pass a C array to a function you simply need to get such a pointer. Say for example you have a seq of integers then the address of the first element is a C array. Simply do mySeq[0].addr and you're good. Keep the lifecycle of the data in mind though. If Nim doesn't find any more references to the sequence then the memory will get freed. You can also manually get a pointer with create ( and you can cast such pointers to ptr UncheckedArray[T] to be able to use [] on the data in Nim.

How To Copy data from String access to Ada.String

I have the following fragment of code
with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT.Command_Line;
with GNAT.Strings; use GNAT.Strings;
(Config => Config, Output => File_Name'Access,
Long_Switch => "--file=", Switch => "-f=",
Help => "File with Composition");
After parsing command line via Getopt I have access object that points to actual file name
I would like to copy this name to Ada.String.Fixed string that definded as
File_Name : String(1 .. 256);
I can print to console data from File_Name'Access as
I think I should provide something like copy operation then free access object.
How can I do it?
I guess File_Name in the code snippet defined as 'aliased GNAT.Strings.String_Access'. This is a "fat pointer" to the string object. "Fat" means it is not an address only, it is range of indices of the string. C-style Nil terminator is not used in Ada, and Nil is valid character.
You can copy data inside this string object into the another standard String object playing with indexes computations, but usually you must not do this: there is no Nil terminator, you will need to pass length of the actual data; destination string object may be smaller than necessary, and data will be truncated or exception raised; etc.
There are two right ways to do this. First one is to declare unconstrained string object and assign value to it.
Fixed_File_Name : String := File_Name.all;
Free (File_Name);
or use variable length string (bounded or unbounded):
Unbounded_File_Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Unbounded_File_Name :=
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (File_Name.all);
Free (File_Name.all);
Use of fixed string has important restriction: string object must be initialized exactly at the point of declaration of the object, and available only inside corresponding block/subprogram. Use of variable length string allows to declare string object outside of the scope of particular block/subprogram.

Vector of registers size can not be parametrized by module parameter

I want to use module parameter as a size parameter of Vector, which contains registers, and I try next code:
package Test;
import Vector :: *;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTest #(
parameter UInt#(32) qsize
) (Empty);
Vector#(qsize,Reg#(Bit#(8))) queue <- replicateM (mkReg (0));
But compiling this module with bsc I get next error message:
Verilog generation
bsc -verilog -remove-dollar Test.bsv
Error: "Test.bsv", line 9, column 11: (T0008)
Unbound type variable `qsize'
bsc version:
Bluespec Compiler (build e55aa23)
If I use not Registers as a type of Vector elements, everything is OK. Next code will produce no errors:
package Test;
import Vector :: *;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTest #(
parameter UInt#(32) qsize
) (Empty);
Vector#(qsize,Bit#(8)) queue = replicate(0);
And I can not understand, why qsize is Unbound as it is clearly declared as a parameter? If I did something wrong, could you please help me and explain, how to make parameterized size Vector of Regs correctly?
I have asked this question in one of the Bluespec repositories on github and Rishiyur S. Nikhil gave me a very full explanation. See
In short: Vector as a first parameter needs a type, not UInt (or Int or something else). So the right way to do will be:
Make an interface for module and make it type-polymorphic
Use type from that interface as a Vector size parameter
package Test;
import Vector :: *;
interface Queue_IFC #(numeric type qsize_t);
method Bool done;
module mkQueue ( Queue_IFC #(qsize_t) );
Vector #(qsize_t, Reg #(Bit #(8))) queue <- replicateM (mkReg (0));

Oracle named parameters

How can I use keywords with Oracle named parameters syntax ? The following gives me 'ORA-00936: missing expression' because of the 'number'-argument:
select b.g3e_fid
, a.g3e_fid
, sdo_nn_distance( 1)
from acn a, b$gc_fitface_s b
where mdsys.sdo_nn ( geometry1 => a.g3e_geometry, geometry2 => b.g3e_geometry, param => 'sdo_num_res=1', number=>1) = 'TRUE' and b.g3e_fid = 57798799;
If I run it without named parameters it is fine.
thanks, Steef
Although you can get around the reserved word issue in your call by enclosing the name in double quotes as #AvrajitRoy suggested, i.e. ... "NUMBER"=>1) = 'TRUE'..., you aren't actually achieving much. Oracle is letting you refer to the parameters by name but it isn't doing anything with that information.
MDSYS.SDO_NN is a spatial operator, not a direct call to a function. There is a function backing it up - you can see from the schema scripts for MDSYS that it's actually calling prtv_idx.nn - but the names of the formal parameters of that function are not relevant. With some digging you can see those are actually called geom, geom2, mask etc., and there isn't one called number (and you can't have a formal parameter called number, even quoting it, as far as I can tell).
The formal parameters to the operator are not named, and are effectively passed through positionally. You can't skip an argument by naming the others, as you can with a function/procedure with arguments that have default values.
So that means you can call the parameters anything you want in your call; changing the names of the first three parameters in your call to something random won't stop it working.
It also means naming them in the call is a bit pointless, but if you're just trying to document the call then you can use some other meaningful name rather than 'number' if you don't want to quote it.
Hello as mentined in you question . There are two ways in which u can eliminate this RESERVED keyword ISSUE.
1) Use "" to use any RESERVED key word for calling. But remember this is not a good coding practice.
Eg >
SELECT b.g3e_fid ,
a.g3e_fid ,
sdo_nn_distance( 1)
FROM acn a,
b$gc_fitface_s b
WHERE mdsys.sdo_nn
( geometry1 => a.g3e_geometry,
geometry2 => b.g3e_geometry,
"param" => 'sdo_num_res=1',
"NUMBER"=>1) = 'TRUE'
AND b.g3e_fid = 57798799;
2) Secondly you can just call the function without using "=>" as shown below
Eg >
SELECT b.g3e_fid ,
a.g3e_fid ,
sdo_nn_distance( 1)
FROM acn a,
b$gc_fitface_s b
WHERE mdsys.sdo_nn
( a.g3e_geometry,
1) = 'TRUE'
AND b.g3e_fid = 57798799;

How do you emit to class that has a 'params' constructor?

Here is the definition of my Package class:
type Package ([<ParamArray>] info : Object[]) =
info |> Array.iter (Console.WriteLine)
member this.Count = info.Length
and here is the IL, I'm trying:
let ilGen = methodbuild.GetILGenerator()
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "This is 1")
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Two")
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Three")
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof<Package>.GetConstructor([|typeof<Object[]>|]))
but this doesn't seem to work. I tried:
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof<Package>.GetConstructor([|typeof<String>; typeof<String>; typeof<String>|]))
a well as:
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof<Package>.GetConstructor([|typeof<Object>; typeof<Object>; typeof<Object>|]))
but it just laughs at me. What am I doing wrong?
The [<ParamArray>] attribute indicates to a compiler that a method accepts a variable number of arguments. However, the CLR doesn't really support varargs methods -- it's just syntactic sugar provided by the C#/VB.NET/F# compilers.
Now, if you take away the [<ParamArray>], what are you left with?
(info : Object[])
That is the signature of the constructor you're trying to call.
So, you'll need to use the newarr and stelem opcodes to create an array, store the values into it, then call the constructor using the array as the argument. This should do what you want (though I haven't tested it):
let ilGen = methodbuild.GetILGenerator()
// Create the array
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof<obj>)
// Store the first array element
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "This is 1")
// Store the second array element
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Two")
// Store the third array element
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Three")
// Call the constructor
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof<Package>.GetConstructor([|typeof<Object[]>|]))
NOTE: In this code, I used the dup OpCode to avoid creating a local variable to hold the array reference while storing the element values. This is only feasible because this code is fairly straightforward -- I strongly suggest you create a local variable to hold the array reference if you want to build something more complicated.
