Apply function to files from different folders (R) - r

I have discovered R a couple of years ago and it has been very handy to clean up dataframes, prepare some data and to handle other basic tasks.
Now I would like to try using R to apply basic treatments but on many different files stored in different folders at once.
Here is the script I would like to improve into one function that would loop through my folder "dataset_2006" and "dataset_2007" to do all the work.
shp2006 <- list.files(pattern = 'data_2006.*\\.shp$', full.names = TRUE)
listOfShp <- lapply(shp2006, st_read)
combinedShp <- = sf:::rbind.sf, args=listOfShp)
#import and merge CSV files into one data frame
folderfiles <- list.files(pattern = 'csv_2006_.*\\.csv$', full.names = TRUE)
csv_data <- folderfiles %>%
set_names() %>%
map_dfr(.f = read_delim,
delim = ";",
.id = "file_name")
new_shp_2006 <- merge(combinedShp, csv_data , by = "ID") %>% filter(label %in% c("AR45T", "GK879"))
st_write(new_shp_2006 , "new_shp_2006.shp", overwrite = TRUE)
shp2007 <- list.files(pattern = 'data_2007.*\\.shp$', full.names = TRUE)
listOfShp <- lapply(shp2007, st_read)
combinedShp <- = sf:::rbind.sf, args=listOfShp)
#import and merge CSV files into one data frame
folderfiles <- list.files(pattern = 'csv_2007_.*\\.csv$', full.names = TRUE)
csv_data <- folderfiles %>%
set_names() %>%
map_dfr(.f = read_delim,
delim = ";",
.id = "file_name")
new_shp_2007 <- merge(combinedShp, csv_data , by = "ID") %>% filter(label %in% c("AR45T", "GK879"))
st_write(new_shp_2007 , "new_shp_2007.shp", overwrite = TRUE)

This is easy to achieve with a for-loop to loop over multiple items. To allow us to use wildcards, we can also add the function Sys.glob():
myfunction <- function(directories) {
for(dir in Sys.glob(directories)) {
# do something with a single dir
# you can specify multiple directories manually:
# or use a wildcard to automatically get all files/directories that match the pattern:


Write_csv for a list of csv.files mantaining original file names

I have a df list (df_list) and i want a tydiverse approach to write all csv files from my list while mantaining their original file names.
So far i did:
df = dir(pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
df_list = vector("list",length(df))
for(i in seq_along(networks))
df_list[[i]] = read.csv(df[[i]], sep = ";")
imap(df_list, ~write_csv(.x, paste0(.y,".csv")))
my current output is:
1.csv; 2.csv; 3.csv ...
The below will read in a set of files from an example directory, apply a function to those files, then save the files with the exact same names.
# Create example directory with example .csv files
dir.create(path = "example")
data.frame(x1 = letters) %>% write.csv(., file = "example/example1.csv")
data.frame(x2 = 1:20) %>% write.csv(., file = "example/example2.csv")
# Get relative paths of all .csv files in the example subdirectory
path_list <- list.files(pattern = "example.*csv", recursive = TRUE) %>%
# Read every file into list
file_list <- path_list %>%
map(~ read.csv(.x, sep = ","))
# Do something to the data
file_list_updated <- file_list %>%
map( ~ .x %>% mutate(foo = 5))
# Write the updated files to the old file names
map2(.x = file_list_updated,
.y = path_list,
~ write.csv(x = .x, file = .y))

R plot for multiple files in folder

By using R programming I want to read files in folder. perform some operations on it, plot and save as csv1.
Read next file, perform same operations, plot and save the new modified dataframe in csv1 with rbind function. Remember I want 1 plot from all files I read in for loop and save plot as pdf.
Right now i am using following code but my system crash due to shortage of RAM
all_paths <-
list.files(path = "/work/newplots",
pattern = "*.*",
full.names = TRUE)
all_filenames <- all_paths %>%
basename() %>%
all_content <-
all_paths %>%
header = TRUE,
encoding = "UTF-8")
file <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(all_filenames)) {
all_lists <- mapply(c, all_content, i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
data <- rbindlist(all_lists, fill = T)
names(data)[1] <- "File.Path"
x1 <- data %>% select(V1) %>% unique()
data <- data %>% data.frame(str_split_fixed(data$File.Path, " ", 23))%>% select(-c(File.Path))%>% filter(X1=='Interactions')
data<- cbind(x1,data)
data <- data %>% select(-c(2)) %>%select(V1,X2)
data$X2 <-as.numeric(data$X2)
file <- write.table(data,"/work/con1_10.csv",row.names = FALSE)
file <- append(file,data)
p<-plot(data$X2, xlab="Cycle number",ylab="Interactions",type = "p")
Z<- (2*data$X2)/20006
px<-plot(Z, xlab="Cycle number", ylab="Z")

Import multiple CSV files with Softball statistics and plot the progress [duplicate]

I have written the following function to combine 300 .csv files. My directory name is "specdata". I have done the following steps for execution,
x <- function(directory) {
dir <- directory
data_dir <- paste(getwd(),dir,sep = "/")
files <- list.files(data_dir,pattern = '\\.csv')
tables <- lapply(paste(data_dir,files,sep = "/"), read.csv, header = TRUE)
pollutantmean <- , tables)
# Step 2: call the function
# Step 3: inspect results
Error in head(pollutantmean) : object 'pollutantmean' not found
What is my mistake? Can anyone please explain?
There's a lot of unnecessary code in your function. You can simplify it to:
load_data <- function(path) {
files <- dir(path, pattern = '\\.csv', full.names = TRUE)
tables <- lapply(files, read.csv), tables)
pollutantmean <- load_data("specdata")
Be aware that + rbind is relatively slow. You might find dplyr::bind_rows or data.table::rbindlist to be substantially faster.
To update Prof. Wickham's answer above with code from the more recent purrr library which he coauthored with Lionel Henry:
Tbl <-
list.files(pattern="*.csv") %>%
If the typecasting is being cheeky, you can force all the columns to be as characters with this.
Tbl <-
list.files(pattern="*.csv") %>%
map_df(~read_csv(., col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
If you are wanting to dip into subdirectories to construct your list of files to eventually bind, then be sure to include the path name, as well as register the files with their full names in your list. This will allow the binding work to go on outside of the current directory. (Thinking of the full pathnames as operating like passports to allow movement back across directory 'borders'.)
Tbl <-
list.files(path = "./subdirectory/",
full.names = T) %>%
map_df(~read_csv(., col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
As Prof. Wickham describes here (about halfway down):
map_df(x, f) is effectively the same as"rbind", lapply(x, f)) but under the hood is much more efficient.
and a thank you to Jake Kaupp for introducing me to map_df() here.
This can be done very succinctly with dplyr and purrr from the tidyverse. Where x is a list of the names of your csv files you can simply use:
bind_rows(map(x, read.csv))
Mapping read.csv to x produces a list of dfs that bind_rows then neatly combines!
```{r echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
setwd("~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/") ## where file are located
path = "~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/"
out.file <- ""
file.names <- dir(path, pattern = ".csv")
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
file <- read.csv(file.names[i], header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out.file <- rbind(out.file, file)
write.csv(out.file, file = "~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/global_stacked/past_due_global_stacked.csv", row.names = FALSE) ## directory to write stacked file to
past_due_global_stacked <- read.csv("C:/Users/E550143/Documents/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/global_stacked/past_due_global_stacked.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$") %>% t() %>% paste(collapse = ", ")
If your csv files are into an other directory, you could use something like this:
readFilesInDirectory <- function(directory, pattern){
files <- list.files(path = directory,pattern = pattern)
for (f in files){
file <- paste(directory,files, sep ="")
temp <- lapply(file, fread, sep=",")
data <- rbindlist( temp )
In your current function pollutantmean is available only in the scope of the function x. Modify your function to this
x <- function(directory) {
dir <- directory
data_dir <- paste(getwd(),dir,sep = "/")
files <- list.files(data_dir,pattern = '\\.csv')
tables <- lapply(paste(data_dir,files,sep = "/"), read.csv, header = TRUE)
assign('pollutantmean', , tables))
assign should put result of, tables) into variable called pollutantmean in global environment.


I need to open 100 ndjson large files (with same columns) ,
I have prepared a script to apply to each file but I would not like to repeat this 100 times !
With ndjson::stream_in , I can only open 1 ndjson file into R as a data frame
I tried the process to open multiple csv files and consolidate them into 1 dafatframe only, but it does not work with ndjson files :(
map_df_fread <- function(path, pattern = "*.ndjson") {
list.files(path, pattern, full.names = TRUE) %>%
map_df(~fread(., stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
myfiles <-
list.files(path = "C:/Users/sandrine/Documents/Projet/CAD/A/",
pattern = "*.ndjson",
full.names = T) %>%
map_df_fread(~fread(., stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
I tried to find also a package to convert ndjson files into csv ...but did not find any.
Any idea?
Using your own approach that you mentioned first, does this work?
final_df <-
list.files(path = "C:/Users/sandrine/Documents/Projet/CAD/A/",
pattern = "*.ndjson",
full.names = T) %>%

How to consolidate several excel files with several sheets in R?

I want to consolidate 7 excel files with several sheets in R. All sheets have the same structure. I try to use a for but the result is the last workbook or error. The code is:
files <- list.files(pattern = ".xlsx")
sheets <- excel_sheets(files)
for(i in 1:7){
file <- files
vari <- sheets %>%
set_names() %>%
map_df(~ read_excel(path,skip = 5 ,sheet = .x), .id = "sheet")
I will offer such a solution.
You can compose a data.frame with a list of files and sheets in them. Then use map2_dfr.
path <- list.files(".", pattern = ".xlsx", full.names = T)
df_files <- data.frame(files = path) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(sheets = list(excel_sheets(files))) %>%
df <- map2_dfr(.x = df_files$files, .y = df_files$sheets, readxl::read_xlsx)
