Python unittest Mock an object to not have an attribute - python-unittest

I have a function that runs some code if the object has a certain attribute, and in rare cases if if the object does not have the attribute, it runs different code. It is hard for me to create the object without the attribute for testing. I tried del instance.attribute but got an error. The attribute is actually a #property under the hood.
I have an object instance that has foo attribute. How does one mock it so that when one tries to access it raises an AttributeError as usual if there is no attribute?
I tried mock.Mock(side_effect=AttributeError('Boom!')) but it only works with methods.

You could try to use a PropertyMock for the property, and generally you shall be able to set the respective side effect. Here is a simple working example:
from unittest import mock
import pytest
class Foo:
def bar(self):
return "bar"
def test_no_foo():
bar_mock = mock.PropertyMock()
with mock.patch(f"{__name__}", bar_mock):
bar_mock.side_effect = AttributeError('Boom!')
foo = Foo()
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
As you patch the property in the class, not in the object, you can can also do this using patch.object if you have access to the object by accessing the class of the object:
def test_no_foo():
bar_mock = mock.PropertyMock()
foo = Foo()
with mock.patch.object(foo.__class__, "bar", bar_mock):
bar_mock.side_effect = AttributeError('Boom!')
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):


ElementFinder(ContextAware) class instantiation with SeleniumLibrary/robotframework?

With Selenium2library, the following works fine (python):
browser = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('Selenium2Library')._current_browser()
elements = ElementFinder().find(browser, locator, tag)
But the same fails for SeleniumLibray, on investigating figured out that ElementFinder class in Seleniumlibrary has a parameter that needs to be passed (ctx). Could someone help me out what needs to be passed to instantiate ElementFinder() class?
The context is the instance of the library itself.
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from SeleniumLibrary.locators import ElementFinder
def custom_keyword(locator):
selib = BuiltIn().get_library_instance("SeleniumLibrary")
ef = ElementFinder(selib)
element = ef.find(locator)
return element

Creating a new instance of a KClass

I have a Kotlin class whose primary (and only) constructor is empty.
I have a reference to this class:
val kClass: KClass<MyClass> = MyClass::class
How do I create an instance of this class using reflection?
In Java I would do myClass.newInstance() but it seems in Kotlin I need to find the constructor first:
I have seen mention of primaryConstructor in some bug reports but it's not showing up in my IDE.
In your case, Java reflection might be enough: you can use and create a new instance in the same way as you would with Java reflection (see #IngoKegel's answer).
But in case there's more than one constructor and you really need to get the primary one (not the default no-arg one), use the primaryConstructor extension function of a KClass<T>. It is a part of Kotlin reflection, which is not shipped within kotlin-stdlib.
To use it, you have to add kotlin-reflect as a dependency, e.g. a in Gradle project:
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
Assuming that there is ext.kotlin_version, otherwise replace $kotlin_version with the version you use.
Then you will be able to use primaryConstructor, for example:
fun <T : Any> construct(kClass: KClass<T>): T? {
val ctor = kClass.primaryConstructor
return if (ctor != null && ctor.parameters.isEmpty()) else
You can use the Java class to create new instance:
For those checking this question now, since Kotlin 1.1 there's also createInstance() extension method on KClass
Much like the accepted answer, this function works only in case class has an empty constructor or constructor with all default arguments.
Expanding on Alexeys Answer, to include a primary constructor call with parameters:
/* Example class with no-args constructor */
class MyClass
/* Example class requiring parameters */
class MyClassWithParams(parameter1: String, parameter2: MyClass)
val myKClass: KClass<MyClass> = MyClass::class
val myKClassWithParameters: KClass<MyClassWithParams> = MyClassWithParams::class
/* We can create an object by calling createInstance when no constructor parameters are required as explained in other answers. */
val myObject: MyClass = myKClass.createInstance()
/* To create an object with parameters, we need to get the constructor first, and call it with the parameters instead, similarly to how we would do in Java. */
val myObjectWithParameters: MyClassWithParams? =
"StringParameter", myObject

Type Parameters on Scala Macro Annotations

I'm trying to use macro annotations in scala, where my macro annotation would take an argument of another type. It would then use scala reflection to look at the passed in type, and add some methods as appropriate.Eg.
trait MyTrait {
def x: Int
def y: Float
#MyAnnotation class MyClass //<-- somehow, this annotation should reference MyTrait
class MyAnnotation(val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl
object MyAnnotationImpl {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
// if I can get a handle on the type MyTrait in here
// then I can call .members on it, etc.
Basically, the same thing as Using Scala reflection in Scala macros, except using macro annotations. However, when I try to template my macro annotation with a TypeTag
class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl[T]
object MyAnnotationImpl {
def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
I get
[error] /Users/imran/other_projs/learn_macros/macros/src/main/scala/com/imranrashid/oleander/macros/MacrosWithReflection.scala:7: macro annotation has wrong shape:
[error] required: def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error] found : def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error] class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
[error] ^
I've also tried to make the type an argument to my annotation, so I would use it like #MyAnnotation(MyTrait) class Foo .... I can extract the name as a String with something like
val targetTrait = c.prefix.tree match {
case Apply(Select(New(Ident(_)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Ident(termName))) => termName
but, I'm not sure what I can do w/ that String to get back the full type. I've also tried variants like #MyAnnotation(typeOf[MyTrait]) class Foo ..., and then use c.eval on the typeOf inside my macro, but that doesn't compile either.
In macro paradise 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT we have quite a tricky way of accessing type parameters for macro annotations (the situation will improve later on when we have dedicated APIs for that, but right now it's very difficult to introduce new functionality to scala-reflect.jar in macro paradise, so the current API is a bit rough).
For now it's necessary to specify the type parameter on the annotation class and not to declare any type parameters on the macroTransform method. Then, in macro expansion, access c.macroApplication and extract the untyped tree corresponding to the passed type parameter. Afterwards, do c.typeCheck as described in Can't access Parent's Members while dealing with Macro Annotations.
As Eugene points out in his answer it is possible to match on the tree of the whole macro application. Like every Scala method, annotation macro applications can take multiple type argument lists as well as multiple value argument lists.
Consider the macro application of an annotation macro called test:
#test[A, B][C, D](a, b)(c, d) trait Foo
In the implementation of test we can inspect the macro application by
which will result in:
new test[A, B][C, D](a, b)(c, d).macroTransform(abstract trait Foo extends scala.AnyRef)
To extract the (type/value) parameters from the tree you have to pattern match on the tree. A parser for an arbitrary amount of parameter lists can be found in this project
Using this parser retrieving the first value argument of the macro application is as easy as
val List(List(arg)) = MacroApp(c.macroApplication).termArgs

z3c.forms dynamic sources provider returns empty dictionary as a context object

I'm using Plone 4.1.4 and I'm trying to get dynamic sources for a schema.Choice to work, I need to populate country list which in turn depends on the context object.
I'm using this example:
For IContextSourceBinder, example, an empty dictionary instead of actual context object is returned:
from zope import interface
from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary, SimpleTerm
from zope.schema.interfaces import IContextSourceBinder
import zope.schema
from z3c.form import form
class CountryGenerator(object):
def __call__(self, context):
#context is == {}
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return SimpleVocabulary([
SimpleTerm(value="not_selected", title=_("Country Not Selected"))
class IStep(interface.Interface):
region = schema.Choice(title=_("Select your country"),
class Step(form.Form):
fields = field.Fields(IStep)
label = _("Step")
description = _("Select your country")
When debugging point is hit inside CountryGenerator.__call__() method and I examine context object, the latter turn out to be just an empty dictionary.
When I try to use named utility example in the article mentioned above, and the similar thing happens, context there is also {}.
Could anyone point me to what I might be doing wrong?
ZCML for the form wrapper that calls the form is
Where RegionClass inherits from Form wrapper, could it be permission or traversal issue?
Because your source is a class, you need to instantiate it:
class IStep(interface.Interface):
region = schema.Choice(title=_("Select your country"),
In certain circumstances, such as with using sub forms or complex form widgets (widget within a widget for list selections, etc), you need to follow the __parent__ pointers to a proper outer context for getting back to the Plone context.

Grails data binding

I'm trying to use DataBindingUtils.bindObjectToInstance(object, source) to copy properties from one object to another using this code (which can be run in the Grails console):
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding.DataBindingUtils
class Source {
String foo = 'foo'
String bar = 'bar'
class Target {
String foo
String bar
def s = new Source()
def t = new Target()
def result = DataBindingUtils.bindObjectToInstance(t, s)
assert == 'foo'
assert == 'bar'
But the assertions are failing because the properties of t are null, why?
The data binder (below) in Grails has only implemented binding for a select subset of object types, namely Maps and Web Requests. So binding two arbitrary objects isn't implemented.
