iTerm2 now starts up listing profile configuration - zsh

Recently, when I load iTerm2 on my mac, it lists out the configuration of my profile (or possibly its something different).
This is what I see:
Last login: Tue Jun 21 19:54:38 on ttys000COLORFGBG='15;0'
me#my-iMac ~ %
I don't really like this behaviour. I can't find where that has been set to happen. I can't see anything in .zshenv, .zshrc, .bashrc and can't see where in iTerm such a thing might be triggered. I've tried creating a new profile, but that also results in the same output.
Any other suggestions to how I can get back to the way it was a few weeks back where it just told me the last time I logged in?

If you add set -x to ~/.zshenv, the shell will print every line it runs with file names and line numbers. You can then find the offending command and remove or fix it. My best guess would be a call to export without any arguments: something like export $foo, where $foo is empty?


Atom opens a new file called ATOM_DISABLE_SHELLING_OUT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT=false

Whenever I start Atom it opens two files, one called:
And the other one:
It's really annoying and I don't understand how to fix it. From what I understand it is some sort of environment configuration bug, but I can't find what's causing it.
I am going to make several assumptions. You are running on Ubuntu and you've installed Atom via Snap.
If these assumptions are correct the cause of the issue is a misconfigured application menu item from the Snap package author.
To fix it you just need to run this command:
sudo sed -i 's/Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=\/var\/lib\/snapd\/desktop\/applications\/atom_atom.desktop \/snap\/bin\/atom ATOM_DISABLE_SHELLING_OUT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT=false \/usr\/bin\/atom %F/Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=\/var\/lib\/snapd\/desktop\/applications\/atom_atom.desktop ATOM_DISABLE_SHELLING_OUT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT=false \/snap\/bin\/atom %F/' /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/atom_atom.desktop
Here is a detailed explanation of what's causing the issue and what the command above does. It may be useful if the file has been changed since the answer was written.
The actual cause for the bug is that this menu item file:
It has a typo in it and what should be environment variables are set after calling
the atom executable, resulting in Atom treating it as arguments in the form of
files that it should open.
# ▼ Executable ▼ Not an environment variable ▼ Not an executable
Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/atom_atom.desktop /snap/bin/atom ATOM_DISABLE_SHELLING_OUT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT=false /usr/bin/atom %F
It should instead be:
# ▼ Environment variable ▼ Environment variable ▼ Executable
Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/atom_atom.desktop ATOM_DISABLE_SHELLING_OUT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT=false /snap/bin/atom %F
The solution above uses sed to search and replace the file and fix the issue.
NOTE: The command will work until the Snap author updates the menu item file (.desktop) when hopefully the issue would have been resolved.

Why plugin z of zsh is not active inside the .zshrc?

I installed oh my zsh and zsh auto suggestion. Then I read here ( about z zsh, an interesting plugin. And I really wanted to install it. So I put the plugin inside my .zshrc file. But the plugin feature is not active, it's not yellow like source command or alias (and those are properly working). I tried to change place of the plugin line (after / before source), but it didn't work. I did'nt understand the first line. My .zshrc, if someone could help...:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export ZSH="/home/yanalolux/.oh-my-zsh"
. /home/yanalolux/
source $ZSH/
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
In your .zshrc you have the following two lines:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
The second line remove the z plugin. You should have only one line with:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
According to the ZSH-z plugin Github homepage:
ZSH-z is a command line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past, or recently -- but most often a combination of the two (a concept known as "frecency"). It works by keeping track of when you go to directories and how much time you spend in them. It is then in the position to guess where you want to go when you type a partial string, e.g. z src might take you to ~/src/zsh.

HISTIGNORE not working in zsh

I have added
export HISTIGNORE="ls:cd:pwd:exit:cd .."
to my .zshrc file.
Deleted .zsh_history and restarted terminal but it still wont ignore those commands.
The zsh shell doesn't use the HISTIGNORE environment variable. Instead, it has a HISTORY_IGNORE environment variable.
From the zshparam manual:
If set, is treated as a pattern at the time history files are
written. Any potential history entry that matches the pattern is skipped. For example, if the value is fc * then
commands that invoke the interactive history editor are never
written to the history file.
Note that HISTORY_IGNORE defines a single pattern: to specify
alternatives use the (first|second|...) syntax.
So in your case, you would want to do
HISTORY_IGNORE="(ls|cd|pwd|exit|cd ..)"
or something similar.
Notice that this affects only history written to the history file, not the history in the currently active shell session, as far as I can see.

display problems of zsh in archlinux

Currently I have installed zsh in archlinux (in gnome 3), and every time when I open the terminal, there are 3 "???" before, then I have to change it manually on the options
Actually I have already set the default locale to UTF-8, and it works in the console before I enter the gnome.But after I enter the gnome interface, it did not work.
After I have changed that, it works, but there is another problem, everytime I type a command and press tab, all the command will be shifted right by 2 words, for example if I type ls, it will display like this:
ls becomes lsls
vim becomes vivim
The first 2 letters cannot be cleared, which is very annoying, can anyone help me about this? Thanks
I finally got how to solve this question
After we enabled the locale in the /etc/locale.gen and use locale-gen to generate it. I have to also set the locale system-wide,
create the /etc/locale.conf file
and set the default locale
localectl set-locale LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"
Then if I exit and log again, the oh-my-zsh will work fine.

Prompt in zsh starts with ↑255 after an error command?

I'm new to zsh and am using the ZSH_THEME="jnrowe", which works great for a little while.
It starts out and I get a prompt that looks like this:
Ξ ~ →
but if I run a command like: ssh it becomes:
↑255 ~ →
I suspect something is messing up the character that was creating the triple bar in the first one, but have no clue really as to what's going on. I could just pick a different theme, but I've noticed most of them with a fancy character in the prompt do the same thing.
Is this a special error code or something? Or is something just borking out?
I don't know the prompt theme "jnrowe" (it's not part of the default zsh distribution afaics), but I suspect this prompt includes the error code of the last command in its output.
Try to run "ls" or "true" and the number will disapper. Run "false" and it will be 1, run ssh without arguments and it will be 255. zsh preserves this value until you run the next command, so pressing ENTER many times will not clear it.
(This will be the same value that is stored in the shell variable "$?")
