display problems of zsh in archlinux - zsh

Currently I have installed zsh in archlinux (in gnome 3), and every time when I open the terminal, there are 3 "???" before, then I have to change it manually on the options
Actually I have already set the default locale to UTF-8, and it works in the console before I enter the gnome.But after I enter the gnome interface, it did not work.
After I have changed that, it works, but there is another problem, everytime I type a command and press tab, all the command will be shifted right by 2 words, for example if I type ls, it will display like this:
ls becomes lsls
vim becomes vivim
The first 2 letters cannot be cleared, which is very annoying, can anyone help me about this? Thanks

I finally got how to solve this question
After we enabled the locale in the /etc/locale.gen and use locale-gen to generate it. I have to also set the locale system-wide,
create the /etc/locale.conf file
and set the default locale
localectl set-locale LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"
Then if I exit and log again, the oh-my-zsh will work fine.


iTerm2 now starts up listing profile configuration

Recently, when I load iTerm2 on my mac, it lists out the configuration of my profile (or possibly its something different).
This is what I see:
Last login: Tue Jun 21 19:54:38 on ttys000COLORFGBG='15;0'
me#my-iMac ~ %
I don't really like this behaviour. I can't find where that has been set to happen. I can't see anything in .zshenv, .zshrc, .bashrc and can't see where in iTerm such a thing might be triggered. I've tried creating a new profile, but that also results in the same output.
Any other suggestions to how I can get back to the way it was a few weeks back where it just told me the last time I logged in?
If you add set -x to ~/.zshenv, the shell will print every line it runs with file names and line numbers. You can then find the offending command and remove or fix it. My best guess would be a call to export without any arguments: something like export $foo, where $foo is empty?

How to scroll up in Vim buffer with R (using Nvim-R)

I'm a happy user of the Nvim-R plugin, but I cannot find out how to scroll up in the buffer window that the plugin opens with R. Say for instance that I have a large output in console, but I cannot see the top of it - how do I scroll up to see this? In tmux for instance there's a copy mode that quite handily lets you do this, but how is this done in the R buffer?
An example below where I'm very curious to see what's on the line above the one begining with "is.na(a)...". How can this be achieved?
I have scoured the documentation found here, but without luck.
The answer is apparently to use Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n according to this answer on the bugreports for NVim-R.
Here's what my output looks like when I output mtcars:
When I hit Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n, I can move the cursor and I get line numbers:
To get back to interactive, I just use i, the same way I normally would.
Apparently, if you are using neovim, then you can add let R_esc_term = 0 in your ~/.vimrc file and you can then use the escape key, but if you don't use neovim, you are stuck using the two ctrl commands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
As pointed out by ZNK, it is about switching to normal mode in Vim's terminal. This, however, can easily fail due to cumbersome keybinding. If such is the case, remap the default keybinding to something reasonable, say, by putting this in your .vimrc:
tnoremap jk <C-\><C-n>
This works for me in Linux running Vim 8.0 in terminal (e.g. does not require Neovim). As you can see, I use 'jk' to switch from insert to normal mode. One can use Esc instead of jk, however, this makes me unable to use up arrow to retrieve command line history as been reported elsewhere.

why zsh adds "%" at the end of my output

i'm using zsh on my mac (oh-my-zsh) and i don't understand why at the end of my output there is always this character: "%"
If i don't put export TERM="xterm-256color" in my ~/.zshrc i haven't that character:
Usually a bold % (or # for root) with reversed colors is used to signify a "partial" line in the output. That is a line, which is not terminated with a newline character.
As it seems to depend on the value of TERM I suspect an incompatibility between that value and the settings of terminal emulator. Contrary to the warning shown in your second screenshot, you actually should not set TERM in your ~/.zshrc (or anywhere inside the shell session). TERM should always be set by the terminal emulator itself. Its value (in conjunction with the terminfo terminal capability data base) tells the shell and other programs, which features a terminal emulator supports and how to use them. If the value is changed in the shell, the terminal emulator will not know about it. This may lead to programs sending control codes the terminal emulator does not understand correctly or at all.
In order to change the value of TERM you should change it in the terminal emulator settings. According to the iTerm 2 FAQ the settings is to be found at Preferences->Profiles->Terminal->Report Terminal Type.
I personally placed export PROMPT_EOL_MARK='' inside my ~/.zprofile and hide the character.

Unicode character bug upon exiting tmux with alternate screen overridden

I've removed and added a few times now the following line to ~/.tmux.conf:
set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm*:smcup#:rmcup#'
Which according to the person who provided it does the following:
to fool the multiplexers into thinking that the terminal has no "alternate screen" mode (such as that used by pico, mutt, etc). This is accomplished by setting termcap commands for the session.
The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as.
The end result is that the overflow ends up in the terminal's scrollback buffer instead of disappearing. Of course, since this is one static buffer, things will get messy as you switch between screen or tmux windows, but this is handy for quickly flicking up to see the output of an ls command or the such.
I don't quite understand the bolded section (emphasis added), but guess this is the source of what I'm seeing. It's causing some weird sort of unicode overspill upon exiting tmux.
Pasted as plaintext this text won't show up, but the symbol [001B]112 appears alongside the usual [exited]:
(FWIW I think it has pasted in that line, but isn't displaying)
I followed this advice ("Use terminal scrollbar with tmux"), and while it does work, this is just ugly/annoying to see that upon exiting. Can anyone advise how to fix or avoid the output message?
Offhand, I would get the unwanted "message" is some hard-coded application (or script) which is helpfully resetting the xterm dynamic text cursor color. See XTerm Control Sequences in the description of Operating System Controls:
The dynamic colors can also be reset to their default
(resource) values:
Ps = 1 1 2 -> Reset text cursor color.
So... somewhere there is some script doing the equivalent of
echo -n -e '\e]112\a
The results probably depend most on what particular terminal emulator you are using. Both screen and tmux filter out escape sequences that their developers did not care to implement, and pass through those that the terminal "should" handle.
Just take a look at sentence you provided: "The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as."
In my case, the $TERM has value xterm-256color and the corresponding line in ~/.tmux.conf looks like:
set -g terminal-overrides "xterm-color256:smcup#:rmcup#"

vi editor behaving weird

My vi editor has started behaving weirdly since today morning.
When I use keys in command mode, the characters are being overwritten. For example when using 'w' for word jump, it replaces the characters. To make sure something is not wrong with my settings I have removed the .exrc file from my home, but its still not working correctly.
I am using solaris 10, shell is ksh and version is: Version SVR4.0, Solaris 2.5.0
VARCHAR(3) is changed to (3) CHAR(3) on doing word jump.
Any idea how it has changed suddenly? Does it use any other default resource file that might have been changed?
It need not be a resource file of vi that has been changed. The setting of the environment variable TERM in the original shell session may be wrong. Compare $TERM there and in a new shell.
