how to find out only one digit in a int number? - math

Im new so if this question was already Asked (i didnt find it scrolling through the list of results though) please send me the link.
I got a math quiz and im to lazy to go through all the possibilities so i thought i can find a program instead. I know a bit about programming but not much.
Is it possible (and in what programming language, and how) to read only one digit, e.g at the 3rd Position, in a integer?
And how is an integer actually saved, in a kind of array?

You can get rid of any lower valued digit (the ones and tens if you only want the hundreds) by dividing with rounding/truncation. 1234/100 is 12 in most languages if you are doing integer division.
You can get rid of any higher valued digits by using taking the modulus. 12 % 10 is 2 in many languages; just find out how the modulus is done in yours. I use "modulus" meaning "divide and keep the rest only", i.e. it is the opposite of "divide with rounding"; that which is lost by rounding is the final result of the modulus.
The alternative is however to actually NOT see the input as a number and treat it as text. That way it is often easier to ignore the last 2 characters and all leading characters.


a number N and a digit P . Your task is to find the count of numbers from range 1 to N (inclusive) which do not have digit P in them

I am unable to find what's the theory behind it cause brute force will not give an answer in efficient way cause n can vary up to 10^18, so loop each number isn't a good approach. I searched google entirely but didn't get any theory behind it. all i want to know is what number theory is behind it. using combination for individual digit will also be a hell solution. there were programs but i didn't get them. so please let me know what's theory or concept it is based on. just let me know the topic. thank you

R rounding explanation

can any one please explain why this gives different outputs?
I have read the round documentation but it does not mention anything about it there.
I know that R represents numbers in binary form, but why does adding two extra 9's changes the result?
1.4999999999999999 can't be represented internally, so it gets rounded to 1.5.
Now, when you apply round(), the result is 2.
Put those two numbers into variable and then print it - you'll see they are different.
Computers doesn't store this kind of numbers with this exact value, (They don't use decadic numbers internaly)
I have never used R, so I don't know is this is the issue, but in other languages such as C/C++ a number like 1.4999999999999999 is represented by a float or a double.
Since these have finite precision, you cannot represent something like 1.4999999999999999 exactly. It might be the case that 1.4999999999999999 actually gets stored as 1.50000000000000 instead due to limitations on floating point precision.

Vigenere Cipher - decryption (by hand)

This is a Vigenere cipher-text
The index of coincidence gave a shift of six (6): I know this is right (I used an online Java applet to decrypt the whole thing using the key 'QUARTZ').
However, in this question we are only told the first and last two letters of the Key - 'Q' and 'TZ.'
So far I have split the ciphertext into slices using this awesome applet. So the first slice is 0, k, 2k, 3k, 4k; the second is 1, k + 1, 2k + 1, 3k + 1; et cetera.
My idea was to calculate the highest-frequency letter in each block, hoping that the most frequent letter would give me some clue as to how to find 'U,' 'A' and 'R.' However, the most frequent letters in these blocks are:
KeyPos=0: Q,4 T,3 E,3, J,3
KeyPos=1: C,4 U,3 Y,3
KeyPos=2: N,4 O,3 R,3 D,3 B,2
KeyPos=3: V,4 D,3 Z,3
KeyPos=4: H,6 X,6 M,3 G,3
KeyPos=5: M,4 T,4 N,3 G,3
Which yields QCNVHM, or QUNVHM (being generous), neither of which are that close to QUARTZ. There are online applets that can crack this no problem, so it mustn't be too short a text to yield decent frequency counts from the blocks.
I guess I must be approaching this the wrong way. I just hoped one of you might be able to offer some clue as to where I am going wrong.
p.s. This is for a digital crypto class.
Interesting question...
I don't have a programmatic solution for cracking the original ciphertext, but I was able to solve it with a little mind power and some helpful JavaScript.
I started by using this page and the information you supplied. Provide the ciphertext, a key length of 6 and hit initialize. What's nice about the approach here is that unknowns in either the plaintext or key are left as hyphens.
Update the key, adding only what you know Q---TZ and click 'update plaintext'. At this point we know:
Here's where I applied a bit of brain power. You start recognizing bits of the plaintext. the, now and off make an appearance. At the end, there's ght - this made me think the prior letter is likely a vowel. For example light or thought. I replaced the corresponding hyphen with u and clicked update keyword to find what letter would have produced that combination. The matching letter turns out to be F. I think updated the plaintext to see the results. They didn't look promising. So I tried i instead which resulted in:
Now we're getting somewhere. At the start I see something that might be usual, and further in I see int--cept and near the end w--nesd-- at mi--ight. Voila. Filling in the letters for wednesday and updating the keyword yielded QUARTZ.
... So, how to port this approach to code? Not sure about the best way to do that just yet. The idea of using the known characters in the key, partially decrypting the ciphertext and brute forcing the rest is appealing. But without a dictionary handy, I'm not sure what the best brute-forcing method would be...
To be continued (maybe)...
An algorithm wouldn't just consider the most frequent letters but the frequency pattern of the whole alphabet. Technically you compute the index of coincidence for each possible shift and consider the maximal ones.

Checking every possible alphabet cipher combination

I've got what I think is a cipher (this isn't homework, just a challenge I thought I'd try to solve via coding for fun) which is:
"uiw uiw n la ltid mtel teacyihr n heeig sfsst"
To try to solve it, I'd like to iterate over every possible combination of cipher assignments for every letter in the alphabet (in an obviously brute force fashion), but I can't figure out an elegant way of going about that. Once I get the current iteration of the cipher assignment, I figure I'll transform the cipher text according to the cipher and then compare the first 3-letter word to a 3-letter wordlist and the last two words to a five letter wordlist, and if all three check out as being actual words, I'll have it print the results to file. This should give me a list of reasonable starting points to be able to weed out the incorrect results. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about implementing the iterative cipher I'd greatly appreciate it. Many thanks,
You can have 26 for loop.
OK. I am kidding.
An obvious but inefficient version in pseudo code:
for i = 0 - 26^26-1
/* a = i/26^25 % 26
z = i/26^0 % 26 */
if all deciphered words are in the word list
end if
end for
By the way, I do not think it is the right way to decipher as said in your question, because I cannot find an example of double presence of a same word in an English sentence.

How do programming languages handle huge number arithmetic

For a computer working with a 64 bit processor, the largest number that it can handle would be 264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. How does programming languages, say Java or be it C, C++ handle arithmetic of numbers higher than this value. Any register cannot hold it as a single piece. How was this issue tackled?
There are lots of specialized techniques for doing calculations on numbers larger than the register size. Some of them are outlined in this wikipedia article on arbitrary precision arithmetic
Low level languages, like C and C++, leave large number calculations to the library of your choice. One notable one is the GNU Multi-Precision library. High level languages like Python, and others, integrate this into the core of the language, so normal numbers and very large numbers are identical to the programmer.
You assume the wrong thing. The biggest number it can handle in a single register is a 64-bits number. However, with some smart programming techniques, you could just combined a few dozens of those 64-bits numbers in a row to generate a huge 6400 bit number and use that to do more calculations. It's just not as fast as having the number fit in one register.
Even the old 8 and 16 bits processors used this trick, where they would just let the number overflow to other registers. It makes the math more complex but it doesn't put an end to the possibilities.
However, such high-precision math is extremely unusual. Even if you want to calculate the whole national debt of the USA and store the outcome in Zimbabwean Dollars, a 64-bits integer would still be big enough, I think. It's definitely big enough to contain the amount of my savings account, though.
Programming languages that handle truly massive numbers use custom number primitives that go beyond normal operations optimized for 32, 64, or 128 bit CPUs. These numbers are especially useful in computer security and mathematical research.
The GNU Multiple Precision Library is probably the most complete example of these approaches.
You can handle larger numbers by using arrays. Try this out in your web browser. Type the following code in the JavaScript console of your web browser:
The point at which JavaScript fails
console.log(9999999999999998 + 1)
// expected 9999999999999999
// actual 10000000000000000 oops!
JavaScript does not handle plain integers above 9999999999999998. But writing your own number primitive is to make this calculation work is simple enough. Here is an example using a custom number adder class in JavaScript.
Passing the test using a custom number class
// Require a custom number primative class
const {Num} = require('./bases')
// Create a massive number that JavaScript will not add to (correctly)
const num = new Num(9999999999999998, 10)
// Add to the massive number
// The result is correct (where plain JavaScript Math would fail)
console.log(num.val) // 9999999999999999
How it Works
You can look in the code at class Num { ... } to see details of what is happening; but here is a basic outline of the logic in use:
The Num class contains an array of single Digit classes.
The Digit class contains the value of a single digit, and the logic to handle the Carry flag
The chosen number is turned into a string
Each digit is turned into a Digit class and stored in the Num class as an array of digits
When the Num is incremented, it gets carried to the first Digit in the array (the right-most number)
If the Digit value plus the Carry flag are equal to the Base, then the next Digit to the left is called to be incremented, and the current number is reset to 0
... Repeat all the way to the left-most digit of the array
Logistically it is very similar to what is happening at the machine level, but here it is unbounded. You can read more about about how digits are
carried here; this can be applied to numbers of any base.
Ada actually supports this natively, but only for its typeless constants ("named numbers"). For actual variables, you need to go find an arbitrary-length package. See Arbitrary length integer in Ada
More-or-less the same way that you do. In school, you memorized single-digit addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. Then, you learned how to do multiple-digit problems as a sequence of single-digit problems.
If you wanted to, you could multiply two twenty-digit numbers together using nothing more than knowledge of a simple algorithm, and the single-digit times tables.
In general, the language itself doesn't handle high-precision, high-accuracy large number arithmetic. It's far more likely that a library is written that uses alternate numerical methods to perform the desired operations.
For example (I'm just making this up right now), such a library might emulate the actual techniques that you might use to perform that large number arithmetic by hand. Such libraries are generally much slower than using the built-in arithmetic, but occasionally the additional precision and accuracy is called for.
As a thought experiment, imagine the numbers stored as a string. With functions to add, multiply, etc these arbitrarily long numbers.
In reality these numbers are probably stored in a more space efficient manner.
Think of one machine-size number as a digit and apply the algorithm for multi-digit multiplication from primary school. Then you don't need to keep the whole numbers in registers, just the digits as they are worked on.
Most languages store them as array of integers. If you add/subtract two to of these big numbers the library adds/subtracts all integer elements in the array separately and handles the carries/borrows.
It's like manual addition/subtraction in school because this is how it works internally.
Some languages use real text strings instead of integer arrays which is less efficient but simpler to transform into text representation.
