Struggling to run moveHMM using lognormal function in parallelised routines - r

I am attempting to run a two state HMM using a lognormal distribution. I have read Michelot and Langrock (2019) regarding choosing starting parameters through inspecting the data in a histogram and then running iterations in parallel, which has worked for my gamma distribution. Identifying the starting parameters for the lognormal distribution is troubling me however. Do I plot the log of my step length distribution then attempt extracting starting parameters or use the same starting parameters as my gamma distribution and rely on stepDist="lnorm"?
My code for the lognormal attempt currently looks like this:
ncores <- detectCores() - 1
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", ncores))
clusterExport(cl, list("data", "fitHMM"))
niter <- 20
allPar0 <- lapply(as.list(1:niter), function(x) {
stepMean0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
stepSD0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
angleMean0 <- c(0, 0)
angleCon0 <- runif(2,
min = c(a,b),
max = c(a,b))
stepPar0 <- c(stepMean0, stepSD0)
anglePar0 <- c(angleMean0, angleCon0)
return(list(step = stepPar0, angle = anglePar0))
# Fit the niter models in parallel
logP <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = allPar0, fun = function(par0) {
m <- fitHMM(data = data, nbStates = 2, stepDist = "lnorm", stepPar0 = par0$step,
anglePar0 = par0$angle)
# Extract likelihoods of fitted models
likelihoodL <- unlist(lapply(logP, function(m) m$mod$minimum))
# Index of best fitting model (smallest negative log-likelihood)
whichbestpL <- which.min(likelihoodL)
bestL <- logP[[whichbestpL]]
If I use negative values from plotting the log of the step length of the data then I get the error:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
7 nodes produced errors; first error: Check the step parameters bounds (the initial parameters should be strictly between the bounds of their parameter space).
If I use the same starting parameter values that I used for my gamma distribution then I get the error
Error in unserialize(node$con) :
embedded nul in string: 'X\n\0\0\0\003\0\004\002\0\0\003\005\0\0\0'
Please could someone shed some light on how I'm failing at this?
Thank you!

Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure what the problem is from the code you included. If you don't get an error when you run fitHMM outside of parLapply, then it suggests that the problem is in how you choose the values of x, y, and z in your code.
The first parameter of the log-normal distribution can be negative or positive, and it is actually the mean of the logarithm of the step length. So, to find good starting values for this, you should look at a histogram of the log step lengths (e.g., following the dedicated moveHMM vignette). The second parameter is the standard deviation of the log step lengths, and this should be strictly positive (but could also be chosen based on the spread of the histogram of log step lengths).
To summarise, you should choose all the initial values based on plots of the log step lengths (rather than the step lengths themselves), and you should not use the same ranges of values for stepMean0 and stepSD0 (because the former can be negative or positive, whereas the latter is positive). Hopefully, this should help you choose x, y, and z.


Estimating PDF with monotonically declining density at tails

tldr: I am numerically estimating a PDF from simulated data and I need the density to monotonically decrease outside of the 'main' density region (as x-> infinity). What I have yields a close to zero density, but which does not monotonically decrease.
Detailed Problem
I am estimating a simulated maximum likelihood model, which requires me to numerically evaluate the probability distribution function of some random variable (the probability of which cannot be analytically derived) at some (observed) value x. The goal is to maximize the log-likelihood of these densities, which requires them to not have spurious local maxima.
Since I do not have an analytic likelihood function I numerically simulate the random variable by drawing the random component from some known distribution function, and apply some non-linear transformation to it. I save the results of this simulation in a dataset named simulated_stats.
I then use density() to approximate the PDF and approxfun() to evaluate the PDF at x:
#some example simulation
Simulated_stats_ <- runif(n=500, 10,15)+ rnorm(n=500,mean = 15,sd = 3)
#approximation for x
This works well within the range of simulated simulated_stats, see image:
Example PDF. The problem is I need to be able to evaluate the PDF far from the range of simulated data.
So in the image above, I would need to evaluate the PDF at, say, x=50:
> [1] NA
So instead I use the from and to arguments in the density function, which correctly approximate near 0 tails, such
density(Simulated_stats, from = 0, to = max(Simulated_stats)*10)
[1] 1.924343e-18
Which is great, under one condition - I need the density to go to zero the further out from the range x is. That is, if I evaluated at x=51 the result must be strictly smaller. (Otherwise, my estimator may find local maxima far from the 'true' region, since the likelihood function is not monotonic very far from the 'main' density mass, i.e. the extrapolated region).
To test this I evaluated the approximated PDF at fixed intervals, took logs, and plotted. The result is discouraging: far from the main density mass the probability 'jumps' up and down. Always very close to zero, but NOT monotonically decreasing.
a <- sapply(X = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), FUN = function(x){approxfun(
density(Simulated_stats_,from = 0, to = max(Simulated_stats_)*10)
aa <- cbind( seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), a)
Non-monotonic log density far from density mass
My question
Does this happen because of the kernel estimation in density() or is it inaccuracies in approxfun()? (or something else?)
What alternative methods can I use that will deliver a monotonically declining PDF far from the simulated density mass?
Or - how can I manually change the approximated PDF to monotonically decline the further I am from the density mass? I would happily stick some linear trend that goes to zero...
One possibility is to estimate the CDF using a beta regression model; numerical estimate of the derivative of this model could then be used to estimate the pdf at any point. Here's an example of what I was thinking. I'm not sure if it helps you at all.
Import libraries
Generate your data
Simulated_stats_ <- runif(n=5000, 10,15)+ rnorm(n=500,mean = 15,sd = 3)
Function to estimate CDF using gam beta regression model
get_mod <- function(ss,p = seq(0.02, 0.98, 0.02)) {
qp = quantile(ss, probs=p)
betamod = mgcv::gam(p~s(qp, bs="cs"), family=mgcv::betar())
betamod <- get_mod(Simulated_stats_)
Very basic estimate of PDF at val given model that estimates CDF
est_pdf <- function(val, betamod, tol=0.001) {
xvals = c(val,val+tol)
yvals = predict(betamod,newdata=data.frame(qp = xvals), type="response")
as.numeric((yvals[1] - yvals[2])/(xvals[1] - xvals[2]))
Lets check if monotonically increasing below min of Simulated_stats
test_x = seq(0,min(Simulated_stats_), length.out=1000)
pdf = sapply(test_x, est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
all(pdf == cummax(pdf))
[1] TRUE
Lets check if monotonically decreasing above max of Simulated_stats
test_x = seq(max(Simulated_stats_), 60, length.out=1000)
pdf = sapply(test_x, est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
all(pdf == cummin(pdf))
[1] TRUE
Additional thoughts 3/5/22
As discussed in comments, using the betamod to predict might slow down the estimator. While this could be resolved to a great extent by writing your own predict function directly, there is another possible shortcut.
Generate estimates from the betamod over the range of X, including the extremes
k <- sapply(seq(0,max(Simulated_stats_)*10, length.out=5000), est_pdf, betamod=betamod)
Use the approach above that you were initially using, i.e. a linear interpolation across the density, but rather than doing this over the density outcome, instead do over k (i.e. over the above estimates from the beta model)
lin_int = approxfun(x=seq(0,max(Simulated_stats_)*10, length.out=5000),y=k)
You can use the lin_int() function for prediction in the estimator, and it will be lighting fast. Note that it produces virtually the same value for a given x
c(est_pdf(38,betamod), lin_int(38))
[1] 0.001245894 0.001245968
and it is very fast
list = alist("betamod" = est_pdf(38, betamod),"lin_int" = lint(38)),times=100
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
betamod 1157.0 1170.20 1223.304 1188.25 1211.05 2799.8 100
lin_int 1.7 2.25 3.503 4.35 4.50 10.5 100
Finally, lets check the same plot you did before, but using lin_int() instead of approxfun(density(....))
a <- sapply(X = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), lin_int)
aa <- cbind( seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.5), a)

Trying to plot loglikelihood of Cauchy distribution for different values of theta in R

I am trying to plot the log-likelihood function of the Cauchy distribution for varying values of theta (location parameter). These are my observations:
Here is my log-likelihood function:
logl<- -n*log(pi)-sum(log(1+(x_values-theta)^2))
and Ive tried making a plot by using this code:
for (i in x){
The graph does not look right and for some reason the length of x and theta_null differs.
I am assuming that theta is your location parameter (the scale is set to 1 in my example). You should obtain the same result using a t-distribution with 1 df and shifting the observations by theta. I left some comments in the code as guidance.
obs = c(1.77,-0.23,2.76,3.80,3.47,56.75,-1.34,4.24,3.29,3.71,-2.40,4.53,-0.07,-1.05,-13.87,-2.53,-1.74,0.27,43.21)
ll_c=function(theta, obs)
# Compute log-lik for obs and a value of thet (location)
logl= sum(dcauchy(obs, location = theta, scale = 1, log = T))
# Loop for possible values of theta(obs given)
x = seq(from=-10,to=10,by=0.1)
ll = NULL
for (i in x)
ll = c(ll, ll_c(i, obs))
# Plot log-lik vs possible value of theta
plot(x, ll)
It is hard to say exactly what you are experiencing without more info. But I'll make an educated guess.
First of all, we can simplify this a lot by using the *t family of functions for the t distribution, as the cauchy distribution is just the t distribution with df = 1. So your calculations could've been done using
for(i in ncp)
theta_null <- c(theta_null, sum(dt(values, 1, i, log = TRUE)))
Note that multiplying by n doesn't actually matter for any practical purposes. We are usually interested in minimizing/maximizing the likelihood in which case all constants are irrelevant.
Now if we use this approach, we can quite quickly notice something by printing the values:
[1] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf
So I am assuming what you are experiencing is that many of your values are "almost" negative infinity, and maybe these are not stored correctly in your outcome vector. I can't see that this should be the case from your code, but this would be my initial guess.

Fitting a truncated binomial distribution to data in R

I have discrete count data indicating the number of successes in 10 binomial trials for a pilot sample of 46 cases. (Larger samples will follow once I have the analysis set up.) The zero class (no successes in 10 trials) is missing, i.e. each datum is an integer value between 1 and 10 inclusive. I want to fit a truncated binomial distribution with no zero class, in order to estimate the underlying probability p. I can do this adequately on an Excel spreadsheet using least squares with Solver, but because I want to calculate bootstrap confidence intervals on p, I am trying to implement it in R.
Frankly, I am struggling to understand how to code this. This is what I have so far:
d <-$x
# load required packages
ptruncated.binom <- function(q, p) {
ptrunc(q, "binom", a = 1, b = Inf, p)
dtruncated.binom <- function(x, p) {
dtrunc(x, "binom", a = 1, b = Inf, p)
fit.tbin <- fitdist(d, "truncated.binom", method="mle", start=list(p=0.1))
I have had lots of error messages which I have solved by guesswork, but the latest one has me stumped and I suspect I am totally misunderstanding something.
Error in checkparamlist(arg_startfix$start.arg, arg_startfix$fix.arg, :
'start' must specify names which are arguments to 'distr'.<
I think this means I must specify starting values for x in dtrunc and q in ptrunc, but I am really unclear what they should be.
Any help would be very gratefully received.

R code for maximum likelihood estimate from a specific likelihood function

I have been trying to generate R code for maximum likelihood estimation from a log likelihood function in a paper (equation 9 in page 609). Authors in the paper estimated it using MATLAB, which I am not familiar with. So I tried to generate codes in R.
Here is the snapshot of the log likelihood function in the paper:
, where
r: Binary decision (0 or 1) indicating infested plant(s) detection (1) or not (0).
e: Inspection efficiency. This is known.
n: Sample size
The overall objective is to estimate plant infestation rate (gamma: γ) and epsilon (e) based on binary decision of presence and absence of infested plants instead of using infested plant(s) detected. So, the function has only binary information (r) of infested plant detection and sample size. Since epsilon (e) is known or fixed, the actual goal is to estimate gamma (γ) in a population.
Another objective is to compare estimated infestation rates from above with ones in hypergeometric sampling formula in another paper (in page 6). The formula is:
This formula generates required sample size to detect infested plants with selected probability (e.g., 95) given an infested rate. For example:
# Sample size calculation function
fosgate.sample1 <- function(box, p, ci){ # Note: box represent total plant number
ninf <- p*box
sample.size <- round(((1-(1-ci)^(1/ninf))*(box-(ninf-1)/2)))
#sample.size <- ceiling(((1-(1-ci)^(1/ninf))*(box-(ninf-1)/2)))
fosgate.sample1(box=100, p = .05, ci = .95) # where box: population or total plants, p: infestation rate, and ci: probability of detection
## 44
The idea is if sample size (e.g., 44) and binary decision data are provided the log-likelihood function can be used to estimate infestation rate and the rate may be close to anticipated rate (e.g., .05). Ultimately, I would like to compare plant infestation rates (gamma: γ) estimated from the log likelihood function above and D/N in the sample size calculation formula (second) or p in the sample size code below.
I generated R code for the log-likelihood described above.
### MLE with stat4
# Log-likelihood function
plant.inf.lik <- function(inf.rate){
logl <- suppressWarnings(
sum((1-insp.result)*n*log(1-inf.rate) +
Using the sample size function (i.e., fosgate.sample1) I generated sample sizes for various cases of total plant (or box) and anticipated detection rate (p) in the function. Since I am also interested in error/confidence ranges of estimated plant infestation rates, I used bootstrapping to calculate range of estimates (I am not sure if this is appropriate/acceptable). Here is the final code I generated:
### MLE and CI with bootstrapping with multiple scenarios
plant <- c(100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000) # Total plant number
ir <- seq(.01, .2, by = .01) # Plant infestation rate
df.result <- data.frame(expand.grid(plant=plant, inf.rate = ir))
df.result$sample.size <- fosgate.sample1(box=df.result$plant, p=df.result$inf.rate, ci=.95) # Sample size
df.result$insp.result <- 1000 # Shipment number (can be replaced with random integers)
df.result <- df.result[order(df.result$plant, df.result$inf.rate, df.result$sample.size), ]
rownames(df.result) <- 1:nrow(df.result)
df.result$est.mean <- 0
#df.result$est.median <- 0
df.result$ <- 0
df.result$ <- 0
df.result$nsim <- 0
# Looping
est <- rep(NA, 1000)
for(j in 1:nrow(df.result)){
for(i in 1:1000){
insp.result <- sample(c(rep(1, df.result$insp.result[j]-df.result$insp.result[j]*df.result$inf.rate[j]),
rep(0, df.result$insp.result[j]*df.result$inf.rate[j])))
ir <- df.result$inf.rate[j]
n <- df.result$sample.size[j]
insp.result <- sample(insp.result, replace = TRUE)
est[i] <- mle(plant.inf.lik, start = list(inf.rate = ir*.9), method = "BFGS", nobs = length(insp.result))#coef
df.result$est.mean[j] <- mean(est, na.rm = TRUE)
# df.result$est.median[j] <- median(est, na.rm = TRUE)
df.result$[j] <- quantile(est, prob = .025, na.rm = TRUE)
df.result$[j] <- quantile(est, prob = .975, na.rm = TRUE)
df.result$nsim[j] <- length(est)
# Significance test result
sig <- ifelse(df.result$inf.rate >= df.result$ & df.result$inf.rate <= df.result$, "no sig", "sig")
# Plot
df.result$num <- ave(df.result$inf.rate, df.result$plant, FUN=seq_along)
df.result.m <- melt(df.result, id.vars=c("plant", "sample.size", "insp.result", "", "", "nsim", "num"))
df.result.m$ <- ifelse(df.result.m$variable == "inf.rate", NA, df.result.m$
df.result.m$ <- ifelse(df.result.m$variable == "inf.rate", NA, df.result.m$
ggplot(data = df.result.m, aes(x = num, y = value, group=variable, color=variable, shape=variable))+
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin =, ymax =, width=.5)+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, .2, .02))+
ylab("Plant infestation rate")+
facet_wrap(~plant, ncol = 3)
When I ran the code, I was able to obtain results and to compare estimated (est.mean) and anticipated (inf.rate) infestation rates as shown in the plot below.
If results are correct, plot indicates that estimation looks fine but off for greater infestation rates.
Also, I always got warning messages without "suppressWarnings" function and occasionally error messages below. I have no clue how to fix them.
## Warning messages
## 29: In log(1 - (1 - inf.rate)^n) : NaNs produced
## 30: In log(1 - inf.rate) : NaNs produced
## Error message (occasionally)
## Error in solve.default(oout$hessian) :
## Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[1,1] = 0
My questions are:
Is R function (plant.inf.lik) for maximum likelihood estimation of the log-likelihood function appropriate?
Should I take care of warning and error messages? If yes, how? Again, I have no clue how to fix...
Is bootstrapping (resampling?) method appropriate to estimate CI ranges and/or standard error?
I found this link useful for alternative approach. Although I am still working both approaches together, results seem different (maybe following question).
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Concerning your last question about estimating CI ranges, there are three common methods for ML estimators:
Variance estimation from the inverted Hessian matrix.
Jackknife estimator for the variance (simpler and more stable, if the Hessian is estimated numerically, but computationally more expensive)
Bootstrap CIs (the computatianally most expensive approach).
For bootstrap CIs, you do not need to implement them yourself (bias correction, e.g. can be tricky), but can rely on the R library boot.
Incidentally, I have written a summary with R code for all three approaches two years ago: Construction of Confidence Intervals (see section 5). For the method utilizing the Hessian Matrix, e.g., the outline is as follows:
lnL <- function(theta1, theta2, ...) {
# definition of the negative (!)
# log-likelihood function...
# starting values for the optimization
theta0 <- c(start1, start2, ...)
# optimization
p <- optim(theta0, lnL, hessian=TRUE)
if (p$convergence == 0) {
theta <- p$par
covmat <- solve(p$hessian)
sigma <- sqrt(diag(covmat))
The function mle from stats4 already wraps the covrainace matrix estimation and retruns it in vcov. In the practical use cases in which I have tried this (paired comparison models), though, this estimation was rather unstable, and I have resorted to the jackknife method instead.

R: Robust fitting of data points to a Gaussian function

I need to do some robust data-fitting operation.
I have bunch of (x,y) data, that I want to fit to a Gaussian (aka normal) function.
The point is, I want to remove the ouliers. As one can see on the sample plot below, there is another distribution of data thats pollutting my data on the right, and I don't want to take it into account to do the fitting (i.e. to find \sigma, \mu and the overall scale parameter).
R seems to be the right tool for the job, I found some packages (robust, robustbase, MASS for example) that are related to robust fitting.
However, they assume the user already has a strong knowledge of R, which is not my case, and the documentation is only provided as a sort of reference manual, no tutorial or equivalent. My statistical background is rather low, I attempted to read reference material on fitting with R, but it didn't really help (and I'm not even sure thats the right way to go).
But I have the feeling that this is actually a quite simple operation.
I have checked this related question (and the linked ones), however they take as input a single vector of values, and I have a vector of pairs, so I don't see how to transpose.
Any help on how to do this would be appreciated.
Fitting a Gaussian curve to the data, the principle is to minimise the sum of squares difference between the fitted curve and the data, so we define f our objective function and run optim on it:
fitG =
f = function(p){
d = p[3]*dnorm(x,mean=p[1],sd=p[2])
Now, extend this to two Gaussians:
fit2G <- function(x,y,mu1,sig1,scale1,mu2,sig2,scale2,...){
f = function(p){
d = p[3]*dnorm(x,mean=p[1],sd=p[2]) + p[6]*dnorm(x,mean=p[4],sd=p[5])
Fit with initial params from the first fit, and an eyeballed guess of the second peak. Need to increase the max iterations:
> fit2P = fit2G(data$V3,data$V6,6,.6,.02,8.3,0.10,.002,control=list(maxit=10000))
Warning messages:
1: In dnorm(x, mean = p[1], sd = p[2]) : NaNs produced
2: In dnorm(x, mean = p[4], sd = p[5]) : NaNs produced
3: In dnorm(x, mean = p[4], sd = p[5]) : NaNs produced
> fit2P
[1] 6.035610393 0.653149616 0.023744876 8.317215066 0.107767881 0.002055287
What does this all look like?
> plot(data$V3,data$V6)
> p = fit2P$par
> lines(data$V3,p[3]*dnorm(data$V3,p[1],p[2]))
> lines(data$V3,p[6]*dnorm(data$V3,p[4],p[5]),col=2)
However I would be wary about statistical inference about your function parameters...
The warning messages produced are probably due to the sd parameter going negative. You can fix this and also get a quicker convergence by using L-BFGS-B and setting a lower bound:
> fit2P = fit2G(data$V3,data$V6,6,.6,.02,8.3,0.10,.002,control=list(maxit=10000),method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0,0,0,0,0,0))
> fit2P
[1] 6.03564202 0.65302676 0.02374196 8.31424025 0.11117534 0.00208724
As pointed out, sensitivity to initial values is always a problem with curve fitting things like this.
Fitting a Gaussian:
# your data
data <- c(rnorm(100,0,1), 10, 11)
# find & remove outliers
outliers <- boxplot(data)$out
data <- setdiff(data, outliers)
# fitting a Gaussian
mu <- mean(data)
sigma <- sd(data)
# testing the fit, check the p-value <- rnorm(length(data), mu, sigma)
ks.test(, data)
