R: Robust fitting of data points to a Gaussian function - r

I need to do some robust data-fitting operation.
I have bunch of (x,y) data, that I want to fit to a Gaussian (aka normal) function.
The point is, I want to remove the ouliers. As one can see on the sample plot below, there is another distribution of data thats pollutting my data on the right, and I don't want to take it into account to do the fitting (i.e. to find \sigma, \mu and the overall scale parameter).
R seems to be the right tool for the job, I found some packages (robust, robustbase, MASS for example) that are related to robust fitting.
However, they assume the user already has a strong knowledge of R, which is not my case, and the documentation is only provided as a sort of reference manual, no tutorial or equivalent. My statistical background is rather low, I attempted to read reference material on fitting with R, but it didn't really help (and I'm not even sure thats the right way to go).
But I have the feeling that this is actually a quite simple operation.
I have checked this related question (and the linked ones), however they take as input a single vector of values, and I have a vector of pairs, so I don't see how to transpose.
Any help on how to do this would be appreciated.

Fitting a Gaussian curve to the data, the principle is to minimise the sum of squares difference between the fitted curve and the data, so we define f our objective function and run optim on it:
fitG =
f = function(p){
d = p[3]*dnorm(x,mean=p[1],sd=p[2])
Now, extend this to two Gaussians:
fit2G <- function(x,y,mu1,sig1,scale1,mu2,sig2,scale2,...){
f = function(p){
d = p[3]*dnorm(x,mean=p[1],sd=p[2]) + p[6]*dnorm(x,mean=p[4],sd=p[5])
Fit with initial params from the first fit, and an eyeballed guess of the second peak. Need to increase the max iterations:
> fit2P = fit2G(data$V3,data$V6,6,.6,.02,8.3,0.10,.002,control=list(maxit=10000))
Warning messages:
1: In dnorm(x, mean = p[1], sd = p[2]) : NaNs produced
2: In dnorm(x, mean = p[4], sd = p[5]) : NaNs produced
3: In dnorm(x, mean = p[4], sd = p[5]) : NaNs produced
> fit2P
[1] 6.035610393 0.653149616 0.023744876 8.317215066 0.107767881 0.002055287
What does this all look like?
> plot(data$V3,data$V6)
> p = fit2P$par
> lines(data$V3,p[3]*dnorm(data$V3,p[1],p[2]))
> lines(data$V3,p[6]*dnorm(data$V3,p[4],p[5]),col=2)
However I would be wary about statistical inference about your function parameters...
The warning messages produced are probably due to the sd parameter going negative. You can fix this and also get a quicker convergence by using L-BFGS-B and setting a lower bound:
> fit2P = fit2G(data$V3,data$V6,6,.6,.02,8.3,0.10,.002,control=list(maxit=10000),method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0,0,0,0,0,0))
> fit2P
[1] 6.03564202 0.65302676 0.02374196 8.31424025 0.11117534 0.00208724
As pointed out, sensitivity to initial values is always a problem with curve fitting things like this.

Fitting a Gaussian:
# your data
data <- c(rnorm(100,0,1), 10, 11)
# find & remove outliers
outliers <- boxplot(data)$out
data <- setdiff(data, outliers)
# fitting a Gaussian
mu <- mean(data)
sigma <- sd(data)
# testing the fit, check the p-value
reference.data <- rnorm(length(data), mu, sigma)
ks.test(reference.data, data)


Struggling to run moveHMM using lognormal function in parallelised routines

I am attempting to run a two state HMM using a lognormal distribution. I have read Michelot and Langrock (2019) regarding choosing starting parameters through inspecting the data in a histogram and then running iterations in parallel, which has worked for my gamma distribution. Identifying the starting parameters for the lognormal distribution is troubling me however. Do I plot the log of my step length distribution then attempt extracting starting parameters or use the same starting parameters as my gamma distribution and rely on stepDist="lnorm"?
My code for the lognormal attempt currently looks like this:
ncores <- detectCores() - 1
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", ncores))
clusterExport(cl, list("data", "fitHMM"))
niter <- 20
allPar0 <- lapply(as.list(1:niter), function(x) {
stepMean0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
stepSD0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
angleMean0 <- c(0, 0)
angleCon0 <- runif(2,
min = c(a,b),
max = c(a,b))
stepPar0 <- c(stepMean0, stepSD0)
anglePar0 <- c(angleMean0, angleCon0)
return(list(step = stepPar0, angle = anglePar0))
# Fit the niter models in parallel
logP <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = allPar0, fun = function(par0) {
m <- fitHMM(data = data, nbStates = 2, stepDist = "lnorm", stepPar0 = par0$step,
anglePar0 = par0$angle)
# Extract likelihoods of fitted models
likelihoodL <- unlist(lapply(logP, function(m) m$mod$minimum))
# Index of best fitting model (smallest negative log-likelihood)
whichbestpL <- which.min(likelihoodL)
bestL <- logP[[whichbestpL]]
If I use negative values from plotting the log of the step length of the data then I get the error:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
7 nodes produced errors; first error: Check the step parameters bounds (the initial parameters should be strictly between the bounds of their parameter space).
If I use the same starting parameter values that I used for my gamma distribution then I get the error
Error in unserialize(node$con) :
embedded nul in string: 'X\n\0\0\0\003\0\004\002\0\0\003\005\0\0\0'
Please could someone shed some light on how I'm failing at this?
Thank you!
Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure what the problem is from the code you included. If you don't get an error when you run fitHMM outside of parLapply, then it suggests that the problem is in how you choose the values of x, y, and z in your code.
The first parameter of the log-normal distribution can be negative or positive, and it is actually the mean of the logarithm of the step length. So, to find good starting values for this, you should look at a histogram of the log step lengths (e.g., following the dedicated moveHMM vignette). The second parameter is the standard deviation of the log step lengths, and this should be strictly positive (but could also be chosen based on the spread of the histogram of log step lengths).
To summarise, you should choose all the initial values based on plots of the log step lengths (rather than the step lengths themselves), and you should not use the same ranges of values for stepMean0 and stepSD0 (because the former can be negative or positive, whereas the latter is positive). Hopefully, this should help you choose x, y, and z.

Why is the likelihood/AIC of my poisson regression infinite?

I am trying to evaluate themodel fit of several regressions in R, and I have run into a problem I have had multiple times now: the log-likelihood of my Poisson regression is infinite.
I'm using a non-integer dependent variable (Note: I know what I'm doing in this regard), and I'm wondering if maybe that's the problem. However, I don't get an infinite log-likelihood when running the regression with glm.nb.
Code to reproduce the issue is below.
Edit: the problem appears to go away when I coerce the DV to integer. Any idea how to get log likelihood from Poissons with non-integer DVs?
# Input Data
so_data <- data.frame(dv = c(21.0552722691125, 24.3061351414885, 7.84658638053276,
25.0294679770848, 15.8064731063311, 10.8171744654056, 31.3008088413026,
2.26643928259238, 18.4261153345417, 5.62915828161753, 17.0691184593063,
1.11959635820499, 30.0154935602592, 23.0000809735738, 28.4389825676123,
27.7678405415711, 23.7108405071757, 23.5070651053276, 14.2534787168392,
15.2058525068363, 19.7449094187771, 2.52384709295823, 29.7081691356397,
32.4723790240354, 19.2147002673637, 61.7911384519901, 10.5687170234821,
23.9047421013736, 18.4889651451222, 13.0360878554798, 15.1752866581849,
11.5205948111817, 31.3539840929108, 31.7255952728076, 25.3034625215724,
5.00013988265465, 30.2037887018226, 1.86123112349445, 3.06932041603219,
22.6739418581257, 6.33738321053804, 24.2933951601142, 14.8634827414491,
31.8302947881089, 34.8361908525564, 1.29606416941288, 13.206844629927,
28.843579313401, 25.8024295609021, 14.4414831628722, 18.2109680632694,
14.7092063453463, 10.0738043919183, 28.4124482962025, 27.1004208775326,
1.31350378236957, 14.3009307888745, 1.32555197766214, 2.70896028922312,
3.88043749517381, 3.79492216916016, 19.4507965653633, 32.1689088941444,
2.61278585713499, 41.6955885902228, 2.13466761675063, 30.4207256294235,
24.8231524369244, 20.7605955978196, 17.2182798298094, 2.11563574288652,
12.290778250655, 0.957467139696772, 16.1775287334746))
# Run Model
p_mod <- glm(dv ~ 1, data = so_data, family = poisson(link = 'log'))
# Be Confused
Elaborating on #ekstroem's comment: the Poisson distribution is only supported over the non-negative integers (0, 1, ...). So, technically speaking, the probability of any non-integer value is zero -- although R does allow for a little bit of fuzz, to allow for round-off/floating-point representation issues:
> dpois(1,lambda=1)
[1] 0.3678794
> dpois(1.1,lambda=1)
[1] 0
Warning message:
In dpois(1.1, lambda = 1) : non-integer x = 1.100000
> dpois(1+1e-7,lambda=1) ## fuzz
[1] 0.3678794
It is theoretically possible to compute something like a Poisson log-likelihood for non-integer values:
my_dpois <- function(x,lambda,log=FALSE) {
LL <- -lambda+x*log(lambda)-lfactorial(x)
if (log) LL else exp(LL)
but I would be very careful - some quick tests with integrate suggest it integrates to 1 (after I fixed the bug in it), but I haven't checked more carefully that this is really a well-posed probability distribution. (On the other hand, some reasonable-seeming posts on CrossValidated suggest that it's not insane ...)
You say "I know what I'm doing in this regard"; can you give some more of the context? Some alternative possibilities (although this is steering into CrossValidated territory) -- the best answer depends on where your data really come from (i.e., why you have "count-like" data that are non-integer but you think should be treated as Poisson).
a quasi-Poisson model (family=quasipoisson). (R will still not give you log-likelihood or AIC values in this case, because technically they don't exist -- you're supposed to do inference on the basis of the Wald statistics of the parameters; see e.g. here for more info.)
a Gamma model (probably with a log link)
if the data started out as count data that you've scaled by some measure of effort or exposure), use an appropriate offset model ...
a generalized least-squares model (nlme::gls) with an appropriate heteroscedasticity specification
Poisson log-likelihood involves calculating log(factorial(x)) (https://www.statlect.com/fundamentals-of-statistics/Poisson-distribution-maximum-likelihood). For values larger than 30 it has to be done using Stirling's approximation formula in order to avoid exceeding the limit of computer arithmetic. Sample code in Python:
# define a likelihood function. https://www.statlect.com/fundamentals-of- statistics/Poisson-distribution-maximum-likelihood
def loglikelihood_f(lmba, x):
#Using Stirling formula to avoid calculation of factorial.
#logfactorial(n) = n*ln(n) - n
n = x.size
logfactorial = x*np.log(x+0.001) - x #np.log(factorial(x))
logfactorial[logfactorial == -inf] = 0
result =\
- np.sum(logfactorial) \
- n * lmba \
+ np.log(lmba) * np.sum(x)
return result

confidence interval around predicted value from complex inverse function

I'm trying to get a 95% confidence interval around some predicted values, but am not capable of achieving this.
Basically, I estimated a growth curve like this:
S <- function(t,ts,C,K) ((C*K)/(2*pi))*sin(2*pi*(t-ts))
sommers <- function(t,Linf,K,t0,ts,C)
model <- nls(size~sommers(age,Linf,K,t0,ts,C),data=dat,
I have independent size measurements, for which I would like to predict the age. Therefore, the inverse of the function, which is not very straightforward, I calculated like this:
S.out <- function(t)
sommers.out <- function(t)
inverse = function (f, lower = -100, upper = 100) {
function (y) uniroot((function (x) f(x) - y), lower = lower, upper = upper)[1]
sommers.inverse = inverse(sommers.out, 0, 25)
x= sommers.inverse(10) #this works with my complete dataset, but not with this fake one
Although this works fine, I need to know the confidence interval (95%) around this estimate (x). For linear models there is for example "predict(... confidence=)". I could also bootstrap the function somehow to get the quantiles associated with the parameters (didn't find how), to then use the extremes of those to calculate the maximum and minimum values predictable. But that doesn't really look like the good way of doing this....
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT after answer:
So this worked (explained in the book of Ben Bolker, see answer):
vmat = mvrnorm(1000, mu = coef(mfit), Sigma = vcov(mfit))
dist = numeric(1000)
for (i in 1:1000) {dist[i] = sommers_inverse(9.938,vmat[i,])}
quantile(dist, c(0.025, 0.975))
On the rather bad fake data I gave, this works of course rather horrible. But on the real data (which I have a problem recreating), this is ok!
Unless I'm mistaken, you're going to have to use either regular (parametric) bootstrapping or a method called either "population predictive intervals" (e.g., see section 5 of chapter 7 of Bolker 2008), which assumes that the sampling distributions of your parameters are multivariate Normal. However, I think you may have bigger problems, unless I've somehow messed up your model in adapting it ...
Generate data (note that random data may actually bad for testing your model - see below ...)
dat <- data.frame(size=rnorm(50,10,3),age=rnorm(50,5,2))
S <- function(t,ts,C,K) ((C*K)/(2*pi))*sin(2*pi*(t-ts))
sommers <- function(t,Linf,K,t0,ts,C)
Plot the data and the initial curve estimate:
agevec <- seq(0,10,length=1001)
I had trouble with nls so I used minpack.lm::nls.lm, which is slightly more robust. (There are other options here, e.g. calculating the derivatives and providing the gradient function, or using AD Model Builder or Template Model Builder, or using the nls2 package.)
For nls.lm we need a function that returns the residuals:
sommers_fn <- function(par,dat) {
mfit <- nls.lm(fn=sommers_fn,
## Linf K t0 C ts
## 10.6540185 0.3466328 2.1675244 136.7164179 0.3627371
Here's our problem:
with(as.list(coef(mfit)), {
With this kind of fit, the results of the inverse function are going to be extremely unstable, as the inverse function is many-to-one, with the number of inverse values depending sensitively on the parameter values ...
sommers_pred <- function(x,pars) {
sommers_pred(6,coef(mfit)) ## s(6)=9.93
sommers_inverse <- function (y, pars, lower = -100, upper = 100) {
uniroot(function(x) sommers_pred(x,pars) -y, c(lower, upper))$root
sommers_inverse(9.938, coef(mfit)) ## 0.28
If I pick my interval very carefully I can get back the correct answer ...
sommers_inverse(9.938, coef(mfit), 5.5, 6.2)
Maybe your model will be better behaved with more realistic data. I hope so ...

Parameters estimation of a bivariate mixture normal-lognormal model

I have to create a model which is a mixture of a normal and log-normal distribution. To create it, I need to estimate the 2 covariance matrixes and the mixing parameter (total =7 parameters) by maximizing the log-likelihood function. This maximization has to be performed by the nlm routine.
As I use relative data, the means are known and equal to 1.
I’ve already tried to do it in 1 dimension (with 1 set of relative data) and it works well. However, when I introduce the 2nd set of relative data I get illogical results for the correlation and a lot of warnings messages (at all 25).
To estimate these parameters I defined first the log-likelihood function with the 2 commands dmvnorm and dlnorm.plus. Then I assign starting values of the parameters and finally I use the nlm routine to estimate the parameters (see script below).
`P <- read.ascii.grid("d:/Documents/JOINT_FREQUENCY/grid_E727_P-3000.asc", return.header=
V <- read.ascii.grid("d:/Documents/JOINT_FREQUENCY/grid_E727_V-3000.asc", return.header=
p <- c(P); # tranform matrix into a vector
v <- c(V);
p<- p[!is.na(p)] # removing NA values
v<- v[!is.na(v)]
p_rel <- p/mean(p) #Transforming the data to relative values
v_rel <- v/mean(v)
PV <- cbind(p_rel, v_rel) # create a matrix of vectors
L <- function(par,p_rel,v_rel) {
return (-sum(log( (1- par[7])*dmvnorm(PV, mean=c(1,1), sigma= matrix(c(par[1]^2, par[1]*par[2]
*par[3],par[1]*par[2]*par[3], par[2]^2 ),nrow=2, ncol=2))+
par[7]*dlnorm.rplus(PV, meanlog=c(1,1), varlog= matrix(c(par[4]^2,par[4]*par[5]*par[6],par[4]
*par[5]*par[6],par[5]^2), nrow=2,ncol=2)) )))
par.start<- c(0.74, 0.66 ,0.40, 1.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.5) # log-likelihood estimators
result<-nlm(L,par.start,v_rel=v_rel,p_rel=p_rel, hessian=TRUE, iterlim=200, check.analyticals= TRUE)
Messages d'avis :
1: In log(eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values) :
production de NaN
2: In sqrt(2 * pi * det(varlog)) : production de NaN
3: In nlm(L, par.start, p_rel = p_rel, v_rel = v_rel, hessian = TRUE) :
NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
4: In log(eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values) :
production de NaN
…. Until 25.
par.hat <- result$estimate
cat("sigN_p =", par[1],"\n","sigN_v =", par[2],"\n","rhoN =", par[3],"\n","sigLN_p =", par [4],"\n","sigLN_v =", par[5],"\n","rhoLN =", par[6],"\n","mixing parameter =", par[7],"\n")
sigN_p = 0.5403361
sigN_v = 0.6667375
rhoN = 0.6260181
sigLN_p = 1.705626
sigLN_v = 1.592832
rhoLN = 0.9735974
mixing parameter = 0.8113369`
Does someone know what is wrong in my model or how should I do to find these parameters in 2 dimensions?
Thank you very much for taking time to look at my questions.
Gladys Hertzog
When I do these kind of optimization problems, I find that it's important to make sure that all the variables that I'm optimizing over are constrained to plausible values. For example, standard deviation variables have to be positive, and from knowledge of the situation that I'm modelling I'll probably be able to put an upper bound all my standard deviation variables as well. So if s is one of my standard deviation variables, and if m is the maximum value that I want it to take, instead of working with s I'll solve for the variable z which is related to s via
s = m/(1+e-z)
In that formula, z is unconstrained, but s must lie between 0 and m. This is vital because optimization routines where the variables are not constrained to take plausible values will often try completely implausible values while they're trying to bound the solution. Implausible values often cause problems with e.g. precision, that then results in NaN's etc. The general formula that I use for constraining a single variable x to lie between a and b is
x = a + (b - a)/(1+e-z)
However, regarding your particular problem where you're looking for covariance matrices, a more sophisticated approach is necessary than simply bounding all the individual variables. Covariance matrices must be positive semi-definite, so if you're simply optimizing the individual values in the matrix, the optimization will probably fail (producing NaN's) if a matrix which isn't positive definite is fed into the likelihood function. To get round this problem, one approach is to solve for the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix instead of the covariance matrix itself. My guess is that this is probably what's causing your optimization to fail.

Why does glm.nb throw a "missing value" error only on very specific inputs

glm.nb throws an unusual error on certain inputs. While there are a variety of values that cause this error, changing the input even very slightly can prevent the error.
A reproducible example:
pop <- rnbinom(n=1000,size=1,mu=0.05)
Running this code throws the error:
Error in while ((it <- it + 1) < limit && abs(del) > eps) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
At first I assumed that this had something to do with the algorithm not converging. However, I was surprised to find that changing the input even very slightly can prevent the error. For example:
pop[1000] <- pop[1000] + 1
I've found that it throws this error on 19.4% of the seeds between 1 and 500:
fit.with.seed = function(s) {
pop <- rnbinom(n=1000, size=1, mu=0.05)
m = glm.nb(pop~1, maxit=1000)
errors = sapply(1:500, function(s) {
is.null(tryCatch(fit.with.seed(s), error=function(e) NULL))
I've found only one mention of this error anywhere, on a thread with no responses.
What could be causing this error, and how can it be fixed (other than randomly permuting the inputs every time glm.nb throws an error?)
ETA: Setting control=glm.control(maxit=200,trace = 3) finds that the theta.ml algorithm breaks by getting very large, then becoming -Inf, then becoming NaN:
theta.ml: iter67 theta =5.77203e+15
theta.ml: iter68 theta =5.28327e+15
theta.ml: iter69 theta =1.41103e+16
theta.ml: iter70 theta =-Inf
theta.ml: iter71 theta =NaN
It's a bit crude, but in the past I have been able to work around problems with glm.nb by resorting to straight maximum likelihood estimation (i.e. no clever iterative estimation algorithms as used in glm.nb)
Some poking around/profiling indicates that the MLE for the theta parameter is effectively infinite. I decided to fit it on the inverse scale, so that I could put a boundary at 0 (a fancier version would set up a log-likelihood function that would revert to Poisson at theta=zero, but that would undo the point of trying to come up with a quick, canned solution).
With two of the bad examples given above, this works reasonably well, although it does warn that the parameter fit is on the boundary ...
m1 <- mle2(Y~dnbinom(mu=exp(logmu),size=1/invk),
The second example is actually more interesting because it demonstrates numerically that the MLE for theta is essentially infinite even though we have a good-sized data set that is exactly generated from negative binomial deviates (or else I'm confused about something ...)
set.seed(11);pop <- rnbinom(n=1000,size=1,mu=0.05);glm.nb(pop~1,maxit=1000)
m2 <- mle2(pop~dnbinom(mu=exp(logmu),size=1/invk),
Edit: The code and answer has been simplified to one sample, like in the question.
Yes, theta can approach Inf in small samples and sparse data (many zeroes, small mean and large skew). I have found that fitting glm.nb fails when the data are all zeroes and returns:
Error in while ((it <- it + 1) < limit && abs(del) > eps) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
The following code simulates small samples with a small mean and theta. To prevent the loop from crashing, glm.nb is not fitted when the data are all zeroes.
en1 <- 10
mu1 <- 0.5
size1 <- 0.5
temp <- matrix(nrow=10000, ncol=2)
# theta == Inf is rare so use a large number of reps
for (r in 1:10000){
dat1 <- rnbinom(n=en1, size=size1, mu=mu1)
temp[r, 1:2] <- c(mean(dat1), ifelse(max(dat1)!=0, glm.nb(dat1~1)$theta, NA))
temp <- as.data.frame(temp)
names(temp) <- c("mean1","theta1")
# note that it's rare to get all zeroes in the sample
# a log scale helps see what's happening
with(temp, plot(mean1, log10(theta1)))
# estimated thetas should equal size1 = 0.5
abline(h=log10(0.5), col="red")
text(2.5, 5, "n1 = n2 = 10", col="red", cex=2, adj=1)
text(1, 4, "extreme thetas", col="red", cex=2)
See that estimated thetas can be extremely large when the sample size is small (in the first plot below):
Lesson learnt: don't expect high quality results from glm.nb for small samples and sparse data; get larger samples (e.g. in the second plot below).
