QTreeWidget: Loading large numbers of items? - qt

I'm using a QTreeWidget to display a large number of items (about 50_000) using addTopLevelItem/addTopLevelItems, insertTopLevelItem/insertTopLevelItem and by setting a parent and preceding item to the QTreeWidgetItem initializer (usually I need a combination of these adding methods).
This works fine but freezes the GUI for a bit. Is there a way to either do this faster or in the background, so that the GUI doesn't freeze? Speed is not paramount, not freezing the GUI is the top priority.
Contrived example of the way I currently add items (Python/PyQt5):
import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
# Tree widget initialization
tree_widget = QTreeWidget()
# Main Node 0 initialization
main_node_0 = QTreeWidgetItem()
main_node_0.setText(0, "Main Node 0")
# Add children to Main Node 0
for i in range(50_000):
child_node = QTreeWidgetItem(main_node_0)
child_node.setText(0, f"Child Node {i}")
# Main Node 1 initialization
main_node_1 = QTreeWidgetItem()
main_node_1.setText(0, "Main Node 1")
# Add children to Main Node 0
for i in range(50_000):
child_node = QTreeWidgetItem(main_node_1)
child_node.setText(0, f"Child Node {i}")
# ... More code similar to the above
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()

After a lot of code restructuring and testing I can confirm that both #musicamante's suggestion:
create the top level items without parents, then add all the children, finally call addTopLevelItems()
and #HiFile.app - best file manager's suggestion:
You can create a QList of top level items and add children to each of the top level items using QTreeWidgetItem::addChild() or QTreeWidgetItem::addChildren(). And once you have the whole structure ready, you just call QTreeWidget::addTopLevelItems(). I.e. you insert all the items to the model in just one call.
are the best solution! It might take some effort to restructure the code, but the result is great: no delays in rendering large numbers of items with.
Thank you both for the answer!


When dragging multiple items from QListWidget, non-draggable items get removed

I have two QListWidgets. The user can select multiple items from one list and drag them to the other list. But within each list, some items are draggable and some are not. If the selection contains both draggable and non-draggable items, a problem happens. Only the draggable items appear in the second list, which is correct. But all the items disappear from the first list.
In the animated image above, items 00, 01, and 02 are selected. Only items 00 and 02 are drag enabled. After the drag-and-drop, all three items are gone from the first list. How can I fix this?
Here is some code to reproduce the problem:
import random
import sys
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
class TestMultiDragDrop(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(TestMultiDragDrop, self).__init__(parent)
centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(centralWidget)
self.list1 = QtGui.QListWidget()
self.list2 = QtGui.QListWidget()
self.fillListWidget(self.list1, 8, 'someItem')
self.fillListWidget(self.list2, 4, 'anotherItem')
def fillListWidget(self, listWidget, numItems, txt):
for i in range(numItems):
item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
newTxt = '{0}{1:02d}'.format(txt, i)
if random.randint(0, 1):
item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
# If the item is draggable, indicate it with a *
newTxt += ' *'
item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled)
def openMultiDragDrop():
global multiDragDropUI
multiDragDropUI = TestMultiDragDrop()
return multiDragDropUI
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
Here I have some suspicion on setDefaultDropAction(QtCore.Qt.MoveAction)
Read below para from documentation: Specially the bold line
In the simplest case, the target of a drag and drop action receives a copy of the data being dragged, and the source decides whether to delete the original. This is described by the CopyAction action. The target may also choose to handle other actions, specifically the MoveAction and LinkAction actions. If the source calls QDrag::exec(), and it returns MoveAction, the source is responsible for deleting any original data if it chooses to do so. The QMimeData and QDrag objects created by the source widget should not be deleted - they will be destroyed by Qt.
First give a try with QtCore.Qt.CopyAction
Second, if MoveAction is mandatory, try creating QMimeData and QDrag objects in your source list widget's mouseMoveEvent.
Here in below link, you can find some help for creating QMimeData and QDrag objects in your source list widget's mouseMoveEvent. (code is in C++, My intention is to get conceptual idea).
I think Kuba Ober is right that this is a Qt bug. In the C++ source code, there is a function void QAbstractItemViewPrivate::clearOrRemove(). It deletes all selected rows, but it does not look at whether each item is drag-enabled or not.
That being the case, I came up with a few workarounds:
Method 1: Make all non-draggable items non-selectable as well
This is the easiest method. Just remove the QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled flag from all non-draggable items. Of course if you want all of your items to be selectable, this won't work.
Method 2: Recreate the "startDrag" function
Since the clearOrRemove function belongs to a private class, I cannot override it. But that function is called by the startDrag function, which can be overridden. So I essentially duplicated the function in Python and replaced the call to clearOrRemove with my own function removeSelectedDraggableItems.
The problem with this method is that startDrag contains calls to a few other functions belonging to a private class. And those functions call other private class functions. Specifically, these functions are responsible for controlling how the items are drawn during the drag event. Since I didn't want to recreate all the functions, I just ignored those. The result is that this method results in the correct functionality, but it loses the graphical indication of which items are being dragged.
class DragListWidget(QtGui.QListWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(DragListWidget, self).__init__()
def startDrag(self, supportedDragActions):
indexes = self.getSelectedDraggableIndexes()
if not indexes:
mimeData = self.model().mimeData(indexes)
if not mimeData:
drag = QtGui.QDrag(self)
rect = QtCore.QRect()
# "renderToPixmap" is from a private class in the C++ code, so I can't use it.
#pixmap = renderToPixmap(indexes, rect)
# "pressedPosition" is from a private class in the C++ code, so I can't use it.
#drag.setHotSpot(pressedPostion() - rect.topLeft())
defaultDropAction = self.defaultDropAction()
dropAction = QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction
if ((defaultDropAction != QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction) and
(supportedDragActions & defaultDropAction)):
dropAction = defaultDropAction
elif ((supportedDragActions & QtCore.Qt.CopyAction) and
(self.dragDropMode() != self.InternalMove)):
dropAction = QtCore.Qt.CopyAction
dragResult = drag.exec_(supportedDragActions, dropAction)
if dragResult == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
def getSelectedDraggableIndexes(self):
""" Get a list of indexes for selected items that are drag-enabled. """
indexes = []
for index in self.selectedIndexes():
item = self.itemFromIndex(index)
if item.flags() & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled:
return indexes
def removeSelectedDraggableItems(self):
selectedDraggableIndexes = self.getSelectedDraggableIndexes()
# Use persistent indices so we don't lose track of the correct rows as
# we are deleting things.
root = self.rootIndex()
model = self.model()
persistentIndices = [QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(i) for i in selectedDraggableIndexes]
for pIndex in persistentIndices:
model.removeRows(pIndex.row(), 1, root)
Method 3: Hack "startDrag"
This method changes the drop action from "MoveAction" to "CopyAction" before calling the built-in "startDrag" method. Then it calls a custom function for deleting the selected drag-enabled items. This solves the problem of losing the graphical dragging animation.
This is a pretty easy hack, but it comes with its own problem. Say the user installs an event filter that changes the drop action from "MoveAction" to "IgnoreAction" in certain cases. This hack code doesn't get the updated value. It will still delete the items as though the action is "MoveAction". (Method 2 does not have this problem.) There are workarounds for this problem, but I won't go into them here.
class DragListWidget2(QtGui.QListWidget):
def startDrag(self, supportedDragActions):
dropAction = self.defaultDropAction()
if dropAction == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
super(DragListWidget2, self).startDrag(supportedDragActions)
if dropAction == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction:
def removeSelectedDraggableItems(self):
# Same code from Method 2. Removed here for brevity.

How to deselect all items in QTreeWidget?

I have tried every suggestion I can come across online, from setting flags to using selectionModel
def DatabaseLoadWrapper(self,database, init):
self.DatabaseLoad(database, init)
This is where my code needs to force a selection on the QTreeWidget, none of the code I use throws up any errors but also has no effect on the selection. And I end up with this where the user has selected Database 1 but I need to revert back to having only Database 2 selected:
Edit: The Tree Widget is built using this code:
def setupMenu(self):
self.DatabaseParent = QTreeWidgetItem(['Databases'])
for item in NamesInDatabase():
self.AverageParent = QTreeWidgetItem(['Averaged Database'])
self.SortingParent = QTreeWidgetItem(['Waste Composition'])
self.ResultParent = QTreeWidgetItem(['Results'])
It basically is adding databases, averaged database, waste compisition & results, as fixed parts of the navigation menu and then populating children of databases with the names of the databases in the save file.
Your question fails to expose the part of the code that is causing the problem. By default, setting the current item, as you do, also sets the selection. So this code, for example, correctly sets the selection to item "b":
from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
qApp = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
parent = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(['Databases'])
items = []
for item_text in ["a","b","c"]:
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([item_text])
However, I suspect there is code elsewhere in your project that is affecting this. For example, if you had set the selection mode for the QTableWidget selection model to MultiSelection then selections become cumulative:
from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
qApp = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
parent = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(['Databases'])
items = []
for item_text in ["a","b","c"]:
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([item_text])
However, that still doesn't explain your issue because the clearSelection call should have cleared the preceding selection in any case. Further debugging of your code is needed, for example to check that the wrapper function and the setCurrentItem are being called as you claim. Also check what else is being called subsequent to the DatabaseLoadWrapper.
In Pyside2, This works for me:
If you click on treewidget the selection will be clear.

Applying mapToGlobal to main window position

Here is some code that creates a single window and, just for fun, lets you click in the window to print self.pos() and self.mapToGlobal(self.pos()):
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
class WinPosExplore(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
globalWinPos = self.mapToGlobal(winPos)
msg1="winPos=self.pos(): <{0}, {1}>\n".format(winPos.x(), winPos.y())
msg2="self.mapToGlobal(winPos): <{0}, {1}>\n\n".format(globalWinPos.x(), globalWinPos.y())
print msg1 + msg2
def main():
import sys
if __name__=="__main__":
Because I only am using a single top-level window, I would expect the two sets of coordinates to be the same. That is, I expect the program to realize that for the parent window of the application, mapToGlobal is just the identity function. But this is not what happens. I get different coordinates in ways that are not explicable (by me). For example, the following is one printout:
winPos=self.pos(): <86, 101>
self.mapToGlobal(winPos): <176, 225>
Can anyone explain what is happening?
Note, I realize this is a silly exercise to some degree (we don't technically ever need mapToGlobal for the main window, as pointed out at this post at qtforum). But I am still curious if anyone can make sense of this behavior in this corner case.
QPoint QWidget::mapToGlobal ( const QPoint & pos ) const
Translates the widget coordinate pos to global screen coordinates. For
example, mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)) would give the global coordinates of
the top-left pixel of the widget.
The input to mapToGlobal is a point in widget coordinates, i.e. it's relative to the top-left of widget area.
To clarify, consider this image from docs:
mapToGlobal(self.pos()) will give you self.geometry().topLeft() + self.pos()
Note: mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) will not give same result as self.pos() either. This is because window decorations like title bar, etc. are not included in the widget area (see the difference between geometry().topLeft() and pos() in the image above).

QTextEdit shift-tab wrong behaviour

shift+tab behaves as tab in QTextEdit/QPlainTextEdit.
Looks like a common problem with no good solution.
Is there any "classical" way to enable this functionality when tab increases indentation level and shift-tab decreases it?
This is a bit of an old question, but I got this figured out.
You just need to reimplement QPlainTextEdit (or QTextEdit) with your own class that inherits from it, and override the keyPressEvent.
By default a tab inserts a tabstop, but the below code catches a Qt.Key_Backtab event, which as near as I can tell is the event that occurs when you press Shift+Tab.
I tried and failed to catch Qt.Key_Tab and a Qt.Key_Shift or Qt.Key_Tab and a Shift modifier, so this must be the way to do it.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class TabPlainTextEdit(QtGui.QTextEdit):
def __init__(self,parent):
QtGui.QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent)
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab:
cur = self.textCursor()
# Copy the current selection
pos = cur.position() # Where a selection ends
anchor = cur.anchor() # Where a selection starts (can be the same as above)
# Can put QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor as the 2nd arg, but this is the default
# Move the position back one, selection the character prior to the original position
if str(cur.selectedText()) == "\t":
# The prior character is a tab, so delete the selection
# Reposition the cursor with the one character offset
# Try all of the above, looking before the anchor (This helps if the achor is before a tab)
if str(cur.selectedText()) == "\t":
# Its not a tab, so reset the selection to what it was
return QtGui.QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event)
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
w = TabPlainTextEdit(None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I'm still refining this, but the rest of the code is on GitHub.

(PyQt) QTreeView - want to expand/collapse all children and grandchildren

I want to be able to expand or collapse all children of a particular branch in a QTreeView. I am using PyQt4.
I know that QTreeView's have an expand all children feature that is bound to *, but I need two things: It needs to be bound to a different key combination (shift-space) and I also need to be able to collapse all children as well.
Here is what I have tried so far:
I have a subclass of a QTreeView wherein I am checking for the shift-space key combo. I know that QModelIndex will let me pick a specific child with the "child" function, but that requires knowing the number of children. I am able to get a count of the children by looking at the internalPointer, but that only gives me info for the first level of the hierarchy. If I try to use recursion, I can get a bunch of child counts, but then I am lost as to how to get these converted back into a valid QModelIndex.
Here is some code:
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
Capture key press events to handle:
- enable/disable
#shift - space means toggle expanded/collapsed for all children
if (event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Space and
event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier):
expanded = self.isExpanded(self.selectedIndexes()[0])
for cellIndex in self.selectedIndexes():
if cellIndex.column() == 0: #only need to call it once per row
#I can get the actual object represented here
item = cellIndex.internalPointer()
#and I can get the number of children from that
numChildren = item.get_child_count()
#but now what? How do I convert this number into valid
#QModelIndex objects? I know I could use:
# cellIndex.child(row, 0)
#to get the immediate children's QModelIndex's, but how
#would I deal with grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc...
self.setExpanded(cellIndex, not(expanded))
Here is the beginning of the recursion method I was investigating, but I get stuck when actually trying to set the expanded state because once inside the recursion, I lose "contact" with any valid QModelIndex...
def toggle_expanded(self, item, expand):
Toggles the children of item (recursively)
for row in range(0,item.get_child_count()):
newItem = item.get_child_at_row(row)
self.toggle_expanded(newItem, expand)
#well... I'm stuck here because I'd like to toggle the expanded
#setting of the "current" item, but I don't know how to convert
#my pointer to the object represented in the tree view back into
#a valid QModelIndex
#self.setExpanded(?????, expand) #<- What I'd like to run
print "Setting", item.get_name(), "to", str(expand) #<- simple debug statement that indicates that the concept is valid
Thanks to all for taking the time to look at this!
Ok... siblings did not actually get me to where I wanted to go. I managed to get the code working as follows (and it seems like a decent implementation). Kudos still to Prof.Ebral who got me going on the right track with the idea of siblings (turns out I needed to use QModelIndex.child(row, column) and iterate recursively from there).
Note that there is the following assumption in the code: It assumes that your underlying data store objects have the ability to report how many children they have (get_child_count() in my code). If that is not the case, you will somehow have to get a child count differently... perhaps by just arbitrarily trying to get child indexes - using QModelIndex.child(row, col) - with an ever increasing row count till you get back an invalid index? - this is what Prof.Ebral suggested and I might still try that (It is just that I already have an easy way to get the child count by requesting it from my data store).
Also note that I actually expand/collpase each node at a different point in the recursion based on whether I am expanding or collapsing. This is because, through trial and error, I discovered that animated tree views would stutter and pop if I just did it at one place in the code. Now, by reversing the order in which I do it based on whether I am at the top level (i.e. the root of the branch I am affecting - not the root of the entire treeview) I get a nice smooth animation. This is documented below.
The following code is in a QTreeView subclass.
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
if (event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Space and self.currentIndex().column() == 0):
shift = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
if shift:
expand = not(self.isExpanded(self.currentIndex()))
self.setExpanded(self.currentIndex(), expand)
def expand_all(self, index):
Expands/collapses all the children and grandchildren etc. of index.
expand = not(self.isExpanded(index))
if not expand: #if collapsing, do that first (wonky animation otherwise)
self.setExpanded(index, expand)
childCount = index.internalPointer().get_child_count()
self.recursive_expand(index, childCount, expand)
if expand: #if expanding, do that last (wonky animation otherwise)
self.setExpanded(index, expand)
def recursive_expand(self, index, childCount, expand):
Recursively expands/collpases all the children of index.
for childNo in range(0, childCount):
childIndex = index.child(childNo, 0)
if expand: #if expanding, do that first (wonky animation otherwise)
self.setExpanded(childIndex, expand)
subChildCount = childIndex.internalPointer().get_child_count()
if subChildCount > 0:
self.recursive_expand(childIndex, subChildCount, expand)
if not expand: #if collapsing, do it last (wonky animation otherwise)
self.setExpanded(childIndex, expand)
model.rowCount(index) is the method you want.
model = index.model() # or some other way of getting it
for i in xrange(model.rowCount(index)):
child = model.index(i,0, index)
# do something with child
model.index(row,col, parent) is essentially the same as calling index.child(row,col); just with fewer indirections.
I would recommend using a QTreeWidget which inherits QTreeView. You can then grab the children as a QTreeWidgetItem.
Since you do not want to use the QTreeWidget but want to stick to your current model .. you can iterate through the 'possible' children using, .isValid(). You should not use the internalPointer() though. Instead use the cellItem you have, as it is the original ModalIndex .. then attempt to find it's siblings. Something like
x = 0; y =0
while cellIndex.sibling(x, y).isValid():
child = cellIndex.sibling(x, y)
x += 1
I make a evnetFilter Class for that.
My particular use case is shift click the drop indicator then expand all or collapse all the child nodes like software maya outliner.
class MTreeExpandHook(QtCore.QObject):
MTreeExpandHook( QTreeView )
def __init__(self, tree):
super(MTreeExpandHook, self).__init__()
self.tree = tree
def eventFilter(self, receiver, event):
if (
event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.MouseButtonPress
and event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
pos = self.tree.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
index = self.tree.indexAt(pos)
if not self.tree.isExpanded(index):
return True
return super(MTreeExpandHook, self).eventFilter(self.tree, event)
Usage Example below
import sys
from PySide2 import QtCore,QtGui,QtWidgets
class MTreeExpandHook(QtCore.QObject):
MTreeExpandHook( QTreeView )
def __init__(self, tree):
super(MTreeExpandHook, self).__init__()
# NOTE viewport for click event listen
self.tree = tree
def eventFilter(self, receiver, event):
if (
# NOTE mouse left click
event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.MouseButtonPress
# NOTE keyboard shift press
and event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
# NOTE get mouse local position
pos = self.tree.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
index = self.tree.indexAt(pos)
if not self.tree.isExpanded(index):
# NOTE expand all child
return True
return super(MTreeExpandHook, self).eventFilter(self.tree, event)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
# NOTE create nested data
for i in range(3):
parent = QtGui.QStandardItem('Family {}'.format(i))
for j in range(3):
child = QtGui.QStandardItem('Child {}'.format(i*3+j))
for k in range(3):
sub_child = QtGui.QStandardItem("Sub Child")
for x in range(2):
sub_child_2 = QtGui.QStandardItem("Sub Child 2")
treeView = QtWidgets.QTreeView()
example gif
