How to see the 'http' adress of Git repository in use from RStudio? - r

I have started to use version control in RStudio using GitLab, but now I wish to use GitHub instead. So, I need to move all of my repositories from GitLab to GitHub, as specified e.g. here.
But, for some time, I was using both GitHub and GitLab simulteneously, and developing single project on both repos individually! Quite stupid, but it happens..
Shortly, now I need know, which repo (GitHub or GitLab) is my R studio using? I am looking for some code that will print out the http of the repository in use?
something like repo.print and will return the http associated: or

git config --get remote.origin.url in Terminal or
shell("git config --get remote.origin.url")
in R console / script.


What's the difference between using "devtools::install_github" and cloning a GitHub repository?

I used devtools::install_github... in R to install a repository and also installed the repository by using git clone in terminal. What's the difference between these two routes? So far, I understand that I can then use library(package) in R and will load the package in, whereas when I've cloned the GitHub repository, I don't think the package is immediately available. Can anyone explain the difference between these two methods?
git clone is a general way to check out a local copy of any git repository. It doesn't know about R at all or how R packages work. The devtools::install_github() (which is really just remotes::install_github()) checks out a copy of a repository and then does the extra work of actually building and installing the package so R can use it. Also it removes the local copy of the raw source files after it installs. If you just want to run/use the package, use remotes::install_github(). If you want to edit/contribute to the source code for a package, then use git clone to get the code.
devtools::install_github is an R function that attempts to install a package directly from GitHub repositories (Link to Documentation). This allows to install packages automatically from GitHub. You can specify multiple repositories in a single call to the function like this (Example from the previous link that attempts to install multiple repositories):
install_github(c("rstudio/httpuv", "rstudio/shiny"))
git clone is a console command that clones a git repository, by copying all the files (Link to Documentation). You only can clone one repository by command, and you may need to build and install the package after cloning it. Also, you can clone from hosts different to GitHub, like BitBucket, GitLab, or a custom git server. You can clone a repository like this (Example from the previous link that attempts to clone a repository from a host different to GitHub):
git clone git:// my-linux

Julia: How to set the package Dev path?

I often ]dev Pkg but I want the devved packaged to be stored somewhere other than the default location for convenient access.
I don't want to change the path of the ]add Pkg. This seems to be controlled by the environment parameter DEPOT_PATH.
Is there a way to change only the path for dev Pkg, i.e. the path in which the dev package is stored?
You can set the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR to change where development packages are installed. See the develop docs for more info.
As #crstnbr noted, an alternative is to use the --local option to the pkg> dev command to install a development version of the package in a dev directory within the current project. This could make sense if you're developing your own package MyCode.jl which relies on Example.jl and you need to make a hot fix to Example.jl. Then your Pkg REPL command would look like this:
(MyCode) pkg> dev --local Example
If you would like to make changes to a third-party package and submit those changes as a pull request on Github, there are a few more steps in the process. See this Discourse thread for more details on that process.
Not quite what you're asking for but you can of course always git clone the package to a path of your choice and then dev path/to/the/local/clone/of/the/pkg.
You can even do this from within julia:
using Pkg
Pkg.GitTools.clone("<pkg url>", "<local path>")
Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path="<local path>"))

Nix tutorial on installing in home directory

I am trying to follow this tutorial, in order to install the Nix package manager in my home directory instead of /nix.
I am doing the PRoot installation (see 2. in tutorial). At the end, the
tutorial proposes to be smart in Building native packages section, to be
able to run packages without PRoot:
To run packages natively (without PRoot) they have to be build from source because all paths to the nix store are hard-coded. It is simple, really:
mkdir $HOME/nix
nix-channel --update
env NIX_STORE_DIR=$HOME/nix nix-env -i nix
And now your Nix store gets built up using the new paths. The built binaries can be run directly from there.
I did that, but I don't see how it frees me from PRoot. If I don't do the /nix mounting point with PRoot, nothing works (no nix-env executable,
I can't install new packages).
Should this NIX_STORE_DIR environment variable be put in my .bashrc ?
It seems I always need to run PRoot because ~/.nix-profile points to
a /nix/... directory:
.nix-profile -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
There are more steps in the tutorial (5., 6.) - should I follow them ? It seems they apply only in case of using the manual installation (step 4.),
although it is not explicit.
Any help would be appreciated :)
For anyone stumbling on this old question: there is no currently supported way to install Nix without root. The above wiki was moved to . It may well be out of date. PRoot could work, but even then, rebuilding the whole store at a different path is not a good idea, not the least because the binary caches won't help and you'll need to build everything.
I suggest trying Nix in a virtual machine or cloud server.
Future people from Google, it's still unsupported but does work. Script here that installs a couple dependencies, builds a temporary Nix, and uses that to install a proper version in your directory of choice.

Let atom editor recognize external APIs

I'm trying to set up a python like environment with Atom-editor on a Linux machine.
I find the autocomplete-python package that uses jedi.
In the settings of the package I tried to add some python path where the APIs are (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/) but then the autocompletion doesn't recognize these libraries (for example the PyQt ones)
Am I missing something?
For anybody having the same issue please look here.
Basically everything should work out of the box, but if it does not -- try to configure path to python executable with which you have installed your external module. If it's still fails to complete -- try to configure extra path to python modules. (usually your site-packages directory)

Meteor - Test application using local package over the published one

I'm using Meteor 0.9.3, and I want to try to make some changes to a Meteor smart package. I'm using the package in my app already, let's call it: author:smartpackage.
First, I removed my reference to the published package:
meteor remove author:smartpackage
I've forked the repository on GitHub, and made a local clone in:
I've created a directory in my meteor app:
and created a symlink:
ln -s /somedir/meteor-smartpackage /meteor/myApp/packages/meteor-smartpackage
How do I now add this local package into my app? I've tried a variety of
meteor add xxxx
options, but I can't find the right command. Am I even close?
The steps you described look good to me, so maybe this is the symlink stuff which is messing around.
The proper way of maintaining private packages is to have a packages/ directory somewhere in your filesystem, let's say in ~/meteor/packages, then you have to set a special environment variable that is called PACKAGE_DIRS, which is looked up by the meteor command line tool to find local packages that reside out of official package repositories.
So let's set this environment variable in your .bashrc and resource it :
echo "export PACKAGE_DIRS=$HOME/meteor/packages" >> ~/.bashrc;
. ~/.bashrc
Then assuming your forked package resides in ~/meteor/packages, meteor add author:package should work normally.
Update to saimeunt's answer, for Meteor 1.2+
I found that loading the local package requires leaving out the author when running meteor add.
Loads Local Package
meteor add cocos2d-meteor
Loads Remote Package
meteor add jakelin:cocos2d-meteor
