Nix tutorial on installing in home directory - home-directory

I am trying to follow this tutorial, in order to install the Nix package manager in my home directory instead of /nix.
I am doing the PRoot installation (see 2. in tutorial). At the end, the
tutorial proposes to be smart in Building native packages section, to be
able to run packages without PRoot:
To run packages natively (without PRoot) they have to be build from source because all paths to the nix store are hard-coded. It is simple, really:
mkdir $HOME/nix
nix-channel --update
env NIX_STORE_DIR=$HOME/nix nix-env -i nix
And now your Nix store gets built up using the new paths. The built binaries can be run directly from there.
I did that, but I don't see how it frees me from PRoot. If I don't do the /nix mounting point with PRoot, nothing works (no nix-env executable,
I can't install new packages).
Should this NIX_STORE_DIR environment variable be put in my .bashrc ?
It seems I always need to run PRoot because ~/.nix-profile points to
a /nix/... directory:
.nix-profile -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
There are more steps in the tutorial (5., 6.) - should I follow them ? It seems they apply only in case of using the manual installation (step 4.),
although it is not explicit.
Any help would be appreciated :)

For anyone stumbling on this old question: there is no currently supported way to install Nix without root. The above wiki was moved to . It may well be out of date. PRoot could work, but even then, rebuilding the whole store at a different path is not a good idea, not the least because the binary caches won't help and you'll need to build everything.
I suggest trying Nix in a virtual machine or cloud server.

Future people from Google, it's still unsupported but does work. Script here that installs a couple dependencies, builds a temporary Nix, and uses that to install a proper version in your directory of choice.


Julia: How to set the package Dev path?

I often ]dev Pkg but I want the devved packaged to be stored somewhere other than the default location for convenient access.
I don't want to change the path of the ]add Pkg. This seems to be controlled by the environment parameter DEPOT_PATH.
Is there a way to change only the path for dev Pkg, i.e. the path in which the dev package is stored?
You can set the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR to change where development packages are installed. See the develop docs for more info.
As #crstnbr noted, an alternative is to use the --local option to the pkg> dev command to install a development version of the package in a dev directory within the current project. This could make sense if you're developing your own package MyCode.jl which relies on Example.jl and you need to make a hot fix to Example.jl. Then your Pkg REPL command would look like this:
(MyCode) pkg> dev --local Example
If you would like to make changes to a third-party package and submit those changes as a pull request on Github, there are a few more steps in the process. See this Discourse thread for more details on that process.
Not quite what you're asking for but you can of course always git clone the package to a path of your choice and then dev path/to/the/local/clone/of/the/pkg.
You can even do this from within julia:
using Pkg
Pkg.GitTools.clone("<pkg url>", "<local path>")
Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path="<local path>"))

How to install Atom packages offline or when the atom package manager doesn't work?

I have a computer behind a very restrictive proxy server it only allows me to surf the web and download programs it does not allow programs like the Atom text editor to download it's packages.
My question is how do I install them using only browser based downloads?
It is certainly possible:
Find the package you want to install, for example the activate-power-mode package.
Click on the Repo button to go to the GitHub repository.
Click Releases towards the top of the UI, then click on the most recent release, 0.4.1 in this case.
Download the source code release in either Zip or GZip depending on your platform.
Extract the content of the archive to a known permanent location, I have chosen:
Run the following command from your terminal / command prompt (make sure to include quotes around the path):
apm link "C:\Source\Atom\activate-power-mode-0.4.1"
Restart or Reload Ctrl-Alt-R Atom and the package will now be installed.
You can alternatively extract the package directly to your ~/.atom/packages folder however you will have to rename the folder to exactly match the name of the package, additionally uninstalling the package from Atom will delete the files which could be annoying if it is an accidental deletion.
Because of package dependencies a safest bet is this:
Install package normally on connected computer
Copy contents from your ~/.atom/packages
Paste contents to ~/.atom/packages on offline computer
Restart Atom
At least this worked for me like a charm.
The answer of Richard Slater is informative and the answer of Andriy Buday could look less professional. But, in my case, the answer of Andriy Buday was also very important.
I tried to install two packages atom-beautify and prettier-atom by following the answer of Richard Slater and had some problems of not being able to find some modules. It was not only me who had these problems. Consider checking the following links.
The issue of "cannot find module event-kit"
When I decompressed a file (atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz) I received from GitHub respository, I could find out directories like appveyor, docs, and examples. But I could not find out a directory named node_modules which was present when I installed this package atom-beautify using Atom Editor online.
To check if the absence of directory node_modules is the only problem, I went through the following steps.
Start Atom Editor.
Install atom-beautify using Atom Editor online like the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Close Atom Editor.
Move atom-beautify directory from ~/.atom/packages (that was %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages in my case because I used cmd on Windows 10) to somewhere else.
Decompress atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz and move or copy atom-beautify-0.30.3 directory from this decompressed result into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages as the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Rename directory %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify-0.30.3 to %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify as the answer of Richard Slater suggests.
Move or copy node_modules directory from the directory moved at step 4 into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify.
Start Atom Editor.
I found that no error message appeared and that package atom-beautify worked properly, thus I am thinking that absence of node_modules directory was the only problem of the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz I received from GitHub repository.
I am afraid if it is normal that directory node_modules is not contained in the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz downloaded from GitHub repository because of any rules I do not know yet, like placing directories like node_modules somewhere else. If there really are such rules and somebody tells me about such rules by adding an answer or a comment here, I will appreciate it a lot.
I am not sure if it is same with all other packages, but I found that it was same at least with package prettier-atom.
I wish it helps somebody.
I found why the directory node_modules was not contained in atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
I checked answers of the following link.
How can I manually download packages for atom editor and install them (manually)?
Answer by D3181 included a link to a page of (I could get a helpful answer by Alchiadus from the link) and suggested running apm install in the package's directory. If it is necessary to use a file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz, it is necessary to run apm install in the package's directory before copying or moving into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\package (~/.atom/package in case of *nix) of the offline computer.
Decompress the file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
Go into the directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 of the decompressed result.
Run apm install on an online computer. (If the directory of apm.cmd is not in PATH, run {directory of apm.cmd}\apm.cmd install.)
Rename directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 to the correct name of the package like atom-beautify.
Move directory with the correct name of the package like atom-beautify into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\packages of the offline computer.
Run Atom Editor on the offline computer and check if the package works properly.
It seems normal that the directory node_modules is not included the the compressed file downloaded from GitHub repository.

Does guile have a package manager?

I'd like to discover the guile ecosystem. I looked at how to install a library and I didn't find a package manager, like python's pip. Does such a thing exist for guile ?
Looks like guildhall is the closest thing to pip out there. There has been some discussion on the Guile mailing lists recently around it. The posts by Wingo, Boubekki, Zaretskii, and a few others who are heavily involved with Guile development indicate a push towards making guildhall an upstream source for something called Guix that is a more general package manager intended to be independent of platform.
If you consult the Guix list of packages you will see guile there and a number of other guile related items (e.g. guile-json, guile-ncurses, etc..). I'd give that a shot. Otherwise you're on your own and you'll have to either fall back to the OS package manager or pull down the source yourself, build, and install.
Full disclosure: I haven't tried Guix myself but I've been meaning to. I'd be very interested to see how it turns out for you so if you do go this route it'd be awesome if you could provide an update with your Guix experience.
There's also been a recent call to update the libraries page and from a quick inspection there's been some small number of updates that you may find useful.
#unclejamil This is an update of my attempt to install the guix package manager.
First of all, the links:
the official page:
the download page: (guix-the-system and guix the package manager are listed together)
Installation (Debian)
Guix needs Guile-2.0-dev and more dependencies, which are present in Debian's repositories:
apt-get install guile-2.0-dev guile-2.0 libgcrypt20-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev autopoint
Download guix. See the above links to download a binary. Or get the sources:
git clone git://
The installation goes with a classical ./configure && make && make install.
make will take several minutes and make install needs root access. If you install from source, make will build guile objects of the 346 base packages (python, zsh, abiword,…) so it'll take a long time (the database is included into guix-the-program, so we must do that. You can still tweak this list in the Makefile, at MODULES) .
Note: Your current directory must not contain non ascii characters.
Note: see also this complete tutorial, with the focus on how to install guix locally, i.e. not to run make install:
To install packages with guix, we need a running server.
The first method, for testing purposes, is simply to run the server in a terminal:
sudo guix-daemon
and the client in another one:
guix package -s "guile.*curses" # search with regexps
sudo guix package -i guile-ncurses # install. All start with the "package" command.
For the proper method, see
To be continued.
This answer is a community wiki, feel free to complete it, thanks !
I am building Guix right now and encountered the same error about not finding guile-2.0. I managed to fix it by installing the development files for guile-2.0
sudo apt-get install guile-2.0-dev
I encountered some more errors later on and it just meant I needed to install the development files for it.

Building Brackets Shell (After running the grunt build command)

On windows after running the grunt build command for creating brackets shell it gives done without errors but i dont see any .exe file generated..
What might be the problem???
Here are some possible solutions:
Are you following the full brackets-shell build instructions, including all prerequisites?
Make sure Brackets isn't running at the same time. The build will fail silently if the .exe file is currently in use (see bug).
Try with a fresh git clone of the repo. If your brackets-shell local copy has been around for a while, sometimes the build & deps folders can get in a bad state. (I'm assuming you haven't modified the source at all. If you have, try with an unmodified copy of the source first to make sure it builds correctly without any of your changes).
Check that python --version shows 2.7.x
Verbose build output would also be helpful in diagnosing issues like this, but unfortunately there's not yet an easy way to get that...
If you follow the instructions on bracket-shell's wiki page, the Windows executable should be created in the Release directory.

Compiling haskell module Network on win32/cygwin

I am trying to compile Network.HTTP ( on win32/cygwin. However, it does fail with following message:
Setup.hs: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing (or bad) header file: HsNet.h
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
If the header file does exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configure
with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
Unfortuntely it does not give more clues. The HsNet.h includes sys/uio.h which, actually should not be included, and should be configurered correctly.
Don't use cygwin, instead follow Johan Tibells way
Installing MSYS
Install the latest Haskell Platform. Use the default settings.
Download version 1.0.11 of MSYS. You'll need the following files:
The files are all hosted on as they're quite hard to find in the official MinGW/MSYS repo.
Run MSYS-1.0.11.exe followed by msysDTK-1.0.1.exe. The former asks you if you want to run a normalization step. You can skip that.
Unpack msysCORE-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz into C:\msys\1.0. Note that you can't do that using an MSYS shell, because you can't overwrite the files in use, so make a copy of C:\msys\1.0, unpack it there, and then rename the copy back to C:\msys\1.0.
Add C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\VERSION\mingw\bin to your PATH. This is neccesary if you ever want to build packages that use a configure script, like network, as configure scripts need access to a C compiler.
These steps are what Tibell uses to compile the Network package for win and I have used this myself successfully several times on most of the haskell platform releases.
It is possible to build network on win32/cygwin. And the above steps, though useful (by Jonke) may not be necessary.
While doing the configuration step, specify
runghc Setup.hs configure --configure-option="--build=mingw32"
So that the library is configured for mingw32, else you will get link or "undefined references" if you try to link or use network library.
This combined with #Yogesh Sajanikar's answer made it work for me (on win64/cygwin):
Make sure the gcc on your path is NOT the Mingw/Cygwin one, but the
export PATH="/cygdrive/.../ghc-7.8.2/mingw/bin:$PATH"
before running cabal install network in the Cygwin shell)
