Agular full calendar view events styling - css

I want to Add hover effects on Events of Angular Full-calendar-view(using this version ^5.10.2).
I tried by using eventMouseEnter and eventMouseLeave functions but it's not helping me to add effects on events.
Pic attached to show events on Full calendar.enter image description here

I don't know if you use Jquery, but if yes, you could define your hover style(s) in a class (in my case, .event_hover) and then do something like...
eventDidMount: function(info) {
var $el = $(info.el);
$el.hover(function() {
}, function(){
If you don't use jQuery, you may could do something similar in Javascript, but at the end the key is to modify the eventDidMount event.
Hope it goes right for you.


Is there a way to hook into the Foundation off-canvas close and open even to change the menu-icon

I'm using angular-foundation and trying to find a way to change the off-canvas menu icon when you open/close the menu. Currently I use:
<a class="right-off-canvas-toggle menu-icon"><span></span></a>
I'd like to replace the "menu-icon" with my own class, but I'm not sure how to hook into the close method. I tried adding an ng-click, but that won't fire on the close since an <a> tag is used to overlay the rest of the page for the close function. I figured based on that, using the off canvas would be the best method.
You can do so hooking into the open.fndtn.offcanvas and close.fndtn.offcanvas events, something like this:
$(document).on('open.fndtn.offcanvas', '[data-offcanvas]', function() {
var off_canvas_icon = $(this).find('.right-off-canvas-toggle');
$(document).on('close.fndtn.offcanvas', '[data-offcanvas]', function() {
var off_canvas_icon = $(this).find('.right-off-canvas-toggle');

closing an open div when body / html element is clicked in meteor

so i'm working on a meteor project and am trying to get a drop down menu to close when the user clicks outside of it. i've done this before using jquery and normal html but this time we're using velocity.js and meteor.
so on the link that opens the drop down div, i have this:{
'click #profile-btn': function () {
if (userTog == false) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeIn", { duration: 150 });
userTog = true;
else if (userTog == true) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
userTog = false;
and then i use a meteor package to deal with events on the body as this isnt supported right now..{
'click html': function(e, data, tpl) {
userTog = false;
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
however the above is just not working.. it basically just makes the menu appear then disappear straight away. is it something to do with velocity.js, meteor or am i just doing it plain wrong ?!?
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I just had to make a material design select box, so I feel your pain :-). Here's how I solved it:
Normally, you can only focus an input or an anchor. A trick I stumbled upon is that using tabindex="0" in your element attributes allows it to gain focus, even if it's a div. What's this mean? Well, if you can focus() an element, that means you can blur() it. So, when you click the button for the dropdown, add a line at the end of the event handler like $('.dropdown-menu').focus(). Then, to escape that, just create an event handler like 'blur .dropdown-menu': function() {*..hide..*}. That way, you don't have these ugly global event watchers.
The downside is that you get a glowing blue outline (for accessibility reasons). You can get rid of this by having a line like outline: 0; in your css.
PS, the reason why yours wasn't working is because 'click #profile-btn' bubbles up to the body, so it executes both. To fix it, you need to stop that bubblin via e.stopPropagation();.

show the div when button clicked with css transition in

I have a web application created in In which, I would like to show a div (which is hidden initially) when a button is clicked with a css transition.
Additional Request:
The div that is shown on button click, will have some content added to it dynamically at run time.
How this can be done?
Here is a variation of the script from #geevee which I tend to use a lot, the DIV will slide up or down with a close and open option. Note the 500 is the speed of execution in milliseonds, you can change that to what ever suits you.
if ($('#DIV_ID').css('display') =='none')
$('#BUTTON_ID').html('Show DIV');
$('#BUTTON_ID').html('Hide DIV');
});//end .click
});//end onload
Hope this helps
Plain Javascript:
document.getElementById('BUTTON_ID').addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById('DIV_ID').style.display = 'block';
Alternatively, with jQuery:
$('#BUTTON_ID').click(function(){ $('#DIV_ID').show() });
replace BUTTON_ID and DIV_ID with real element IDs.
if you want the div to be shown with transition, i'd recommend to use jQuery as following:
$('#BUTTON_ID').click(function(){ $('#DIV_ID').fadeIn() });
notice the .fadeIn() method, which can be replaced with .show(), .slideDown() and more. jQuery is fun.
in order to inject dynamic content into the div, do as following:
$('#DIV_ID').html('<b>Hello, dynamic content!</b>');
hope that helps.

What is the 'angular' way of displaying a tooltip / lightbox?

I've been looking around and have not been quite able to get a clear path to the 'angular' way of accomplishing the following. What I'm trying to achieve is displaying a tooltip with information when hovering over a link within an ng-repeat loop. Based on my research, I understood that this is part of the view, and so I should probably handle this in a directive. So, I created an attribute directive called providertooltip. The html declaration is below:
<tr id="r1" ng-repeat="doc in providers">
<a providertooltip href="#{{doc.Id}}" ng-mouseover="mouseOverDoc(doc)" ng-mouseleave="mouseLeave()">{{doc.FirstName}} {{doc.LastName}}</a>
<div id="docViewer" style="display:hidden">
<span>{{currentDoc.FirstName}} {{currentDoc.LastName}}</span>
In the module, I declare my directive, and declare my mouseOver and mouseLeave functions in the directive scope. I also 'emit' an event since this anchor is a child scope of the controller scope for the page. On the controller function (docTable ) which is passed as a controller to a router, I listen for the event. Partial implementation is seen below:
app.directive("providertooltip", function() {
return {
restrict : 'A',
link: function link(scope, element, attrs) {
//hover handler
scope.mouseOverDoc = function(doc){
scope.currentDoc = doc;
scope.mouseLeave = function() {
function docTable(docFactory, $scope, $filter, $routeParams) {
$scope.currentDoc = event.targetScope.currentDoc;
Ok, so here is my question. All of the works as expected; Actually, the tooltip doesn't really work so if someone knows a good tooltip library that easily displays div data, please let me know. But, what I'm really confused about is the binding. I have been able to get the tooltip above to work by setting the title ( default tooltip behavior ), but I can see that the binding has not yet occured the first time I hover of a link. I assume that the onCurrentDocChange is not synchronous, so the binding occurs after the tooltip is displayed. If I hover over another link, I see the previous info because as I mentioned the binding occurs in an asynchronous fashion, i.e., calling scope.$emit('onCurrentDocChange') doesn't mean the the parent scope binds by the time the next line is called which shows the tooltip. I have to imagine that this pattern has to occur often out there. One scope does something which should trigger binding on some other part of the page, not necessarily in the same scope. Can someone validate first that the way I'm sending the data from one scope to the other is a valid? Moreover, how do we wait until something is 'bound' before affecting the view. This would be easier if I let the controller mingle with the view, but that is not correct. So, I need the controller to bind data to the scope, then I need the view to 'display a tooltip' for an element with the data. Comments?
To go the angular way correctly start your directive like:
directive('showonhover',function() {
return {
link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.parent().bind('mouseenter', function() {;
element.parent().bind('mouseleave', function() {
Or start with link to go the angular-way UI. Look into the bootstrap-ui module - pure angular bootstrap widgets implemented as directives. You can get a clue how the tooltip binding implemented directly from the source of the module -
Also here is another example - (having jQuery and bootstrap scripts included) - use the ui-utils module Jquery passthrough directive ui-jq'. It allows to bind Jquery plugins ( style of $.fn ) directly as angular directive.
Here is their example for binding twitter bootstrap tooltip.
<a title="Easiest. Binding. Ever!" ui-jq="tooltip">
Hover over me for static Tooltip</a>
<a data-original-title="{{tooltip}}" ui-jq="tooltip">Fill the input for a dynamic Tooltip:</a>
<input type="text" ng-model="tooltip" placeholder="Tooltip Content">
myModule.value('uiJqConfig', {
// The Tooltip namespace
tooltip: {
// Tooltip options. This object will be used as the defaults
placement: 'right'
Also look into the official angular documentation for writing directives examples,
and have a happy coding time with Angular!

Close button to fullscreen mode in Galleria

If you have used the fullscreen mode in an instance of Galleria you've seen that the only way to close it is by pressing the escape key.
As I like that functionality since it's really practical, for end users it's not that intuitive so I would like to add a close button in the upper right.
I checked the code to find out where to add that button but I couldn't understand it to make it work.
Has someone already made that? I hope I'm not the only one who had that idea.
Thank you for your help!
You add it using the Galleria API:
Galleria.ready(function() {
var gallery = this;
var btn = this.$('exit').hide().text('close').click(function(e) {
this.bind('fullscreen_enter', function() {;
this.bind('fullscreen_exit', function() {
This will place the close text in the upper left corner, you should of course style it with som CSS, f.ex:
