show the div when button clicked with css transition in - css

I have a web application created in In which, I would like to show a div (which is hidden initially) when a button is clicked with a css transition.
Additional Request:
The div that is shown on button click, will have some content added to it dynamically at run time.
How this can be done?

Here is a variation of the script from #geevee which I tend to use a lot, the DIV will slide up or down with a close and open option. Note the 500 is the speed of execution in milliseonds, you can change that to what ever suits you.
if ($('#DIV_ID').css('display') =='none')
$('#BUTTON_ID').html('Show DIV');
$('#BUTTON_ID').html('Hide DIV');
});//end .click
});//end onload
Hope this helps

Plain Javascript:
document.getElementById('BUTTON_ID').addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById('DIV_ID').style.display = 'block';
Alternatively, with jQuery:
$('#BUTTON_ID').click(function(){ $('#DIV_ID').show() });
replace BUTTON_ID and DIV_ID with real element IDs.
if you want the div to be shown with transition, i'd recommend to use jQuery as following:
$('#BUTTON_ID').click(function(){ $('#DIV_ID').fadeIn() });
notice the .fadeIn() method, which can be replaced with .show(), .slideDown() and more. jQuery is fun.
in order to inject dynamic content into the div, do as following:
$('#DIV_ID').html('<b>Hello, dynamic content!</b>');
hope that helps.


Agular full calendar view events styling

I want to Add hover effects on Events of Angular Full-calendar-view(using this version ^5.10.2).
I tried by using eventMouseEnter and eventMouseLeave functions but it's not helping me to add effects on events.
Pic attached to show events on Full calendar.enter image description here
I don't know if you use Jquery, but if yes, you could define your hover style(s) in a class (in my case, .event_hover) and then do something like...
eventDidMount: function(info) {
var $el = $(info.el);
$el.hover(function() {
}, function(){
If you don't use jQuery, you may could do something similar in Javascript, but at the end the key is to modify the eventDidMount event.
Hope it goes right for you.

closing an open div when body / html element is clicked in meteor

so i'm working on a meteor project and am trying to get a drop down menu to close when the user clicks outside of it. i've done this before using jquery and normal html but this time we're using velocity.js and meteor.
so on the link that opens the drop down div, i have this:{
'click #profile-btn': function () {
if (userTog == false) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeIn", { duration: 150 });
userTog = true;
else if (userTog == true) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
userTog = false;
and then i use a meteor package to deal with events on the body as this isnt supported right now..{
'click html': function(e, data, tpl) {
userTog = false;
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
however the above is just not working.. it basically just makes the menu appear then disappear straight away. is it something to do with velocity.js, meteor or am i just doing it plain wrong ?!?
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I just had to make a material design select box, so I feel your pain :-). Here's how I solved it:
Normally, you can only focus an input or an anchor. A trick I stumbled upon is that using tabindex="0" in your element attributes allows it to gain focus, even if it's a div. What's this mean? Well, if you can focus() an element, that means you can blur() it. So, when you click the button for the dropdown, add a line at the end of the event handler like $('.dropdown-menu').focus(). Then, to escape that, just create an event handler like 'blur .dropdown-menu': function() {*..hide..*}. That way, you don't have these ugly global event watchers.
The downside is that you get a glowing blue outline (for accessibility reasons). You can get rid of this by having a line like outline: 0; in your css.
PS, the reason why yours wasn't working is because 'click #profile-btn' bubbles up to the body, so it executes both. To fix it, you need to stop that bubblin via e.stopPropagation();.

Jquery ajax call not working in anchor tag

I have a link which downloads a file on click. I wrote a function on onclick event of that link tag to do some ajax operations when it is clicked.
But the function is not getting called when we click on that link.
However, if i debug the code or place a alert box in that js function, it just works fine. what will be the cause for this?
My code:
<a href="DllLocation.dll" onclick=fntrackdownloads() ></a>
function fntrackdownloads() {
$.get("default.aspx?RT=1", Responsetrackdownloads);
Working code:
function fntrackdownloads() {
$.get("default.aspx?RT=1", Responsetrackdownloads);
Any help will be appreciated.
note: the anchor tag is generated dynamically from code behind and
written to dom. i am unaware of what dll location will come in href
$(document).("click", "a.putaclass", function(e) {
//what to do on the click
var $a=$(this);
$.get(pathtoserver,function(d) {
alert('data received:'+d);
return false; //or e.preventDefault
It's probably because the default anchor behaviour interrupts your AJAX response.
Try to put return false at the end of the function that's called on click and see what happens.
I think you are missing the "quotes" here:
or more in jQuery way:

Simple Jquery Drop-Down Menu works in jsfiddle but not browser (Using Wordpress)

// Wait for the page and all the DOM to be fully loaded
$('body').ready(function() {
// Add the 'hover' event listener to our drop down class
$('.dropdown').hover(function() {
// When the event is triggered, grab the current element 'this' and
if ($(this).find('.sub_navigation').is(":visible")) {
// find it's children '.sub_navigation' and display/hide them
} else {
First of all here is the fiddle //
I am using wordpress to create my site...
(if that matters)
Someone helped me get the drop-down menu to work better.
But ever since I added the new JQuery script the link doesn't even work.
I tried hovering over it but no menu dropped.
When I hover on the fiddle it works.
Why is this?
And how can I fix this?! :(

Display Loading Image before a page gets loaded completely

I want to show a loading image before the content of the whole page is loaded. How to achieve this? I'm working in ASP.NET.
Thank you.
You would need to use Javascript to accomplish this. My preference is jQuery. jQuery has a function that executes when the page is fully loaded, so you could set your main content div to have a css property display:none, and then when the DOM is ready, you could use jQuery to show the content:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#myContent").css("display", "block");
You should initially have the image showing in your HTML, and then hide it when the page loads, like this:
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('loadingImageIDHere').style.display = 'none';
EDIT: The OP tagged this question as 'javascript', NOT 'jquery'!!
My personal preference is to have a loading image displayed on every page in advance and then use jQuery to hide the image once the page has loaded. It's up to you whether you want to use $(document).ready or $(window).load.
// assumes you already have a DIV#preloader container on your page centered with a loading image inside
// of it
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).load(function() {
