Data Merging Different Quotes into Separate Pages Indesign - adobe

I'm trying to create a daily planner. I want to take quotes from an excel sheet and merge it into my indesign project, where the end goal is for each quote to show up in separate page. I was able to data merge individual dates into the planner using data merge. However, using the same method, I am unable to merge the quotes into the planner. It places the first quote from the excel sheet row to all the pages.
Is there a different process for data merging more than one column into Indesign?


Extract table from a PDF with multiple headers (R)

I am trying to get some epidemiological data stored in a pdf that is publicly available
I am just looking at the data in page 9 (right table).
What I would like to achieve is to pass the data into a table, but since I have many headers, it's quite dificult to achieve this. Example: The column SIDA is divided in two further columns (SEM and ACUM). Would it be possible to split the SIDA cell?
So far I have tried to extract the data using pdftools and tabulizer.

Manipulating Data/Data Wrangling of excel sheets in R and changing layout

I have over a hundred files in excel that in general have the same format of :
Screenshot of format
they are all different lengths too!
I want to combine the data of all the different excels sheet into this format:
Desired format
So far my thinking is:
create a new column in every excel sheet that is titled Day
combine day column and Steps column in some kind of join that combines the title of the two columns to say day{1}steps and have the data of where they intersect be the data that goes in that row
Is this the right thought process on how to do that? Any tips on how to get to my end result?

How to load multiple files in R?

I have three files I want to load in. They are all CSV's. I want to load all three files all at once into one combined dataframe. I want to do this so I don't have to go through three lines of loading in the files separately and then an additional line binding them all. I also want to save room in my Global Environment and having three dataframes loaded when I will combine them all into one will just take up room and make things confusing. I can click and view each dataframe separately but they aren't merged like I wanted them to be. How can I load in the files at once and merge them without reading each file one after another?
Use purrr::map_dfr():
files <- purrr::map_dfr(filelist, read.csv)
(All data frames have the same columns as my understanding.)

Load multiple tables from one word sheet and split them by detecting one fully emptied row

So generally what I would like to do is to load a sheet with 4 different tables, and split this one big data into smaller tables using str_detect() to detect one fully blank row that's deviding those tables. After that I want to plug that information into the startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol.
I have tried using this function as followed :
str_detect(my_data, ‘’) but the my_data format is wrong. I’m not sure what step shall I make do prevent this and make it work.
I’m using read_xlsx() to read my dataset

How to read an unstructured excel sheet into R and clean it to be used in Shiny?

Our excel sheet is formatted in a strange manner. Some headers are located in the first row, others are located in either the 2nd,3rd, or 4th row. Beneath the 4th row is the first subset of data we want to generate graphs from, there are multiple subsets as you go down the excel sheet. Each of these subsets is separated by an empty row. The first column is dedicated to the name of the source of the data. For example in the first column and 5th row, there is a label called "communications" and to the right is the data. The rows in the first column under "communications" are empty until the next label. We need to be able to read the separate subsets in shiny to generate individual graphs. How do you recommend we go about this? We are fairly new to R and are lost on where to go.
