Is there a programmatic way to install Qt components? - qt

I see users sharing images of their qt components (example below) so that others can copy their toolchain.
Is there any alternative to sending a photo of these selected components? Eg a manifest file, or an install script?


Is it possible to delete a project from within Qt creator?

I am using Qt Creator 3.3.2 and I wonder if it is possible to completely delete a project from within the Creator. Of course I could use my windows explorer and manually delete the files, but for convenience I would like to do it from the IDE. Is it possible?
The closest I could find is this question, but if I understand it correctly it is about removing the project from Qt Creator while keeping the source files.
No, there is no such feature. You can ask to delete a specific file of your project by right-clicking it in the project explorer, but you can't delete a whole project, you'll have to do it from your OS's file browser.

Is it possible to set icon for a custom file used by my app

I would like to create and app using Qt which will use custom files. The app will be available on Windows, OS X and Linux.
The idea is to have a custom icon for my file type (e.g. when you install Adobe's Master Collection, .as, .fla, .ps, etc. files have they own icons).
As far as I know Qt only helps you with app icon. I did not find any kind of support for this kind of problem.
This seems to be an OS problem. Do I need to create scripts to run on app install? (I will be using Bitrock's install builder to provide installers)
How can I achive this behaviour on all OSs?

Qt - 'Shadow Building'?

I have a simple question - what is Shadow Building? I've seen it in Qt in Target Setup dialog, but don't know what it does or if I should use it.
It's also present in Projects tab, under General group.
Shadow building is a technique used to build different Qt builds of the same version for different platforms/compilers/etc. Your compiled build is in a different directory, separate from the original Qt source directory.
I've created a shadow build for my MSVS2010 compiler. If I wanted to, I could create a new build for MinGW in a different build directory.
See the definition here, and more information about configuring your build here.
Additional information for Mateen's answer.
By default, Qt Creator builds projects in a separate directory from the source directory, as shadow builds. This keeps the files generated for each build and run kit separate. If you only build and run with a single kit, you can deselect the Shadow build checkbox.

Compiled distribution of Qt application for windows

I was successfully able to compile and run my Qt application. However, when I move the .exe file outside its original path, I found out that I have to manually copy the Qt DLLs (e.g. mingw10.dll, qtcore4.dll). Is there any dynamic way to link these libraries with my application?
I think you mean you want to "statically" link these libraries with your application.
Basically this means that everything will be rolled inside your exe, and you will have no need of those dlls anymore.
There are advantages to to static linking, but there are also disadvantages as well. You should be absolutely sure that this is what you want to do before you go this way.
Check out this link which explains the difference in depth Dynamic Linking vs Static Linking
As for your specific issue, if you are sure you want to use static linking you will have to change your Qt setup to be built statically. By default the Qt distribution is setup to use dynamic linking. There is a handy guide for that here.
Basically when you setup the build you have to run "configure -static" to change all the project settings to use static linking instead of dynamic linking. And then build Qt over again.
You should also verify your Qt license. If you are using the Qt LGPL license and you want to to link statically you will have to include all your object files (.o and .obj) as Mihai Limbășan wisely explained in his comment. If you have bought and paid for Qt, then you have no problem.
If the DLLs are on the PATH for the application, then they will be found and work. So, you could add where your Qt binaries/dlls are into the %PATH% environment variable. If you're going to create an installer for your application, you'll need to either package these libraries in so they're in the bin directory - or you'll have to expect every user to install and possibly compile Qt themselves (hint: go with the first option. :) )

How can I create a new Qt localisation for Qt itself?

Our application is localised and I have pulled in all the standard Qt_*.qm files as well so that my Qt dialogs are translated as much as possible.
However one of our distributors wants to add the Danish translation and its not in the standard Qt translation files.
How can I get Qt to create the file so I can send it off for translation?
There is some information about translation of Qt itself:
it's said that templates for qt translation (*.ts files) should be in the ${QTDIR}/translations directory. I can't see them in my Qt4 installation from official Ubuntu repository but I think they should be included in distributions provided by Nokia on official download page.
Idea how to generate new empty *.ts file for qt itself can be found in translations/translations.pri directory of qt sources. For Qt 4.6.3 it will be
lupdate -locations relative -no-ui-lines -I../include -I../include/Qt corelib gui-ts ../qt_my.ts
