I have an sdk of yocto for a board and I want to install Pyinstaller on my linux.
according to this Question : Pyinstaller recipe I try to build pyinstaller with
devtool add pyinstaller <recipe Address>
devtool build pyinstaller
devtool package pyinstaller
and it built without Error but in tmp/deploy/ipk directory I have only two package related to pyinstaller named: pyinstaller-dev-<ver>.ipk and pyinstaller-dbg-<ver>.ipk
there is no main pyinstaller.ipk ipk package !
I have this problem with other recipe too!
what is my wrong in working with devtool or yocto recipe ?
I need openmdao on windows 8 to run an aerostructutal optimization code that uses it but I’m having issues in the installation process. I installed numpy and scipy through pip in the cmd and then also openmdao using pip install openmdao but when I try to run a .py with copied inside the code at the bottom of this page, I get an error about “Component” not being found to import. What am I doing wrong ?
Some codes are written for a specific version of OpenMDAO. If you are using OpenAeroStruct, it requires OpenMDAO 1.7.4, not OpenMDAO 2.2.x.
To obtain the correct version, you would need to use the command pip install openmdao==1.7.4 or to download and install the source directly from here: https://github.com/OpenMDAO/openmdao1, following the instructions on the README, not on readthedocs.
I am trying to create a deb package for my qt project to install on my sama5d3. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. have managed to create it for armhf. but when I try to install it on the board it fail with "incompatible architecture".
so I search for the architecture and find it is armv7ahf-vfp. how can I build a package for that architecture?
ok I found how to build for armv7ahf-vfp.. just run the poky environment setup script :
source /environment-setup-cortexa5t2hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi
So I have been following the instructions here and I can't seem to figure out why XGBoost will not install correctly for R. I ran the appropriate command in the R Console only to still get:
./dmlc-core/include/dmlc/omp.h:13:9: warning: Warning: OpenMP is not available,
project will be compiled into single-thread code. Use OpenMP-enabled compiler to get benefit of multi-threading. [-W#pragma-messages]
The command that I have been running in the R console is:
install.packages("drat", repos="https://cran.rstudio.com")
install.packages("xgboost", repos="http://dmlc.ml/drat/", type = "source")
Does anyone have updated instructions on how to download XGBoost? I have gcc 7 by the way.
Install Homebrew.
Open a new terminal
brew install gcc --without-multilib
The installation instructions at http://mxnet.io/get_started/ubuntu_setup.html tell to run the .sh file after cd into an appropriate directory but it throws following error:
avijit#avijit-Inspiron-3521:~/mxnet/setup-utils$ bash install-mxnet-ubuntu-r.sh
MXNet root folder: /home/avijit/mxnet/
Building MXNet core. This can take few minutes...
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
It seems to have some additional steps prior to it, BUT are ommitted from the installation steps in the link. What's is the issue?
NOTE: I'm following "Quick Installation" at http://mxnet.io/get_started/ubuntu_setup.html#install-mxnet-for-r and NOT building it from source.
Could you try run cp make/config.mk . before you run
cd ~/mxnet/setup-utils
bash install-mxnet-ubuntu-r.sh?
It is because of missing the config.mk in the $MXNET_HOME.
Up until Anaconda3 (which contains Python 3.4) was re-installed on my RedHat 6.5 workstation, I have been able to develop Python apps that use PyQT5.
Post re-install of Anaconda I receive an error message:
....could not find or load Qt platform plugin xcb
The only difference between Anaconda installs is the folder name: /usr/local/ananaconda3 vs /usr/local/anaconda_py3
I checked libqxcb.so has no missing dependencies.
I rebuilt PyQT5.
I tried explicitly adding location of site-packages of PyQT5:
import site
Any other suggestions?
How does re-installing Python impact the use of PyQT5?
This is an error caused by having two different versions of Qt under the same installation/environment.
Check the packages installed and their versions in your environment (if for some reason you're not working in a virtual environment, you can skip the first line):
source activate yourenvname
conda list
If you see pyqt and qt both with version 4.X.X then remove them (assuming you want to work in Qt v5):
conda remove qt
conda remove pyqt
I had an issue that seems to match what happened here.
But in my case the solution was to "sudo rm -rf user/anaconda3" and reinstall it with "bash anaconda....sh", because I had previously installed it using sudo ("sudo bash anaconda....sh")