Sample conditional distribution for three variables - r

I would like to create a setup where the dependent variable y and two explanatory variables x and z with specified conditional correlations r_yxand r_zx and r_yz that I can vary myself.
r_yx <- 0.9
r_zx <- -0.5
r_yz <- 0.9
n <- 10000
x <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
y <- r_yx*x + rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
Question 1: How can I now create x so that it the correlation with y is r_yx = .9 and the correlation with z = -.5?
Question 2: Also checking cor(y,x) shows that it is not that close to 0.9. How can I set it correctly?

It's difficult to generate random samples that have an exact correlation, but you can get pretty close. For positive correlations with x, just add some noise to x. The better you want the correlation, the smaller you make the sd.
We can get fairly close to 0.9 and -0.5 like this
n <- 10000
x <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
y <- x + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 0.5)
z <- -x + rnorm(n, 0, 1.75)
cor(x, y)
#> [1] 0.8986359
cor(x, z)
#> [1] -0.4983418
However, you cannot independently change the correlation of y to z if you have already fixed their correlation to x. In the extreme case, if y's correlation with x was 1, then y would be identical to x, and would therefore have to have the same correlation to z as x did.
Created on 2022-06-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


Simulating correlated binary outcome in R

I want to derive the dependent variable Y as highly correlated with the first 5 variables of the X independent variable matrix. Also, I want to edit 1 class to be 60% and 0 class to be 40%. How do I provide this? (Correlation status is more important to me than 60%-40%)
# Data gen
pr <- seq(0.7, 0.4, length.out = p)
pr[1] <- 1
covmat <- toeplitz(pr)
mu= rep(0,p)
X_ <- data.frame(mvrnorm(n, mu = mu, Sigma = covmat))
X <- unname(as.matrix(X_))
vCoef = rnorm(ncol(X))
vProb =exp(X%*%vCoef)/(1+exp(X%*%vCoef))
Y <- rbinom(nrow(X), 1, vProb)
mydata= data.frame(cbind(X,Y))

Generate uncorrelated variables each well correlated with existing response variable

I want to generate two uncorrelated random variables (x1,x2) that show specified Pearson correlations with an existing variable y, e.g:
So, I have continuous values, normally distributed, for y (using spatial interpolation technique) and now i want to generate simulated continuous values (e.g. Normal distribution) for two explanatory variables x1 and x2 using the correlation coefficients pointed above.
I tried mvrnorm (MASS) and copula R packages, but i did not find the way to do what i want.
If one can help me getting there i will appreciate a lot. Kind regards.
The mvrnorm function in the MASS package should be able to do this (the copula package as well, I am just less familiar with it).
What did you try and how did the results differ from what you expected?
Here is a quick mvrnorm example:
> ?MASS::mvrnorm
> library(MASS)
> r <- cbind( c(1, 0.4, 0.3),
+ c(0.4, 1, 0.03),
+ c(0.3, 0.03, 1))
> xy <- mvrnorm(n=100, mu=c(0,0,0), Sigma=r, empirical=TRUE )
> colnames(xy) <- c('y','x1','x2')
> cor(xy)
y x1 x2
y 1.0 0.40 0.30
x1 0.4 1.00 0.03
x2 0.3 0.03 1.00
Here is one way with an existing y variable:
y <- rnorm(100) # existing y
# generate x1 and x2, make sure y is first column
xy <- cbind( y, x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100))
# center and scale
mns <- apply(xy, 2, mean)
sds <- apply(xy, 2, sd)
xy2 <- sweep(xy, 2, mns, FUN="-")
xy2 <- sweep(xy2, 2, sds, FUN="/")
# find existing correlations
v.obs <- cor(xy2)
# remove correlation
xy3 <- xy2 %*% solve(chol(v.obs))
# check
# new correlation
r <- cbind( c(1, 0.4, 0.3),
c(0.4, 1, 0.03),
c(0.3, 0.03, 1))
xy4 <- xy3 %*% chol(r)
# undo center and scale
xy4 <- sweep(xy4, 2, sds, FUN="*")
xy4 <- sweep(xy4, 2, mns, FUN="+")
all.equal(y, xy[,1])
The mvrnorm function uses svd and Eigen values instead of chol. You could also follow that code using your own y instead of random values for that part of the matrix.

How to calculate multivariate normal distribution function in R

Here's what I tried, making use of the mvtnorm package
Sample Dataset
df <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(1000, mean=80, sd=20),
y = rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=5),
z = rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=5)
x y z
1 70.38 1.307 0.2005
2 59.76 5.781 -3.5095
3 54.14 -1.313 -1.9022
4 79.91 7.754 -6.2076
5 87.07 1.389 1.1065
6 75.89 1.684 6.2979
Fit multivariate normal dist and check P(x <= 80) ~ 0.5
# Get the dimension means and correlation matrix
means <- c(x=mean(df$x), y=mean(df$y), z=mean(df$z))
corr <- cor(df)
# Check P(x <= 80)
sum(df$x <= 80)/nrow(df) # 0.498
pmvnorm(lower=-Inf, upper=c(80, Inf, Inf), mean=means, corr=corr) # 0.8232
Why is the fitted result 0.82? Where did I go wrong?
First, you don't need to simulate anything to study the pmvnorm function:
pmvnorm(lower=rep(-Inf, 3), upper=c(80, Inf, Inf), mean=c(80,0,0), corr=diag(rep(1,3)))
The result is 0.5, as you expected.
Your means vector is approximately (79, 0, 0), so let's try it:
pmvnorm(lower=rep(-Inf, 3), upper=c(80, Inf, Inf), mean=c(79,0,0), corr=diag(rep(1,3)))
The result now is 0.8413447. There's nothing the matter. By specifying only the correlation matrix, you told the software to assume that all variances were unity. In your simulation, the variances were 400, 25, and 25: very different from what you specified in the arguments!
The correct calculation uses the covariance matrix of the data, not its correlation matrix:
pmvnorm(lower=rep(-Inf, 3), upper=c(80, Inf, Inf), mean=means, sigma=cov(df))
The result is 0.5178412, quite in keeping with the data.

Estimating the Standard Deviation of a ratio using Taylor expansion

I am interested to build a R function that I can use to test the limits of the Taylor series approximation. I am aware that there is limits to what I am doing, but it's exactly those limits I wish to investigate.
I have two normally distributed random variables x and y. x has a mean of 7 and a standard deviation (sd) of 1. y has a mean of 5 and a sd of 4.
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
I know how to estimate the mean ratio of y/x, like this
# E(y/x) = E(y)/E(x) - Cov(y,x)/E(x)^2 + Var(x)*E(y)/E(x)^3
me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
[1] 1.328125
I am however stuck on how to estimate the Standard Deviation of the ratio? I realize I have to use a Taylor expansion, but not how to use it.
Doing a simple simulation I get
x <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 4, sd = 1); y <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 5, sd = 4)
[1] 2.027593
There is an analytical expression for the PDF of the ratio of two gaussians, done
by David Hinkley (e.g. see Wikipedia). So we could compute all momentums, means etc. I typed it and apparently it clearly doesn't have finite second momentum, thus it doesn't have finite standard deviation. Note, I've denoted your Y gaussian as my X, and your X as my Y (formulas assume X/Y). I've got mean value of ratio pretty close to the what you've got from simulation, but last integral is infinite, sorry. You could sample more and more values, but from sampling is growing as well, as noted by #G.Grothendieck
m.x <- 5; s.x <- 4
m.y <- 4; s.y <- 1
a <- function(x) {
sqrt( (x/s.x)^2 + (1.0/s.y)^2 )
b <- function(x) {
(m.x*x)/s.x^2 + m.y/s.y^2
c <- (m.x/s.x)^2 + (m.y/s.y)^2
d <- function(x) {
u <- b(x)^2 - c*a(x)^2
l <- 2.0*a(x)^2
exp( u / l )
# PDF for the ratio of the two different gaussians
PDF <- function(x) {
r <- b(x)/a(x)
q <- pnorm(r) - pnorm(-r)
(r*d(x)/a(x)^2) * (1.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi)*s.x*s.y)) * q + exp(-0.5*c)/(pi*s.x*s.y*a(x)^2)
# normalization
nn <- integrate(PDF, -Inf, Inf)
nn <- nn[["value"]]
# plot PDF
p <- ggplot(data = data.frame(x = 0), mapping = aes(x = x))
p <- p + stat_function(fun = function(x) PDF(x)/nn) + xlim(-2.0, 6.0)
# first momentum
m1 <- integrate(function(x) x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
m1 <- m1[["value"]]
# mean
# some sampling
n <- 10^7L
x <- rnorm(n, mean = m.x, sd = s.x); y <- rnorm(n, mean = m.y, sd = s.y)
# second momentum - Infinite!
m2 <- integrate(function(x) x*x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
Thus, it is impossible to test any Taylor expansion for
With the cautions suggested by #G.Grothendieck in mind: a useful mnemonic for products and quotients of independent X and Y variables is
CV^2(X/Y) = CV^2(X*Y) = CV^2(X) + CV^2(Y)
where CV is the coefficient of variation (sd(X)/mean(X)), so CV^2 is Var/mean^2. In other words
Var(Y/X)/(m(Y/X))^2 = Var(X)/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)/m(Y)^2
or rearranging
sd(Y/X) = sqrt[ Var(X)*m(Y/X)^2/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)*m(Y/X)^2/m(Y)^2 ]
For random variables with the mean well away from zero, this is a reasonable approximation.
y <- rnorm(1000,mean=5)
x <- rnorm(1000,mean=10)
myx <- mean(y/x)
sqrt(var(x)*myx^2/mean(x)^2 + var(y)*myx^2/mean(y)^2) ## 0.110412
sd(y/x) ## 0.1122373
Using your example is considerably worse because the CV of Y is close to 1 -- I initially thought it looked OK, but now I see that it's biased as well as not capturing the variability very well (I'm also plugging in the expected values of the mean and SD rather than their simulated values, but for such a large sample that should be a minor part of the error.)
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
myx <- me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
x <- rnorm(1e4,me.x,sd.x); y <- rnorm(1e4,me.y,sd.y)
sdyx <- sqrt(sd.x^2*myx^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*myx^2/me.y^2)
## 1.113172 1.197855
rvals <- replicate(1000,
min(rvals) ## 1.182698
All the canned delta-method approaches to computing the variance of Y/X use the point estimate for Y/X (i.e. m(Y/X) = mY/mX), rather than the second-order approximation you used above. Constructing higher-order forms for both the mean and the variance should be straightforward if possibly tedious (a computer algebra system might help ...)
mvec <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
V <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
car::deltaMethod(mvec, "y/x", V)
## Estimate SE
## y/x 1.25 1.047691
sqrt(deltavar(y/x,meanval=mvec,Sigma=V)) ## 1.047691
sqrt(sd.x^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.y^2) ## 1.047691
For what it's worth, I took the code in #SeverinPappadeux's answer and made it into a function gratio(mx,my,sx,sy). For the Cauchy case (gratio(0,0,1,1)) it gets confused and reports a mean of 0 (which should be NA/divergent) but correctly reports the variance/std dev as divergent. For the parameters specified by the OP (gratio(5,4,4,1)) it gives mean=1.352176, sd=NA as above. For the first parameters I tried above (gratio(10,5,1,1)) it gives mean=0.5051581, sd=0.1141726.
These numerical experiments strongly suggest to me that the ratio of Gaussians sometimes has a well-defined variance, but I don't know when (time for another question on Math StackOverflow or CrossValidated?)
Such approximations are unlikely to be useful since the distribution may not have a finite standard deviation. Look at how unstable it is:
n <- 10^6
X <- rnorm(n, me.x, sd.x)
Y <- rnorm(n, me.y, sd.y)
sd(head(Y/X, 10^3))
## [1] 1.151261
sd(head(Y/X, 10^4))
## [1] 1.298028
sd(head(Y/X, 10^5))
## [1] 1.527188
## [1] 1.863168
Contrast that with what happens when we try the same thing with a normal random variable:
sd(head(Y, 10^3))
## [1] 3.928038
sd(head(Y, 10^4))
## [1] 3.986802
sd(head(Y, 10^5))
## [1] 3.984113
## [1] 3.999024
Note: If you were in a different situation, e.g. the denominator has compact support, then you could do this:
m <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
v <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
deltaMethod(m, "y/x", v)

Random draws from an ANOVA-like design with given population effect sizes

Let's say that you have a normally distributed variable y with a 3-group categorical predictor x that has the orthogonal contrasts c1 and c2. I am trying to create a program in R that, given x, c1, and c2, creates y such that c1 and c2 have effect sizes r1 and r2 specified by the user.
For example, let's say that x, c1, c2, r1, and r2 were created like the following:
x <- factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3), 100))
contrasts(x) <- matrix(c(0, -.5, .5, -2/3, 1/3, 1/3),
nrow = 3, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("1", "2", "3"), c("c1", "c2")))
c1 c2
1 0.0 -0.6666667
2 -0.5 0.3333333
3 0.5 0.3333333
r1 <- .09
r2 <- 0
I would like the program to create y such that the variance in y accounted for by c1 equals r1 (.09) and the variance in y accounted for by c2 equals r2 (0).
Does anybody know how I might go about this? I know that I should be using the rnorm function, but I'm stuck on which population means / sds rnorm should use when it does its sampling.
Courtesy of some generous advice from my colleagues, I now have one function that creates simulated data given a specified number of groups, a set of contrasts, a set of regression coefficients, a specified N per cell, and a specified within-group variance
sim.factor <- function(levels, contr, beta, perCell, errorVar){
# Build design matrix X
X <- cbind(rep(1,levels*perCell), kronecker(contr, rep(1,perCell)))
# Generate y
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(levels*perCell, sd=sqrt(errorVar))
# Build and return data frame
dat <-, X[,-1])
names(dat)[-1] <- colnames(contr)
I also wrote a function that, given a set of regression coefficients, N per cell, number of groups, set of orthogonal contrasts, desired delta-R^2 for a contrast of interest, returns the required within-group variance:
ws.var <- function(levels, contr, beta, perCell, dc){
# Build design matrix X
X <- cbind(rep(1,levels), contr)
# Generate the expected means
means <- X %*% beta
# Find the sum of squares due to each contrast
var <- (t(means) %*% contr)^2 / apply(contr^2 / perCell, 2, sum)
# Calculate the within-conditions sum of squares
wvar <- var[1] / dc - sum(var)
# Convert the sum of squares to variance
errorVar <- wvar / (3 * (perCell - 1))
After doing some testing as follows, the functions seem to generate the desired delta R^2 for contrast c1.
contr <- contr.helmert(3)
colnames(contr) <- c("c1","c2")
beta <- c(0, 1, 0)
perCell <- 50
levels = 3
dc <- .08
N <- 1000
# Calculate the error variance
errorVar <- ws.var(levels, contr, beta, perCell, dc)
# To store delta R^2 values
d1 <- vector("numeric", length = N)
# Use the functions
for(i in 1:N)
d <- sim.factor(levels=3,
d1[i] <- lm.sumSquares(lm(y ~ c1 + c2, data = d))[1, 2] # From the lmSupport package
m <- round(mean(d1), digits = 3)
bmp("Testing simulation functions.bmp")
hist(d1, xlab = "Percentage of variance due to c1", main = "")
text(.18, 180, labels = paste("Mean =", m))
