Save an Image with a new file name [ImageSharp] - .net-core

I have upgraded my project from .net framework to .net 6 (core). In my project, there are many places where Bitmap is used. I have read in the microsoft documentations that System.Drawing.Common will only support the Windows platform and even after adding the EnableUnixSupport configuration, it will not be supported in net7.So, now I am using ImageSharp.Web. I have the scenario where I save a file as Image (the format is .tiff) then I read from that path as bitmap and save as PNG ( due to some business rule)
Following is the line of code I am trying change:
Bitmap.FromFile(completePath).Save(pngPath, ImageFormat.Png);
This is the code I have converted into. The only issue is how to save as a new file name as the Tiff file has tiff in the file name.
string extension = _GetExtension(img.ContentType);
if (extension == Constants.TiffExtension)
fileName = fileName.Replace(Constants.TiffExtension, "PNG");
using (var outputStream = new FileStream(completePath, FileMode.CreateNew))
var image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(completePath);
image.SaveAsync(outputStream, new PngEncoder()); //how to save new file name?

You can use the image.Save(fileName); overload to save a image to a file. The file name overload that takes just a path will automatically choose the correct encoder based on the file extension.

I was using the ImageSharp.Web package while the one I needed was the basic ImageSharp package. Special thanks to #James South for correcting me and #tocsoft for the guidance.
I have fixed it by the following code which is working:
if (extension == Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension)
using (SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(completePath))
string pngPath = completePath.Replace(Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension, Conversion.DefaultExtension);
fileName = fileName.Replace(Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension, Conversion.DefaultExtension);


XBIM - IFC to Wexbim File Conversion Problem

I am trying to integrate XBIM Web UI in to our application.
We have IFC files in the local file system.
We convert these IFC files to WexBIM format to display them in the browser (via XBIM Web UI).
As far as I see XBIMv4 supports IFC versions 2x3 and 4.
But in my case, conversion works correctly with IFC4 files but not with IFC2x3 files.
There is no exception or error message during the process and one WexBIM file created after the conversion.
But the result wexBIM file is only 1KB.
And nothing is displayed on the browser if we load that wexBIM file to the browser.
Here is the code that I am using to perform the IFC -> WexBIM conversion.
using (var model = GetModel(originalIFCFilePhysicalPath, wexbimDestFolderPath, ref ifcFileName))
if (model == null)
Logger.Error("No ifc model to process");
return GenericRequestResultCode.NotFound;
var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(model);
using (var wexBiMfile = new FileStream(wexbimFilePhysicalPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
using (var wexBimBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(wexBiMfile))
I am using .net 6 and XBIM.Geometry v5.1.437 in this example.
Any ideas about the problem?

What is the path of the Json file in Android at Xamarin.Forms?

I am developing an application for Android using Xamarin.
I have created a JsonData folder in the Android project and created a Setting.json file.
In the properties, we set the Copy when new.
The following folders in the local environment contain the files.
I want to load this file in the actual Android device.
When I do this, it tells me that the file is missing.
Could not find a part of the path "/JsonData/Setting.json."
var text = File.ReadAllText("JsonData/Setting.json", Encoding.UTF8);
var setting = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Setting>(text);
catch(Exception exception)
var error = exception.Message;
What is the path of the file in Android?
I think you're using File Handling in Xamarin.Forms incorrectly.
From the parameter of function File.ReadAllText, the app will access the file system to getSetting.json from folder JsonData in your android device.
The path of the file on each platform can be determined from a .NET Standard library by using a value of the Environment.SpecialFolder enumeration as the first argument to the Environment.GetFolderPath method. This can then be combined with a filename with the Path.Combine method:
string fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "temp.txt");
And you can read the file by code:
string text = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
In addition, from your code,I guess you want to Load your Embedded file( Setting.json) as Resources,right?
In this case,we should make sure the Build Action of your Setting.json is Embedded Resource.
And GetManifestResourceStream is used to access the embedded file using its Resource ID.
You can refer to the following code:
var assembly = IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(typeof(LoadResourceText)).Assembly;
Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("YourAppName.JsonData.Setting.json");
string text = "";
using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader (stream))
text = reader.ReadToEnd ();
For more , you can check document : File Handling in Xamarin.Forms.
And you can also check the sample code here: .

Xamarin - CachedImage - Access the downloaded file

I am using the CachedImage component of ffimageloading. I have a kind of gallery with a carousel view.
All the images are loaded through an internet URL, they are not local images. I would like to add the image sharing function. But I don't want to download the file again, I would like to know if there is a way to access the file that the CachedImage component already downloaded to be able to reuse it in the share function.
try using MD5Helper
var path = ImageService.Instance.Config.MD5Helper.MD5("https://yourfileUrlOrKey")'
Thanks Jason
I share with you how part of my code is:
var key = ImageService.Instance.Config.MD5Helper.MD5("https://yourfileUrlOrKey");
var imagePath = await ImageService.Instance.Config.DiskCache.GetFilePathAsync(key);
var tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "test.jpg");
if (File.Exists(tempFile))
File.Copy(imagePath, tempFile);
await Share.RequestAsync(new ShareFileRequest
Title = "Test",
File = new ShareFile(tempFile)
The temporary file I believe, since the cached file has no extension and the applications do not recognize the type.

Returning Multiple Files from MVC Action

So I've got an MVC 3 application that has a couple places where a text file gets generated and returned in an action using:
return File(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(someString),
"text/plain", "Filename.extension");
and this works fabulously. Now i've got a situation where I'm trying to return a pair of files in a similar fashion. On the view, i have an action link like "Click here to get those 2 files" and i'd like both files to be downloaded much like the single file is downloaded in the above code snippet.
How can I achieve this? Been searching around quite a bit and haven't even seen this question posed anywhere...
Building on Yogendra Singh's idea and using DotNetZip:
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var zip = new ZipFile())
zip.AddEntry("file1.txt", "content1");
zip.AddEntry("file2.txt", "content2");
outputStream.Position = 0;
return File(outputStream, "application/zip", "");
Update 2019/04/10:
As #Alex pointed out, zipping is supported natively since .NET Framework 4.5, from JitBit and others:
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
var file1 = archive.CreateEntry("file1.txt");
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(file1.Open()))
var file2 = archive.CreateEntry("file2.txt");
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(file2.Open()))
return File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "application/zip", "")
Sorry for bumping an old question but...
Another alternative would be to initiate multiple file downloads using JavaScript, and serve files in two different Action Methods on ASP.NET's side.
You're saying you have a link:
On the view, i have an action link like "Click here to get those 2
So make this link like this:
Click to get 2 files
<script src="download.js"></script>
I'm using download.js script found here but you can find plenty of different other options, see this SO question: starting file download with JavaScript for example
I would advice to create a zip file to include both the files using steps(ALGORITHM):
Create a Zip file and add the desired files into the zip
Return the zip file having all desired files from the action
Java Syntax (Just for understanding)
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("");
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos));
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("Filename1.extension"+));
//write data in FileName1.extension
zos.write(contentBuffer1, 0, len);
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("Filename2.extension"));
//write data in FileName2.extension
zos.write(contentBuffer2, 0, len);
//write other files.....
Once zip file is created, return the newly created zip file to download.
return File("");
.DOT Net Equivalent using DotNetZip
var os = new MemoryStream();
using (var zip = new ZipFile())
//write the first file into the zip
zip.AddEntry("file1.txt", "content1");
//write the second file into the zip
zip.AddEntry("file2.txt", "content2");
//write other files.....
outputStream.Position = 0;
return File(outputStream, "application/zip", "");
Hope this helps!
Look at this SO solution: MVC Streaming Zip File
The advantage of this solution is that it streams the file to the client.
I just implemented this solution a couple of days ago and it worked fantastic.

PDFizer: how to inset picture in generated pdf document?

i'm using PDFizer library for .NET from here - PDFizer
and i need help... how i can convert all html document(including pictures stored in it) to PDF with this library? Now i can only generate pdf without images...
After some testing, this is what you need to do:
Create a Folder in which you will have all of your Images.
If you already have an instance of Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter change the ImagePath Attribute to point to the folder where your images reside.
Include the <img> tags in your html code.
Make sure the images are in the folder.
Note: I tried adding Png files and got a conversion error. Here is an example I took from the site you provided, plus my modifications:
System.Text.StringBuilder sbHtml = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sbHtml.Append("<font size='14'>My Document Title Line</font>");
sbHtml.Append("<img src='trollface.jpg' />");
sbHtml.Append("<br />");
sbHtml.Append("This is my document text");
//create file stream to PDF file to write to
using (System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.FileStream
(sPathToWritePdfTo, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
// create new instance of Pdfizer
Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdf = new Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter();
// open stream to write Pdf to to
htmlToPdf.ImagePath = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl("~/Images"));
// write the HTML to the component
// close the write operation and complete the PDF file
Good luck!
