PDFizer: how to inset picture in generated pdf document? - asp.net

i'm using PDFizer library for .NET from here - PDFizer
and i need help... how i can convert all html document(including pictures stored in it) to PDF with this library? Now i can only generate pdf without images...

After some testing, this is what you need to do:
Create a Folder in which you will have all of your Images.
If you already have an instance of Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter change the ImagePath Attribute to point to the folder where your images reside.
Include the <img> tags in your html code.
Make sure the images are in the folder.
Note: I tried adding Png files and got a conversion error. Here is an example I took from the site you provided, plus my modifications:
System.Text.StringBuilder sbHtml = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sbHtml.Append("<font size='14'>My Document Title Line</font>");
sbHtml.Append("<img src='trollface.jpg' />");
sbHtml.Append("<br />");
sbHtml.Append("This is my document text");
//create file stream to PDF file to write to
using (System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.FileStream
(sPathToWritePdfTo, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
// create new instance of Pdfizer
Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdf = new Pdfizer.HtmlToPdfConverter();
// open stream to write Pdf to to
htmlToPdf.ImagePath = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl("~/Images"));
// write the HTML to the component
// close the write operation and complete the PDF file
Good luck!


Save an Image with a new file name [ImageSharp]

I have upgraded my project from .net framework to .net 6 (core). In my project, there are many places where Bitmap is used. I have read in the microsoft documentations that System.Drawing.Common will only support the Windows platform and even after adding the EnableUnixSupport configuration, it will not be supported in net7.So, now I am using ImageSharp.Web. I have the scenario where I save a file as Image (the format is .tiff) then I read from that path as bitmap and save as PNG ( due to some business rule)
Following is the line of code I am trying change:
Bitmap.FromFile(completePath).Save(pngPath, ImageFormat.Png);
This is the code I have converted into. The only issue is how to save as a new file name as the Tiff file has tiff in the file name.
string extension = _GetExtension(img.ContentType);
if (extension == Constants.TiffExtension)
fileName = fileName.Replace(Constants.TiffExtension, "PNG");
using (var outputStream = new FileStream(completePath, FileMode.CreateNew))
var image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(completePath);
image.SaveAsync(outputStream, new PngEncoder()); //how to save new file name?
You can use the image.Save(fileName); overload to save a image to a file. The file name overload that takes just a path will automatically choose the correct encoder based on the file extension.
I was using the ImageSharp.Web package while the one I needed was the basic ImageSharp package. Special thanks to #James South for correcting me and #tocsoft for the guidance.
I have fixed it by the following code which is working:
if (extension == Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension)
using (SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(completePath))
string pngPath = completePath.Replace(Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension, Conversion.DefaultExtension);
fileName = fileName.Replace(Constants.Conversion.TiffExtension, Conversion.DefaultExtension);

Xamarin - CachedImage - Access the downloaded file

I am using the CachedImage component of ffimageloading. I have a kind of gallery with a carousel view.
All the images are loaded through an internet URL, they are not local images. I would like to add the image sharing function. But I don't want to download the file again, I would like to know if there is a way to access the file that the CachedImage component already downloaded to be able to reuse it in the share function.
try using MD5Helper
var path = ImageService.Instance.Config.MD5Helper.MD5("https://yourfileUrlOrKey")'
Thanks Jason
I share with you how part of my code is:
var key = ImageService.Instance.Config.MD5Helper.MD5("https://yourfileUrlOrKey");
var imagePath = await ImageService.Instance.Config.DiskCache.GetFilePathAsync(key);
var tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "test.jpg");
if (File.Exists(tempFile))
File.Copy(imagePath, tempFile);
await Share.RequestAsync(new ShareFileRequest
Title = "Test",
File = new ShareFile(tempFile)
The temporary file I believe, since the cached file has no extension and the applications do not recognize the type.

NetSuite Advanced PDF Dynamically Created in Script - Cannot Set <img> tag

I am dynamically creating an Advanced PDF in script. I've created an XML string that I am then passing to NetSuite's XML to PDF API; nlapiXMLToPDF(xmlString).
I've added saved searches, tables, styling, and the xml string is parsing correctly.
I cannot add a logo in an tag as I'm not sure how to drill into the file cabinet and store the 'src' of the image.
Has anyone had experience dynamically creating Advanced PDFs in NetSuite and pulling in the logo in a script?
Are you trying to include an image from the file cabinet? If you have the internal ID of the file in the variable fileID, then you can use the following code:
var imageURL = nlapiLoadFile(fileID).getURL();
imageURL = nlapiEscapeXML(imageURL);
var xmlString = ... + '<div><img height="XXpx" width="XXpx" src="'+logoURL+'" /></div>' + ...;
var myPDF = nlapiXMLToPDF(xmlString);
If you want to use the Form Logo set on the Company Information page, then you can populate fileID using the following code:
var companyInfo = nlapiLoadConfiguration('companyinformation');
var fileID = companyInfo.getFieldValue('formlogo');
Then use the first code block to include the logo in xmlString.

Flying-saucer/iText PDF not finding css file

I can generate a PDF using flying-saucer/iText. However, I can't figure out how to get the style sheet included in the PDF rendering.
I have used this flying-saucer/iText PDF in servlet not finding css file as reference.
There are multiple css files involved so I won't be able to use renderer.setDocument(doc, "http://example.com/something/page.html");
as a solution
I have implemented a something similar to what the asker used, but it's returning a Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 4: http://localhost:8080/proj/resources/css/custom1.css error
Here is my code
StringBuilder bui = new StringBuilder();
bui.append(readFile(path+"/resources/css/custom1.css", Charsets.UTF_8));
bui.append(readFile(path+"/resources/css/custom2.css", Charsets.UTF_8));
bui.append(readFile(path+"/resources/css/custom3.css", Charsets.UTF_8));
bui.append( xhtml_file );
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bui.toString().getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ));
Document doc = tidy.parseDOM(stream, null);
File outputFile = new File(directory+ "FILENAME" +".pdf");
os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
renderer.setDocument(doc, null);
renderer.createPDF(os, false);
the path being passed is "http://localhost:8080"
if I enter "http://localhost:8080/resources/css/custom1.css" directly into the address bar, it shows the css file. I tried removing the 'path' but it's also not getting the css. What am I doing wrong?
Try the file:/// url protocol to point (with three slashes) pointing to the css file directly.

Dynamics AX CompanyImage to Image File

I need to export the images stored in CompanyImage table to a image files.
How can I do it?
Reading the table I obtain a Bitmap field but how to know the type of image to build the correct extension and save it to file?
Finally I found the solution.
To export the image from CompanyImage:
// Grant clrinterop permission.
new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
image = new Image();
result = image.saveImage(#"c:\test.jpg",3);
To know the original type:
The above code wouldn't work right away. Here's the code that would run:
bindata bin = new bindata();
str content;
container image;
CompanyImage companyImage;
select companyImage;
image = companyImage.Image;
AifUtil::saveBase64ToFile("c:\\temp\\test.tif", content);
