Optimized way to write a series strings to a text file without quotations - julia

I am new to Julia so sorry if this question is obvious.
I am trying to use Julia to help me run a series of finite element models, which use a text input file to give instructions to the finite element solver. Basically, I would like to use Julia to read in the base input file, edit some parameters on some lines of the file and then write it as a new file. I am getting hung up on a couple things though.
Currently, I am reading in the file like this
mdl = "fullmodelSVTV"; #name of input file
A = readlines(mdl*".inp")
This read each line from the file in as a separate string in a vector which I like because it makes it easier to edit the sections I want but it also makes things more difficult when I try to write to a new file.
I am writing the file like this.
io = open("name.inp","w")
When I try to write to a new file the output ends up look like this
Output from code
which is ["string at index 1","string at index 2","string at index 3"...].
What I would like to do is output this the exact same way is it is read in with string at each index of the vector on its own line. I would also like to remove the brackets and quotation marks from the file, as they might interfere with the finite element solver.
I think I have found a way to concatenate all of the strings at each index and separated them with a new line like shown below.
for i in 1:length(A)
conc = conc*"\n"*lines[i]
The issue with this is that it takes a long time to do given the size of the input files I am working with and I feel like there has to achieve my goal.
I also cannot find a way to remove the brackets or quotation marks when writing the file.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for a better way to write these text files in terms of both concatenating all of the strings from the vector when outputting as well as outputting without the brackets and quotation marks.
Thanks, any advice is appreciated.

The issue with print(io,A) is that it is printing a representation of the vector, but in fact you want to print each element of the vector. To do so, you can simply print each line in a loop:
open("name.inp", "w") do io
for line in A
println(io, line)
This avoids the overhead of string concatenation.


How to process latex commands in R?

I work with knitr() and I wish to transform inline Latex commands like "\label" and "\ref", depending on the output target (Latex or HTML).
In order to do that, I need to (programmatically) generate valid R strings that correctly represent the backslash: for example "\label" should become "\\label". The goal would be to replace all backslashes in a text fragment with double-backslashes.
but it seems that I cannot even read these strings, let alone process them: if I define:
okstr <- function(str) "do something"
then when I call
I directly get an error "unrecognized escape sequence"
(of course, as \l is faultly)
So my question is : does anybody know a way to read strings (in R), without using the escaping mechanism ?
Yes, I know I could do it manually, but that's the point: I need to do it programmatically.
There are many questions that are close to this one, and I have spent some time browsing, but I have found none that yields a workable solution for this.
Best regards.
Inside R code, you need to adhere to R’s syntactic conventions. And since \ in strings is used as an escape character, it needs to form a valid escape sequence (and \l isn’t a valid escape sequence in R).
There is simply no way around this.
But if you are reading the string from elsewhere, e.g. using readLines, scan or any of the other file reading functions, you are already getting the correct string, and no handling is necessary.
Alternatively, if you absolutely want to write LaTeX-like commands in literal strings inside R, just use a different character for \; for instance, +. Just make sure that your function correctly handles it everywhere, and that you keep a way of getting a literal + back. Here’s a suggestion:
okstr("+label{1 ++ 2}")
The implementation of okstr then needs to replace single + by \, and double ++ by + (making the above result in \label{1 + 2}). But consider in which order this needs to happen, and how you’d like to treat more complex cases; for instance, what should the following yield: okstr("1 +++label")?

readcsv fails to read # character in Julia

I've been using asd=readcsv(filename) to read a csv file in Julia.
The first row of the csv file contains strings which describe the column contents; the rest of the data is a mix of integers and floats. readcsv reads the numbers just fine, but only reads the first 4+1/2 string entries.
After that, it renders "". If I ask the REPL to display asd[1,:], it tells me it is 1x65 Array{Any,2}.
The fifth column in the first row of the csv file (this seems to be the entry it chokes on) is APP #1 bias voltage [V]; but asd[1,5] is just APP . So it looks to me as though readcsv has choked on the "#" character.
I tried using "quotes=false" keyword in readcsv, but it didn't help.
I used to use xlsread in Matlab and it worked fine.
Has anybody out there seen this sort of thing before?
The comment character in Julia is #, and this applies when reading files from delimited text files.
But luckily, the readcsv() and readdlm() functions have an optional argument to help in these situations.
You should try readcsv(filename; comment_char = '/').
Of course, the example above assumes that you don't have any / characters in your first line. If you do, then you'll have to change that / above to something else.

Improperly formatted CSV, how to repair?

I have a csv, and each line reads as follows:
"http://www.videourl.com/video,video title,video duration,thumbnail,<iframe src=""http://embed.videourl.com/video"" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no> </iframe>,tag 1,tag 2",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Is there a program I can use to clean this up? I'm trying to import it to wordpress and map it to current fields, but it isn't functioning properly. Any suggestions?
Just use search and replace in this case. remove the commas at the end and then replace the remaining commas with ",".
Should anyone else have the same issue. Know that this solution will only work with data much like the example giving. If data has a lot of text and there are commas within the text that need kept. Then search replacing comma will not work. Using regex would be the next option and that can be done in Notepad ++
However I think the regex pattern depends on the data so not much point creating an example.
PHP could be used to explode each line also. Remove values that match a regex out of many i.e. URL, money. Then what is left could be (depending on the data again) just a block of text. That approach may not work if there are two or more columns with a lot of text

String continuation across multiple lines, no newline characters

Am using the RODBC library to bring data into R. I have a long query that I want to pass a variable to, much like this SO user.
Problem is that R interprets the whitespace/carriage returns in my query as a newline '\n'.
The accepted solution for this question suggests to simply break up the text into chunks and then paste() together - which works, but ideally I'd like to keep the whitespace intact - makes it easier to test/verify the behavior of the query over in the database before pasting into R.
In other languages I'm familiar with there's a simple line continuation character - indeed, several of the comments on the accepted answer are looking for an approach similar to python's \.
I found an aside to a workaround using strwrap deep in the bowels of an R discussion lists, so in the interest of making the internet better I will post it here. However, if someone can point the direction toward a more elegant/straightforward solution, I will happily accept your answer.
I don't know if you will find this helpful or not, but I have eventually gravitated towards keeping my SQL separate from my R scripts. Keeping the query in my R script, except for very very short ones, I find gets unreadable very quickly.
These days, I tend to keep queries that are more than a single line in their own separate .sql file. Then I can keep them nice and formatted and readable in a nice text editor, and read them into R as needed via something like this:
read_sql <- function(path){
sql <- readChar(path,nchar = file.info(path)$size)
For binding parameters into the queries, I just keep a %s where the parameter will go in the .sql file, and then add in the parameters in R using sprintf.
I've been much happier this way, as I was finding that cluttering up my R scripts with really long paste statements and multi-line character objects was making my code really hard to read.
R's strwrap will destroy whitespace, including newline characters, per the documentation.
Essentially, you can get the desired behavior by initially letting R introduce line breaks/newline \ns, and then immediately stripping them out.
#make query using PASTE
query_1 <- paste("SELECT map.ps_studentid
,students.first_name || ' ' || students.last_name AS full_name
FROM map$comprehensive_with_growth map
JOIN students
ON map.ps_studentid = students.id
WHERE map.termname = '",map_term,"'", sep='')
#remove newline characters introduced above.
#width is an arbitrary big number-
#it just needs to be longer than your string.
query_1 <- strwrap(query_1, width=10000, simplify=TRUE)
#execute the query
map_njask <- sqlQuery(XE, query_1)
query <- gsub(pattern='\\s',replacement="",x=query)
Try using sprintf to get variable substitution, and then replacing all newlines and whitespace.
See my answer to a similar question for details.

Read lines by number from a large file

I have a file with 15 million lines (will not fit in memory). I also have a small vector of line numbers - the lines that I want to extract.
How can I read-out the lines in one pass?
I was hoping for a C function that does it on one pass.
The trick is to use connection AND open it before read.table:
read.table(con,skip=5,nrow=1) #6-th line
read.table(con,skip=20,nrow=1) #27-th line
You may also try scan, it is faster and gives more control.
If it's a binary file
Some discussion is here:
Reading in only part of a Stata .DTA file in R
If it's a CSV or other text file
If they are contiguous and at the top of the file, just use the ,nrows argument to read.csv or any of the read.table family. If not, you can combine the ,nrows and the ,skip arguments to repeatedly call read.csv (reading in a new row or group of contiguous rows with each call) and then rbind the results together.
If your file has fixed line lengths then you can use 'seek' to jump to any character position. So just jump to N * line_length for each N you want, and read one line.
However, from the R docs:
Use of seek on Windows is discouraged. We have found so many
errors in the Windows implementation of file positioning that
users are advised to use it only at their own risk, and asked not
to waste the R developers' time with bug reports on Windows'
You can also use 'seek' from the standard C library in C, but I don't know if the above warning also applies!
Before I was able to get an R solution/answer, I've done it in Ruby:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
NUM_SEQS = 14024829
linenumbers = (1..10).collect{(rand * NUM_SEQS).to_i}
File.open("./data/uniprot_2011_02.tab") do |f|
while line = f.gets
print line if linenumbers.include? f.lineno
runs fast (as fast as my storage can read the file).
I compile a solution based on the discussions here.
scan(filename,what=list(NULL),sep='\n',blank.lines.skip = F)
This will only show you number of lines but will read in nothing. If you really want to skip the blank lines, you could just set the last argument to TRUE.
