R extension not formating on VScode - r

I've installed the VScode extensio "R" v2.5.0 by REditorSupport. After some debugging, I had it working so I could Alt + Shift + F and have VScode auto-indent my R code. Then I opened RStudio, did some stuff and went back to VScode only to find receive a message saying There is no formatted for 'r' files installed. (image below).
What gives? I didn't uninstall anything, the extension is still there and I can't find any setting that looks like formatting or indent.
How can I configure the R extension to keep auto-indenting my R code?


Customize R linters in VSCode

I'm trying to customize the linter settings in VSCode for R but I'm a little confused.
I've checked just about every source available, from SO questions to the lintr package vingette, but I'm stumbling on an issue. It could be that since I'm not a programmer I'm just not understanding something basic but essential.
A question about line length linter 80 characters
Disable R-linting in VScode
How to change the line length preference for warnings in Diagnostics? #3
Specify linters in lintr::lint
lintr github page
Lint R code in Visual Studio
lintr v2.0.0
Using lintr
It seems like I need to create a .lintr file in the folder that my script is in. Or possibly make changes in the .lintr file in the lintr package ~lintr/R/ folder?
I guess I'm just confused on the .lintr file. I tried creating files called "lintr", ".lintr" and "ScriptName.lintr", then added the following line to it, as described in the above sources:
linters: with_defaults(line_length_linter=line_length_linter(120L))
Then I reopened the script but whatever I do, lintr continues to default to 80 spaces. I think I'm doing something wrong with the .lintr file but I'm not sure what. I also tried changing file called "lintr" in the lintr package directory, but I can't save the file because it has no extension type (though it appears to be in the Debian Control Field Format, whatever that is). Windows keeps giving me a prompt to save as "txt".
I'd appreciate any step-by-step instructions to get past this issue.

How do I open an r script (.R file) in RStudio by double-clicking it in windows

When I double click an R script (.R file) in order to open and edit it, nothing happens.
I expect it to open it in either R or RStudio but it doesn't.
I found a similar (old) question (Opening a .R file via a double click (Windows)) but the solution doesn't work for me.
I have tried:
- right-clicking and explicitly telling it to open it with RStudio
- set it as the default program to associate with this file type
- drag the script into RStudio
Anyone any idea whether it is Windows or R(Studio) related?
Windows 10 Pro
R version 3.6.1
RStudio version 1.2.1335
As the first comment suggest, it is likely a problem occuring while installing R or Rstudio. This would most likely be fixed by reinstalling Rstudio. If it doesnt i'd suggest checking out this Rstudio question.
Basically, you can manually create using the command prompt (start -> "cmd" -> enter), using
assoc .R=rfile
Ftype rfile="C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\rstudio.exe" %1
changing the rstudio directory to the correct directory for your computer.
A less command-prompty solution might be available by following the steps described in this guide. However i did not test the latter approach.

R: kable_as_image cannot find Ghostscript

I'm re-running some R Markdown scripts that worked fine a month ago, but now kable_as_image is unable to find Ghostscript (yes, I'm on Windows 8). I get the following error message:
Error in kable_as_image(criteria.table,"Criteria",file_format="jpeg"):
Ghostscript is required to read PDF on windows. Please download it here: https://ghostscript.com/
My computer still has Ghostscript, which runs fine when I open it up independently (I tried reinstalling Ghostscript; it didn't help). My guess is that the problem has something to do with R, RStudio, or a package being unable to find the Ghostscript.
I'm pretty sure I've upgraded R in the interim, and I'm currently on 3.4.3 with the latest versions of kableExtra and magick. I've also tried
Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.22/bin/gswin64.exe")
(and also for gswin64c.exe) but that didn't help, either. Any advice would be appreciated.
Despite what the error message says, R needs the path to MikTeX (or your TeX program of choice), not to Ghostscript itself. The best solution is to add it to PATH in your operating system directly so it's always there, but it also works to add it within R. This is helpful to test it out before digging into your OS (make sure you have the right path), or if you don't have administrator privileges to your work machine.
Sys.setenv("PATH"=sprintf("%s;C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX 2.9\\miktex\\bin\\x64\\",Sys.getenv("PATH")))
Your path to MikTeX will likely be different than mine. Note that you need sprintf() or something similar to add the directory to the end of the PATH instead of overwriting the existing path.

knitr doesn't print plots in latex document [duplicate]

i have a knitr based Rnw file that is compiling to pdf perfectly fine in RStudio on mac (v0.97.316) and knitr (v1.1) but in a windows enviornment (same versions) i get a compilation error. I've checked the options in RStudio in both environments and they are consistent.
It appears that the windows setup is always injecting: "\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}" into the ".tex" file even though i have no such flag in the Rnw file, and/or if i toggle the settings in the preferences, and/or if i add the "opts_knit$set(concordance=FALSE)" options to a knitr settings chunk. If i drop the line from the ".tex" file and compile it manually at the cmd prompt the output is generated as expected.
I'm not sure if this is an RStudio or knitr problem, but any pointers would be appreciated.
Note, i've also posted this question on the RStudio support board (http://support.rstudio.org/help/discussions/problems/5039-knitr-compile-problems-with-rstudio-windows?unresolve=true).
The reason that it was injecting \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} is likely to be your weaver was Sweave instead of knitr, and you also enabled Rnw concordance: http://www.rstudio.com/ide/docs/authoring/rnw_weave But I cannot say for sure it is not a bug for the Windows version of RStudio. Anyway, it is easy to verify if it is an RStudio problem -- open the Compile PDF panel and you should see the log like this:
If your weaver was Sweave, you will see something like this instead:
This is my configuration (I'm under Ubuntu):
If you are using knitr indeed, and RStudio still inserts \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}, I guess it must be a bug of RStudio.
I encountered this problem with "R CMD build KFAS-master" downloaded 2016-04-24 as "KFAS-master.zip" clicking "Download ZIP" from KFAS on GitHub (https://github.com/helske/KFAS). I'm unable to replicate the problem, but the work around I used was to find the line mentioned in the pop-up (copied below), and comment it out by preceding it with "%%".
After downloading it, I unzipped it and changed the name of the folder to "KFAS". Then I got a command prompt and navigated to the directory containing the KFAS-master folder renamed as KFAS. This time "R CMD build KFAS" worked as expected. Then I opened ~KFAS/vignettes/KFAS.Rmw in RStudio 0.99.893, the current version as of 2016-04-26. I changed something and saved the result. When I repeated "R CMD build KFAS", I got the problem portrayed in the image below.
Jouni Helske directed me to this post. I commented out line 69 mentioned in the screen shot below by prepending "%%" to "\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}". I saved the result, and "R CMD build KFAS" worked.
Something seems to occasionally insert a line like "\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}" into a *.Rnw file, but I don't know what it is. I'm running R 3.2.4 on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.11.2.
Thanks to Yihui and others for earlier posts in this thread.
screen shot showing pop-up complaining, "It seems you are using the Sweave-specific syntax in line(s) 69... ."
I had the same problem even when knitr was set for "Weave Rnw files using" by default.
I solved it by going to Tools/Global Options/Sweave and setting "Weave Rnw files using" to Sweave and pressing Ok. Then, I went back and set it back to knitr, and everything works fine now.
I guess it was indeed Rstudio bug

Running the R console from Sublime Text 2

I am quite new with Sublime Text 2. I would like to write my script in ST2 and run/send it to the R console. I don't want to use SublimeREPL (most of the forums deal with this) because I want to have my R console open on the side.
I tried to install "R Tools" and the installation of this package seems to work. However, when I open my script.r file and try to run it, nothing happens. I also tried to specify the path to go to R in TOols>Build systems> new build systems... withou being successful.
Can someone give me a trick to solve this?
Thanks a lot!
The easiest way is to install the Enhanced-R package via the Package Manager in Sublime:
Install the Package Control here
Access the Package Manager within Sublime (on Windows: Ctrl+Shift+P)
Type Install Package and then Enhanced-R
Send the highlighted code to R console (on Windows: Ctr+Enter)
You can see the Enhanced-R package description and relevant key bindings here
I just stumbled upon this post because I had a similar problem using Sublime and R. Maybe this helps someone who wants to have a similar setup. Hopefully there will be more and more R users considering Sublime. I figured out the following solution using the Sublime build system in an external xterm terminal (for Linux, but it should be very similar to a setup on Win/Mac systems):
Sublime Text 3 build system: keep console running
