Why does the command Jupiter notebook return an error - jupyter-notebook

When I try to run Jupiter notebook form the command line I get the following error:
"Jupyter command jupyter-notebook not found."
I have Anaconda installed and can do this from the navigator no problem.

The docs can help: https://docs.jupyter.org/en/latest/running.html
On the command prompt run:
jupyter notebook
(w/o dash)


Installed jupyter notebook without anaconda have error like "zsh: command not found: jupyter"

I installed jupyter notebook without anaconda.
(Maybe I think that I installed this with pip3 command.)
In terminal, I can't execute jupyter notebook with this command
jupyter notebook
but another command can execute notebook
python3 -m notebook
I added path in .zshrc file. but nothing changed.
Jupyter path
pip3 show jupyter | grep Location
Location: /Users/myName/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages
In my zshrc file
export PATH=/Users/myName/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages:$PATH
How can I use the command "jupyter notebook" in terminal?

"bash: /snap/bin/jupyter: Permission denied" but "sudo: jupyter: command not found" when run with sudo

i installed jupyter using snap, and then tried to remove it by removing the snap jupyter folder, which i then recreated. I also pip installed and uninstalled jupyter lab a few times.
If i run jupyter lab, i get a permission denied
bash: /snap/bin/jupyter: Permission denied
but when i run with sudo, i get the following ( for any valid jupyter command ) :
sudo: jupyter: command not found
I would like to get rid of the snap version, and pip uninstall and install and run jupyter lab, but deleting and recreating the folder made it worse.

How to use conda from Jupyter Lab terminal?

Question in the title. What I've tried: Installing nb_conda and nb_conda_kernels. This did allow me to choose the environment my kernel runs in. However, I am unable to use conda from the terminal inside the Jupyter Lab notebook.
Before launching Jupyter Lab:
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ conda activate general-ml
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ jupyter lab
From Jupyter Lab terminal:
Change the kernel to run in the general-ml conda environment, then open up a notebook terminal:
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ conda info -e
bash: conda: command not found
as if it doesn't exist at all. Is there a known solution to this?
I noticed that packages installed from Anaconda Navigator GUI are reflected live in Jupyter Notebook. This is an undesirable workaround as it is not efficient to open a new program, navigate through the gui, search for a package then install. All of this could be done from the terminal in 3 seconds.

Jupyter notebook not directing to browser

I have install jupyter notebook with command line by using "pip" in mine window 10.Its successfully installed.
But when i tried to run notebook by typing "jupyter notebook" in command line,it's isn't worked .
when press enter its stick on this

Jupyter notebook doesn't launch

I am trying to launch jupyter notebook from Anaconda prompt but it does not launch and there isn't any error in command prompt either. However, jupyter lab works ok and I am able to run notebooks.
Follow the steps:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
conda update navigator-updater
and try again.
