Why is the document.onreadystatechange function executed in advance? - web-console

window.onload = ()=>{console.log('onload'); console.timeEnd('onload')}
document.onreadystatechange = ()=>{console.log('onreadystatechange');console.log(document.readyState);console.timeEnd('onreadystatechange')}
I wrote the above code in an inline script, why the result is the following?
In theory, console.time('onreadystatechange') should be executed first, but from the results, the onreadystatechange event is executed first, and document.readyState is 'complete', why is the event advanced?

There will be other state changes before document.readyState becomes complete.
At that time, the onreadystatechange function will be triggered.
console.timeEnd('onreadystatechange') is used in onreadystatechange.
When console.timeEnd is called, the timer corresponding to this record is cleared.
So when the subsequent onreadystatechange function is called again, there will be a prompt because there is no restart to set the onreadystatechange timer.
The entire execution sequence is consistent with the standard definition, and there is no problem.


when the event loop starts in Dart and how the event queue works

The first question is when the event loop starts ?
I read in a site that it's start after the main method
but why when we try something like this
main()async {
await Future(()=>print('future2'));
print('end of main');
//the output is :
//end of main
in this example the event loop start when we use the await keyword and
after the event loop reaches the future2 it's paused ?
or i am wrong :(
The second question is how the events is added to event queue
if it's FIFO why in this example the future 2 is completed before
future 1
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:5) , ()=>print('future1'));
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:2) , ()=>print('future2'));
The event loop run when there is nothing else running (e.g. main method is done, you are waiting for some future to complete).
Your example makes sense because the first line puts an event on event queue so now the first item in the queue is "print('future1')". In the next line, you are putting another event on the queue which calls "print('future2')" and now you await for this event to be done.
Since your main method is not waiting for something then the event loop is going to be executed. Since the first event on the queue was "print('future1')" then this is going to be executed first. But since the main method is still waiting for the future "print('future2')" to be complete then the event loop takes another event to be executed which are going to be "print('future2')".
Since this event was the one the main method was waiting for (and there is no more event on the event queue) then main() are going to run the last call "print('end of main')".
In your next example, you think that Future and Future.delayed are the same which it is not. With Future.delayed there are not going any event in the event queue before. Instead, there are running a thread outside the VM which knows when the next timer should trigger which ends up putting an event on the queue. So the event is only being put on the event queue when the timer has been expired (and therefore, the future2 are going to be executed first).

Asynchronous UDFs and xleventCalculationCanceled

As soon as I press "Enter" after I wrote an asynchronous function into a cell, the async function is correctly called, and Excel raises the event xleventCalculationEnded when the calculation is finished.
However, if I press another cell just after I clicked "Enter" , the event xleventCalculationCanceled is raised, and then the async function is called another time ! Is this behavior normal ? Should I return a result via the Excel12(xlAsyncReturn,...) for the first async call , for the second async call or for both ?
In other word, does the xleventCalculationCanceled event implies that I'm not forced to return a result to Excel ? (using the appropriate asyncHandle)
I'm using async functions to delegate intensive computation in another thread and to not block excel during computation. However if the async function is called automatically two times (as it is the case when the user click another cell without waiting for the first call to finish) then the intensive computation are computed two times for the same input (because the first call -cancelled by excel- still live in the delegate thread...) How do you deal with this problem ?
Two calls for the same function - with the same input - is it a bug ?
Many thanks
What you describe is the normal behaviour. Excel cancels and then restarts the async calculations when there is user interaction (and can do so multiple times).
The documentation suggest that:
xleventCalculationEnded will fire directly after xleventCalculationCanceled, and
You can release any resources allocated during the calculation when xleventCalculationEnded fires. I understand that to include any asyncHandle you might have, and thus that you need not return any result based on the handle.
If your long-running function allows cancellation while in flight, you can cancel the work you do. Otherwise, you might do some internal bookkeeping on what function calls are in flight, and prevent doing the work twice yourself that way.

Firebase in node.js, set() callback is delayed

I have an EC2 instance running a small node script connecting to Firebase. Strangely enough, it happens quite often on a small instance that the set operation gets executed immeditely but the callback function only gets called much later (between 30s to 2 minutes). Do you see any reason why it would happen that way?
// Create workspace
rootRef.child('spaces').child(chid).set(req.space, function(error) {
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = end - start;
console.log('- created', error, time);
The bug is directly related to node 0.11 (set() callback is only called the first name in my scenario). Just revert to 0.10.x and it's all fixed!
I've been facing the same issue. the "Set" callback is not being invoked at all. I noticed, however, that if I run a snippet code similar to yours in a standalone file, the callback is invoked very quickly.
It turned out that if you're installing listeners on the same Node you're calling the "set" function on (i.e., on('child_added'), on('child_removed') ... etc) and that Node has a huge number of records, it'll simply take ages.
I removed the listeners ( to test) and the "set" started to invoke the callback very quickly.
I hope this helps!

Can I guarantee all listeners have executed on the next line after dispatching an event?

There's a few questions on stack overflow on this topic but I'm still unclear:
I know the flash engine is single threaded so when it receives an event, does it essentially break off, execute any registered event listeners (in no guaranteed order) then return to the current scope?
If I have this code:
addListener("stuff", function():void {
// some stuff
addListener("stuff", someFunc);
dispatch(new Event("stuff"));
I want to know:
Can I guarantee that both listeners have executed by the time I reach the trace("Done"); line?
can I guarantee that the current function will complete before any of the event listeners execute? ie trace("Done"); will ALWAYS execute first.
It is guaranteed that both event handlers will be called before trace because user code generated events are synchronous:
Does dispatching an event interrupt a function?
From what I know, when you dispatch an event it gets added to the event queue, but won't actually run until the currently-executing event finishes. In other words, you'll trace "Done.", then your function ends, control passes back to the event handler, and only then does it (maybe) start executing one of your events.
Yes, you can guarantee both assertions in this exact situation.
Meaning, that if adding your event listeners and dispatching your event is in the same code block it will happen in sequence. However, from a practical POV that's completely useless.
#kryoko: player events get precedence over user events, but they do not 'force' themselves through. Meaning that if user code is running, the player event handling is suspended. That's why it's possible to 'freeze' a flash movie with heavy, intensive code. (Or with a simple infinite loop, of course)

Calling Webservices in a loop won't execute the custom OnSuccess function

I have a problem.
I am coding using VS2008.
I am calling webservices from my JavaScript Page.
An example
after execution, it goes to the function OnSuccessMoviesByRegion.
But if I put the Services in a loop (a simple for loop)
OnSucessMoviesByRegion function won't execute (but the service call executes n times successfully
But I must have the function cos I am returning value through it.
What am I missing?
Is that the typical behaviour?
Any alternatives?
Naveen, I'm answering your follow-up question here. I can think of two options:
Try to make a single call packaging your data (sending the whole blah array and handle it on the server).
Use a counter variable which you decrement in the "OnSucces" client handler each time and stop if this counter variable reaches 0.
I guess there is some kind of concurrency problem. Probably you fire the next request before the last one finished.
I think you'll have to rewrite the loop. Try to move that code, calling only the first request and then using the "OnSuccess" function to call the next one each time.
