I am working with some code that was in part written by my professor that takes a tableau as input, expands it, and then outputs the complete tableau.
I am having trouble understanding the logic behind the order in which the predicates are being run. What is the deciding factor that would, say, make the program address conjunction before negation if both were present in the original formula? And how does recursion play into this?
The code is as follows:
expand([[not(not(X))|B]|T], T1) :-
expand([[X|B]|T], T1).
expand([[(X)+(Y)|B]|T], T1):-
expand([[X, Y|B]|T], T1).
expand([[not((X)+(Y))|B]|T], T1):-
expand([[not(X)|B], [not(Y)|B]|T], T1).
expand([[(X)/(Y)|B]|T], T1):-
expand([[X|B], [Y|B]|T], T1).
expand([[not((X)/(Y))|B]|T], T1):-
expand([[not(X), not(Y)|B]|T], T1).
%not sure what the rest is or how it works
expand([[X|B]|T1], T5) :-
expand([B], T2), distribute(X,T2,T3), expand(T1,T4), append(T3,T4,T5).
expand([[]|T1], [[]|T2]) :-
expand(T1, T2).
distribute(X,[B|T],[[X|B]|T1]) :-
Apologies for the vague post, I am unfamiliar with this language
A Prolog program consists of
Facts, a simple statement of truth. Something like this
mother( jane , alice ) .
mother( jane , john ) .
is two facts that state that Jane is the mother of both Alice and John.
Predicates, more complex assertions of truth. Something like this:
sibling(X,Y) :- same_mother(X,Y), same_father(X,Y) .
half_sibling(X,Y) :- same_mother(X,Y) , \+ same_father(X,Y) .
half_sibling(X,Y) :- \+ same_mother(X,Y) , same_father(X,Y) .
same_mother(X,Y) :- mother(M,X), mother(M,Y) .
same_father(X,Y) :- father(F,X), father(F,Y) .
states that
two people, X and Y, are siblings if they have both the same mother and the same father, and
two people, X and Y, are half-siblings if they have either
the same mother and different fathers, or
different mothers and the same father
Each predicate is a logic proposition written in a restricted form of the predicate calculus, and forms what amounts to a search tree (more of a search graph, really). When you query/execute a predicate, say
Prolog's inference engine essentially traverses the search tree until either succeeds or fails. If it succeeded, one can backtrack into it, and it will continue the traversal until it either succeeds again, or fails.
So, the order in which predicates are "executed" is entirely dependent on the predicate with which evaluation began, and it's structure.
Note that, depending on what arguments/parameters are instantiated or not instantiated, when a predicate is evaluated, allows one to ask questions with more than one answer:
sibling( john, X ). asks the question "Who are John's siblings?"
sibling( X , Y ). asks the question "Who are all the pairs of siblings?"
A good text to start learning Prolog are
Clocksin+Mellish's Programming in Prolog — it's a pretty good introduction to the language.
Clocksin's Clause and Effect — I've heard good things about this as a beginner's text, but I've not read it.
Once you've gotten the basics down...
Sterling+Shapiro's The Art of Prolog is a most excellent book to take you deeper
And O'Keefe's The Craft of Prolog is yet a deeper dive.
I know that I can represent any relation as a RDF triplet as in:
Barack Obama -> president of -> USA
(I am aware that this is not RDF, I am just illustrating)
But how do I add additional information about this relation, like for example the time dimension? I mean he is in his second presidential period and any period last only for a lapse of time. And, how about after and before his presidential periods?
There are several options to do this. I'll illustrate some of the more popular ones.
Named Graphs / Quads
In RDF, named graphs are subsets of an RDF dataset that are assigned a specific identifier (the "graph name"). In most RDF databases, this is implemented by adding a fourth element to the RDF triple, turning it from a triple into a "quad" (sometimes it's also called the 'context' of the triple).
You can use this mechanism to express information about a certain collection of statements. For example (using pseudo N-Quads syntax for RDF):
:i1 a :TimePeriod .
:i1 :begin "2009-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
:i1 :end "2017-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
:barackObama :presidentOf :USA :i1 .
Notice the fourth element in the last statement: it links the statement "Barack Obama is president of the USA" to the named graph identified by :i.
The named graphs approach is particularly useful in situations where you have data to express about several statements at once. It is of course also possible to use it for data about individual statements (as the above example illustrates), though it may quickly become cumbersome if used in that fashion (every distinct time period will need its own named graph).
Representing the relation as an object
An alternative approach is to model the relation itself as an object. The relation between "Barack Obama" and "USA" is not just that one is the president of the other, but that one is president of the other between certain dates. To express this in RDF (as Joshua Taylor also illustrated in his comment):
:barackObama :hasRole :president_44 .
:president_44 a :Presidency ;
:of :USA ;
:begin "2009-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
:end "2017-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
The relation itself has now become an object (an instance of the "Presidency" class, with identifier :president_44).
Compared to using named graphs, this approach is much more tailored to asserting data about individual statements. A possible downside is that it becomes a bit more complex to query the relation in SPARQL.
RDF Reification
Not sure this approach actually still counts as "popular", but RDF reification is the historically W3C-sanctioned approach to asserting "statements about statements". In this approach we turn the statement itself into an object:
:obamaPresidency a rdf:Statement ;
rdf:subject :barackObama ;
rdf:predicate :presidentOf ;
rdf:object :USA ;
:trueBetween [
:begin "2009-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
:end "2017-01-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
] .
There's several good reasons not to use RDF reification in this case, however:
it's conceptually a bit strange. The knowledge that we want to express is about the temporal aspect of the relation, but using RDF reification we are saying something about the statement.
What we have expressed in the above example is: "the statement about Barack Obama being president of the USA is valid between ... and ...". Note that we have not expressed that Barack Obama actually is the president of the USA! You could of course still assert that separately (by just adding the original triple as well as the reified one), but this creates a further duplication/maintenance problem.
It is a pain to use in SPARQL queries.
As Joshua also indicated in his comment, the W3C Note on defining N-ary RDF relations is useful to look at, as it goes into more depth about these (and other) approaches.
RDF*, or RDF-star, allows expressing additional information about an RDF triple, allowing nested structures such as:
<< :BarackObama :presidentOf :USA >> :since :2009
Bit of a contrived example (since the term of presidency could be expressed by simply normalizing data structure), but it’s quite useful for expressing “external” concerns (such as probability or provenance).
See Olaf’s blog post and, for technical details, https://www.w3.org/2021/12/rdf-star.html.
I’m pretty sure Apache Jena supports it already, not quite sure about other products like Neo4j.
Disclaimer: this is a school assignment.
New-ish to Prolog and have a decent understanding of the basics. Assignment is to differentiate polynomials. This part is not the problem. I have devised an algorithm that works and implemented it in Prolog to my satisfaction. At this point, calling my diff_term predicate results in a properly differentiated polynomial term every time.
However, when I pass a full polynomial to my diff_poly predicate, whose job it is to parse the terms, pass them for differentiation, and recollect them into a list to return tot he user, things break down. My problem is recursively adding the returned polynomial terms (lists) to the fully-differentiated polynomial (another list). I have consulted numerous related Stackoverflow questions, finding this one particularly useful:
Prolog - recursive list building
I read it thoroughly and re-created the same program in order to understand it. The main difference, however, is that in my situation the values I am adding to the list are being returned by other predicates as opposed to being created within the same predicate as the list is being built in.
The following code consists of my diff_poly predicate, which then calls diff_term. diff_term then calls numerous other homemade predicates to perform the algorithm; however, none of that is an issue, and differentiation, as mentioned above, works well. You can likely understand what my algorithmic approach is by predicate names alone.
The diff_poly predicate is the only diff_poly that exists; there are no base cases or other variations, as I am able to assume (as per assignment specifications) that all input will be consistently and validly formatted. There are, however, a few other diff_term predicates for dealing with variations on term contents, all of which return proper term derivatives.
If I call diff_poly as is, I get 'false' as my return. If I comment out the last line of that predicate and uncomment the one previous to it, I get exactly one differentiated term returned to me, which is expected as their is no recursive call, and proves that the call to/return from diff_term works.
Essentially I just need some direction on how to build the list to be returned. I've tried appending, inserting, etc, but I think the head matching strategy (outlined in the question above) is the way to go, but that I am implementing something incorrectly. Any insight is appreciated.
% differentiates a polynomial with respect to given variable
% polynomials are parsed into terms, and terms are passed to diff_term
diff_poly([Term | Rest], DiffVar, DiffedPoly) :-
diff_term(Term, DiffVar, DiffedTerm),
% DiffedPoly = DiffedTerm.
diff_poly(Rest, DiffVar, [DiffedTerm | DiffedPoly]).
% term is a coefficient and at least one var/exp pair in its member variable list
% term includes occurrence of variable to differentiate with respect to
diff_term([Coef | Rest], DiffVar, Return) :-
flatten(Rest, FlatList),
member(DiffVar, FlatList),
index_of(FlatList, DiffVar, Index),
nth1(Index, FlatList, Exp),
Exp > 1, NewCoef is Coef * Exp, NewExp is Exp - 1,
remove_at(FlatList, Index, RemoveList),
insert_at(NewExp, RemoveList, Index, InsertList),
split_varlist(InsertList, DoneList),
Return = [NewCoef | DoneList], !.
Assuming your diff_term is good (which you can test modularly at the Prolog prompt), let's look at diff_poly:
diff_poly([Term | Rest], DiffVar, DiffedPoly) :-
diff_term(Term, DiffVar, DiffedTerm),
% DiffedPoly = DiffedTerm.
diff_poly(Rest, DiffVar, [DiffedTerm | DiffedPoly]).
This clause says that DiffedPoly is the polynomial [Term|Rest] differentiated with respect to DiffVar. Sounds good so far.
Your first expression within the clause says, *DiffedTerm is Term differentiated with respect to DiffVar. That sounds good, too.
The next commented line says to unify DiffedPoly with DiffedTerm. This would no longer make sense since the fully differentiated polynomial would, in general not be just the differentiated term (unless, of course, the polynomial only had one term). Let's leave that commented out.
Finally, we have:
diff_poly(Rest, DiffVar, [DiffedTerm | DiffedPoly])
This says, The result of differentiating the rest of the polynomial (without the first term) with respect to DiffVar is the first term differentiated with respect to DiffVar (i.e., DiffTerm) followed by the fully differentiated polynomial (DiffedPoly). If you think about that, it doesn't make sense. It's written as if you changed what DiffedPoly really means. This query should be expressing, The fully differentiated polynomial (DiffedPoly) is the differentiation of the initial term (DiffedTerm) followed by the differentiation of the rest of the polynomial (differentiation of Rest with respect to DiffVar). Translate this last description into Prolog, then you'll be almost there.
Almost... that's because there needs to be a base case to the recursion. What happens on an empty polynomial? You would need also to add a diff_poly([], <something>, <something>) for that case.
I think that you should change the 'direction' of information flow, and add a base case.
Something simple like this should work
% we need this one, to match when Rest become an empty list
diff_poly([], _DiffVar, []).
diff_poly([Term | Rest], DiffVar, [DiffedTerm | DiffedPoly]) :-
diff_term(Term, DiffVar, DiffedTerm),
diff_poly(Rest, DiffVar, DiffedPoly).
This list processing pattern can be simplified by maplist/3 introduction
diff_poly(TermList, DiffVar, DiffedList) :-
maplist(diff_poly_(DiffVar), TermList, DiffedList).
% since maplist appends lists'elements to argument list, we need a service predicate
% otherwise, and better, a swap of diff_term arguments could do
diff_poly_(DiffVar, Term, Diffed) :-
diff_term(Term, DiffVar, Diffed).
I am learning Prolog under my Artificial Intelligence Lab, from the source Learn Prolog Now!.
In the 5th Chapter we come to learn about Accumulators. And as an example, these two code snippets are given.
To Find the Length of a List
without accumulators:
len([_|T],N) :- len(T,X), N is X+1.
with accumulators:
accLen([_|T],A,L) :- Anew is A+1, accLen(T,Anew,L).
I am unable to understand, how the two snippets are conceptually different? What exactly an accumulator is doing different? And what are the benefits?
Accumulators sound like intermediate variables. (Correct me if I am wrong.) And I had already used them in my programs up till now, so is it really that big a concept?
When you give something a name, it suddenly becomes more real than it used to be. Discussing something can now be done by simply using the name of the concept. Without getting any more philosophical, no, there is nothing special about accumulators, but they are useful.
In practice, going through a list without an accumulator:
foo([H|T]) :-
The head of the list is left behind, and cannot be accessed by the recursive call. At each level of recursion you only see what is left of the list.
Using an accumulator:
bar([], _Acc).
bar([H|T], Acc) :-
bar(T, [H|Acc]).
At every recursive step, you have the remaining list and all the elements you have gone through. In your len/3 example, you only keep the count, not the actual elements, as this is all you need.
Some predicates (like len/3) can be made tail-recursive with accumulators: you don't need to wait for the end of your input (exhaust all elements of the list) to do the actual work, instead doing it incrementally as you get the input. Prolog doesn't have to leave values on the stack and can do tail-call optimization for you.
Search algorithms that need to know the "path so far" (or any algorithm that needs to have a state) use a more general form of the same technique, by providing an "intermediate result" to the recursive call. A run-length encoder, for example, could be defined as:
rle([], []).
rle_1(Rest, First, 1, Encoded).
rle_1([], Last, N, [Last-N]).
rle_1([H|T], Prev, N, Encoded) :-
( dif(H, Prev)
-> Encoded = [Prev-N|Rest],
rle_1(T, H, 1, Rest)
; succ(N, N1),
rle_1(T, H, N1, Encoded)
Hope that helps.
TL;DR: yes, they are.
Imagine you are to go from a city A on the left to a city B on the right, and you want to know the distance between the two in advance. How are you to achieve this?
A mathematician in such a position employs magic known as structural recursion. He says to himself, what if I'll send my own copy one step closer towards the city B, and ask it of its distance to the city? I will then add 1 to its result, after receiving it from my copy, since I have sent it one step closer towards the city, and will know my answer without having moved an inch! Of course if I am already at the city gates, I won't send any copies of me anywhere since I'll know that the distance is 0 - without having moved an inch!
And how do I know that my copy-of-me will succeed? Simply because he will follow the same exact rules, while starting from a point closer to our destination. Whatever value my answer will be, his will be one less, and only a finite number of copies of us will be called into action - because the distance between the cities is finite. So the total operation is certain to complete in a finite amount of time and I will get my answer. Because getting your answer after an infinite time has passed, is not getting it at all - ever.
And now, having found out his answer in advance, our cautious magician mathematician is ready to embark on his safe (now!) journey.
But that of course wasn't magic at all - it's all being a dirty trick! He didn't find out the answer in advance out of thin air - he has sent out the whole stack of others to find it for him. The grueling work had to be done after all, he just pretended not to be aware of it. The distance was traveled. Moreover, the distance back had to be traveled too, for each copy to tell their result to their master, the result being actually created on the way back from the destination. All this before our fake magician had ever started walking himself. How's that for a team effort. For him it could seem like a sweet deal. But overall...
So that's how the magician mathematician thinks. But his dual the brave traveler just goes on a journey, and counts his steps along the way, adding 1 to the current steps counter on each step, before the rest of his actual journey. There's no pretense anymore. The journey may be finite, or it may be infinite - he has no way of knowing upfront. But at each point along his route, and hence when ⁄ if he arrives at the city B gates too, he will know his distance traveled so far. And he certainly won't have to go back all the way to the beginning of the road to tell himself the result.
And that's the difference between the structural recursion of the first, and tail recursion with accumulator ⁄ tail recursion modulo cons ⁄ corecursion employed by the second. The knowledge of the first is built on the way back from the goal; of the second - on the way forth from the starting point, towards the goal. The journey is the destination.
see also:
Technical Report TR19: Unwinding Structured Recursions into Iterations. Daniel P. Friedman and David S. Wise (Dec 1974).
What are the practical implications of all this, you ask? Why, imagine our friend the magician mathematician needs to boil some eggs. He has a pot; a faucet; a hot plate; and some eggs. What is he to do?
Well, it's easy - he'll just put eggs into the pot, add some water from the faucet into it and will put it on the hot plate.
And what if he's already given a pot with eggs and water in it? Why, it's even easier to him - he'll just take the eggs out, pour out the water, and will end up with the problem he already knows how to solve! Pure magic, isn't it!
Before we laugh at the poor chap, we mustn't forget the tale of the centipede. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. But when the required knowledge is simple and "one-dimensional" like the distance here, it'd be a crime to pretend to have no memory at all.
accumulators are intermediate variables, and are an important (read basic) topic in Prolog because allow reversing the information flow of some fundamental algorithm, with important consequences for the efficiency of the program.
Take reversing a list as example
nrev([H|T], R) :- nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R).
rev(L, R) :- rev(L, [], R).
rev([], R, R).
rev([H|T], C, R) :- rev(T, [H|C], R).
nrev/2 (naive reverse) it's O(N^2), where N is list length, while rev/2 it's O(N).
A problem I'm working on with Prolog is to see if a train can travel from one destination to the next. There are two rules.
A train can travel through on or more intermediary from one destination to the next.
Ex: San Francisco to Los Angeles
Los Angeles to Irvine
Irvine to San Diego
This gives a route from San Francisco to San Diego.
A train can travel to and from a destination. So if a train can travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles, it can travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
This is the code I currently have.
canTravel(From, To) :- nonStopTrain(From, To); nonStopTrain(To, From).
canTravel(From, To) :-
canTravel(From, Through), canTravel(Through, To).
The problem is the ability to travel bidirectionally. When I run this program, I keep running back and fourth between the same places, and I'm not exactly sure why.
The problem with a naive solution is that there are an infinite number of ways to get from point A to point B if you don't eliminate cycles. Suppose I want to go from Seattle to San Francisco. Without handling cycles, we're going to get each of these as a unique solution:
seattle -> portland -> seattle -> portland -> sanfrancisco
seattle -> portland -> seattle -> portland -> seattle -> portland -> sanfrancisco
seattle -> (portland -> seattle) x N -> sanfrancisco
There's no limit to the number of times you can double back on yourself, so there's effectively an infinite number of solutions once you have as little as three nodes connected. In practice you don't want any solutions where you double back on yourself, but Prolog doesn't know that and there's no intuitive and naive way to prevent it.
One of the better ways forward is to simply keep track of where you've been. To do that we're going to need to make the predicate take an extra argument. First I've also introduced a helper predicate.
connectedDirectly(From, To) :- nonStopTrain(From, To) ; nonStopTrain(To, From).
Having this separated out will reduce the desire to call canTravel recursively when we really just want to attach one more leg to the journey. Now for canTravel:
canTravel(From, To) :- canTravel(From, To, []).
This is an arity 2 rule that maps onto our new arity 3 rule. The list of places we've been is always empty initially. Now we need a base case:
canTravel(From, To, _) :- connectedDirectly(From, To).
This should be obvious. Now the inductive case is a little different, because we need to do two things: find a new leg to attach to the journey, make sure we haven't been through that leg before, and then recur, adding the new leg to the list of places we've been. Finally, we want to ensure we don't get large cycles where we end up where we started, so we add a rule to the end to make sure we don't.
canTravel(From, To, Visited) :-
connectedDirectly(From, Through),
\+ memberchk(Through, Visited),
canTravel(Through, To, [Through|Visited]),
From \= To.
Now if you run it you'll find you get 98 solutions and all the solutions are symmetric:
?- forall(canTravel(X, Y), (write(X-Y), nl)).
... etc.
So, happily, we were able to avoid going for a breadth-first search solution.
I have apparently confused the situation by overloading the name canTravel for two separate predicates. In Prolog, a predicate is uniquely defined by the name and the arity, much like overloading in C++ or Java where the "effective method" is determined by the number of arguments and the name, not just the name.
Your intuition is correct—the empty list in canTravel(From, To) :- canTravel(From, To, []) is establishing an initial binding for the list of visited places. It's not exactly allocating storage so much as establishing a base case.
There are really two uses of canTravel inside itself. One of them is calling canTravel/3 from canTravel/2. In this case, canTravel/3 is really sort of like a helper, doing the actual work of canTravel/2, but with an internal variable that we are initializing to the empty list. The other use is canTravel/3 from within canTravel/3, and for that we're both using it to achieve the same goal: recursion, Prolog's primary "looping" construction.
The third argument in canTravel(From, To, _) :- connectedDirectly(From, To) is what makes this clause part of canTravel/3. This is the base case of the recursion, so it doesn't need to consider the places we've visited so far (although the inductive case will prevent a circular journey). We could also check it here, but it turns out to be more expensive and have no effect on the resultset:
canTravel(From, To, Visited) :- connectedDirectly(From, To), \+ memberchk(To, Visited).
I concluded that if it was adding expense and complexity without changing the answers we could omit the check, which reduces the base case to the original one with the anonymous third variable.
It may make more sense to see this without the overloading, in which case it looks like this:
canTravel(From, To) :- canTravel_loop(From, To, []).
canTravel_loop(From, To, _) :- connectedDirectly(From, To).
canTravel_loop(From, To, Visited) :-
connectedDirectly(From, Through),
\+ memberchk(Through, Visited),
canTravel_loop(Through, To, [Through|Visited]),
From \= To.
Edit 2
Regarding the "bar operator," your intuition is once again correct. :) I'm using it here to prepend an item to a list. What's confusing you is that in Prolog, with unification, most expressions express relationships rather than procedures. So depending on the context, [X|Xs] might be used to construct a new list (if you have X and XS in hand) or it might be used to break an implicit list into a head X and tail Xs. Look at all the ways I can use it just from the repl:
?- X = hello, Xs = [world, new, user], Y = [X|Xs].
Y = [hello, world, new, user].
This is basically how we're using it in canTravel: we have Through and we have Visited, so we're making a new list with Through first and Visited as the tail, and that's the third parameter to the recursive invocation. In procedural terms, we're just adding Through to a variable we're using in our loop.
But because this is Prolog, we're not limited to using things in one direction:
?- Y = [hello, world, new, user], Y = [X|Xs].
X = hello,
Xs = [world, new, user].
?- Y = [hello, world, new, user], [X|Xs] = Y.
X = hello,
Xs = [world, new, user].
Notice that Prolog didn't care which direction the assignment happened in, but it managed to "work backwards" to figure out what X and Xs should be using Y. This is one of the magical things about Prolog. (Note that in the examples in this session I'm omitting the variables which are echoed back because they obscure the point.)
In general, you want predicates that can solve for different parameters. For instance, member/2 can be used to test membership or to enumerate items. append/3 can build a new list from two old lists, or it can enumerate all the ways to split a list into two segments, or it can find a prefix or suffix given a list and a suffix or prefix.
As you get more used to this functionality you'll stop thinking of Prolog rules as being like functions in other languages and start to see them as relations: logical "truths" that exist between certain constructions. member/2 isn't written by trying to enumerate items or by seeking through a list looking for a particular value. It's implemented by saying: the relation member(Item, List) is true when the Item is the first thing in List:
member(Item, [Item|_]).
or else when Item is in the remainder of the list:
member(Item, [_|Tail]) :- member(Item, Tail).
This definition is sufficient for all the possible uses. If Item is not instantiated, it will be instantiated to the first item in the list, then the first item in the tail of that list, and so on. If Item is instantiated, it will be true if Item is the first item in the list or if it is the first item in the tail. Surprisingly, member/2 can even be used to generate lists that contain a value:
?- member(1, X).
X = [1|_G274] ;
X = [_G8, 1|_G12] ;
X = [_G8, _G11, 1|_G15] .
You can see what happened there: the _ in the second clause is being made into anonymous variables, so it's generating lists with the 1 in the first position, then the second, then the third, etc.
A lot of Prolog works like this. This one is also pretty surprising:
?- length(X, 3).
X = [_G273, _G276, _G279].
Hope this helps clarify things a bit more! :)
Do you have use some specific Prolog system?
Your program will work as intended without modifications (well, you have to add :- auto_table. as a first line of your program) in a system with tabling support, like B-Prolog.
I think adding a cut will stop your infinite recursion issue because once it finds an answer it won't keep backtracking forever:
canTravel(From, To) :- nonStopTrain(From, To); nonStopTrain(To, From).
canTravel(From, To) :-
canTravel(From, Through), canTravel(Through, To), !.
I have no doubt that there is a more correct solution than this though.
I am very new to Prolog and I was given this assignment.
My code is as follows:
Simple enough. This shows that if:
?- isRelated(cindy,mike).
Prolog will return true. Now, I'm stuck on how to make it return true if:
?- isRelated(mike,cindy).
I've been trying to come up with ideas like if isRelated(Z,Y) returns false, then switch X and Y, and run isRelated again. But I'm not sure if Prolog even allows such an idea. Any hints or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So I added:
That will satisfy "direct" relationships, but simply enough I found out that it doesn't satisfy indirect relationships.
I really want to do something like, if the initial query:
fails, then try and see if the reverse is true by switching X and Y:
That will definitely return true. I just don't know how to do this syntactically in Prolog.
Further hint to those in the comments, as I can't leave comments yet: With your original set of rules and facts,
isRelated(cindy,tanya) is true, but isRelated(tanya,cindy) is not, so you need to make isRelated(X,Y) symmetric; what simple addition to isRelated would achieve that?
Also, you could try drawing a graph of the relation relatives(X,Y), with an arrow from X to Y for all your base facts, and see if that helps you think about how the Prolog interpreter is going to attempt to satisfy a query.
So to answer your last question, you don't switch the values of X and Y in Prolog, like you would call swap(x,y) in C, say. The value held by a logic variable can not be changed explicitly, only back-tracked over. But you can easily use Y where you would use X, and vice versa:
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y).
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(Y,X).
This defines somePred predicate as a logical disjunction, an "OR". It can be written explicitly too, like
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y) ; is_it(Y,X).
Note the semicolon there. A comma , between predicates OTOH defines a conjunction, an "AND" (a comma inside a compound term just serves to delimit the term's "arguments").
YOu're almost there, you're just trying, I think, to cram too much stuff into one predicate.
Write the problem statement in English and work from that:
A relationship exists between two people, X and Y
if X and Y are directly related, or
if any direct relative of X, P, is related to Y.
Then it gets easy. I'd approach it like this:
First, you have your set of facts about relatives.
related( cindy, tanya ).
related( james, alan ).
Then, a predicate describing a direct relationship is terms of those facts:
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(X,Y) % if X is related to Y
. % ... OR ...
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(Y,X) % if Y is related to X
. %
Finally, a predicate describing any relationship:
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,Y) % if a direct relationship exists between them
. % ... OR ...
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,P) , % if a direct relationship exists between X and some other person P
is_related(P,Y) % and [recursively] a relationship exists between P and Y.
. %
The solution is actually more complicated than this:
The facts about relationships describe one or more graphs. More on graphs at http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~sheard/course/Cs163/Doc/Graphs.html. What you're doing is finding a path from node X to Node Y in the graph.
If the graphs described by the facts about relationships have one or more paths between X and Y, the above solution can (and will) succeed multiple times (on backtracking), once for every such path. The solution needs to be deterministic. Normallly, having established that two people are related, we're done: just because I have two cousins doesn't mean I'm related to my aunt twice.
If the graph of relationships contains cycles (almost certainly true) such that a "circular" path exists: A → B → C → A …, the solution is susceptible to unlimited recursion. That means the solution needs to detect and deal with cycles. How might that be accomplished?