Ignore scheduled queued dags - airflow

I want to ignore or timeout the dags which are scheduled and ended up into the queued state. It is not about increasing the pool size or any kind of resource crunch. Those queued pipelines can be simply ignored.


Airflow Scheduler handling queueing of dags

I have the following airflow setup
Executor : KubernetesExecutor
airflow version : 2.1.3
airflow config : parallelism = 256
I have the below scenario
I have a number of dags(eg 10) which are dependent on the success state of another task from another dag. The tasks kept failing with retries enabled for 6 times.
All the dependent dags run hourly and as a result they were added to the queue state by the scheduler. I can see around 800 dags were in queue and nothing was running. So I ended up manually changing their state to Fail.
Below are my questions from this event.
Is there a limit on the number of dags that can run concurrently in airflow set up ?
Is there a limit on how many dags can be enqueued ?
When dags are queued how does the scheduler decides which one to pick ? Is it based on queued time ?
Is is possible for setting up priority among the queued dags ?
How Does airflow 2.1.3 treats task in queue ? Are they counted against max_active_runs parameters ?

Test an Apache Airflow DAG while it is already scheduled and running?

I ran the following test command:
airflow test events {task_name_redacted} 2018-12-12
...and got the following output:
Dependencies not met for <TaskInstance: events.{redacted} 2018-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 [None]>, dependency 'Task Instance Slots Available' FAILED: The maximum number of running tasks (16) for this task's DAG 'events' has been reached.
[2019-01-17 19:47:48,978] {models.py:1556} WARNING -
FIXME: Rescheduling due to concurrency limits reached at task runtime. Attempt 1 of 6. State set to NONE.
[2019-01-17 19:47:48,978] {models.py:1559} INFO - Queuing into pool None
My Airflow is configured with a maximum concurrency of 16. Does this mean that I cannot test a task when the DAG is currently running, and has used all of it's task slots?
Also, it was a little unclear from the docs, but does the airflow test actually execute the task, as in if it was a SparkSubmitOperator, it would actually submit the job?
While I am yet to reach that phase of deployment where concurrency will matter, the docs do give a fairly good indication of problem at hand
Since at any point of time just one scheduler is running (and you shouldn't be running multiple anyways), indeed it appears that irrespective of whether the DAG-runs are live-runs or test-runs, this limit will apply on them collectively. So that is certainly a hurdle.
# The number of task instances allowed to run concurrently by the scheduler
dag_concurrency = 16
But beware that merely increasing this number (assuming you have big-enough boxes for hefty workers / multiple workers), several other configurations will have to be tweaked as well to achieve the kind of parallelism I sense you want.
They are all listed under [core] section
# The amount of parallelism as a setting to the executor. This
defines the max number of task instances that should run
simultaneously on this airflow installation
parallelism = 32
# When not using pools, tasks are run in the "default pool", whose
size is guided by this config element
non_pooled_task_slot_count = 128
# The maximum number of active DAG runs per DAG
max_active_runs_per_dag = 16
But we are still not there, because once you spawn so many tasks simultaneously, the backend metadata-db will start choking. While this is likely a minor problem (and might not be affecting unless you have some real huge DAGs / very large no of Variable interactions in your tasks), its still worth noting as a potential roadblock
# The SqlAlchemy pool size is the maximum number of database
connections in the pool. 0 indicates no limit.
sql_alchemy_pool_size = 5
# The SqlAlchemy pool recycle is the number of seconds a connection
can be idle in the pool before it is invalidated. This config does not
apply to sqlite. If the number of DB connections is ever exceeded, a
lower config value will allow the system to recover faster.
sql_alchemy_pool_recycle = 1800
# How many seconds to retry re-establishing a DB connection after
disconnects. Setting this to 0 disables retries.
sql_alchemy_reconnect_timeout = 300
Needless to say, all this is pretty much futile unless you pick the right executor; SequentialExecutor, in particular is only intended for testing
# The executor class that airflow should use. Choices include SequentialExecutor, LocalExecutor, CeleryExecutor, DaskExecutor,
executor = SequentialExecutor
But then params to BaseOperator like depends_on_past, wait_for_downstream are there to spoil the party as well
Finally I leave you with this link related to Airflow + Spark combination: How to submit Spark jobs to EMR cluster from Airflow?
(Pardon me if the answer confused you more than you already were, but..)

Firebase-Queue Graceful Shutdown on GCE

This is a design question about the handling of tasks during the shutdown of a firebase-queue based app running on Google Compute Engine.
The use case I am working with is automatically scaling queue-workers depending on the load at any given time. Specific to our project is the fact that our tasks are long-running.
In an ideal world, the queue worker would have an opportunity to finish its current tasks before the virtual machine running the worker is terminated. We are working with Google Compute Engine / instance groups to handle the scaling of our queue worker app. Firebase-queue does provide a promise based method to shutdown a queue worker (i.e. queue.shutdown()). This will stop the worker from accepting new tasks and will allow running tasks to finish prior to resolving the promise.
The problem I am facing is how to allow the queue worker to shutdown gracefully prior to instance termination (this problem would also occur during a rolling update). One way is to trigger the worker shutdown and have the worker trigger instance shutdown, but this does not seem like the best design because control is taken away from whatever service is triggering the scale down in the first place.
GCE does provide a service which will run a shutdown script prior to instance termination, however, it will forcefully shutdown an instance after about 90 seconds, which does not work for us.
I am interested in design ideas / patterns to follow here. Any help is much appreciated.

How to increase tasks queued per second?

I am trying to diagnose an under-performing airflow pipeline and am wondering what kind of performance I should expect out of the airflow scheduler in terms similar to "tasks scheduled per second".
I have few queued jobs and many of my tasks finish in seconds so I suspect the scheduler is the limiting component and it is my fault for having many quick tasks. Still, I would rather not rewrite my DAGs if it can be avoided.
What can I do to increase the rate at which the scheduler queues tasks?
Pipeline Details
Here is what my current airflow.cfg looks like.
I only have two dags running. One is scheduled every 5 min and the other is rarely triggered by the first. I am currently trying to backfill several years at this frequency, but may need to change my approach:
As for worker nodes: I currently have 4 fairly powerful servers running at less than 10% resource usage in disk, network, cpu, RAM, swap. Toggling 3 of the workers off has no impact on my task throughput and the server left on barely even registers the change in workload.
There are a number of config values in your airflow.cfg that could be related to this.
Under [core]:
parallelism: Total number of task instances that can run at once.
dag_concurrency: Limit of task instances that can run per DAG run, may need to bump if you have many parallel tasks. Can override when defining a DAG.
non_pooled_task_slot_count: Limit of tasks without a pool configured that can run at once.
max_active_runs_per_dag: The maximum number of active DAG runs per DAG. If you're triggering runs manually or there's a backup of DAG runs scheduled with a short interval. Can override when defining a DAG.
Under [scheduler]:
schedule_heartbeat_sec: Defines how often the scheduler runs, try it out with lower values.
min_file_process_interval: Process each file at most once every N seconds. Set to 0 to never limit how often you process a file.
Under [worker]:
celeryd_concurrency: Number of workers celery will run with, so essentially number of task instances a worker can take at once. Matching the number of CPUs is a popular starting point, but can definitely go higher.
Last one is only if you're using the CeleryExecutor, which I'd definitely recommend if you're looking to increase your task throughput.

Scheduler called asyncronously RTOS and time measuring

In order to shorten follow up latency I am forcing task scheduler to run form ISR. By doing so I found that those tasks that are blocked are sooner woken up. That is because scheduler tick counter was incremented not only by tick timer but form ISR as well.
Is there any other method to block task for exact amount of time even though scheduler is being called asynchronously without relaying on other hardware such as timers?
