FullCalendar how to resize time axis for Vaadin - fullcalendar

I am using the Full Calendar plugin component.
The time-axis is super cramped and does not look good in my language.
How do I set the width of the time-axis to e.g. 100px?
Code example:
FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().build();
calendar.setLocale(new Locale("da", "DK"));


Custom Layout in QListView

I'm looking for a way to create a custom layout in the QListView.
The problem is the following: I have a number of images, with different widths (height is the same). In code, these images are stored in QAbstractItemModel. I want to lay them out similar to "justified" layout in text editors, i.e. in each row there's an image in the start and in the end of the row, images in between are placed uniformly. Spaces between images on the same row should be equal.
I didn't find this customization functionality in Qt docs nor in google.
How can I achieve custom layout like this using Qt?
Here's the image, showing an example of the layout I need:
I tried to do that a while back, the result is this library: longscroll-qt. It does not use QAbstractItemModel however, since its structure does not fit the problem.
It solves all the nasty stuff, like what to do when there image sizes + spacings do not add up. And it supports real custom widgets to display items, that you can interact with (like pressing a button), which is not really possible in QAbstractItemViews.

CSS snap box like facebook timeline or about.com

Its possible to creating snap box, like facebook timeline or about.com without javascript/jquery?. And its crossbrowser.
I mean irregular box.
Facebook: http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/i/472778-12222011104910am.png
There is nothing cross-browser that will accomplish "vertically floated" boxes without using some Javascript to simulate it.
If you decide jQuery is okay, look at Isotope and Masonry.

Full Calendar Width

I am currently using the Calendar on a wordpess website with restricted width on the page due to widgets restricting width on the right hand side.
This is causing the events to be squashed up in the week view, can I :
Disable the Sunday day so that the other 6 days are wider
Can I make each day wider and use a scroll bar along the bottom for the week view ?
Are these two options possible ? If so how can I achieve this
Disabling Sunday is probably possible, although I haven't done it before and I can bet you it's going to require extensive php coding to achieve.
The easiest, to my mind, would be to play around with the CSS of the calendar widget. Here's my suggestions:
You could make each day (which'll be
an <li> tag) wider;
Give that widget a set width /
height; and lastly
Set the parent (either the tag, or
the containing tag) CSS to
overflow: scroll.
It won't be pretty (unless you use Javascript/jQuery), but it'll work...
Hope it helps...

Lightbox with Flex

I want a fusion chart in my flex app to display with a Lightbox effect like the effect you get when you click on any of the charts here or checkout the demos here
These effect have been attained with the help of javascript. How do i get the same effect via Flex? Any idea?
Thanks a lot
I built a Flex component called PopUpThumbnail that is very similar to HTML/JavaScript lightbox components.
Here's an example application that I created with it to displays Flickr images.
Add a mask over the top of the whole application with the content area in the middle and the semi alpha area around it. Clicking on the surrounding mask removes the layer, and you can interact with the content area as normal (make it look like a popup rather than actually using one...)

To build a flex volume control component similar to that of Youtube

Hey, I've been assigned to design a flex 3 volume control component similar to the one Youtube players have. I mean, you move the mouse over the volume icon and a vertical slider appears.
My only doubt is about how making this vertical slider to appear and to hide properly.
Should I extend a PopUpButton somehow? Maybe another kind of PopUp component? Or do I really need to program the whole thing in actionscript(that would be just sad and sounds like reinventing the wheel)?
Is anyone able to simply point me in the right direction?
OBS: No need to teach me about skinning, designing.. or any of the rest. :)
No! Don't use a popup. Put a canvas somewhere hidden behind your bar of controls and just set it's visible to true when you mouse over the control.
I don't remember if the youtube slider covers the volume button or appears above it, but either way you can put it in there with a canvas.
If you want it to be one single component, the problem you run in to is that the size will be wrong if you hide the slider in the button component (It will be measured to be the size of the slider, instead of the button). But don't worry! Just override measure() and measure the button instead of both. Then if you set clipContent to false, it can display the slider outside of its bounds
What I suggest is to create a flex control that contains a graphic for displaying the volume meter and a hidden slider.
When you roll over the graphic volume meter you show the slider.
When you roll out the slider or the volume meter then you hide the slider.
I believe that's all
