net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR uploading image to pinata - next.js

I created a next.js app to upload json
try {
const url = ``;
const fileRes = await, formData, {
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
headers: {
"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data: boundary=${formData.getBoundary()}`,
pinata_api_key: pinataApiKey,
pinata_secret_api_key: pinataSecretApiKey,
// we need to create formData
return res.status(200).send(;
} catch (error: any) {
console.error("errro in uploading image",;
this is the response I get
fileRes {
IpfsHash: 'QmWb63anLitKNrfiZBiyNBLJGbA57vkFqugJUJvUVvvaKi',
PinSize: 35672,
Timestamp: '2022-05-20T17:48:31.784Z'
I successfully upload the image, It is in pinata files. But I cannot display. I have this error on console.
When i click on the link I get this on browser:
I tried to upload through pinata upload, but I have the same issue.
I tried different images. delete them re-upload them but still error
I changed the DNS server to Cloudflare and it works now.


NextJS dev server response time

My main question is; is there a difference in response time for fetching in localhost vs live/production?
I have a project im building in NextJS, with GraphCMS and I'm using GraphQL/graphql-request to fetch the data. When I first start up localhost and the pages loads, I click a link in the page navigation to go to about page and it literally takes 2 seconds for the data to fetch and the page to change. I'm watching the network tab in Chrome DevTools and the .json file status is (pending) and then switches to 200 once the content is downloaded. Here is a screenshot from DevTools:
When I hover over the waterfall, It says the Waiting for server response is 1.86s and content download is 0.46ms. So is the waiting for server response, something because im on a localhost, or is this something to do with the GraphCMS server were its fetching the data from?
Also you may note that the json file size is only 5.2kB, so its not a large fetch.
To give you a little context on the code, my queries & client are stored in the /lib folder:
// /lib/client.js
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request'
export const graphcmsClient = () =>
new GraphQLClient(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHCMS_URL, {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.GRAPHCMS_TOKEN}`,
// example of a query in ./lib/queries.js
import { gql } from 'graphql-request'
const blogPageQuery = gql`
fragment BlogPostFields on BlogPost {
coverImage {
and here is an example where im using getStaticProps and fetching the query data:
export async function getStaticProps({ params, preview = false }) {
const client = graphcmsClient(preview)
const collectionCards = await getAllCollections()
const { page, navigation } = await client.request(pageQuery, {
slug: params.slug
if (!page) {
return {
notFound: true
const parsedPageData = await parsePageData(page)
return {
props: {
page: parsedPageData,
revalidate: 60

LinkedIn API: upload video returns 500

According to the LinkedIn API documentation, I'm trying to push video. Unfortunately, I get a 500 error without any details when I'm running PUT request with the binary video file on the given endpoint from initialization request.
My video fit with video specifications.
Did I miss something ?
i have been in the same situation as you few days ago.
the solution is :
if your file is more then 4MB you must divide your file.
and in the initialize upload you will get a list of uploadUrls. so use each link with parts of file.
Thanks #ARGOUBI Sofien for your answer. I found my mistake: the fileSizeBytes value was wrong and gave me only one link for the upload. With the good value, I have several endpoints.
So, I'm initializing upload with that body:
"initializeUploadRequest": {
"owner": "urn:li:organization:MY_ID",
"fileSizeBytes": 10903312,
"uploadCaptions": false,
"uploadThumbnail": true
I got this response:
"value": {
"uploadUrlsExpireAt": 1657618793558,
"video": "urn:li:video:C4E10AQEDRhUsYL99HQ",
"uploadInstructions": [
"uploadUrl": "[...]t3yak1",
"lastByte": 4194303,
"firstByte": 0
"uploadUrl": "[...]f13yak1",
"lastByte": 8388607,
"firstByte": 4194304
"uploadUrl": "[...]V3yak1",
"lastByte": 10903311,
"firstByte": 8388608
"uploadToken": "",
"thumbnailUploadUrl": "[...]mF3yak1"
It's look like better ✌️
After several tests, the upload is ok when I have only one upload links but I does not get any response from the server when I have several upload URL.
My code:
const uploadPromises: Array<() => Promise<AxiosResponse<void>>> = []; UploadInstructionType) => {
const bufferChunk: Buffer =, uploadInstruction.lastByte + 1);
const func = async (): Promise<AxiosResponse<void>> => linkedinRestApiRepository.uploadMedia(uploadInstruction.uploadUrl, bufferChunk, videoContentType, videoContentLength);
let uploadVideoResponses: Array<AxiosResponse<void>>;
try {
uploadVideoResponses = await series(uploadPromises);
} catch (e) {
Something is wrong we I have several upload links but I does not know what 😞
in my case i have divide my file buffer into arrayBuffer
then you can use map to upload each buffer with the right urlUpload

Issue with google bucket image upload in a Cypress test

I'm trying to create a Cypress test that involves uploading an image directly to a google storage bucket. I'm following this stack overflow suggestion:
Upload File with via Request
and I have it to the point where the image file gets uploaded to the bucket without any errors during the upload. However when subsequently downloading the file from google, it's apparent that the image contents were corrupted.
The stack overflow example uses Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob() to create a blob to be uploaded. That method comes from this third party library which has been bundled with Cypress:
Here's the code that I currently am working with:
Cypress.Commands.add('fileUpload', (url, fileName) => {
const method = 'PUT';
const fileType = 'image/png';
cy.get('#bin').then( (bin) => {
// File in binary format gets converted to blob
// so it can be sent as Form data
const blob = Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob(bin, fileType);
// Build up the form
const formData = new FormData();
formData.set('file', blob, fileName);
// Perform the request
cy.rawFormRequest(method, url, formData, function (response) {
Cypress.Commands.add('rawFormRequest', (method, url, formData, done) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
xhr.onload = function () {
xhr.onerror = function (error) {
This is the image being uploaded:
But then when I go into the Google Storage GUI, it's apparent the image hasn't been uploaded cleanly:
I tried 2 of the other methods in the blob-util library: Cypress.Blob.arrayBufferToBlob() and Cypress.Blobl.imgSrcToBlob(), however again, although the file is uploaded without errors, when downloading or viewing in the google cloud GUI it's apparent that the file contents weren't uploaded cleanly.

Empty Image is uploadded

Image Upload to wordpress is uploading empty image
I am working on a mobile application consumes wordpress API. My application uses Nativescript-Vue Framework. I need to upload multiple images to wordpress using remote WP-API.
var data=[];
const params = new FormData();
//params.append('file', this.value);
this.product.images.forEach(i => {
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
Authorization: this.auth_token,
'content_type':'multipart/form-data' ,
'Content-Disposition':`attachment; filename="product.jpg"`
if(this.product.images.length === 0) return;'media',params)
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
Unfortunately, Word Press receives an empty image. Any solution, i have tried nativescript-background-http.That does not work either, it has a lot of problems with oauth with wordpress
As of today, {N} doesn't support multi-part data upload out of the box. You may follow on the open feature request on Github for further updates.
It's recommended workaround is to use nativescript-background-http plugin meanwhile.
tns plugin add nativescript-background-http

How to wait until image uploaded to firebase storage in Ionic 2

I'm trying to wait until image uploaded on firebase storage by using loader but it doesn't work fine
I wrote my code like this but I don't know where is my mistake and why alert show before uploading process.
private uploadPhoto(): void {
let loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: ""
.putString(this.myPhoto, 'base64', { contentType: 'image/JPEG' })
.then((savedPicture) => {
this.myPhotoURL = savedPicture.downloadURL;
url: this.myPhotoURL,
date: new Date().toISOString()
alert("image uploaded and stored in database");
I got the solution by adding "return" before "this.myPhotosRef.child..."
