Empty Image is uploadded - wordpress

Image Upload to wordpress is uploading empty image
I am working on a mobile application consumes wordpress API. My application uses Nativescript-Vue Framework. I need to upload multiple images to wordpress using remote WP-API.
var data=[];
const params = new FormData();
//params.append('file', this.value);
this.product.images.forEach(i => {
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://mah.ttawor.com/wp-json/wp/v2/',
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
Authorization: this.auth_token,
'content_type':'multipart/form-data' ,
'Content-Disposition':`attachment; filename="product.jpg"`
if(this.product.images.length === 0) return;
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
Unfortunately, Word Press receives an empty image. Any solution, i have tried nativescript-background-http.That does not work either, it has a lot of problems with oauth with wordpress

As of today, {N} doesn't support multi-part data upload out of the box. You may follow on the open feature request on Github for further updates.
It's recommended workaround is to use nativescript-background-http plugin meanwhile.
tns plugin add nativescript-background-http


net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR uploading image to pinata

I created a next.js app to upload json
try {
const url = `https://api.pinata.cloud/pinning/pinFileToIPFS`;
const fileRes = await axios.post(url, formData, {
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
headers: {
"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data: boundary=${formData.getBoundary()}`,
pinata_api_key: pinataApiKey,
pinata_secret_api_key: pinataSecretApiKey,
console.log("fileRes", fileRes.data);
// we need to create formData
return res.status(200).send(fileRes.data);
} catch (error: any) {
console.error("errro in uploading image", error.response.data);
this is the response I get
fileRes {
IpfsHash: 'QmWb63anLitKNrfiZBiyNBLJGbA57vkFqugJUJvUVvvaKi',
PinSize: 35672,
Timestamp: '2022-05-20T17:48:31.784Z'
I successfully upload the image, It is in pinata files. But I cannot display. I have this error on console.
When i click on the link I get this on browser:
I tried to upload through pinata upload, but I have the same issue.
I tried different images. delete them re-upload them but still error
I changed the DNS server to Cloudflare and it works now.

Issue with google bucket image upload in a Cypress test

I'm trying to create a Cypress test that involves uploading an image directly to a google storage bucket. I'm following this stack overflow suggestion:
Upload File with Cypress.io via Request
and I have it to the point where the image file gets uploaded to the bucket without any errors during the upload. However when subsequently downloading the file from google, it's apparent that the image contents were corrupted.
The stack overflow example uses Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob() to create a blob to be uploaded. That method comes from this third party library which has been bundled with Cypress:
Here's the code that I currently am working with:
Cypress.Commands.add('fileUpload', (url, fileName) => {
const method = 'PUT';
const fileType = 'image/png';
cy.get('#bin').then( (bin) => {
// File in binary format gets converted to blob
// so it can be sent as Form data
const blob = Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob(bin, fileType);
// Build up the form
const formData = new FormData();
formData.set('file', blob, fileName);
// Perform the request
cy.rawFormRequest(method, url, formData, function (response) {
Cypress.Commands.add('rawFormRequest', (method, url, formData, done) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(method, url);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
xhr.onload = function () {
xhr.onerror = function (error) {
This is the image being uploaded:
But then when I go into the Google Storage GUI, it's apparent the image hasn't been uploaded cleanly:
I tried 2 of the other methods in the blob-util library: Cypress.Blob.arrayBufferToBlob() and Cypress.Blobl.imgSrcToBlob(), however again, although the file is uploaded without errors, when downloading or viewing in the google cloud GUI it's apparent that the file contents weren't uploaded cleanly.

How to fix the error : your application id may be incorrect. If the error persists, contact support#algolia.com

I want to send cloud firestore data to algolia to enable full-text search. Firebase cloud function log is showing an error about application id. I am not able to understand this error and how to fix this.
name: 'RetryError',
message: 'Unreachable hosts - your application id may be incorrect. If the error persists, contact support#algolia.com.'
This is my index.js file
exports.addFirestoreDataToAlgolia =
functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var arr = [];
.then((docs) => {
docs.forEach((doc) => {
let user = doc.data();
user.objectID = doc.id;
const client = algoliasearch(ALGOLIA_ID, ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY);
const index = client.initIndex(ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME);
return index.saveObjects(arr, (err, content) => {
if (err) {
else {
.catch( err => {
Outbound requests (outside of Google services) can only be made from functions on a paid plan (https://firebase.google.com/pricing).
Reason for the wrong appID error is that the Algolia is trying to resolve a dns using your appID, which fails. See https://github.com/algolia/algoliasearch-client-javascript/issues/587#issuecomment-407397688
You have to move off of the free Spark plan in order to call out to Algolia from your function..
I also got this error with NextJS, it was working fine with react but then when I moved to NextJs I got the error.
Turns out it was my .env variables that were not being passed correctly to the client/browser. Renaming the variables from REACT_APP_<variable name> to NEXT_PUBLIC_<variable name> to make them available to the browser as per the NextJs documentation fixed the issue.

Firebase Storage - Image preview is permenantly loading

I've started working with firebase storage and firebase functions recently. Right now I've been developing file upload from functions to storage .
I've got it working (upload is done and file appears on the storage section), yet, the image, stays like this forever (loading forever on the right side):
I though that it was an error from my code. Yet, if I open Google Cloud Platform - Storage, the image appears and I can open it and preview it.
In firebase storage, if I open the image (select on it and click open), it returns the following url: https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/undefined
What may I been doing wrong? Here's the code I'm using:
function uploadImage() {
const newImageData = ""
var mimeTypes = require('mimetypes');
var image = newImageData,
mimeType = image.match(/data:([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+).*,.*/)![1],
fileName = 'test.' + mimeTypes.detectExtension(mimeType),
base64EncodedImageString = image.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ''),
imageBuffer = new Buffer(base64EncodedImageString, 'base64');
// Instantiate the GCP Storage instance
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const googleCloudStorage = new Storage(firebaseSettings);
const bucket = googleCloudStorage.bucket('projectID.appspot.com');
var file = bucket.file(fileName);
return file.save(imageBuffer, {
metadata: { contentType: mimeType, cacheControl: "public, max-age=300" },
public: true,
validation: 'md5'
}, function (error: any) {
if (error) {
throw 'error';
return "https://storage.googleapis.com/share-expanses-dcc9f.appspot.com/" + fileName;
Thanks for the help
Haven't been able to test the solution given by Firebase, but here's the transcript of the response:
The problem that you are facing could be because of two reasons. The
first one is how you are uploading the files, via the Firebase
Console, using any Admin SDK, or via the gsutil command. If using the
Admin SDK option, the problem is a known issue where the required
metadata doesn’t exist, fortunately there is a workaround, you can try
this script to solve this issue.
Now, the second one is related to the network if you are using
comcast, please, try on a different network to see if this issue is
related to that.
When you save an image to firebase, you need to provide an access token in metadata : firebaseStorageDownloadTokens. It has to be an uuid.
More info can be found here : https://www.sentinelstand.com/article/guide-to-firebase-storage-download-urls-tokens
const { v4: uuid } = require("uuid")
function uploadImage() {
const newImageData = ""
var mimeTypes = require('mimetypes');
var image = newImageData,
mimeType = image.match(/data:([a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+).*,.*/)![1],
fileName = 'test.' + mimeTypes.detectExtension(mimeType),
base64EncodedImageString = image.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ''),
imageBuffer = new Buffer(base64EncodedImageString, 'base64');
// Instantiate the GCP Storage instance
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const googleCloudStorage = new Storage(firebaseSettings);
const bucket = googleCloudStorage.bucket('projectID.appspot.com');
var file = bucket.file(fileName);
return file.save(imageBuffer, {
metadata: {
contentType: mimeType,
cacheControl: "public,
firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: uuid(),
public: true,
validation: 'md5'
}, function (error: any) {
if (error) {
throw 'error';
return "https://storage.googleapis.com/share-expanses-dcc9f.appspot.com/" + fileName;
After that you'll need to click on "Create access token"
#jean-smaug answer is almost complete. Based on the page he linked (https://www.sentinelstand.com/article/guide-to-firebase-storage-download-urls-tokens), the only missing thing is to wrap the firebaseStorageDownloadTokens property inside a metadata object. I've just tested it and it's working fine 👌 No need to create access token afterwards.
In my case I added metadata while uploading and it loading as it showed in image but when I'm refresh page after 3 min I found that it upload correctly , so as Cafn explain if it not matter of metadata you should wait until it loaded
$uploadedObject=$bucket->upload($imageFile, [
'name' => 'Image_Name',
"metadata" => [ "contentType"=> 'image/png'],

Sharing cookies between sites on the same domain - Headless / Decoupled CMS

The context of my challenge
I'm building a headless WordPress / WooCommerce Store.
If you're not familiar with the concept of a headless CMS, I pull the store's content (Products, and their images, text) over the WordPress / WooCommerce REST API. This way, I have the benefit of a CMS dashboard for my client whilst I get to develop in a modern language / library, in my case - React!
If possible I'd like to keep the checkout in WordPress/WooCommerce/PHP. Depending on the project I apply this code / boilerplate to I suspect that I'll have to chop and change payment gateways, and making this secure and PCI compliant will be much easier in PHP/WordPress - there's a whole host of plugins for this.
This means the entire store / front-end will live in React, with the exception of the cart in which the user will be redirected to the CMS front-end (WordPress, PHP) when they wish to complete their order.
The Challenge
This makes managing cookies for the session rather unintuitive and unorthodox. When the user is redirected from the store (React site) to the checkout (WooCommerce/PHP site) the cart session has to persist between the two sites.
Additionally, requests to WooCommerce are routed through the Node/Express server which my React client sits ons. I do this because I want to keep the WordPress address obscured, and so I can apply GraphQL to clean up my requests & responses. This issue is that in this process, the cookies are lost because my client and my CMS are communicating through a middle man (my Node server) - I require extra logic to manually manage my cookies.
The Code
When I attempt to add something to a cart, from an action creator (I'm using Redux for state management) I hit the api corresponding endpoint on my Node/Express server:
export const addToCart = (productId, quantity) => async (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: ADD_TO_CART});
try {
// Manually append cookies somewhere here
const payload = await axios.get(`${ROOT_API}/addtocart?productId=${productId}&quantity=${quantity}`, {
withCredentials: true
} catch (error) {
Then on the Node/Express server I make my request to WooCommerce:
app.get('/api/addtocart', async (req, res) => {
try {
// Manually retrieve & append cookies somewhere here
const productId = parseInt(req.query.productId);
const quantity = parseInt(req.query.quantity);
const response = await axios.post(`${WP_API}/wc/v2/cart/add`, {
product_id: productId,
return res.json(response.data);
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
return res.json(error);
With the clues given by #TarunLalwani (thanks a million!) in his comments, I've managed to formulate a solution.
Cookie Domain Setting
Since I was working with two seperate sites, in order for this to work I had to ensure they were both on the same domain, and that the domain was set in all cookies. This ensured cookies were included in my requests between the Node / Express server (sitting on eg. somedomain.com) and the WooCommerce CMS (sitting on eg. wp.somedomain.com), rather than being exclusive to the wp.somedomain subdomain. This was achieved by setting define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'somedomain.com' ); in my wp-config.php on the CMS.
Manually Getting and Setting Cookies
My code needed significant additional logic in order for cookies to be included whilst requests were routed through my Node / Express server through the client.
In React I had to check if the cookie existed, and if it did I had to send it through in the header of my GET request to the Node / Express server.
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
export const getSessionData = () => {
// WooCommerce session cookies are appended with a random hash.
// Here I am tracking down the key of the session cookie.
const cookies = Cookies.get();
if (cookies) {
const cookieKeys = Object.keys(cookies);
for (const key of cookieKeys) {
if (key.includes('wp_woocommerce_session_')) {
return `${key}=${Cookies.get(key)};`;
return false;
export const addToCart = (productId, quantity) => async (dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: ADD_TO_CART});
const sessionData = getSessionData();
const config = {};
if (sessionData) config['session-data'] = sessionData;
console.log('config', config);
try {
const payload = await axios.get(`${ROOT_API}/addtocart?productId=${productId}&quantity=${quantity}`, {
withCredentials: true,
headers: config
} catch (error) {
On the Node / Express Server I had to check if I had included a cookie (saved in req.headers with the key session-data - it was illegal to use Cookie as a key here) from the client, and if I did, append that to the header of my request going to my CMS.
If I didn't find an appended cookie, it meant this was the first request in the session, so I had to manually grab the cookie from the response I got back from the CMS and save it to the client (setCookieFunc).
app.get('/api/addtocart', async (req, res) => {
try {
const productId = parseInt(req.query.productId);
const quantity = parseInt(req.query.quantity);
const sessionData = req.headers['session-data'];
const headers = {};
if (sessionData) headers.Cookie = sessionData;
const response = await axios.post(`${WP_API}/wc/v2/cart/add`, {
product_id: productId,
}, { headers });
if (!sessionData) {
const cookies = response.headers['set-cookie'];
const setCookieFunc = (cookie) => {
const [cookieKeyValue, ...cookieOptionsArr] = cookie.split('; ');
const cookieKey = cookieKeyValue.split('=')[0];
const cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookieKeyValue.split('=')[1]);
const cookieOptions = { };
cookieOptionsArr.forEach(option => (cookieOptions[option.split('=')[0]] = option.split('=')[1]));
if (cookieOptions.expires) {
const expires = new Date(cookieOptions.expires);
cookieOptions.expires = expires;
res.cookie(cookieKey, cookieValue, cookieOptions);
cookies.map(cookie => setCookieFunc(cookie));
return res.json(response.data);
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
return res.json(error);
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant solution to the problem, but it worked for me.
I used the js-cookie library for interacting with cookies on my React client.
If you're trying to make this work in your development environment (using localhost) there's some extra work to be done. See Cookies on localhost with explicit domain
