Can one IP address correspond to multiple ASNs - ip

Can one IP address correspond to multiple ASNs?
If so, what were the circumstances? Is it related to anycast ip address?

No, each IP address is associated with a unique origin ASN. You could however have a more specific prefix from a different ASN. For example, => ASN1 and => ASN2.
All anycast locations would need to be originated from the same ASN.


extracting information from given IPv4 and IPv6 addresses list

Consider the next list of private IP addresses:
Now, is there any procedures to know more information about this list of IPs like the port number or the protocols used or being used by the given IPs? If my list is missing more information, what can I add to make this thing work?

IPv4 Network ID & Host ID

[I did my research]
I read the IPv4 and Subnetting chapters in the CCNA prep material. Watched several youtube videos and read through several forums. However, I still have a small issue because different sources use certain terms interchangeably however I want to be certain and confirm my understanding to avoid confusion.
[The Question]
Is the network address the same as the node address the same as the network id ?
Is the host address the same as the host id?
for instance:
in this ip is 184.19 the network address == the node address == the network id?
is 39.34 the host address == the host id?
Thanks alot guys !
Q1: Basically, yes. You should note though that there are different kinds of network addresses such as IP addresses, subnet addresses/prefixes, or MAC addresses. The exact meaning of each term depends on context.
Q2: If the IP address/mask is then is the subnet address. 39.34 is the host part of the IP address while 184.19 is the network part. The IP address is split into these parts as indicated by the CIDR value or the network mask ( for /16).
Note that this split is only relevant for routing and on the last hop, so you don't need to know the mask value of a far IP address.
Answer Q1 :
yes, But on as desired of the Mac or virtual IP or a value for the IP
Answer Q2 :
Gluttony complement each other
You can find a detailed answer here :

CIDR /28 calculation confusion

I am trying to learn how to calculate IP addresses from CIDR block.
For example, or
From what I understand, that means first 28 bits are associated with network address while the rest 4 bits are host addresses. That would result in following IP range: -
The first IP should be and last IP address should be
But according to The first IP should be and the last one should be
I really can't figure out why. Can anyone explain the reason for me? Thanks!
Generally, the first IP is the network identifier and cannot be assigned to any device.This is used by router or switch on the network.
The last one is the broadcasting IP and cannot be assigned to any device as this IP is used by router or switch on the network to broadcast information.

Same IP Address for two different nodes on same network

I'm wondering if two nodes on same network/sub-network can have same ip addresses?
Now i know that by definiton ip addresses are unique and that's how nodes are identified on network layer but i got this question in a quiz paper so is that possible anyhow?
For eg if i am on a private network and then if try to set same ip addresses for two different nodes it gives IP adress conflict but answer was YES in that quiz for this question.So if anybody can suggest any possible reason,it would be deeply appreciated.
Please let me know if it's not possible.
they can, but they must not.
If the client know or cache the mac address , it can comunicate with one node
but the next arp request can change the mac address and continue with the other.
It can send udp message to the wrong node , but broke tcp connections.

how to calculate number of nodes?

I'm wondering how to calculate number of nodes in CIDR network?
for example if the CIDR network is How many nodes can be accommodated in this CIDR network?
Any help would be appreciatet
Typically you'll have a broadcast address, so that's one address removed. You'll also typically have a router/default gateway, so that's often one more address removed. So that leaves 2^(32-16)-2==65534 IP addresses free for other use. If you want to subnet that further, you'll lose one more IP per subnet, since each subnet will have its own broadcast range.
In general terms thats 2^(32-bits_set_in_mask) addresses. As sarnold pointed out some of those can't be used for nodes.
