Rf_allocVector only allocates and does not zero out memory - r

Original motivation behind this is that I have a dynamically sized array of floats that I want to pass to R through Rcpp without either incurring the cost of a zeroing out nor the cost of a deep copy.
Originally I had thought that there might be some way to take heap allocated array, make it aware to R's gc system and then wrap it with other data to create a "Rcpp::NumericVector" but it seems like that that's not possible - or doable with my current knowledge.
However and correct me if I'm wrong it looks like simply constructing a NumericVector with a size N and then using it as an N sized allocation will call R.h's Rf_allocVector and that itself does not either zero out the allocated array - I tested it on a small C program that gets dyn.loaded into R and it looks like garbage values. I also took a peek at the assembly and there doesn't seem to be any zeroing out.
Can anyone confirm this or offer any alternate solution?

Welcome to StackOverflow.
You marked this rcpp but that is a function from the C API of R -- whereas the Rcpp API offers you its constructors which do in fact set the memory tp zero:
> Rcpp::cppFunction("NumericVector goodVec(int n) { return NumericVector(n); }")
> sum(goodVec(1e7))
[1] 0
This creates a dynamically allocated vector using R's memory functions. The vector is indistinguishable from R's own. And it has the memory set to zero
as we use R_Calloc, which is documented in Writing R Extension to setting the memory to zero. (We may also use memcpy() explicitly, you can check the sources.)
So in short, you just have yourself confused over what the C API of R, as well as Rcpp offer, and what is easiest to use when. Keep reading documentation, running and writing examples, and studying existing code. It's all out there!


Max Array Length in Julia

I can create an array of a million elements like this:
Vector{Int64} with 1000000 elements
but if I try to create an array of a billion elements I get this:
Julia has exited.
Press Enter to start a new session.
Is Julia not able to handle a billion elements in an array or what am I doing wrong here?
You are creating an Array of Int64, each of which needs to be stored in memory:
julia> sizeof(3)
So at some point you're bound to run out of memory - this is not due to some inherent limit on the number of elements in an array, but rather the size of the overall array, which in turn depends on the size of each element. Consider:
julia> sizeof(Int8(3))
julia> [Int8(1) for _ in 1:1_000_000_000]
1000000000-element Array{Int8,1}:
so filling the array with a smaller data type (8-bit rather than 64-bit Integer) allows me to create an array with more elements.
While there is no limit how big an Array can be in Julia there is obviously the available RAM memory limit (mentioned in the other answer). Basically, you can assume that all your available system memory can be allocated for a Julia process. sizeof is a good way to calculate how much RAM you need.
However, if you actually do big array computing in Julia the above limit can be circumvented in many ways:
Use massive memory machines from a major cloud computing provider. I use Julia on AWS Linux and it walks like a charm - you can have a machine up to 4TB RAM on a virtual machine and 24TB RAM on a bare metal machine. While it is not a Julia solution, sometimes it is the easiest and cheapest way to go.
Sometimes your data is sparse - you do not actually use all of those memory cells. In such cases consider SparseArrays. In other cases your sparse data is formatted in some specific way (e.g. non-zero values only on diagonal) in that case use BanndedMatrices.jl. It is worth noting that there is even a Julia package for infinite algebra. Basically whatever you find at the Julia Matrices project is worth looking at.
You can use memory mapping - that means that most of your array is on disk and only some part is hold in RAM. In this way you are limited by your disk space rather than the RAM.
You can use DistributedArrays.jl and have a single huge Array hosted on several machines.
Hope it will be useful for you or other people trying to do big data algebra in Julia.

How to speed up writing to a matrix in a reference class in R

Here is a piece of R code that writes to each element of a matrix in a reference class. It runs incredibly slowly, and I’m wondering if I’ve missed a simple trick that will speed this up.
nx = 2000
ny = 10
ref_matrix <- setRefClass(
"ref_matrix",fields = list(data = "matrix"),
out <- ref_matrix(data = matrix(0.0,nx,ny))
for (iy in 1:ny) {
for (ix in 1:nx) {
out$data[ix,iy] <- ix + iy
It seems that each write to an element of the matrix triggers a check that involves a copy of the entire matrix. (Uncommenting the tracemen() call shows this.) Now, I’ve found a discussion that seems to confirm this:
and this also seems to be covered by Speeding up field access in R reference classes
but in both of these this behaviour can be bypassed by not declaring a class for the field, and this works for the example in the first link which uses a 1D vector, b, which can just be set as b <<- 1:10000. But I’ve not found an equivalent way of creating a 2D array without using a explicit “matrix” instance.
Am I just missing something simple, or is this actually not possible?
Let me add a couple of things. First, I’m very new to R, so could easily have missed something. Second, I’m really just curious about the way reference classes work in this case and whether there’s a simple way to use them efficiently; I’m not looking for a really fast way to set the elements of a matrix - I can do that by not having the matrix in a reference class at all, and if I really care about speed I can write a C routine to do it and call it from R.
Here’s some background that might explain why I’m interested in this, which you’re welcome to ignore.
I got here by wanting to see how different languages, and even different compiler options and different ways of coding the same operation, compared for efficiency when accessing 2D rectangular arrays. I’ve been playing with a test program that creates two 2D arrays of the same size, and calls a subroutine that sets the first to the elements of the second plus their index values. (Almost any operation would do, but this one isn’t completely trivial to optimise.) I have this in a number of languages now, C, C++, Julia, Tcl, Fortran, Swift, etc., even hand-coded assembler (spoiler alert: assembler isn’t worth the effort any more) and thought I’d try R. The obvious implementation in R passes the two arrays to a subroutine that does the work, but because R doesn’t normally pass by reference, that routine has to make a copy of the modified array and return that as the function value. I thought using a reference class would avoid the relatively minor overhead of that copy, so I tried that and was surprised to discover that, far from speeding things up, it slowed them down enormously.
Use outer:
out$data <- outer(1:ny, 1:nx, `+`)
Also, don't use reference classes (or R6 classes) unless you actually need reference semantics. KISS and all that.

OpenCl and power iteration method (eigendecomposition)

I'm new in OpenCL and I'm trying to implement power iteration method (described over here)
matrix sizes over 100000x100000!
Actually I have no idea how to implement this.
It's because workgroup have restriction CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE (so I can't make one workgoup with 1000000 work-items)
But on each step of iterating I need to synchronize and normalize vector.
1) So is it possible to make all calculations inside one kernel? (I think that answer is no if matrix sizes is more than CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE)
2) Can I make "while" loop in the host code? and is it still profitable to use GPU in this case?
something like:
while (condition)
kernel calling
2: Yes, you can make a while loop in host code. Whether this is still profitable in terms of performance depends on whether the kernel that is called achieves a good speedup. My personal preference is not to pack too much logic into a single kernel, because smaller kernels are easier to maintain and sometimes easier to optimize. But of course, invoking a kernel has a (small) overhead that has to be taken into account. And whether combining to kernels into one can bring a speedup (or new potential for optimizations) depends on what the kernels are actually doing. But in this case (Matrix Multiplation and Vector Normalization) I'd personally start with two different kernels that are invoked from the host in a while-loop.
1: Since a 100000x100000 matrix with float values will take at least 40GB of memory, you'll have to think about the approach in general anyhow. There is a vast amount of literature on Matrix operations, their parallelization, and the corresponding implementations on the GPU. One important aspect from the "high level" point of view is whether the matrices are dense or sparse ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix ). Depending on the sparsity, it might even be possible to handle 100000x100000 matrices in main memory. Apart from that, you might consider having a look at a library for matrix operations (e.g. http://viennacl.sourceforge.net/ ) because implementing an efficient matrix multiplication is challenging, particularly for sparse matrices. But if you want to go the whole way on your own: Good luck ;-) and ... the CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE imposes no limitation on the problem size. In fact, the problem size (that is, the total number of work-items) in OpenCL is virtually infinitely large. If your CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE is 256, and you want to handle 10000000000 elements, then you create 10000000000/256 work groups and let OpenCL care about how they are actually dispatched and executed. For matrix operations, the CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE is primarily relevant when you want to use local memory (and you will have to, in order to achieve good performance): The size of the work groups thus implicitly defines how large your chunks of local memory may be.

R: clarification on memory management

Suppose I have a matrix bigm. I need to use a random subset of this matrix and give it to a machine learning algorithm such as say svm. The random subset of the matrix will only be known at runtime. Additionally there are other parameters that are also chosen from a grid.
So, I have code that looks something like this:
foo = function (bigm, inTrain, moreParamsList) {
parsList = c(list(data=bigm[inTrain, ]), moreParamsList)
do.call(svm, parsList)
What I am seeking to know is whether R uses new memory to save that bigm[inTrain, ] object in parsList. (My guess is that it does.) What commands can I use to test such hypotheses myself? Additionally, is there a way of using a sub-matrix in R without using new memory?
Also, assume I am calling foo using mclapply (on Linux) where bigm resides in the parent process. Does that mean I am making mc.cores number of copies of bigm or do all cores just use the object from the parent?
Any functions and heuristics of tracking memory location and consumption of objects being made in different cores?
I am just going to put in here what I find from my research on this topic:
I don't think using mclapply makes mc.cores copies of bigm based on this from the manual for multicore:
In a nutshell fork spawns a copy (child) of the current process, that can work in parallel
to the master (parent) process. At the point of forking both processes share exactly the
same state including the workspace, global options, loaded packages etc. Forking is
relatively cheap in modern operating systems and no real copy of the used memory is
created, instead both processes share the same memory and only modified parts are copied.
This makes fork an ideal tool for parallel processing since there is no need to setup the
parallel working environment, data and code is shared automatically from the start.
For your first part of the question, you can use tracemem :
This function marks an object so that a message is printed whenever the internal code copies the object
Here an example:
a <- 1:10
## [1] "<0x000000001669cf00"
b <- a ## b and a share memory (no message)
d <- stats::rnorm(10)
invisible(lm(d ~ a+log(b)))
## tracemem[0x000000001669cf00 -> 0x000000001669e298] ## object a is copied twice
## tracemem[0x000000001669cf00 -> 0x0000000016698a38]
You already found from the manual that mclapply isn't supposed to make copies of bigm.
But each thread needs to make its own copy of the smaller training matrix as it varies across the threads.
If you'd parallelize with e.g. snow, you'd need to have a copy of the data in each of the cluster nodes. However, in that case you could rewrite your problem in a way that only the smaller training matrices are handed over.
The search term for the general investigation of memory consumption behaviour is memory profiling. Unfortunately, AFAIK the available tools are not (yet) very comfortable, see e.g.
Monitor memory usage in R
Memory profiling in R - tools for summarizing

Connection to memory (R)

I have to repeatedly serialize (big) R objects. To avoid repeated garbage collecting of the resulting raw vectors (after profiling, it turns out that half of my script running time is spent in gc!) I’d like to ask R to directly write in a memory buffer -- always the same, as after each serialization I’d call a C function with .C that would work directly on this memory buffer; it is the result of this C function that interests me.
Is that possible? How unreasonable is it?
Thanks in advance.
I might not have understood your problem, but why don't you directly use your R object in c++ code using Rcpp. There will be no copy and you don't not need any serialization.
