OpenCl and power iteration method (eigendecomposition) - opencl

I'm new in OpenCL and I'm trying to implement power iteration method (described over here)
matrix sizes over 100000x100000!
Actually I have no idea how to implement this.
It's because workgroup have restriction CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE (so I can't make one workgoup with 1000000 work-items)
But on each step of iterating I need to synchronize and normalize vector.
1) So is it possible to make all calculations inside one kernel? (I think that answer is no if matrix sizes is more than CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE)
2) Can I make "while" loop in the host code? and is it still profitable to use GPU in this case?
something like:
while (condition)
kernel calling

2: Yes, you can make a while loop in host code. Whether this is still profitable in terms of performance depends on whether the kernel that is called achieves a good speedup. My personal preference is not to pack too much logic into a single kernel, because smaller kernels are easier to maintain and sometimes easier to optimize. But of course, invoking a kernel has a (small) overhead that has to be taken into account. And whether combining to kernels into one can bring a speedup (or new potential for optimizations) depends on what the kernels are actually doing. But in this case (Matrix Multiplation and Vector Normalization) I'd personally start with two different kernels that are invoked from the host in a while-loop.
1: Since a 100000x100000 matrix with float values will take at least 40GB of memory, you'll have to think about the approach in general anyhow. There is a vast amount of literature on Matrix operations, their parallelization, and the corresponding implementations on the GPU. One important aspect from the "high level" point of view is whether the matrices are dense or sparse ( ). Depending on the sparsity, it might even be possible to handle 100000x100000 matrices in main memory. Apart from that, you might consider having a look at a library for matrix operations (e.g. ) because implementing an efficient matrix multiplication is challenging, particularly for sparse matrices. But if you want to go the whole way on your own: Good luck ;-) and ... the CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE imposes no limitation on the problem size. In fact, the problem size (that is, the total number of work-items) in OpenCL is virtually infinitely large. If your CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE is 256, and you want to handle 10000000000 elements, then you create 10000000000/256 work groups and let OpenCL care about how they are actually dispatched and executed. For matrix operations, the CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE is primarily relevant when you want to use local memory (and you will have to, in order to achieve good performance): The size of the work groups thus implicitly defines how large your chunks of local memory may be.


Operate only on a subset of buffer in OpenCL kernel

Newbie to OpenCL here. I'm trying to convert a numerical method I've written to OpenCL for acceleration. I'm using the PyOpenCL package as I've written this once in Python already and as far as I can tell there's no compelling reason to use the C version. I'm all ears if I'm wrong on this, though.
I've managed to translate over most of the functionality I need in to OpenCL kernels. My question is on how to (properly) tell OpenCL to ignore my boundary/ghost cells. The reason I need to do this is that my method (for example) for point i accesses cells at [i-2:i+2], so if i=1, I'll run off the end of the array. So - I add some extra points that serve to prevent this, and then just tell my algorithm to only run on points [2:nPts-2]. It's easy to see how to do this with a for loop, but I'm a little more unclear on the 'right' way to do this for a kernel.
Is it sufficient to do, for example (pseudocode)
__kernel void myMethod(...) {
gid = get_global_id(0);
if (gid < nGhostCells || gid > nPts-nGhostCells) {
retVal[gid] = 0;
// Otherwise perform my calculations
or is there another/more appropriate way to enforce this constraint?
It looks sufficient.
Branching is same for nPts-nGhostCells*2 number of points and it is predictable if nPts and nGhostCells are compile-time constants. Even if it is not predictable, sufficiently large nPts vs nGhostCells (1024 vs 3) should not be distinctively slower than zero-branching version, except the latency of "or" operation. Even that "or" latency must be hidden behind array access latency, thanks to thread level parallelism.
At those "break" points, mostly 16 or 32 threads would lose some performance and only for several clock cycles because of the lock-step running of SIMD-like architectures.
If you happen to code some chaotic branching, like data-driven code path, then you should split them into different kernels(for different regions) or sort them before the kernel so that average branching between neighboring threads are minimized.

The best way to write code in Julia working on GPU's via ArrayFire

In Julia, I saw principally that to acelerate and optimizing codes when I work on a matrix, es better e.g.
-work by columns instead of by rows, this is for the way which Julia store the matrix.
-On loops could use #inbounds and #simd macros
-any function, macros or methods you could recommend it's welcome :D
But it seems that the above examples do not work when I use the ArrayFire package with a matrix stored on the GPU, similar codes in the CPU and GPU do not seem to favor the GPU that runs much slower in some cases, I think it shouldn't be like that, I think the problem is in the way of writing the code. Any help will be welcome
GPU computing should be done on optimized GPU kernels as much as possible. Indexing a GPU array is a small kernel that copies one value back to the CPU. This is really really bad for performance, so you should almost never index a GPUArray unless you have to (this is true for any implementation! It's just a hardware problem!)
Thus, instead of writing looping code for GPUs, you should write broadcasting ("vectorized") code. With the v0.6 broadcast changes, broadcasted operations are nearly as efficient as loops anyways (unless you hit this bug), so there's no reason to avoid them in generic code. However, there are cases where broadcasting is faster than looping, and GPUs is one big case.
Let me explain a little bit why. When you do the code:
#. A = B*C + D*E
it lowers to
A .= B.*C .+ D.*E
which then lowers to:
broadcast!((b,c,d,e)->b*c + d*e,A,B,C,D,E)
Notice that in there you have a fused anonymous function for the entire broadcast. For GPUArrays, this is then overwritten so that way a single GPU kernel is automatically created that performs this fused operation element-wise. Thus only one GPU kernel is required to do this whole operation! Notice that this is even more efficient than the R/Python/MATLAB way of doing GPU computing since those vectorized forms have temporaries and would require 4 kernels here, but this has no temporary arrays and is a single kernel, which is pretty much exactly how you'd write it if you were writing the kernel yourself. So if you exploit broadcast, then your GPU calculations will be fast.

OpenMDAO 1.x relevance reduction

I have a component in OpenMDAO without outputs that serves to provide inputs to the rest of the group. apply_linear in that component is being called despite the fact that the output of it is not connected. Shouldn't the relevance reduction algorithm in OpenMDAO 1.x figure out that apply_linear for this method never needs to be called?
As it turns out, relevance reduction on a per-variable basis isn't turned on by default. You can turn it on with:
prob.root.ln_solver = LinearGaussSeidel()
prob.root.ln_solver.options['single_voi_relevance_reduction'] = True
This options is set to False by default because it does use more memory by allocating separate vectors for each quantity of interest (though each vector is smaller because it only contains relevant variables, but the total size may be larger.) Also, relevance-reduction is only applicable when using Linear Gauss Seidel as the top linear solver.
My reputation isn't high enough yet to leave comments, so I'm just adding another answer instead. I just wanted to mention that if you're not running under MPI, activating single_voi_relevance_reduction is essentially free. The real increase in memory use isn't due to the vectors themselves, but instead it's due to the index arrays that we store in order to transfer the data from source arrays to target arrays. We're forced to use index arrays under MPI, because PETSc requires it, but when we're not using MPI we use python slice objects to do our data transfer. Slice objects require very little memory.

Improving Memory Access time in OpenCL

For an array X in the Global memory, I need to write two values in every Kernel execution.
Here 'a' can range from 0 to very high values. I observed that these two writes slow down my kernel to a great extent.
What is the best way to improve the memory write performance in OpenCL?
Are Coalesced memory writes possible only for intra Kernel writes?
Assuming p is linearly dependent from your thread ID, you are doing things the right way. You could try to pass X+aas a second argument to your kernel to do Y[p]=mul1-mul2; instead of X[p+a]=mul1-mul2; but I doubt it will be really faster.
Concerning your second question, if you are thinking of having two kernels, one performing the addition, the other the substraction and launch them concurrently, you cannot be sure they will be run side-by-side in parallel. Once again I doubt it will be faster in the end.

Reduce 1024 images to one

I read the paper about reducing a 1d array to one value in openCL ( ) and I understood the concept of associative operators. Extending this concept to ONE 2d array should also be possible.
But my problem is somewhat different: I have ~1000 images of 256x256 pixels with 16bit each and I would like to sum all these images to finally have the average image of them all. The usual GPU should have enough memory (~130Mb) to perform this task, but I don't really see how to implement the kernel.
Just as the 1D problem extends to 2D, it can also extend to 3D (which is what you have: 1000x256x256).
Exactly the same principles would apply:
1. Try to do as much work in parallel as you can without contention with other work groups.
2. Do the reduction in stages so each can be parallel.
Your likely going to be bandwidth limited, churning through 131 MB of memory, but that's not really a problem. Just write the kernels to do coalesced reads for maximum performance.
