enter image description here
how I can use a single code from all h2-and h6 tags for hover effect.
WordPress/WooCommerce question: enter image description hereAnyone have good CSS for changing the hover color behind an Add to Cart field? (See pics--cursor hover changes one field's background to grey.)
Without being able to see the code on your website, generally the process is:
Target the element that you want to change the color for
Set a new color on hover
You'll need to find the class or ID that's being used on the element that surrounds your Add to Cart button. You can do that by right-clicking on it, and choosing Inspect.
Your CSS will look something like:
.class:hover {
background-color: #333; /* whatever color you want */
Here's more on the CSS hover selector: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp
Trying to target a specific span that made by the material UI IconButton component. Trying to make the text accompanying some icons to be centered below the icon, but the text is instead to the right of the icon. When I manually add flex-direction: column to this span, I get the effect I want, but I can't seem to find the right way to get the style applied in my styles.js file because I can't seem to target "MuiIconButton-label" in any permutation i've tried.
Any advice?
browser console screenshot
classes={{root: classes.icons, label: classes.icons}}
was the correct method
I have a bootstrap popover kicking in when a user clicks on the Contact link. I managed to style the popover itself, but can't figure out how style the little arrow that points to the link.
What is that element? What is the class? I can't catch it in the F12 tools because it always goes away when I try to inspect the element.
Basically I want the background color of the arrow to match the popover.
Just like it is indicated in this possible duplicate, you want to use this css rule :
.popover.top > .arrow:after{
/*stuff here*/
I have to create a hovering effect wherein when a tab is hovered the entire background of the tab should be White. But as can be seen in below SS, , hovering affect is getting applied only to the text part.
I have also attached the CSS from Chrome Web developer.
HTML code generating that tab is ,
<a class="last_menu" href="#"></a>
I have tried adjusting with padding element. But, text is also moving with it. I want text to be at center and only hovering to be expanded to occupy whole tab space.
Install Web Developer Toolbar Go to CSS > Display Style Information or <ALT+SHIFT+Y>(it's the wand in the toolbar). Hover your mouse over the element in question to get a detailed picture of how it's being rendered. Study this. Make it your friend.
Try applying a class to the list item itself, then under the hover pseudoselector for that specify a white background.
I'm looking for a real life example on how to do something like this:
Rollover on image causes highlight of text like on this page: http://shop.parklafun.com/t-shirts/
If i understand your question then -moz-transition not changing the text color. Here is the code whhich change the color:
div.ProductList div.grid_6:hover > a .ProductDetails h2
It's not -moz-transition , it may be that the labelis hidden on that image and it is shown on onMouseOver Event of javascript.