I have a bootstrap popover kicking in when a user clicks on the Contact link. I managed to style the popover itself, but can't figure out how style the little arrow that points to the link.
What is that element? What is the class? I can't catch it in the F12 tools because it always goes away when I try to inspect the element.
Basically I want the background color of the arrow to match the popover.
Just like it is indicated in this possible duplicate, you want to use this css rule :
.popover.top > .arrow:after{
/*stuff here*/
I may not have described the issue accurately with the title, but it's easier to explain here:
I have a button that has an icon image contained within it. I need to get rid of the grey box around that icon and keep the icon itself, along with the button functionality. I assigned the button a second class called "nogray", and in my styling sheet I set opacity to 0.
However, this got rid of the entire button, along with the little orange trash bin icon, which I need to be visible. Essentially, I need the button to function the same way, just with the orange icon and no grey box. In this screenie, you can see the buttons at the top of each bulletin note.
Here is the button code in the bulletin notes view:
<button class ="remove-card nogray" id="#item.BulletinId" type="button"><i
class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>
And here is the css for the button:
i.fa.fa-trash::before {
content: "\f1f8";
.remove-card.nogray {
(i.fa.fa-trash::before targets the trash icon, and .remove-card.nogray targets the outer gray area. However, I suspect that the latter is targetting the entire button because setting the opacity to 0 affects both gray area and icon.
How would I tweak the button code so that the opacity is 0 only for the grey, and not the icon? I've tried changing the order of the code element by element, but a lot of it is guesswork because this is a team effort and I did not personally write the button code. I'd also like to apologize in advance if this is an impossible question to answer; if there's some detail you need to know, please tell me and I will edit this to include it.
Thank you very much for any suggestions!
I realized I was targeting the wrong lines of code in my css. There was an ActionLink that a teammate commented out, and I assigned the classes from that to my original button code and was able to target the button that way instead.
I'm trying to hide radio botton's indicator's when its unchecked.
I've tried the following css (together and seperate):
input[type=radio]:unchecked, input:unchecked {
border:none; visibility:hidden; display:none
Is it possible to hide the circle border of the indicator's input radio/chechbox by using css ?
If you want to have a custom look and feel for the radio buttons I will suggest to rely on css background-images to replace the radio buttons with a custom design, something like in this tutorial that also cover accessibility
Via css you can't just hide or modify part of the radio button
I can't understand how to make something like in this site: __smashingmagazine.com
If u resize the window, the search will be with a button. So... try to click on this search icon... the new div will appear with search input. and pay attention to the behavior of it: no matter what u gonna do next this div won't hide it self, but only if you click on 'x' that appear instead of search icon... and this is pure css, right?! how this possible...
I found this article:
Click here
but the behavior is very, very different... and i don't like it at all.
Any idea how to make it work like in the site above? anything would may help!
The example from Smashing Magazine uses the :target psuedo class to change the CSS of the elements when an anchor is clicked. Here's a simplified breakdown of how they've achieved that behaviour.
The anchor is configured to set a fragment identifier in the URL, in the case of Smashing Magazine this is #ms. The have an anchor like this:
When clicked the fragment identifier is set to #ms, they then use this to make the search appear using the :target psuedo class.
#ms {
display: none;
#ms:target {
display: block;
When the fragment identifier is set to #ms, the :target styles are activated, displaying the search.
Here's a simple example: http://jsfiddle.net/we76L66h/
They are using :target with children (#ms:target + div.example) to also change the styling of children within the targeted element. This is how they make the button change to a "close" button when the #ms fragment identifier is set.
when I click on a Bootstrap button, a csss is applied while the mouse button is clicked. This is also visible when the mouse button is hold pressed over a bootstrap button.
I need to change that style, but I can't find it using inspect element. How can I find what style is applied and how can I change it?
I had this problem the other week. If you're using chrome, open inspect element, code highlight the button, right click, select Force Element State, select :focus. This will show you the CSS code that you need to alter.
Having an issue with this myself until I applied the style to .btn-default:active:focus
This is a CSS-Question.
In this fiddle you can see a button.
It has got two span-elements inside. One with float:left; the other with float:right;.
The style is a normal button-style.
When clicking that button on the iPhone or hover it in a Browser the style gets lost.
This is because I changed the background-color.
Is there a way to change the background-color without losing the whole button-style?
Here are the two images: The first button is a normal button-element. The second button is a button where I changed the background-color ... this is what it looks like when I'm hovering over a button.
I think I understand what you mean. It looks like the rounded corner is gone when hovering, while a border is added. I'm afraid there's not a easy way to get what exactly you want, as the behavior & appearance of Button is controled by system.
Maybe you can try to replace it with a div, which you have full control of the style (chaning the style via JS when hovering).
All's working fine for me. However floating-right elements should always be placed before floating-left elements. Don't know if it will change anything.