Sbt Cannot Resolve "latest.integration" Version - sbt

When I try to resolve the following dependency with Sbt "com.dixa" % "conversation-thrift-protocol" % "latest.integration", it fails with:
[error] (ssExtractDependencies) sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: Error downloading com.dixa:conversation-thrift-protocol:latest.integration
[error] not found:
As a matter of fact, the referred maven-metadata.xml file does exist in Nexus repo, which leaves me puzzled. Where should I look for a problem?
The contents of the maven-metadata.xml file:

It appeared to be a problem with indexing of the repository: the published artifacts were not visible straight away, they needed some time before becoming visible for resolvers


sbt lagom template+InvalidRemoteException

I tried to follow the follow tutorial:
For generating the project scaffolding, I want to use the following template:
sbt new lagom/lagom-java.g8
But already receive the following error:
[error] org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRemoteException: Invalid remote: origin
A bit frustrating at such early stage in the tutorial...
Any idea how to fix this?
Edit: the error is caused by:
[error] Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoRemoteRepositoryException: https// not found.
Seems there is a :missing after https. How to fix?
Verify you have the prerequisites. Prerequisites documented here
I just followed the instructions and was unable to reproduce the error from the CLI using sbt version 1.1.1.
What version of sbt are you using?

Appcelerator - include jar in build at compile-time?

Since Appcelerator(/Hyperloop) doesn't use Gradle or Maven to manage dependencies, I need to include them all manually for my project by placing them in the app/platform/android folder. I have done this, however I also need to include google dagger ( which requires including dagger-compiler-2.x.jar , which I believe is an annotation processor that generates some type of code during compile-time.
Simply placing this in the app/platform/android folder like any other jar results in this error when the dexer is running during the build:
[ERROR] : Failed to run dexer:
[ERROR] : MethodHandle not supported
[ERROR] : ...while preparsing cst 016c at offset 00001ceb
[ERROR] : ...while parsing com/google/googlejavaformat/java/JavaInput.class
[ERROR] : 1 error; aborting
I think it has something to do with the part of the dagger instructions which state "you will need to include dagger-compiler-2.x.jar in your build at compile time." Is there somewhere else that I need to place this jar file to get it to be used properly? Or is the use of compile-time annotation processors not something that Appcelerator/Hyperloop supports at this time? Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.
A good amount has changed since this question was asked. This being said, I believe that currently Hyperloop for Android doesn't handle annotations. And this is how dependency injection systems work, so I believe it's still not currently possible to use that or similar JARs.

OPAL-How to build code in Docker in local machine (faced compile error)?

I access code in Docker($docker pull mreif/fse2016:evaluation), the code could be compiled and run without errors in remote server. While i download it to local machine, i suffered some errors in compiling(using: sbt compile):
[error] (*:update) sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: de.opal-project#abstract-interpretation-framework_2.11;0.9.0-SNAPSHOT: not
[What i have done] I added follow lines into "build.sbt":
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
[error] evaluation/src/main/scala/org/opalj/evaluation/EntryPointAndCallEdgeCountAnalysis.scala:90: not found:
[What i have done] I added follow lines into "build.sbt":
libraryDependencies += "de.opal-project" % "fixpoint-computations-framework-analyses_2.11" % "0.9.0- SNAPSHOT"
3.[error] /src/main/scala/org/opalj/evaluation/EntryPointAndCallEdgeCountAnalysis.scala:130: not found: value LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis
I have checked the related code, LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis has been actually imported but doesn't work.
Could you please help me to confirm is there any operations i missed for compile the source code?
Thank you very much!
The reason why it is not working is a version mismatch of the OPAL framework. The reason why it doesn't find the "LibraryEntryPointAnalysis" is, that it has been renamed.
You have to options:
Use the version of OPAL that is used in the Docker container
make a check out of OPAL at from version tag "ArtifactEvaluationFSE2016"
copy OPAl from the container like you did with the evaluation project
Adapt the Evaluation Project to the new API
the LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis is now called EntryPointAnalysis
there are probably other breaking changes that you have to fix
If you want to go with option one you have to build OPAL on your own because the eval version is not published on maven.

Error running Kafka on Cloudera quickstart: assembly-package-dependency not valid

I have downloaded Kafka from apache and extracted it to its own folder. Following the quickstart, I also installed sbt, but at the third line in the sbt commands (I am launching the terminal from INSIDE the kafka folder, I get:
[error] Not a valid command: assembly-package-dependency
[error] Not a valid project ID: assembly-package-dependency
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: assembly-package-dependency (similar: sbt-dependency)
[error] assembly-package-dependency
[error] ^
I have been looking for all day for an answer, but found none which would start my server. The exception when I try the is always
unable to find main class Kafka.kafka
I also tried "gradle" the first time, but the problem was the same. I have no chance of upgrading to Cloudera-Express to use the parcel installer: my PC is not good enough to support it.
I am quite desperate: please help me!
I found that sbt update etc didn't quite do the job, so in the end I found another answer suggesting:
In the kafka folder:
./gradlew jar

Specifying a relative source directory

I have just recently forked an outdated SBT project (which you can find here that was last working with an outdated version of SBT 0.11.0. I am trying to get the sbt plugin to work with SBT versions 0.12.3 and 0.13.0, however I am getting an issue on this line
When I run sbt compile, I get the following error
[error] /Users/mdedetrich/github/sbt-bower/src/main/scala/SbtBowerPlugin.scala:37: value / is not a member of
[error] sourceDirectory in Bower <<= (sourceDirectory).apply (_ / "main" / "webapp" )
Does anyone know what is causing this issue?
Thanks to Mark Harrah, this is actually due to this!topic/simple-build-tool/0k1No2kfvm8/discussion
I had to remove the import Path._ in the SbtBowerPlugin.scala file and it now compiles fine!
