Kibana dashboard ideas - kibana

Anyone has any ideas of Kibana dashboards I can create from Syslogs/eventlogs? Help much appreciated. I thought of creating a dashboard that detects malware but im not sure what I can do with the different event logs or how to visualise and detect malware/

MachineLearning feature in kibana would detect the malware in syslog/eventlogs.
Go to kibana -> in search bar (search for detections) or go to security -> overview -> in that page you could see a tab called "detections" --> in that detections page now click "Manage detection rules" which would provide you the prebuilt malware detection rules which might help you.
Also there are no default kibana dashboard thus it should be create on our own.
I hope this answer would help you
Keep Posted!!! Thanks !!!


Creating Kibana Dashboard using WinLogBeat

I would like to create a Kibana Dashboard using Winlogbeat, to detect malicious processes that may be running. I am unsure how to start or what fields I would need to create the dashboard. Anyone has any tips or suggestions?

woocommerce and printful integration

I recently downloaded printful on my wordpress website and created an account. I am having this issue come up when trying to sync: Something went wrong with sync. Received error: Error: Sorry, you cannot list resources. [woocommerce_rest_cannot_view]
Can a developer please help me troubleshoot this issue. I will be much appreciative! thank you!
It is possible that for some reason Printful did not get write access to the Woocommerce REST API.
You could check this out by going to: WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API
It should look something like this ( except yours probably has an entry for Printful in it):
If you see 'read' in the permission row, edit it to be read/write. If there is no entry for Printful here, you will need to add your website on Printful ( at the Stores tab on the website).

Is there a way to find Wordpress Plugin updates without admin panel access

I've been asked by a prospective client, to do an audit on their WordPress site.
They have asked me,
if I can check their all plugins are up to date too but they wont / cant (yet) give me access to the admin panel.
Is there a way I can do this? I know I can find the WP version in the code of the site (and this one needs updating)
Hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance
You could ask them for a screenshot of their plugins page (, and then cross-reference the versions listed there with to check if they are up-to-date.

google search console tells me that I have a crawling error

I have a problem with Wordpress and the Search Console. The Search Console from Google tells me that I have a crawling error on the smartphone.
The error details are:
Googlebot could access your site, but certain URLs are blocked for Googlebot Mobile for smartphones in your robots.txt. These URLs are not included in the "Blocked URLs" report and may have been blocked unintentionally.
I have already seen the customize.php, but I have no idea what I should change or how I can solve the problem.
Any help would be appreciated! Additionally, are there detailed instructions anywhere for beginners? Many thanks in advance!!
Best regards, Sandra 2 images here.
Have you made sure that WordPress is not configured to tell search bots to not index your site? Login to your admin, then navigate to Settings -> Reading and make sure 'Discourage search engines from indexing this site' is not ticked.
Here is a screenshot to help you find it
Thank you for your quick reply. I have been convinced for safety, but the function is switched off for me.

Can't add App Page as a Tab anymore?

have you had or known of anyone experiencing issues recently (this week) with creating a new Facebook app ( The issue being once the app is created, you now have to create the community page manually. Then when you go to the community page associated with your new app, it does not give you the ability (anymore) to add the app to your page anymore??? Any help or nudges in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Facebook changes their policy quite often. As developers we are responsible for keeping our applications up to date. Here is a link to the Facebook Developers Blog, you should subscribe to updates from this blog and stay updated with regard to the documentation.
Your problem is detailed in this blog post and the solutions is very simple - just substitute your values for this URL and open it
