How to count maximum value for given time period in R? - r

I got the data from MySQL and I'm trying to visualize it and uncover some answers. Using R for the statistic.
The final product is % discount for reach price change (=row).
Here is an example of my dataset.
itemId pricehis timestamp
1 69295477 1290 2022-04-12 04:42:53
2 69295624 1145 2022-04-12 04:42:53
3 69296136 3609 2022-04-12 04:42:54
4 69296607 855 2022-04-12 04:42:53
5 69295291 1000 2022-04-12 04:42:50
6 69295475 4188 2022-04-12 04:42:52
7 69295614 1145 2022-04-12 04:42:51
8 69295622 1290 2022-04-12 04:42:50
9 69295692 3609 2022-04-12 04:42:49
10 69295917 1725 2022-04-12 04:42:48
11 69296090 2449 2022-04-12 04:42:53
12 69296653 1145 2022-04-12 04:42:51
13 69296657 5638 2022-04-12 04:42:48
14 69296661 1725 2022-04-12 04:42:51
15 69296696 710 2022-04-12 04:42:51
I've been stuck at one part of the calculation - maximum value for each productId in 6 months.
In the dataset there are rows for specific productId with different pricehis values and different timestamps. I need to find the max value for a given row no older than 6 months.
The formula for calculating the desired discount is:
Discount grouped by itemId = 1 - pricehis / max(pricehis in the last 6 months)
At this moment I'm unable to solve the second part - pricehis in the last 6 months.
- I need a new column with maximum 'pricehis' in the last 6 months for the itemId. Also could be known as interval maximum.
I can group it by the itemId, but I can't figure out how to add the condition on 6 months max.
Any tips on how to get this?

I like slider::slide_index_dbl for this sort of thing. Here's some fake data chosen to demonstrate the 6mo window:
data.frame(itemId = rep(1:2, each = 6),
price = floor(100*cos(0:11)^2),
timestamp = as.Date("2000-01-01") + 50*(0:11)) -> df
We can start with df, group it by itemId, and then calula and then apply the window function. (Note that slider requires the data to be sorted by date within each group.)
library(lubridate) # for `%m-%`, to get sliding months (harder than it sounds!)
df %>%
group_by(itemId) %>%
mutate(max_6mo = slider::slide_index_dbl(.x = price, # based on price...
.i = timestamp, # and timestamp...
.f = max, # what's the max...
.before = ~.x %m-% months(6))) %>% # over the last 6mo
mutate(discount = 1 - price / max_6mo) %>% # use that to calc discount
# A tibble: 12 × 5
itemId price timestamp max_6mo discount
<int> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 100 2000-01-01 100 0
2 1 29 2000-02-20 100 0.71
3 1 17 2000-04-10 100 0.83
4 1 98 2000-05-30 100 0.0200
5 1 42 2000-07-19 98 0.571 # new max since >6mo since 100
6 1 8 2000-09-07 98 0.918
7 2 92 2000-10-27 92 0
8 2 56 2000-12-16 92 0.391
9 2 2 2001-02-04 92 0.978
10 2 83 2001-03-26 92 0.0978
11 2 70 2001-05-15 83 0.157 # new max since >6mo since 92
12 2 0 2001-07-04 83 1


How to create a loop code from big dataframe in R?

I have a data series of daily snow depth values over a 60 year period. I would like to see the number of days with a snow depth higher than 30 cm for each season, for example from July 1980 to June 1981. What does the code for this have to look like? I know how I could calculate the daily values higher than 30 cm per season individually, but not how a code could calculate all seasons.
I have uploaded my dataframe on wetransfer: Dataframe
Thank you so much for your help in advance.
Something like this would work
df<-read.csv('BayrischerWald_Brennes_SH_daily_merged.txt', sep=';')
df_season <-df %>%
mutate(season=(Day %>% ymd() - days(181)) %>% floor_date("year") %>% year())
df_group_by_season <- df_season %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(season) %>%
summarize(days_above_30=sum(SHincm>30)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 61 × 2
#> season days_above_30
#> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 1961 1
#> 2 1962 0
#> 3 1963 0
#> 4 1964 0
#> 5 1965 0
#> 6 1966 0
#> 7 1967 129
#> 8 1968 60
#> 9 1969 107
#> 10 1970 43
#> # … with 51 more rows
Created on 2022-01-15 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Here is an approach using the aggregate() function. After reading the data, convert the Date field to a date object and get rid of the rows with missing values for the date:
snow <- read.table("BayrischerWald_Brennes_SH_daily_merged.txt", header=TRUE, sep=";")
snow$Day <- as.Date(snow$Day)
# 'data.frame': 51606 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ Day : Date, format: "1961-11-01" "1961-11-02" "1961-11-03" "1961-11-04" ...
# $ SHincm: int 0 0 0 0 2 9 19 22 15 5 ...
snow <- snow[!$Day), ]
# 'data.frame': 21886 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ Day : Date, format: "1961-11-01" "1961-11-02" "1961-11-03" "1961-11-04" ...
# $ SHincm: int 0 0 0 0 2 9 19 22 15 5 ...
Notice more than half of your data has missing values for the date. Now we need to divide the data by ski season:
brks <- as.Date(paste(1961:2022, "07-01", sep="-"))
lbls <- paste(1961:2021, 1962:2022, sep="/")
snow$Season <- cut(snow$Day, breaks=brks, labels=lbls)
Now we use aggregate() to get the number of days with over 30 inches of snow:
days30cm <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, subset=snow$SHincm > 30, length)
colnames(days30cm)[2] <- "Over30cm"
head(days30cm, 10)
# Season Over30cm
# 1 1961/1962 1
# 2 1967/1968 129
# 3 1968/1969 60
# 4 1969/1970 107
# 5 1970/1971 43
# 6 1972/1973 101
# 7 1973/1974 119
# 8 1974/1975 188
# 9 1975/1976 126
# 10 1976/1977 112
In addition, you can get other statistics such as the maximum snow of the season or the total cm of snow:
maxsnow <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, max)
totalsnow <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, sum)

how to calculate mean based on conditions in for loop in r

I have what I think is a simple question but I can't figure it out! I have a data frame with multiple columns. Here's a general example:
colony = c('29683','25077','28695','4865','19858','2235','1948','1849','2370','23196')
age = c(21,23,4,25,7,4,12,14,9,7)
activity = c(19,45,78,33,2,49,22,21,112,61)
test.df = data.frame(colony,age,activity)
I would like for R to calculate average activity based on the age of the colony in the data frame. Specifically, I want it to only calculate the average activity of the colonies that are the same age or older than the colony in that row, not including the activity of the colony in that row. For example, colony 29683 is 21 years old. I want the average activity of colonies older than 21 for this row of my data. That would include colony 25077 and colony 4865; and the mean would be (45+33)/2 = 39. I want R to do this for each row of the data by identifying the age of the colony in the current row, then identifying the colonies that are older than that colony, and then averaging the activity of those colonies.
I've tried doing this in a for loop in R. Here's the code I used:
test.avg = vector("numeric",nrow(test.df))`
for (i in 1:10){
test.avg[i] <- mean(subset(test.df$activity,test.df$age >= age[i])[-i])
R returns a list of values where half of them are correct and the the other half are not (I'm not even sure how it calculated those incorrect numbers..). The numbers that are correct are also out of order compared to how they're listed in the dataframe. It's clearly able to do the right thing for some iterations of the loop but not all. If anyone could help me out with my code, I would greatly appreciate it!
colony = c('29683','25077','28695','4865','19858','2235','1948','1849','2370','23196')
age = c(21,23,4,25,7,4,12,14,9,7)
activity = c(19,45,78,33,2,49,22,21,112,61)
test.df = data.frame(colony,age,activity)
test.df %>%
mutate(result = map_dbl(age, ~mean(activity[age > .x])))
#> colony age activity result
#> 1 29683 21 19 39.00000
#> 2 25077 23 45 33.00000
#> 3 28695 4 78 39.37500
#> 4 4865 25 33 NaN
#> 5 19858 7 2 42.00000
#> 6 2235 4 49 39.37500
#> 7 1948 12 22 29.50000
#> 8 1849 14 21 32.33333
#> 9 2370 9 112 28.00000
#> 10 23196 7 61 42.00000
# base
test.df$result <- with(test.df, sapply(age, FUN = function(x) mean(activity[age > x])))
#> colony age activity result
#> 1 29683 21 19 39.00000
#> 2 25077 23 45 33.00000
#> 3 28695 4 78 39.37500
#> 4 4865 25 33 NaN
#> 5 19858 7 2 42.00000
#> 6 2235 4 49 39.37500
#> 7 1948 12 22 29.50000
#> 8 1849 14 21 32.33333
#> 9 2370 9 112 28.00000
#> 10 23196 7 61 42.00000
Created on 2021-03-22 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
The issue in your solution is that the index would apply to the original data.frame, yet you subset that and so it does not match anymore.
Try something like this: First find minimum age, then exclude current index and calculate average activity of cases with age >= pre-calculated minimum age.
for (i in 1:10){
test.avg[i] <- {amin=age[i]; mean(subset(test.df[-i,], age >= amin)$activity)}
You can use map_df :
test.df %>%
mutate(map_df(1:nrow(test.df), ~
test.df %>%
filter(age >= test.df$age[.x]) %>%
summarise(av_acti= mean(activity))))

Finding time difference that meets a conditional statement

I had an R question concerning data wrangling. A sample data set I will include is downloadable online:
x<- read.csv("")
The datatable is shown in the attached image.
Example data table
I want to create a new column, let's say "time_since". This column would look at the "Average" column and calculate the time (in this case months) since "Average" is less than 300. So in this screenshot all are >300, so the value would be "0", but the month that eventually has a value less than 300 would then be "1" (representing 1 month since it has been one month under 300). If the following months are still under 300, this would increase according to the months that go by, but as soon as it become >300 again it will reset.
Basically it would be a function that would calculate the difference in time since a conditional statement is met, then restarts when the conditional is broken across dates.
I apologize if I worded it a bit confusing but hopefully the message comes across.
Maybe you can try :
x %>%
group_by(grp = cumsum(as.integer(Average > 300))) %>%
mutate(time_since = row_number()) %>%
ungroup -> result
Just to show you one excerpt of output where time_since > 1.
result %>% filter(grp == 61)
# Year Month Average Interpolated Trend Daily_mean grp time_since
# <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int>
#1 1964 1 320. 320. 320. -1 61 1
#2 1964 2 -100. 320. 320. -1 61 2
#3 1964 3 -100. 321. 320. -1 61 3
#4 1964 4 -100. 322. 319. -1 61 4
Here is a data.table approach. For this example, time_since is displaying the cumulative total of rows when the Average variable is greater than 315.
x<- read.csv("")
x[, ':='(time_since = seq(1:.N)), keyby = .(cumsum(Average < 315))][1:10, ]
#> Year Month Average Interpolated Trend Daily_mean time_since
#> 1: 1959 1 315.62 315.62 315.70 -1 1
#> 2: 1959 2 316.38 316.38 315.88 -1 2
#> 3: 1959 3 316.71 316.71 315.62 -1 3
#> 4: 1959 4 317.72 317.72 315.56 -1 4
#> 5: 1959 5 318.29 318.29 315.50 -1 5
#> 6: 1959 6 318.15 318.15 315.92 -1 6
#> 7: 1959 7 316.54 316.54 315.66 -1 7
#> 8: 1959 8 314.80 314.80 315.81 -1 1
#> 9: 1959 9 313.84 313.84 316.55 -1 1
#> 10: 1959 10 313.26 313.26 316.19 -1 1
Created on 2021-03-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Time difference calculated from wide data with missing rows

There is a longitudinal data set in the wide format, from which I want to compute time (in years and days) between the first observation date and the last date an individual was observed. Dates are in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The data set has four observation periods with missing dates, an example is as follows
Here "adate" is the first date and the last date is the date an individual was last seen. To compute the time difference (lastdate-adate), I have tried using "lubridate" package, for example
lubridate::time_length(difftime(as.Date("2012-05-23"), as.Date("2011-05-20")),"years")
However, I'm challenged by the fact that the last date is not coming from one column. I'm looking for a way to automate the calculation in R. The expected output would look like
id years days
1 1 2.99 1093
2 2 2.00 731
3 3 3.01 1098
4 4 1.01 369
Years is approximated to 2 decimal places.
Another tidyverse solution can be done by converting the data to long format, removing NA dates, and getting the time difference between last and first date for each id.
df1 %>%
pivot_longer(-id) %>%
na.omit %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(value = as.Date(value)) %>%
summarise(years = time_length(difftime(last(value), first(value)),"years"),
days = as.numeric(difftime(last(value), first(value))))
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> id years days
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 2.99 1093
#> 2 2 2.00 731
#> 3 3 3.01 1098
#> 4 4 1.01 369
We could use pmap
df1 %>%
mutate(out = pmap(.[-1], ~ {
dates <- as.Date(na.omit(c(...)))
tibble(years = lubridate::time_length(difftime(last(dates),
first(dates)), "years"),
days = lubridate::time_length(difftime(last(dates), first(dates)), "days"))
})) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# id adate bdate cdate ddate years days
# <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2011-06-18 2012-06-15 2013-06-18 2014-06-15 2.99 1093
#2 2 2011-06-18 2012-06-15 2013-06-18 <NA> 2.00 731
#3 3 2011-04-09 <NA> 2013-04-09 2014-04-11 3.01 1098
#4 4 2011-05-20 2012-05-23 <NA> <NA> 1.01 369
Probably most of the functions introduced here might be quite complex. You should try to learn them if possible. Although will provide a Base R approach:
grp <- droplevels(interaction(df[,1],row(df[-1]))) # Create a grouping:
days <- tapply(unlist(df[-1]),grp, function(x)max(x,na.rm = TRUE) - x[1]) #Get the difference
cbind(df[1],days, years = round(days/365,2)) # Create your table
id days years
1.1 1 1093 2.99
2.2 2 731 2.00
3.3 3 1098 3.01
4.4 4 369 1.01
if comfortable with other higher functions then you could do:
dat <- aggregate(adate~id,reshape(df1,list(2:ncol(df1)), dir="long"),function(x)max(x) - x[1])
transform(dat,year = round(adate/365,2))
id adate year
1 1 1093 2.99
2 2 731 2.00
3 3 1098 3.01
4 4 369 1.01
Using base R apply :
df1[-1] <- lapply(df1[-1], as.Date)
df1[c('years', 'days')] <- t(apply(df1[-1], 1, function(x) {
x <- na.omit(x)
x1 <- difftime(x[length(x)], x[1], 'days')
c(x1/365, x1)
df1[c('id', 'years', 'days')]
# id years days
#1 1 2.994521 1093
#2 2 2.002740 731
#3 3 3.008219 1098
#4 4 1.010959 369

Creating a new Data.Frame from variable values

I am currently working on a task that requires me to query a list of stocks from an sql db.
The problem is that it is a list where there are 1:n stocks traded per date. I want to calculate the the share of each stock int he portfolio on a given day (see example) and pass it to a new data frame. In other words date x occurs 2 times (once for stock A and once for stock B) and then pull it together that date x occurs only one time with the new values.
'data.frame': 1010 obs. of 5 variables:
$ ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ Date : Date, format: "2019-11-22" "2019-11-21" "2019-11-20" "2019-11-19" ...
$ Close: num 52 51 50.1 50.2 50.2 ...
$ Volume : num 5415 6196 3800 4784 6189 ...
$ Stock_ID : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
RawInput<-data.frame(Date=c("2017-22-11","2017-22-12","2017-22-13","2017-22-11","2017-22-12","2017-22-13","2017-22-11"), Close=c(50,55,56,10,11,12,200),Volume=c(100,110,150,60,70,80,30),Stock_ID=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3))
*cannot transfer the date to a date variable in this example
I would like to have a new dataframe that generates the Value traded per day, the weight of each stock, and the daily returns per day, while keeping the number of stocks variable.
I hope I translated the issue properly so that I can receive help.
Thank you!
I think the easiest way to do this would be to use the dplyr package. You may need to read some documentation but the mutate and group_by function may be able do what you want. This function will allow you to modify the current dataframe by either adding a new column or changing the existing data.
Lets start with a reproducible dataset
dat2 <- RawInput %>%
group_by(Date, Stock_ID) %>% #this example only has one stock type but i imagine you want to group by stock
VolumeSum=sum(Volume)) #what ever computation you need to do with
#multiple stock values for a given date goes here
dat2 %>% select(Stock_ID, Date, CloseMean, CloseSum, VolumeMean,VolumeSum) %>% distinct() #dat2 will still be the same size as dat, thus use the distinct() function to reduce it to unique values
# A tibble: 7 x 6
# Groups: Date, Stock_ID [7]
Stock_ID Date CloseMean CloseSum VolumeMean VolumeSum
<fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2017-22-11 50 50 100 100
2 1 2017-22-12 55 55 110 110
3 1 2017-22-13 56 56 150 150
4 2 2017-22-11 10 10 60 60
5 2 2017-22-12 11 11 70 70
6 2 2017-22-13 12 12 80 80
7 3 2017-22-11 200 200 30 30
This data set that you provided actually only has one unique Stock_ID and Date combinations so there was nothing actually done with the data. However if you remove Stock_ID where necessary you can see how this function would work
dat2 <- RawInput %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
dat2 %>% select(Date, CloseMean, CloseSum, VolumeMean,VolumeSum) %>% distinct()
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# Groups: Date [3]
Date CloseMean CloseSum VolumeMean VolumeSum
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2017-22-11 86.7 260 63.3 190
2 2017-22-12 33 66 90 180
3 2017-22-13 34 68 115 230
After reading your first reply, You will have to be specific on how you are trying to calculate the weight. Also define your end result.
Im going to assume weight is just percentage by total cost. And the end result is for each date show the weight per stock. In other words a matrix of dates and stock Ids
RawInput %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
mutate(weight=Close/sum(Close)) %>%
select(Date, weight, Stock_ID) %>%
spread(key = "Stock_ID", value = "weight", fill = 0)
# A tibble: 3 x 4
# Groups: Date [3]
Date `1` `2` `3`
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2017-22-11 0.192 0.0385 0.769
2 2017-22-12 0.833 0.167 0
3 2017-22-13 0.824 0.176 0
