What is spb_raw_html in WordPress? - wordpress

I'm trying to edit a page in WP (not the original owner, so I don't know how it was configured) and the post contents (visual + text) shows:
[spb_raw_html width="1/2" el_position="first"]OEKF93JIFO4F...
Etc. A hundred+ lines of letters and numbers. First, I'm just trying to identify what this is so I can edit the page.

It is a page build with Swift Page Builder.


Custom Template & Rapido Breaks URL Paths

I have a custom type (Dexterity) called "Gallery Profile", for this type I went into the ZMI (portal_skins/custom), created a new "Page Template" and wrote a custom template for my gallery. The gallery contains a bunch of lower down images and one main image of the owner of the gallery, like a News Item view but a gallery tacked on the bottom.
The customer wants this main image to be published to Facebook when someone hits 'Share' and some more specific info in the title when published.
Work carried out
Configured a Rapido script to write the 'og:image' meta data etc HTML that is required to get this to work (the default Plone stuff only publishes the sites logo unless you're viewing one Image type).
If I go to test the HTML coming out of Rapido via direct web address it works swimmingly. (site.com/##rapido/og_share/block/og_share) - I'm on the slightly older version of Rapido hence the non-plural version of block.
The problem
If you go to my gallery page where we have applied the template, then check the HTML, all of the OG meta data is pointing to the template instead of the current page its on.
This effects queries too (if for example you're using a script to find out what images are within a folder) - it searches /my_template instead of site.com/a_folder/my_template_is_on
In the Rapido Python file I've tried things like:
... and probably more as I've been at this a while.
If you're not on the custom template, it works.
To Reproduce
Create a custom template
Assign it as the default view of a folder or any type.
In your template put <div tal:replace="structure python:context.REQUEST"></div> (just to see the difference)
In your Rapido try using context.app.log() and any of the above
Refresh your templated folder while checking the logs and the output from the context.REQUEST stuff.
You will see the differences and how Rapido is having a hard time getting the URL of the page you are on even though its there.
I've always had this problem with Rapido I just tend to work around it but in this particular situation I am stumped.
So in summary
Am I being an idiot and missing something obvious?
Is this possible?
Thank you for your time.

How do I add a module to the text of a basic page in drupal 7?

How do I add a module to the text of a basic page in drupal 7 ?
I need some help. I am having some problems with the drupal donations module
I have done this before on this web site
But now I can;t remember how I did this.
How do I put this module on a page I am creating? When I go to create the page, there does not seem to be an option to past complex tables or controls on it. I just has a large empty text area to edit the body of the text
I thnhk this is a simple thing.
I was able to find the setting for
Home >> Adminstration >> Configuration >> Web Services == PalPal donation
and that set up the control
So I know it is ready to plop into the page
How do I plop it into the page? I remember there was something like a button bar associated with the text editor for the page that allowed me to add complex items like tables and like this particular module.
As can be read in that module's Documentation, the module creates two blocks.
The steps you need to follow:
Create an empty node of any content type. You can alter the URL and attach it to a menu item as well.
Go to admin/structure/block and find the blocks your module provides.
Hit "configure" on one or both of them.
In each block's settings, in the "pages" section (bottom of your screen) select "Only the listed pages" and enter the url of the empty page you created before.

Formatting readme.txt file for WordPress Plugin

I published a free plugin to WordPress repository and I could not format readme.txt file to display ordered list in the correct way, all the list items appears on the same line.
please check the description on this link:
I tried to separate the list items by comma as this article says
but it does not work
any help?
It's markdown...You need a blank line between your initial content and the ordered list:
Here are some Features of **WP Cloaker** plugin:
1. Hide, shorten your links.
2. Custom redirection type: 301,302,303,307 and Javascript redirection.
3. Categorize your links.
4. Custom permalinks e.g : www.yoursite.com/visit/link-category-slug/link-slug.
5. Track links clicks, each time a visitor click on any link, the plugin will store the visitor information like (IP address, click date/time, Country, etc..).
6. You can add third party tracking code.
As the file has currently been written, that blank line does not exist.

Wordpress Feed Creator Name Tag Full Name Instead Of First Name

I am parsing a Wordpress feed in my iOS application. I don't know much about Wordpress and its customisation. The feed shows the author name as below:
while i want it to show the full name of the author in the feed like:
<dc:creator>andy rubin</dc:creator>
Can anybody point out where i can go to do that. Thanks!
Open your Wordpress dashboard and go to Users > All Users and select edit for the user for which you want the full name to appear. You will see the option "Display name publicly as". From drop down list you can choose the full name.
In the feed you might still see first name but once you parse it in your iOS project, it will show you the full name.
Hope this helps!
There are a variety of ways to customize your feeds.
1 - through the use of a WordPress pluggins such as http://wordpress.org/plugins/feed-template-customize/
2 - changing display settings from the Wordpress dashboard
3 - or by manually changing the feed templates to meet your needs
Editing your feed templates manually is much the same as editing your theme templates but not integrated into WP theme system
The Feed templates are located in the /wp-includes/feed-{type}.php files and include formats for rdf, rss, rss2 and atom but it is better to do not edit directly the files from this folder.
You can follow the Customizing Feed Templates section of the codex and peek the function you need from this list and use it within the Loop.

Limit frontblock to display articles/stories only in Drupal

I am new to drupal, so sorry for this noob question, but I was wondering how to display articles only in the central column. Currently there are also blog entries, etc and I would like to get rid of them. I have a Views plugin installed but I am not sure how to do this.
In your View create a filter for Node: Type. Here, you can tell it specifically what kind of content to show.
you can change your frontpage settings in admin/settings/site-information
so let's say you created a view - with a page display
set the page url of your view (eg. articles), and then in your settings (the path i mentioned before) you set the drupal frontpage to the page path of your view (that would be 'articles')
i hope that's clear enough for you
