Device MFT Implementation - ms-media-foundation

I would like to implement Device DMFT based on this Microsoft article.
Did anyone has any experience with it and could share code sample?
I did find some “Driver MFT” code samples on the Microsoft website but none for “Device MFT”.

Here's the sample code from MSFT.
You can compile and register using the dll file generated.


PowerBuilder Standard-Script Encryption

So this is the situation. Our company has its own standard codes and windows (for commonly used routines and for inheriting) that we use in developing applications. These "standard codes and windows" is saved in its own library (pbl). Normally when we deploy our software to the client we just compile it to pbd's and exe's, but this time our client wants also the source code of the software. The thing is we don't want our standard codes and windows to be visible when we give the source code to the client. So is there a way to encrypt (shield, hide etc...) the codes.
I hope someone can point me to where should I start researching.
The .pbls contain sources, resources and binaries, while the .pbd contain no source.
If you do not want to leak any source code, just give the .pbd and .exe files.
If you do want to give the source code of the application minus the source code of your standard library, give the all .pbl files but your standard library, and give the .pbd of the standard lib. Thus your client will even be able to recompile the app (providing that the standard lib object are called by, but do not call other pbjects from the application).
Please note that like Java, the PowerBuilder objects can be decompiled from binaries with the right tool.
I am not aware of a mean to encrypt PB source code, but there is the possibility to obfuscate the objects through PB-Protect. I never used it and I cannot tell more about it.
If they're actually looking for insurance should you disappear, perhaps a code escrow service might be acceptable? My company escrows our source at customer request as a paid-for contract line item, I think with Iron Mountain.

Inishtech / Software Potential Code Protector integration with Visual Studio build or Setup project

Have anyone tried InishTech Software Potential Code Protector ?
Can we integrate this with our build programmatically? I found tutorials but those were to do with the help of the Code Protector standalone GUI. What I want to know is do they have an SDK so that we can integrate with our code or some perfect tutorial which can opt-out dependencies from our setup.
UPDATE: There's been a Getting Started guide that covers code Protection added since I wrote the answer. (Exec summary: You add 2 NuGet packages and then put attributes on what you want to protect and protection is automatically integrated into the build process, be that from within Visual Studio or on a Build Server. Key simplifications are that you no longer need to add a SLPS_PROTECT Symbol or install an SDK anywhere.)
You can use the automatic Protection during building as detailed in the relevant KB article.
This hooks in an MSBuild-based build extension which will feed each assembly EXE/DLL as you compile it into the Command-Line Code Protector when you #define SLPS_PROTECT in Project| settings|Build tab|General area|Conditional compilation symbols (you might only want to do this for the Release configuration).
The Protected code then continues on its way, e.g., into your Setup Project or WebDeploy package.
Typically when using this approach, you declaratively mark the Feature to be associated with each Protected Method using the [Feature] attribute:-
void ProtectedCode()
You may also find further relevant details in the knowledgebase, FAQs and in the forum.
UPDATE: There's a new which provides more focused getting started guides than there were at the time I answered the question. There are also a set of samples up at: including installer-related ones.
Any further questions, please feel free to ask - either here or on the forum.
Disclaimer: I work for InishTech.
Code Protector is fantastic product from InishTech
I am using this for my startup and it works great and do it's job extensively well
just go for it

QR Code reader for android

i am making a qr code reader, i came across zxing lib. i was able to successfully incorporate it on my project. however, when using the app i noticed that it requires another application (i.e qr droid app) before i can use it, otherwise the application crashes. is there a way that it won't require another app? or is there other lib that i can use? thanks in advance.
in my code i just called the intent:
Intent qr = new Intent("");
qr.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE");
startActivityForResult(qr, 0);
First, it really requires the Barcode Scanner application. Not sure if that answers your question. Second your app crashes because you are not catching ActivityNotFoundException. In Barcode Scanners open source project ZXing, you will find a module android-integration which has complete correct source code for this integration. And you will find compete source for Barcode Scanner which you could use to build scanning into your own app. Otherwise you really do want to integrate with Barcode Scanner by Intent. It is much easier.

Writing a Direct Show Source Filter

I should have to write a Direct Show Filter which
takes input(video,audio) from live source.
And it should give the data(video,audio : which are encoded) to a decoder Filter
MyCustomDirectShowSourceFilter --->
Any real working examples which i can build my own source filter and any suggestion for implementation?
Best Wishes
Basically i want a source filter which takes streams from network and let to handle the parsing and decoding of video stream by another filter.
So when i modify Microsoft sample Push Source Filter and connect to a decoder it does not call FilllBuffer method. The graph simply does not work. I need a source filter example which the output is connected to a decoder not a video renderer or Mux.
The Windows SDK (7.1) contains DirectShow sample filter code, including a source filter, which I've successfully used to build source filters for live devices.
If you have the latest Windows SDK installed, it should be here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples\multimedia\directshow\filters\pushsource
Also, MSDN has great reference material on this topic:
If you are still stuck, the March Hare also provides great samples to get peopel started:
You can see sample push source mentioned at
Source code for sample push source filter is at

In Flex, is it posible to identify if the code is runing on Web or AIR?

I'm coding an app that runs both in the web and on AIR, to avoid copying code arround, I figured I should do 3 kinds of projects on flex builder: Library, Web and AIR projects.
So all my code is on the Library project.
I have that extends EventDispatcher to fetch web services and return them as an event. I plan on using this class to also fetch SQLite data for the desktop version, but to do so I need it to decide from wich source to get the data depending on if its Web or AIR.
Anyone know how to do this?
Please refer to this link Detect AIR versus Flash Player from an actionscript library Its more detailed.
You really should have two build targets, one for Web and one for AIR. And your code should be designed in a way that the rest of the system doesnt care what the implementing part is doing, only that it conforms to a certain interface. This way, each build simply replaces the implementing code for each desired platform.
You may find something useful under System or Capabilities in the docs.
Create 2 projects Air and Standalone and create 2 conditional compilation variables for example "standalone" and "air". (more here).
Go to Project->Properties->Flex Compiler and add
For air project:
-define=CONFIG::standalone,false -define=CONFIG::air,true
and for stanalone:
-define=CONFIG::debugging,true -define=CONFIG::air,false
In your code set:
CONFIG::standalone {
trace("this code will be compiled only when air=false and standalone=true");
CONFIG::air {
trace("this code will be compiled only when air=true and standalone=false");
umm... I just found out a way
var appName:String =;
this works since the web version is called "" and the desktop version is called " desktop"
but if anyone has a better way please go ahead.
