Inishtech / Software Potential Code Protector integration with Visual Studio build or Setup project -

Have anyone tried InishTech Software Potential Code Protector ?
Can we integrate this with our build programmatically? I found tutorials but those were to do with the help of the Code Protector standalone GUI. What I want to know is do they have an SDK so that we can integrate with our code or some perfect tutorial which can opt-out dependencies from our setup.

UPDATE: There's been a Getting Started guide that covers code Protection added since I wrote the answer. (Exec summary: You add 2 NuGet packages and then put attributes on what you want to protect and protection is automatically integrated into the build process, be that from within Visual Studio or on a Build Server. Key simplifications are that you no longer need to add a SLPS_PROTECT Symbol or install an SDK anywhere.)
You can use the automatic Protection during building as detailed in the relevant KB article.
This hooks in an MSBuild-based build extension which will feed each assembly EXE/DLL as you compile it into the Command-Line Code Protector when you #define SLPS_PROTECT in Project| settings|Build tab|General area|Conditional compilation symbols (you might only want to do this for the Release configuration).
The Protected code then continues on its way, e.g., into your Setup Project or WebDeploy package.
Typically when using this approach, you declaratively mark the Feature to be associated with each Protected Method using the [Feature] attribute:-
void ProtectedCode()
You may also find further relevant details in the knowledgebase, FAQs and in the forum.
UPDATE: There's a new which provides more focused getting started guides than there were at the time I answered the question. There are also a set of samples up at: including installer-related ones.
Any further questions, please feel free to ask - either here or on the forum.
Disclaimer: I work for InishTech.

Code Protector is fantastic product from InishTech
I am using this for my startup and it works great and do it's job extensively well
just go for it


Do WinUI applications need runFullTrust to publish to the Windows Store?

I recently took a stock WinUI template, added my old UWP C# code, recompiled and tried to publish. The Windows Store Application Submission warns me that I shouldn't use the runFullTrust setting:
We detected the use of one or more restricted capabilities in your Package.appxmanifest file. You must request approval to use restricted capabilities by providing more information below. Please include as much detail as possible. Learn more
If you don't need to declare these capabilities or added them in error, you can remove them from your Package.appxmanifest file and then upload the updated package(s).
but here's what I got from the template:
<rescap:Capability Name="runFullTrust" />
I tried removing it, but it wouldn't even compile. Can anyone tell us the backstory of this flag, why it's needed in WinUI but not UWP, and how we get around the Windows Store Submission error.
Do WinUI applications need runFullTrust to publish to the Windows Store?
A WinUI 3 app uses the full-trust desktop app model. A UWP app runs in a sandbox.
As stated in the docs, distributing your packaged desktop (WinUI 3) app requires you to answer "a few extra questions as part of the submission process. That's because your package manifest declares a restricted capability named runFullTrust, and we need to approve your application's use of that capability."
So you should provide information about why you need to use the runFullTrust restricted capability when you publish the app. You could for example explain that it's a desktop app and what it does.
WinUI 3 does not need to be full trust, but you still need to declare any UWP-like capacities you are using.
Here is a tutorial that shows how to do it.

VS2017 Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll or one of its dependencies

When trying to open an older solution in VS2017 there is an old Unit Test project that is giving me a problem when building.
I keep getting the following error when building this test project:
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Projects\MyProj\Test\DAL\UnitTestProj\Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I checked the project's references and it appears to be referencing Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll. Additionally there are no code errors. How could I ever figure out if it is one of its dependencies that it can't find?
I had a similar issue (with the additional message The "BuildShadowTask" task failed unexpectedly) with a project originally developed with VS2010, and got to spend the last few hours learning about yet another legacy facet of the build process.
There is a good chance that you are dealing with private accessor files (.accessor), which were deprecated in VS2012 (original source). This was foreshadowed in an announcement from the VS2010 team that they were no longer working on these features.
There is also a chance you're just dealing with erroneous refs to the wrong version of UnitTestFramework, but a NuGet restore should fix this. If not, see this GitHub thread for a possible fix (manually change the ref to the public folder), or move to the new MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework packages (see MSDN support thread).
A. Edit the unit test .csproj and change the item Include references from Shadow => None:
<Shadow Include="Test References\namespace.accessor" /> to
<None Include="Test References\namespace.accessor" />
B. Better yet, simply delete all the .accessor files from the unit test project's Test References folder.
Ideally, you would also rewrite your unit tests to remove references to private methods, either by re-architecting to separate concerns or by changing properties to internal and using "friend" with the InternalsVisibleToAttribute.
For those who need to continue supporting testing of private methods for some reason, the same post provides the following suggestions to the logical question "What is available for me then?":
For those who wish to continue testing internal APIs, you have three options:
Use the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PrivateObject class to assist in accessing internal and private APIs in your code. This is found in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll assembly.
Create a reflection framework that would be able to reflect off your code to access internal or private APIs.
If the code you are trying to access is internal, you may be able to access your APIs using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute so your test code can have access to the internal APIs.
However, there is not any good replacement for Code Generation for the new features added by the lanugage teams. You may create the TestMethod stubs and then remove the internal code. You only need to keep the stub itself.
Further reading / sources that helped me piece this together:
VS 2005 ASP.NET explanation of accessors
2008 blog article explaining how to work around this for build servers
MSDN forum thread with discussion on accessor purposes, implementations, and workarounds. Start about 1/3 down.
MSDN BaseShadow docs
MSDN PrivateObject class
Right click the project references folder. Add reference > Assemblies > extensions. Check Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework 10.1, and uncheck any older version.
This is related to Visual studio Enterprise 2015, add new load test was failing: and spiting as "Unable to find assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.LoadTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Due to Assembly installed in public assemblies shows as version which is missed in GAC,
GAC had only Once GAC updated with and restart VS 2015. should resolve the issue similar to this.
Some more detail for better reasoning, System Assembly path and project path
DLL path
......\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
.CSProj reference version
I had a same issue while I was upgrading project to .Net4.8 in Visual studio 2022 earlier we were using Visual studio 2017.
The "BuildShadowTask" task could not be loaded from the assembly ***\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.BuildShadowsTask.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///***Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.BuildShadowsTask.dll' or one of its dependencies.
Solution : I removed ".accessor" files from project as that is being used for accessing private methods(most probably accessor is depricated). Then we used "PrivateObject" class for accessing private members in UnitTest.
Later we updated Unit Test case. Code references could be found from below articles.
Unit test private methods?
Unit Testing: Exposing Private Members
I had a similar issue (compile project in server Jenkins)
Include VS.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework to reference project, whit Pakage Manager:
PM>NuGet\Install-Package VS.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework -Version 15.0.27323.2
Try to fully uninstall Visual Studio 2017 (not repair). Then download the latest version and install it. Remember to check if MSBuild is added to installation files. Remember to delete folder inside Documents: Documents\Visual Studio 2017. In my case, this simple solution fixed all errors.

How to use Migration Commands for Entity Framework through User Defined Code

I need to be able to perform all of the available functions that the Package Manager Console performs for code first DB migrations. Does anyone know how I could accomplish these commands strictly through user defined code? I am trying to automate this whole migration process and my team has hit the dreaded issue of getting the migrations out of sync due to the number of developers on this project. I want to write a project that the developer can interact with that will create and if need be rescaffold their migrations for them automatically.
PM is invoking through PowerShell and PS cmdlets (like for active directory etc.)
The Package Manager Console is a PowerShell console within Visual
...there is essentially very little info about this - I've tried that before on couple occasions and it gets down to doing some 'dirty work' if you really need it (not really sure, it might not be that difficult - providing you have some PS experience)
Here are similar questions / answers - working out the PS comdlets is pretty involving - in this case it has some additional steps involved. And PS tends to get very version dependent - so you need to check this for the specific EF/CF you're using.
Run entityframework cmdlets from my code
Possible to add migration using EF DbMigrator
And you may want to look at the source code for EF that does Add-Migration
(correction: this is the link to official repository - thanks to #Brice for that)
(PM errors also suggest the origins of the code doing the Add-Migrations to be the 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.ToolingFacade')
If you need 'just' an Update - you could try using the DbMigrator.Update (this guy gave it a try - but I'm not sure how relevant is that to you, I doubt it.
The scaffolding is the real problem (Add-Migration) which to my knowledge isn't accessible from C# directly via EF/CF framework.
Note: - based on the code in ( - and as the EF guru mentioned himself - that part of the code is calling into the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design library - which does most of the stuff. If it's possible to reference that one and actually repeat what AddMigrationCommand is doing - then there might not be a need for PowerShell at all. But I'm suspecting it's not that straight-forward, with possible 'internal' calls invisible to outside callers etc.
At least as of this post, you can directly access the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.MigrationScaffolder class and directly call the Scaffold() methods on it, which will return you an object that contains the contents of the "regular" .cs file, the "Designer.cs" file and the .resx file.
What you do with those files is up to you!
Personally, I'm attempting to turn this into a tool that will be able to create EF6 migrations on a new ASPNET5/DNX project, which is not supported by the powershell commands.

Can Opencover be used with TypeMock Isolator?

I'm looking for a .NET coverage tool, and had been trying out PartCover, with mixed success.
I see that OpenCover is intended to replace PartCover, but I've so far been unable to link it with TypeMock Isolator so my mocked-out tests pass while gathering coverage info.
I tried replicating my setup for Partcover, but there's no defined profilename that works with the "link" argument for Isolator. Thinking that OpenCover was based on Partcover, I tried to tell Isolator to link with Partcover, and it didn't complain (I still had Partcover installed), but the linking didn't work - Isolator thought it wasn't present.
Am I missing a step? Is there a workaround? Or must I wait for an Isolator version that is friends with OpenCover?
Note: I work at Typemock
I poked around with the configuration a little bit and managed to get OpenCover to run nicely with Isolator. Here's what you can do to make them work together, until we add official support:
Register OpenCover profiler by running runsvr32 OpenCover.Profiler.dll (you will need an Administrator's access for this).
Locate the file typemockconfig.xml, it should be under your installation directory, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Typemock\Isolator\6.0.
Edit the file, and add the following entry towards the end of the file, above </ProfilerList>:
<Profiler Name="OpenCover" Clsid="{1542C21D-80C3-45E6-A56C-A9C1E4BEB7B8}" DirectLaunch="false">
<EnvironmentList />
Save the file, you will now have a new entry in the Typemock Configuration utility, called OpenCover. Press the Link button to link them. You will now be able to run your tests using OpenCover.Console.exe and Isolator. For example, here's how to run your tests with MSTest:
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"
There is still a minor issue running this with TMockRunner -link (that is, with late linking). I will need to look at it further at work.
Hope that helps.

Selenium-Flex API sample problem

I'm trying the sample demo of selenium flex API. After following the instructions on the main page for compiling the project with sfpi.swc and taking the generated selben.swf in bin directory and trying to run some test(assertFlexText) using Selenium IDE, I get the following error:
[error] Function getFlexText not found on the External Interface for
the flash object selben
I have tried several other flex tests and got error messages similar to the one mentioned above.
For some reason I believe that the generated selben.swf through the automatic build of project in flex builder is not the desired one, though it didn't indicate any build problem after including sfpi.swc.
Any idea?
I use SeleniumFlex Api and SeleniumIde for my projecy with excellent result BUT using my own version of each of one. Your error maybe is for not include the lib of SeleniumFlexApi in the compile time( -include-libraries "libs\SeleniumFlexAPI.swc" ).
After that u can enable capture and replay with SeleniumIde change the main source (read this post) and use the user-extensions.js (in the SeleniumFlexApi project) with the SeleniumIde user option. Its really easy.
With these change u can capture and replay in firefox (v 3.06 or minor) and after that, if u use java, u can use Flex-UI-Selenium, Flash-Selenium for ur integration test with SeleniumRC.
I hope this information be usefull. I u have any question let me know.
