Do Google Calendar events have option to redirect participant to external URL as meeting is ended? - google-calendar-api

Does google calendar events have option to redirect participant to external URL as meeting is ended?
Zoom has a "post-attendee URL" with this functionality. We are looking to redirect our Google Meet participants to a feedback page on our website.
If there are any parameters for the API call that we can utilize to do this, please let us know what they are.

In the current state, as #Ryan M pointed, there is no default option such as post-attendee URL
You can request this functionality via this template, to add it to the Calendar API.

No, there is no such option.
You can include a link to the feedback page in the description, but there is no option to automatically redirect users to it after a meeting.


Can't track in Google Analytics data from GetResponse

Our email marketer is sending email from GetResponse with a tracking code generated from another tool,
but we can't see if the users are coming from the email source.
Is it possible, because it is with tracking code generated from other tool, GA to mark it as direct traffic and is there a way to know it is coming from the email campaign? Also, I am not sure it is tracking it at all, becouse I don't see much traffic in the landing page. The GA is fired, I checked!
The tracking code includes the main domain and it redirects to a specific page.
You have to check in Landing Pages report (or All pages report), filtering by aff_id, if there are any sessions.
To track in correct mode the source you have to use UTMs parameters. You can build your URL with UTM parameters using this tool. It allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Then you can find those sessions in source / medium report.

Capturing HTTP request URL with Google Tag Manager

New guy around here with a really bad workaround scenario:
I'm a digital marketer with no access to my client's CMS.
Their contract developer added Facebook tracking to product pages but forgot to add product ID.
The contractor is currently AWOL so I can't get him to fix this immediately.
I found that some of their HTTP requests contain product ID.
So before we can get it fixed, I'm trying to capture these HTTP requests and save the ID as a query fragment variable by adding an event listener in GTM, and then use GTM (again) to send a proper tracking request.
Is there a piece of sample code that you would recommend?
Has the developer done the tagging in GTM or has he hardcoded it?
If it's in GTM then update the tags and publish it, if it's hardcoded the best bet is to go and change it.
If you don't have access and it isn't done in GTM then the inadvisable route is trying to monkey patch the facebook tracking script to include the code, not a job for the faint of heart.

Redirect with custom link to an external source and track the redirect

I want to share links like where twitter/headline represents the link I put in my twitter headline. Then I use something like nginx to configure what would happen. I want to redirect the source to an external page like a profile and I want to track how many people clicked the link with something like bitly or google analytics or does anyone know an elegant solution for my use case?
Problems with bitly
1. You can not have two links for the same destination. So let's pretend I have and and both redirect to two bitly links that forward to my linkedin profile. This does not work.
Problems with Google Analytics
1. ga is not made to track redirects. it can track where the traffic comes from but since I forward to external sources like linkedin I cannot put a ga code on my linkedin profile to do it.
I am not sure to understsand the entire flow.
You can use a service like
it will track the incoming traffic landing on your page (very much like GA does), and
track the outbound clicks to wherever you send the visitors.
Then it will tie the events to your GA account.
Not sure if that's what you wanted to do...

Generating a Google Hanghouts meeting URL

I'd like my website to be able to programmatically generate Hangouts URLs that can be forwarded to specific users in order for them to join the same meeting.
To my understanding, this would be possible by scheduling an event via Google Calendar. Is there a way to do the same without relying on Google Calendar, meaning via an API call or something similar?
You can now quickly create a new meeting by going to
This makes for an excellent bookmark!
Meeting URLs can be generated with no API calls. Try:
However, guests who aren't part of your domain won't be able to join until a domain member joins and changed to hangout privacy to anyone with the link.

How does track clicks?

I'm trying to create a simple URL redirection page, and would like to track the analytics of my page using Google analytics.
The steps would be:
User receives a pamphlet in the mail for
User types into their browser is a 301 redirect to another website (ex.
How do I track details of step 2?
Basically, is taking the place of a URL shortener service like However, due to the 301 redirect I'm unsure how I would track analytics of Can you help me figure out what I need to do to track google analytics for If not google analytics, anything else with date, number of clicks, browser, and city information would work fine too.
Rather than using Javascript (which does not really allow for a 301 redirects, whith the possible exception of serverside javascript like node.js apps) you should use Googles measurement protocol, which allows you to create serverside implementations of GA indepentently from the programming language (as long as the analytics property you track to is set up for UNiversal Analytics).
Of course you do not need GA, you could also catch the request from the browser and store it to a database (but you tagged your question Google Analytics so I assume you want to use GA).
You could write the redirection in JavaScript, and therefore also have the analytics code in it. See this question for how to do redirects in JavaScript.
