I was reading Jason Gregory's "Game Engine Architecture". Since he uses row vectors, there's an example that goes
v' = v*R1*R2*R3
Rn being matrices. Instead, since I'm using column vectors, I would write v' = R3*R2*R1*v.
He then proceeds
v' = q3*q2*q1*v*~q1*~q2*~q3 Notice how the quaternion product must be performed in an order opposite to that in which the rotations are applied
Does that mean that I should compute q1*q2*q3*v*~q3*~q2*~q1 instead?
Also, is the quaternion product associative?
is the quaternion product associative?
The * operator is also called Hamilton product and it is associative.
Does that mean that I should compute q1*q2*q3*v*~q3*~q2*~q1 instead?
No. You are interested in applying first rotation 1, then 2, and finally 3, right? So, for the sake of clarity, you can think of your operation as q3*(q2*(q1*v*~q1)*~q2)*~q3. Considering that Hamilton product is not commutative you should keep that order.
Note that I used parentheses thinking that it would help interpret the equation easier. Since Hamilton product is associative, rearranging the parentheses will not change the result.
As per the title, is the best way to calculate the n-dimensional cross product just using the determinant definition and using the LU Decomposition method of doing as such or could you guys suggest a better one?
Edit: for clarity I mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product and not the Cartesian Product
Edit: It also seems that using the Leibniz Formula might help - though I don't know how that compares to LU Decomp. at the moment.
From your comment, it seems like you are looking for an operation which takes n −1 vectors as input and computes a single vector as its result, which will be orthogonal to all the input vectors and perhaps have a well-defined length as well.
With defined length
You can characterize the 3-dimensional cross product v =a ×b using the identity v ∙w =det(a,b,w). In other words, taking the cross product of the input vectors and then computing the dot product with any other vector w is the same as plugging the input vectors and that other vector into a matrix and computing its determinant.
This definition can be generalized to arbitrary dimensions. Due to the way a determinant can be computed using Laplace expansion along the last column, the resulting coordinates of that cross product will be the values of all (n −1)×(n −1) sub-determinants you can form from the input vectors, with alternating signs. So yes, Leibniz might be useful in theory, although it is hardly suitable for real-world computations. In practice, you'll soon have to figure out ways to avoid repeating computationswhile computing these n determinants. But wait for the last section of this answer…
Just the direction
Most applications however can do with a weaker requirement. They don't care about the length of the resulting vector, but only about its direction. In that case, what you are asking for is the kernel of the (n −1)×n matrix you can form by taking the input vectors as rows. Any element of that kernel will be orthogonal to the input vectors, and since computing kernels is a common task, you can build on a lot of existing implementations, e.g. Lapack. Details might depend on the language you are using.
Combining these
You can even combine the two approaches above: compute one element of the kernel, and for a non-zero entry of that vector, also compute the corresponding (n −1)×(n −1) determinant which would give you that single coordinate using the first approach. You can then simply scale the vector so that the selected coordinate reaches the computed value, and all the other coordinates will match that one.
I need to multiply long integer numbers with an arbitrary BASE of the digits using FFT in integer rings. Operands are always of length n = 2^k for some k, and the convolution vector has 2n components, therefore I need a 2n'th primitive root of unity.
I'm not particularly concerned with efficiency issues, so I don't want to use Strassen & Schönhage's algorithm - just computing basic convolution, then some carries, and that's nothing else.
Even though it seems simple to many mathematicians, my understanding of algebra is really bad, so I have lots of questions:
What are essential differences or nuances between performing the FFT in integer rings modulo 2^n + 1 (perhaps composite) and in integer FIELDS modulo some prime p?
I ask this because 2 is a (2n)th primitive root of unity in such a ring, because 2^n == -1 (mod 2^n+1). In contrast, integer field would require me to search for such a primitive root.
But maybe there are other nuances which will prevent me from using rings of such a form for the FFT.
If I picked integer rings, what are sufficient conditions for the existence of 2^n-th root of unity in this field?
All other 2^k-th roots of unity of smaller order could be obtained by squaring this root, right?..
What essential restrictions are imposed on the multiplication by the modulo of the ring? Maybe on their length, maybe on the numeric base, maybe even on the numeric types used for multiplication.
I suspect that there may be some loss of information if the coefficients of the convolution are reduced by the modulo operation. Is it true and why?.. What are general conditions that will allow me to avoid this?
Is there any possibility that just primitive-typed dynamic lists (i.e. long) will suffice for FFT vectors, their product and the convolution vector? Or should I transform the coefficients to BigInteger just in case (and what is the "case" when I really should)?
If a general answer to these question takes too long, I would be particularly satisfied by an answer under the following conditions. I've found a table of primitive roots of unity of order up to 2^30 in the field Z_70383776563201:
So if I use 2^30th root of unity to multiply numbers of length 2^29, what are the precision/algorithmic/efficiency nuances I should consider?..
Thank you so much in advance!
I am going to award a bounty to the best answer - please consider helping out with some examples.
First, an arithmetic clue about your identity: 70383776563201 = 1 + 65550 * 2^30. And that long number is prime. There's a lot of insight into your modulus on the page How the FFT constants were found.
Here's a fact of group theory you should know. The multiplicative group of integers modulo N is the product of cyclic groups whose orders are determined by the prime factors of N. When N is prime, there's one cycle. The orders of the elements in such a cyclic group, however, are related to the prime factors of N - 1. 70383776563201 - 1 = 2^31 * 3^1 * 5^2 * 11 * 13, and the exponents give the possible orders of elements.
(1) You don't need a primitive root necessarily, you need one whose order is at least large enough. There are some probabilistic algorithms for finding elements of "high" order. They're used in cryptography for ensuring you have strong parameters for keying materials. For numbers of the form 2^n+1 specifically, they've received a lot of factoring attention and you can go look up the results.
(2) The sufficient (and necessary) condition for an element of order 2^n is illustrated by the example modulus. The condition is that some prime factor p of the modulus has to have the property that 2^n | p - 1.
(3) Loss of information only happens when elements aren't multiplicatively invertible, which isn't the case for the cyclic multiplicative group of a prime modulus. If you work in a modular ring with a composite modulus, some elements are not so invertible.
(4) If you want to use arrays of long, you'll be essentially rewriting your big-integer library.
Suppose we need to calculate two n-bit integer multiplication where
n = 2^30;
m = 2*n; p = 2^{n} + 1
w = 2, x =[w^0,w^1,...w^{m-1}] (mod p).
The issue, for each x[i], it will be too large and we cannot do w*a_i in O(1) time.
Maybe this question is better suited in the math section of the site but I guess stackoverflow is suited too. In mathematics, a vector has a position and a direction, but in programming, a vector is usually defined as:
Vector v (3, 1, 5);
Where is the direction and magnitude? For me, this is a point, not a vector... So what gives? Probably I am not getting something so if anybody can explain this to me it would be very appreciated.
If we are working in cartesian coordinates, and assume (0,0,0) to be the origin, then a point p=(3,1,5) can be written as
where i, j and k are the unit vectors in the x, y and z directions. For convenience sake, the unit vectors are dropped from programming constructs.
The magnitude of the vector is
and its direction cosines are
respectively, both of which can be done programmatically. You can also take dot products and cross-products, which I'm sure you know about. So the usage is consistent between programming and mathematics. The difference in notations is mostly because of convenience.
However as Tomas pointed out, in programming, it is also common to define a vector of strings or objects, which really have no mathematical meaning. You can consider such vectors to be a one dimensional array or a list of items that can be accessed or manipulated easily by indexing.
In mathematics, it is easy to represent a vector by a point - just say that the "base" of the vector is implied to be the origin. Thus, a mathematical point for all practical purposes is also a representation of a mathematical vector, and the vector in your example has the magnitude sqrt(3^2 + 1^2 + 5^2) = 6 and the direction (1/2, 1/6, 5/6) (a normalized vector from the origin).
However, a vector in programming usually has no geometrical use, which means you really aren't interested in things like magnitude or direction. A vector in programming is rather just an ordered list of items. Important here is that the items need not be numbers - it can be anything handled by the language in question! Thus, ("Hello", "little", "world") is also a vector in programming, although it (obviously) has no vector interpretation in the mathematical sense.
Practically speaking (!):
A vector in mathematics is only a direction without a position (actually something more general, but to stay in your terminology). In programming you often use vectors for points. You can think of your vector as the vector pointing from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (3,1,5), called the location vector of the point. Consult texts on analytical and affine geometry for more insight.
A Vector in computer science is an "one dimensional" data structure (array) (can be thought as direction) with an usually dynamic size (length/magnitude). For that reason it is called as vector. But it's an array at least.
A vector also means a set of coordinates. This is how it is used in programming. Just as a set of numbers. You might want to represent position vectors, velocity vectors, momentum vectors, force vectors with a vector object, or you may wish to represent it any way that suits you.
Many times vector quantities may be represented by 4 coordinates instead of 3 (see homogeneous coordinates in computer graphics) so a physical vector is represented by a computer vector with 4 elements. Alternatively you can store direction and magnitude separately, or encode them with 3, 4 or more coordinates.
I guess what I am getting to, is that computer languages are designed to represent physical models, but abstract data containers that the programmer use as tools for his/hers modeling.
Vector in math is an element of n-dimensional space over some field(e.g. real/complex number, functions, string). It may have infinite dimension, e.g. functional space L^2. I don't remember infite-dimensional vectors were used in programming (infinite vectors are not vectors with non-limited length, but vector with infite number of elements)
The most rigorous statement is that a mathematical vector is a first-order tensor that transforms from one coordinate system to another according to tensor transformation rules. The physical idea to keep in mind is that vectors have both magnitude and direction.
Programming vectors are data structures that need not transform according to any rules and may or may not have a notion of a coordinate system as reference. If you happen to use a vector data structure to hold numbers, they may conform to the mathematical definition. But if you have a vector of objects, it's unlikely that they have anything to do with coordinate transformations.
This is over my head, can someone explain it to me better? http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Reflection.html
I'm making a 2d breakout fighting game, so I need the ball to be able to reflect when it hits a wall, paddle, or enemy (or a enemy hits it).
all their formula's are like: x_1^'-x_0=v-2(v·n^^)n^^.
And I can't fallow that. (What does ' mean or x_0? or ^^?)
The formula for reflection is easier to understand if you think to the geometric meaning of the operation of "dot product".
The dot product between two 3d vectors is mathematically defined as
<a, b> = ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz
but it has a nice geometric interpretation
The dot product between a and b is the length
of the projection of a over b taken with
a negative sign if the two vectors are pointing in
opposite directions, multiplied by the length of b.
Something that is immediately obvious using this definition and that it's not evident if you only look at the formula is for example that the dot product of two vectors doesn't change if the coordinate system is rotated, that the dot product of two perpendicular vectors is 0 (the length of the projection is clearly zero in this case) or that the dot product of a vector by itself is the square of its length.
Something that is instead less obvious using the geometric interpretation is that the dot product is commutative, i.e. that <a, b> = <b, a> (fact that is clear considering the formula).
An important point to consider is also that if the length of b is 1 then the dot product <a, b> is simply the length of the projection of a over b (taken with the proper sign).
Given this interpretation the formula for computing the reflection over a plane is quite easy to understand:
To compute the reflected vector r, given a vector a and a plane with normal n you just need to use the formula:
r = a - 2<a, n> n
the height h in the figure is in this case just <a, n> (note that n is assumed to be of unit length) and so it should be clear that you need to move twice that height in the direction of the normal.
If you consider the proper dot product signs you should see that the formula applies also when the incident vector a and the plane normal n are facing in the same direction.
The prime (') indicates the second form of a number/point/structure. In this case, x₁' refers to the reflected form of x₁.
The subscript (0) shows various states of the same. In this case, x₀ is the point of reflection.
The caret notation (^) shows that something is a vector. In this case, n̂ is the normal vector.
Is this just about the equation formatting? Because I see nicely formatted equations, not the LaTeX-style markup appearing in your question. So step 1: try viewing the page in a different web browser and see if it looks clearer.
More substantively, I'd recommend a different kind of resource. Fundamentally, you're looking at collisions, which are normally better treated in a physics text than a math text. Any introductory physics textbook will have a chapter on collisions, which should be directly applicable to your game.
In C the atan2 function has the following signature:
double atan2( double y, double x );
Other languages do this as well. This is the only function I know of that takes its arguments in Y,X order rather than X,Y order, and it screws me up regularly because when I think coordinates, I think (X,Y).
Does anyone know why atan2's argument order convention is this way?
Because I believe it is related to arctan(y/x), so y appears on top.
Here's a nice link talking about it a bit: Angles and Directions
My assumption has always been that this is because of the trig definition, ie that
tan(theta) = opposite / adjacent
When working with the canonical angle from the origin, opposite is always Y and adjacent is always X, so:
atan2(opposite, adjacent) = theta
Ie, it was done that way so there's no ordering confusion with respect to the mathematical definition.
Suppose a rectangle triangle with its opposite side called y, adjacent side called x:
tan(angle) = y/x
arctan(tan(angle)) = arctan(y/x)
It's because in school, the mnemonic for calculating the gradient
is rise over run, or in other words dy/dx, or more briefly y/x.
And this order has snuck into the arguments of arctangent functions.
So it's a historical artefact. For me it depends on what I'm thinking
about when I use atan2. If I'm thinking about differentials, I get it right
and if I'm thinking about coordinate pairs, I get it wrong.
The order is atan2(X,Y) in excel so I think the reverse order is a programming thing. atan(Y/X) can easily be changed to atan2(Y,X) by putting a '2' between the 'n' and the '(', and replacing the '/' with a ',', only 2 operations. The opposite order would take 4 operations and some of the operations would be more complex (cut and paste).
I often work out my math in Excel then port it to .NET, so will get hung up on atan2 sometimes. It would be best if atan2 could be standardized one way or the other.
It would be more convenient if atan2 had its arguments reversed. Then you wouldn't need to worry about flipping the arguments when computing polar angles. The Mathematica equivalent does just that: https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ArcTan.html
Way back in the dawn of time, FORTRAN had an ATAN2 function with the less convenient argument order that, in this reference manual, is (somewhat inaccurately) described as arctan(arg1 / arg2).
It is plausible that the initial creator was fixated on atan2(arg1, arg2) being (more or less) arctan(arg1 / arg2), and that the decision was blindly copied from FORTRAN to C to C++ and Python and Java and JavaScript.