No valid exports main found on npm (tailwind css) - css

i am learning tailwind css and in tutorial they write a command like this npx tailwindcss-cli build css/tailwind.css -o build/tailwind.css
and it build a different folder name "tailwind.css" in same directory
but in my case it gives a error
No valid exports main found for 'C:\Users\HHH\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_npx\4952\node_modules\tailwindcss-cli\node_modules\postcss'
I don't have any idea what it means and whats wrong with the setup.
please help.

I find the solution.
Just install the current node.js and reinstall the specific version.
download here
After that install it and everything works fine.
Note: It works in when you follow the tailwindcss cli method.
follow first part of video


Why do I get "sh: next: command not found" when running a cloned nextjs app?

I've cloned a nextjs example repo locally, and tried to run it using npm run dev, but it's not finding "next" as a command?
sh: next: command not found
I googled it, suggestions seemed to be that I should run
npm i -g create-next-app
Which I did, but still get the same error?
How can I resolve this?
For my particular case, I forgot to run npm install in the repo I'd just cloned :D
Once I did that, running npm run dev worked fine and found next.
But I suspect in general if you're trying to run a cloned repo based on npm, and get a similar response, you may simply have forgotten to install your dependencies, like I did.
Note that this can also happen for an existing project if you have some script that removes the node_modules folder as part of a cleanup process (which I do as well)

Trouble Installing Certain Modules

I'm having issues getting some modules to install. I've been able to get mod-1v1-arena and mod-npc-free-professions working, but I haven't been able to get these other modules to work:
Can someone please confirm I have the correct workflow, or advise on what steps I'm missing.
Clone module folder from git to .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules
Run Git CLI: ./ docker build
Copy mod_learnspells.conf to .\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules
I see instructions about rebuilding with CMake, is that necessary if I'm using docker build...? I tried CMake too and I got an error immediately with the software setup, so haven't pursued it further.
I'm also a bit confused by the .conf files, which folder does the server read them from?
.\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules or .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-learn-spells\conf
I would try to install without any modules to check for the core stability and then work up from there one by one.
This way, if there's a module that's currently not working due to recent PR's like the Autobalance and possibly mod-learn-spells you can report an issue and work without it until It's back up.
AzerothCore Continuous Integration build with modules is currently failing aswell if you check the Readme notes where it says

Getting started with 2SXC Bootstrap 4 Instant Theme

I've installed Bootstrap 4 Instant Theme on my dev machine, which has DNN installed. I can get the theme up OK.
I've installed Node.js and that looks OK.
I've run npm ci in the app/theme folder, and that seems to have run OK. There is a webpack.config.js file in the folder.
I don't get the "run webpack" instruction!
When I make changes to the _variables.scss file and save and then refresh my page, I don't get the theme updates.
The Client Resource Management was already disabled.
I've cleared the cache and restarted the application.
What am I missing, or what is missing from the documentation that it assumes I know?
Just to be sure: did you compile the scss? As Bootstrap 4 uses SASS, the scss need to be compiled in order to take effect.
npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
cmd is enough to run the command. I use a .bat with this to quick compile.
run npm run webpack from commandline.
I have extended the instructions and explained the step better. I hope you were able to move on by now.
João Gomes, thx for your quick answer =)

Customize kibana 4 and check for changes to be reflected before making a build

I have just started exploring kibana 4. I am trying to make few UI modifications like removing the kibana icon in the nav bar. After making the changes,we need to prepare a build. I went through the '' file under kibana repo, where they have provided instructions on how to prepare a build. But it takes some time(10 to 15 min) to prepare a build after the changes.Is there any way where i can make the changes and see if the changes are working fine before making a build ?
If you execute grunt dev instead of grunt build, you will start a development server where each change in the code you do will be reflected. After executing it, you just have to go to your browser and enter in http://localhost:5601.
EDIT: It looks like now it's different than when I used to work on it. Try with npm start. Better to check the instructions in the source by the way:
I am using Kibana 4.3-snapshot.Not sure what was the issue.I cloned a fresh copy from here :
Ran the following commands and could see the development server running.
nvm install 0.12
npm install
npm start
#Pigueiras Thank you

Meteor: How do you exactly install phantomJS?

There isn't a clear guide on how to install Phantom for Meteor, so I decided to ask a question to clarify things.
Do you have to install phantom binary in /usr/local/bin/? I downloaded a compiled phantomjs from the official website and placed inside the above path. I can run phantomjs from anywhere now because it's added to path.
In addition to 1, do you also have to install it from meteor npm? I followed this to install "phantomjs": "1.9.13" as a npm package inside my Meteor app. It gets confusing from here because the binary from the official website is v2.0.0 while the npm package is 1.9.13. Do I need to install both?
Because of the confusion in 2, I removed /usr/local/bin/phantomjs but then I can't run $phantomjs anywhere because I don't have anything in PATH.
My ultimate goal is to get spiderable working. What should I do?
Okay, the problem was the compiled phantomjs binary from the official webpage cannot be used right away in the latest Mac OS, but you have to unpack it first. To run spiderable package you don't need to do anything other than placing the binary file phantomjs inside your local path /usr/bin/local/. You can test this by running $phantomjs in your terminal. If you see phantomjs not found then you haven't installed it. If you see an error killed 9 then you have the same problem as mine, and you can solve it by following this.
You do not need the meteorhacks:npm package.
You can do this in two ways:
Method 1:
If you'd like to be able to use PhantomJS via your Meteor app, you would need to use the Meteorhacks NPM package and use the latest NPM version 1.9.16 I believe.
After that, you can edit your packages.json file to add "phantomjs": "1.9.16", and then reference it via var phantomjs = Meteor.npmRequire('phantomjs');
Method 2:
Alternatively, you can use the smart package for Meteor PhantomJS and give that a shot.
I personally feel like Method 1 is a better option, as that worked for me. I needed PhantomJS for an app, and that solution worked for me. I haven't tried Method 2 so I can't speak for it, but it looks promising as well.
Give them a shot, and let me know how it goes. Hope that helps!
Here is a phantomjs wrapper package from atmosphere:
More importantly here is the spiderable package:
I couldn't really answer the questions but more so point ya in a direction that I hope will solve your problem :)
In the terminal:
$ meteor npm install --save phantomjs
In your_meteor_app/server/main.js file (or wherever, provided it's server-side)
import phantom from 'phantom'
Just use npm:
//Global effect on your machine
npm install -g phantomjs
//Test if installed
npm list -g
//Test spiderable working correctly
Test spiderable
