Adding more claims to JWT obtained externally (ASP NET) -

So at work I was given the task of designing a database API, now security assessment has stated that the system must use Authentication and Authorization.
On top of that Authentication Happens through their NetScalar that forces the user to login with company credentials and in turn gives the user a token. This token will then be sent to my API in the header of each request.
Now here comes the issue. The token only contains a username, I however want to do a
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
Check on my controllers. Now as the user has already been authenticated with his password and username I know that he has is a valid user however I would like to assign a role to him.
Now I'm open for suggestions on how to do this but the simplest way of fixing this that I could think of was to at each request query my DB for the users role and add it to the token claims.
However I don't know how to do this and also I have no idea if this is a good solution.
I would appreciate any help with adding the claims (in code) or other solution (also code would be much appreciated).
Thank you!


How to sign back in when using signInWithCustomToken?

I used the token generated by my authentication server to sign my users in using signInWithCustomToken(token). Now what I cannot figure out is if they sign out, how will I sign them back in ?
I don't think saving the generated token in the database is a good idea because then I am going to have to give it public access so the user can access it.
Any ideas ?
If the user signs out. You have to go through the same mechanism you used initially to generate the custom token. Do not save the custom token. Besides it is only valid for a short period of time.
One example is if you are using our own username/password auth system. You ask the user for the username/password, verify it in your own server and then issue the custom token back to the client, client calls signInWithCustomToken and user is signed in. If the user signs out, you have to repeat the process.

Firebase - Custom oAuth2 service - Authorization code?

There is an app that wants to authenticate with my users using oAuth2.
So they open a window, with the authorize URL, and parameters (such as redirect uri)
Now I have my own firebase-login, and when the user logs in, I get their access token from firebase. Which is what I want to respond with.
However, in oAuth2 guides/explanations like I see I am supposed to return an authorization code, and I don't understand where can I get that from?
What I can do, is generate a bullshit code, pair it in the DB to the access token, and then in the "token" request, send the correct access token. Is that what I am supposed to do?
Just to be clear, this is my first time writing an oAuth2 service myself.
OAuth is a system that provides authenticated access to resources. This resource can be for example a user page or editing rights to that user page. So your goal is to provide access to permissions to the right people.
When someone logs in, they get a token. Your part is to generate that token however you want, may it be some form of userdata into base64 or completely random. Take this token and link it against permissions, like viewing a page, editing it or even simpler things like viewing the email of a user.
OAuth2 tokens and/or permissions should be revokable without deleting a user. You should not use OAuth2 to identify someone.
If I am understanding your question correctly:
User visits some website
User wants to register or login using your websites OAuth2
You redirect back to the original page and send your generated token
The page can access content on your site with this token
Assuming you are the Host Site, given a User who wants to connect a 3rd party application, then the flow would be like this:
User lands on site - Clicks Login with Github
User is redirected to Github site where they login and click "Authorize"
Github redirects user back to your site /authorize with an auth token.
Your site then passes that token back to the 3rd party API (github in this case) in exchange for an access token and refresh token.
You can then pass that Authorization token to an API endpoint to get details about it. If the token expires, you can use the refresh token to get a new Auth token. Both Tokens should be stored in your database for your user.
However writing that all out I realize you are asking how do you generate the Authorization token, so I'm guessing you're actually the 3rd party API in this example. So you would want to generate an Authorization token using a random generator. Since you are using firebase, you'll probably wanna try out their token generator:
There's also some more up-to-date info here I believe:
And like you said, you would store that in a database associated with the user, and then when the Host Site sends that user's auth token to your server, you exchange it for the Authorization token (and refresh token if requested).
It's also worth reading through how google does it, because you'd be doing something similar:
JWT is another option of generating tokens:

symfony web-service with username and password

I will not post any of my code, because this is more just a question to know if it's possible.
I've been googling a lot, but didn't find any concrete solutions. I hope someone can help me here.
The facts:
I have a login form
I need to authenticate the credentials over a web-service
I need to send both username and password, to get back a token if logged in successfully.
The problems:
With a custom provider I'm always stuck with the fact that they only have direct access to the userename, like: loadUserByUsername. I need to access the password there as well, to be able to send this to my web-service.
I have only 1 web-service which sends only back a token if provided username and password are correct.
How can I access and send both username and password to my web-service?
Generally speaking one would authenticate using an API token to a web service.
That API token is usually issued via an auto-generation script when the user account is created (either by an admin or by a registration form). This token is then passed by the API call to the web-service in a header which then uses it to authenticate the user.
As far as Symfony goes, by far the easiest way of doing this is with Guard. A new component built by Ryan Weaver from KNP.
KNPUniversity has a great tutorial on it (for free).
Note that this is only one option of many, and the 'best' way is probably mainly opinion based and directly related to the use case in question. But it might help you get on the right track.
If the token you want to create should be a JSON Web Token (JWT), a very conventient bundle is LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, which does almost all of the work automatically. If you just follow the documentation, you will have it quickly up and running. You can combine it with FOSUserBundle, with a custom User entity or whatever.

facebook authentication -is this use of the token correct?

After authenticating the user, I save the authorization token insidea database. Than I save his Id inside a cookie. Each time he accesses a page I check to see if the cookie is there. If it s not there, I try to get another authorization cookie and replace the old in the database, and create that cookie.
I have a deep feeling I am wrong:0 Can you tell me how should I handle this?
You should not deal directly with cookies but use a SDK that do it for you. For C#, you can use the Facebook C# SDK. Check out the API Quickstart guide if you want to have a good overview.
You should store the token in you database only if you ask the offline_access permission when you get the access token because token expires after a few hours.
If you do ask for the offline_access permission when you get the token, then you can store it in your database and make API calls with that token anytime you want (without having to check the user session or cookie).
Hope that helps !

impersonation via token stored in a cookie

I want to know more about win32 LogonUser api function. The last parameter is a token which can be used to impersonate a windows identity to execute code on a person's behalf. Say I have a login page where I enter my username, password and domain. When the user submits the page I validate the user by making a call to LogonUser() and get a token reference.
I am thinking why not store the token in a cookie and use it at a later stage (perhaps in another page). I just don't know what issues I might have to face upfront...
Can the token expire even if we don't close it properly using the CloseHandle() win32 call? Is there any article related with this particular requirement?
