JSON path help required for a request - jsonpath

I am new at JSON path request and I have a quite complex request to build.
I work with a JSOn strusture having 2 arrays like this example :
"WideXml": {
"Guid": "9cf379c5-dc12-4a63-922a-d242efe9a777",
"ApplicationGuid": "24df8af4-58c2-40dd-8ce8-70becb2df96f",
"Action": "Approval",
"Values": {
"Date": {
"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T04:00:00Z",
"Value": [{
"Guid": "9c64fb06-60f5-4541-a006-3a92ac576e13",
"Value": "6.7169265747070313",
"Unit": "t",
"UserFields": {
"Field": [{
"Value": "131",
"Key": "BWART"
"Value": "14702-00-BULK",
"Key": "MATNR"
"Guid": "6c048d70-1521-4fa1-a462-669730d6b1ed",
"Value": "84.824371337890625",
"Unit": "t",
"UserFields": {
"Field": [{
"Value": "261",
"Key": "BWART"
}, {
"Value": "14366-00-WA0R",
"Key": "MATNR"
I need to find the "MATNR" code by searching with Key = 'BWART' and Value = '131'.
I can find the Field document by the request
$.WideXml.Values.Date.Value[*].UserFields.Field[?(#.Key=='BWART' && #.Value=='131')]
But I don't manage to build the query to get the MATNR after having this result...
Can someone help?

if the key BWART is always at the same index position i.e 0 in this example, you can try the expression
$.WideXml.Values.Date.Value[?(#.UserFields.Field[0].Key== "BWART" && #.UserFields.Field[0].Value == "131")].UserFields.Field[*]


Simplify array of objects with children using JQ

From Wikidata, I get the following json:
# Sparql query
query=$(cat ./myquery.sparql)
response=$(curl -G --data-urlencode query="${query}" https://wikidata.org/sparql?format=json)
echo "${response}" | jq '.results.bindings'
"language": {
"type": "uri",
"value": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100"
"wikidata": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "Q36157"
"code": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "lub"
"language": {
"type": "uri",
"value": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101"
"wikidata": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "Q36284"
"code": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "srr"
I would like to have the keys directly paired with their values, such as :
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100",
"wikidata": "Q36157",
"iso": "lub"
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101",
"wikidata": "Q36284",
"iso": "srr"
I currently have a non-resilient code, which will break whenever the key names change :
jq 'map({"language":.language.value,"wikidata":.wikidata.value,"iso":.code.value})'
How to pair the keys with their values in a resilient way (not naming the keys) ?
I want to "prune" the child objects so to only keep the value.
You could use map_values which works like the outer map but for objects, i.e. it retains the object structure, including the field names:
jq 'map(map_values(.value))'
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100",
"wikidata": "Q36157",
"code": "lub"
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101",
"wikidata": "Q36284",
"code": "srr"
Note that this solution lacks the name conversion from code to iso.

How to use ObjectSizeGreaterThan and ObjectSizeLessThan xml tags for AWS S3 command 'PutBucketLifeCycleConfiguration"?

Trying with a json input like this:
"Rules": [
"Expiration": {
"Date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"ID": "id1",
"Filter": {
"And": {
"Tags": [
"Key": "k1",
"Value": "k1val1"
"Key": "k1u",
"Value": "k1vadl1"
"ObjectSizeGreaterThan": 100,
"ObjectSizeLessThan": 1000
"Status": "Enabled"
However, I am getting an error like this from the aws client:
Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in LifecycleConfiguration.Rules[0].Filter.And: "ObjectSizeGreaterThan", must be one of: Prefix, Tags
Any idea why I get this error and how to correct it?
This seems to be working but only with the latest cli version aws-cli/2.7.30
I am getting the same error on aws-cli/1.19.39
"Rules": [
"Expiration": {
"Date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"ID": "123",
"Filter": {
"And": {
"Prefix": "sricli",
"Tags": [
"Key": "ke",
"Value": "k1"
"Key": "je",
"Value": "k2"
"ObjectSizeGreaterThan": 102400,
"ObjectSizeLessThan": 204800
"Status": "Enabled"

Write r GET query from data provided

I have JSON data about R request that i need to write with necessary url, access token, parameters and other things, which must be included in httr query. I got it from getpostman item. Here it is:
"name": "GET /tablesbyquery",
"protocolProfileBehavior": {
"disableBodyPruning": true
"request": {
"auth": {
"type": "bearer",
"bearer": [
"key": "token",
"value": "hnjP4YUF-woR0jhUyJIByeOI_q8jF99jK5WlQ", #fake for example
"type": "string"
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "http://somesource.os-pub.com/tables/tablesbyquery?timePeriod=actual&sort=utdDate,asc&query=&isNotEmptyStatus=false&size=20&page=0&providerId=",
"protocol": "http",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "timePeriod",
"value": "actual"
"key": "sort",
"value": "utdDate,asc"
"key": "query",
"value": ""
"key": "isNotEmptyStatus",
"value": "false"
"key": "size",
"value": "20"
"key": "page",
"value": "0"
"key": "providerId",
"value": ""
"response": []
I need to write R request query to GET necessary data. How it should look like? Im new in url and i have written this part:
url <- "http://somesource.os-pub.com/tables/tablesbyquery?timePeriod=actual&sort=utdDate,asc&query=&isNotEmptyStatus=false&size=20&page=0&providerId="
access_token <- "hnjP4YUF-woR0jhUyJIByeOI_q8jF99jK5WlQ"
res <- GET(url, access_token)
content(res, "parsed")
But it doesn't work.

How to Query Google Cloud Datastore for array

I have wriiten the query to get the all the list of Event Data entities. The result is Coming like this from the google Data Store.
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
but i need to Write a Query to filter by Email'id. means i need to fetch the entities which are match with the Email id. For Eg if i pass the emailid as "test1#xxx.com" i should get final Result like this. Can anybody help me on this.
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
The GQL query would be something like -
SELECT * FROM Event WHERE users='test1#xxx.com'
You need to make sure the users property is indexed in order for the search to work, otherwise you may not get any results back.

How Can I group by Gremlin Server (Titan 1.0) Response on Basis of Vertex Id?

I'm trying following query :
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,2)
and I'm getting following response :
"requestId": "524462bc-5e46-40bf-aafd-64d00351dc87",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": { }
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 1745112,
"label": "Post",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"PostImage": [
"id": "sd97-11ejc-2wat",
"value": ""
"PostedByUser": [
"id": "sc2j-11ejc-2txh",
"value": "orbitpage#gmail.com"
"PostedTime": [
"id": "scgr-11ejc-2upx",
"value": "2016-06-19T09:17:27.6791521Z"
"PostMessage": [
"id": "sbob-11ejc-2t51",
"value": "Hello #[tag:Urnotice_Profile|835776|1] , #[tag:Abhinav_Srivastava|872488|1] and #[tag:Rituraj_Rathore|839840|1]"
"PostedTimeLong": [
"id": "scuz-11ejc-2vid",
"value": 636019246476802029
"id": 1745112,
"label": "Post",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"PostImage": [
"id": "sd97-11ejc-2wat",
"value": ""
"PostedByUser": [
"id": "sc2j-11ejc-2txh",
"value": "orbitpage#gmail.com"
"PostedTime": [
"id": "scgr-11ejc-2upx",
"value": "2016-06-19T09:17:27.6791521Z"
"PostMessage": [
"id": "sbob-11ejc-2t51",
"value": "Hello #[tag:Urnotice_Profile|835776|1] , #[tag:Abhinav_Srivastava|872488|1] and #[tag:Rituraj_Rathore|839840|1]"
"PostedTimeLong": [
"id": "scuz-11ejc-2vid",
"value": 636019246476802029
"meta": { }
since same post is posted on two different Id's it is coming twice in response. I want to group by response on basis of vertex id ( both have same vertex id. or i just want to get one object out of them as both are same only.
I've tried following queries but nothing worked for me :
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').groupBy{it.id}.order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').group().by(id).order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
How can I group by the result on basis of vertex id.
The query
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').group().by(id).order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
should work, although order().by() and range() will have no effect. However, I don'tthink you really want to group(), you more likely want to dedup():
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').dedup().order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).limit(3)
