How to Query Google Cloud Datastore for array - google-cloud-datastore

I have wriiten the query to get the all the list of Event Data entities. The result is Coming like this from the google Data Store.
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
but i need to Write a Query to filter by Email'id. means i need to fetch the entities which are match with the Email id. For Eg if i pass the emailid as "" i should get final Result like this. Can anybody help me on this.
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",
"key": {
"id": 5678669024460800,
"kind": "Event",
"path": [
"data": {
"createdAt": "2017-03-27T06:28:58.000Z",

The GQL query would be something like -
SELECT * FROM Event WHERE users=''
You need to make sure the users property is indexed in order for the search to work, otherwise you may not get any results back.


JSON path help required for a request

I am new at JSON path request and I have a quite complex request to build.
I work with a JSOn strusture having 2 arrays like this example :
"WideXml": {
"Guid": "9cf379c5-dc12-4a63-922a-d242efe9a777",
"ApplicationGuid": "24df8af4-58c2-40dd-8ce8-70becb2df96f",
"Action": "Approval",
"Values": {
"Date": {
"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T04:00:00Z",
"Value": [{
"Guid": "9c64fb06-60f5-4541-a006-3a92ac576e13",
"Value": "6.7169265747070313",
"Unit": "t",
"UserFields": {
"Field": [{
"Value": "131",
"Key": "BWART"
"Value": "14702-00-BULK",
"Key": "MATNR"
"Guid": "6c048d70-1521-4fa1-a462-669730d6b1ed",
"Value": "84.824371337890625",
"Unit": "t",
"UserFields": {
"Field": [{
"Value": "261",
"Key": "BWART"
}, {
"Value": "14366-00-WA0R",
"Key": "MATNR"
I need to find the "MATNR" code by searching with Key = 'BWART' and Value = '131'.
I can find the Field document by the request
$.WideXml.Values.Date.Value[*].UserFields.Field[?(#.Key=='BWART' && #.Value=='131')]
But I don't manage to build the query to get the MATNR after having this result...
Can someone help?
if the key BWART is always at the same index position i.e 0 in this example, you can try the expression
$.WideXml.Values.Date.Value[?(#.UserFields.Field[0].Key== "BWART" && #.UserFields.Field[0].Value == "131")].UserFields.Field[*]

Not able to filter out required property in Azure TSI Gen1 Get Events API response

I am using the below request body to fetch only the required property values.
"searchSpan": {
"from": {
"dateTime": "2021-11-20T00:00:00.000Z"
"to": {
"dateTime": "2021-11-20T23:00:00.000Z"
"predicateString": "[Params.Name] = 'power'",
"take": 100
The URL is like below:
Despite specifying the required property the response returns all properties as if it has not seen the predicate string. What might I be doing wrong?
"warnings": [],
"events": [
"schema": {
"rid": 0,
"$esn": "my-event-hub",
"properties": [
"name": "mytimestamp",
"type": "DateTime"
"name": "Params.Name",
"type": "String"
"name": "Params.Value",
"type": "Double"
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
"schemaRid": 0,
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
"schemaRid": 0,
"$ts": "2021-11-20T10:01:50Z",
"values": [
I'm getting "Properties count error" in the TSI overview page. This might quite be the root cause but I don't know for sure
"For Time Series Insights environment ABC: You have used all 641/600 properties in your environment".

The language expression property '0' can't be evaluated, property name must be a string - ARM Template error while adding Key Vault access policy

I've been working on an issue and seem to be stuck, so asking on so in case anyone can help.
To describe the issue, I've got an existing Azure Key Vault setup, and wish to add a number of access policies to this resource group. It needs to be conditional as if the function name is "false" then that function should not be added to key vault access policy.
variable section:
"variables": {
"functionAccess": {
"value": [
"name": "[parameters('Function_1')]"
"name": "[parameters('Function_2')]"
"name": "[parameters('Function_3')]"
My Template :
"apiVersion": "2016-10-01",
"condition": "[not(equals(variables('functionAccess')[CopyIndex()].name, 'false'))]",
"copy": {
"batchSize": 1,
"count": "[length(variables('functionAccess'))]",
"mode": "Serial",
"name": "accessPolicies"
"name": "[concat(parameters('KeyVault_Name'), '/add')]",
"properties": {
"accessPolicies": [
"tenantId": "[subscription().tenantId]",
"objectId": "[if(not(equals(variables('functionAccess')[CopyIndex()].name, 'false')), reference(concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', variables('functionAccess')[CopyIndex()].name), '2016-08-01', 'Full').identity.principalId, json('null'))]",
"permissions": {
"keys": [
"secrets": [
"certificates": [
"type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies"
When I deploy my ARM template for the azure key vault I got this error message:
The language expression property '0' can't be evaluated, property name must be a string.
also tried below, but same error:
"apiVersion": "2018-02-14",
"name": "[concat(parameters('KeyVault_Name'), '/add')]",
"properties": {
"copy": [
"batchSize": 1,
"count": "[length(variables('functionAccess'))]",
"mode": "serial",
"name": "accessPolicies",
"input": {
"condition": "[not(equals(variables('functionAccess')[copyIndex('accessPolicies')].name, 'false'))]",
"tenantId": "[subscription().tenantId]",
"objectId": "[if(not(equals(variables('functionAccess')[copyIndex('accessPolicies')].name, 'false')), reference(concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', variables('functionAccess')[copyIndex('accessPolicies')].name), '2016-08-01', 'Full').identity.principalId, json('null'))]",
"permissions": {
"keys": [
"secrets": [
"certificates": [
"type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies"
There are a few options for dealing with filtering an array for copy operation. I deploy my ARM templates from PowerShell scripts and use PowerShell to setup parameter values. When I need special logic handle different inputs for different environments, I let PowerShell handle it.
If you must handle the filtering in ARM and you have the option to input a CSV list of functions, then perhaps the following will work. You can then use the functionAccessArray to iterate over in the copy operation.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"variables": {
"functionAccessCsv": "Function-0,Function-1,false,Function-4,false,Function-6,Function-7",
"functionAccessFiltered": "[replace(replace(variables('functionAccessCsv'), 'false', ''), ',,', ',')]",
"functionAccessArray": "[split(variables('functionAccessFiltered'), ',')]"
"resources": [
"outputs": {
"functionAccessCsvFiltered": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[variables('functionAccessFiltered')]"
"functionAccessArray": {
"type": "array",
"value": "[variables('functionAccessArray')]"
The result:
I just had the same issue. By using an array parameter with a default value instead of a variable, I got it to work.
"parameters": {
"functionAccess": {
"type": "array",
"defaultValue": [

GraphDb Indexing Policies

Consider the following json responses..
If you run the graph query g.V().hasLabel('customer'), the response is:
"id": "75b9bddc-4008-43d7-a24c-8b138735a36a",
"label": "customer",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"partitionKey": [
"id": "75b9bddc-4008-43d7-a24c-8b138735a36a|partitionKey",
"value": 1
If you run the sql query select * from c where c.label = 'customer', the response is:
"label": "customer",
"partitionKey": 1,
"id": "75b9bddc-4008-43d7-a24c-8b138735a36a",
"_rid": "0osWAOso6VYBAAAAAAAAAA==",
"_self": "dbs/0osWAA==/colls/0osWAOso6VY=/docs/0osWAOso6VYBAAAAAAAAAA==/",
"_etag": "\"2400985f-0000-0c00-0000-5e2066190000\"",
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_ts": 1579181593
Q: With this difference in structure around the partitionKey section, should this be referenced as /properties/partitionKey/*, or /partitionKey/? in the indexing policy?
Currently i have hedged by bets with...
"indexingMode": "consistent",
"automatic": true,
"includedPaths": [{
"path": "/properties/partitionKey/*"
"path": "/partitionKey/?"
"path": "/label/?"
"excludedPaths": [{
"path": "/*"
"path": "/\"_etag\"/?"
TIA! 😁
This should be stored as "/partitionKey" in your index policy, not "/properties/partitionKey"
btw, another thing to point out here is it's generally better to only exclude paths you will never query on rather than have to include those you will. This way, if you add properties to your graph you won't have to rebuild the index to query on the new properties.

How Can I group by Gremlin Server (Titan 1.0) Response on Basis of Vertex Id?

I'm trying following query :
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,2)
and I'm getting following response :
"requestId": "524462bc-5e46-40bf-aafd-64d00351dc87",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": { }
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 1745112,
"label": "Post",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"PostImage": [
"id": "sd97-11ejc-2wat",
"value": ""
"PostedByUser": [
"id": "sc2j-11ejc-2txh",
"value": ""
"PostedTime": [
"id": "scgr-11ejc-2upx",
"value": "2016-06-19T09:17:27.6791521Z"
"PostMessage": [
"id": "sbob-11ejc-2t51",
"value": "Hello #[tag:Urnotice_Profile|835776|1] , #[tag:Abhinav_Srivastava|872488|1] and #[tag:Rituraj_Rathore|839840|1]"
"PostedTimeLong": [
"id": "scuz-11ejc-2vid",
"value": 636019246476802029
"id": 1745112,
"label": "Post",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"PostImage": [
"id": "sd97-11ejc-2wat",
"value": ""
"PostedByUser": [
"id": "sc2j-11ejc-2txh",
"value": ""
"PostedTime": [
"id": "scgr-11ejc-2upx",
"value": "2016-06-19T09:17:27.6791521Z"
"PostMessage": [
"id": "sbob-11ejc-2t51",
"value": "Hello #[tag:Urnotice_Profile|835776|1] , #[tag:Abhinav_Srivastava|872488|1] and #[tag:Rituraj_Rathore|839840|1]"
"PostedTimeLong": [
"id": "scuz-11ejc-2vid",
"value": 636019246476802029
"meta": { }
since same post is posted on two different Id's it is coming twice in response. I want to group by response on basis of vertex id ( both have same vertex id. or i just want to get one object out of them as both are same only.
I've tried following queries but nothing worked for me :
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').groupBy{}.order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').group().by(id).order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
How can I group by the result on basis of vertex id.
The query
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').group().by(id).order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).range(0,3)
should work, although order().by() and range() will have no effect. However, I don'tthink you really want to group(), you more likely want to dedup():
g.V(835776).out('Follow').in('WallPost').dedup().order().by('PostedTimeLong', decr).limit(3)
