Unzip specific files in a ARR file within a Tar.gz - unix

i'am currently trying to unzip some specific files within a ARR file. This ARR file is within a tar.gz file.
Is it possible to unzip these files without a intermediate step/One liner. Its important that the first tar.gz will not be unpacked.

you can try something like:
gzip -dc input_file.tar.gz|tar xf - path/to/file/you/want/to/extract
This decompress and untar the archive in memory and have advantage of run faster.


How to convert .xls or .xlxs file to csv file without any plugins or tools using Unix command

I have to convert .xls or .xlxs file to .csv file without using plugins or tools using Unix Command
Is their any way to do this ?
I Tried to do like this below ...But not working
Change the characterSet code from .xls file to UTF-8 encoding
Then create file again with extension change
cp temp.xls temp.csv
It is possible, but you need to realise that an *.xls file is a zipped directory structure (just unzip such a file, using Winzip or 7-zip). The unzipping can also be done using UNIX commands.
But what then? The directory structure is quite complicated to understand, and in order to create a script or a program which can do this (without using any external tools) is a tremendous work, so I'd propose you, either to use external tools anyway, or to make sure the files you receive already are CSV format.

Download only *.Rmd files from a github repository using R or Rmd

I would like to download all of the *.Rmd files in a github repository.
For a simple example, say I wanted to use R or an Rmd file to download all of the *.Rmd files in this repo:
I tried using a bash chunk in my Rmd file and wget, but wasn't able to get the Rmd files:
wget -r -k --accept *.Rmd https://github.com/maelle/rmd-blogging-course
I've seen this previous question on how to download an entire repo, but I'm after only the files of a certain extension.
How to download entire repository from Github using R?
You should use Git to clone the repository, or if you only need one revision, you can download a tarball or a zip file, the latter of which you can access from the button that says “Code”. As far as just downloading the *.Rmd files, GitHub doesn't provide a way to recursively download a large amount of files without cloning or downloading a tarball or zip file.
While there are raw file endpoints, they won't work with wget --recursive because there are no directories. Trying to do so anyway would likely cause you to get rate-limited and possibly flagged, since those endpoints aren't intended for bulk download. A tarball or zip file will also likely be much faster as well.

zipping the files in unix having extension after

I have a logs file at directory cd /opt/app/logs named as
now my concern is that i am looking for unix command which will zip the files having extension log.1 or log.2 or having log. extension anything
request you to please advise the unix comand to zip these files
Folks please advise for this
You can compress in a lot of formats in unix. The most commom is the tar.gz extension. If you are looking fot .zip specifically, there is a zip command: zip <zipname> <files>
To pass the file list you may use the * wirldcard, indicating any name. For example: *.log.*, as sugested by glen, will match every file that contains .log. in its name.
You probably want something like this:
zip backup_logs.zip /opt/app/logs/*.log.*
This will zip all files in the folder that matched what you asked and create a zip file in your current directory.

Unzipping Multiple zip files using 7zip command line

I have a number of zip files located in a single folder eg:
I'm looking for a way of automatically unzipping these using a batch job to a similarly named folder structure so for example the contents of file1.gz will drop into a folder named file1.
I have been told that 7zip would address my issue but can't figure out how to go about it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Which OS are you using? This is something you'd do using the shell's capabilities, you could write
for A in *.gz ; do gunzip $A ; done
I'm using gunzip here, because .gz is actually gzip, But you can use the 7zip CLI tool as well, of course. If you're on Windows, then I recommend installing a real shell (the standard cmd.exe can not really be considered a shell IMHO).

unzip all files and save all contents in a single folder - unix

I have a single directory containing multiple zip files that contain .jpg files.
I need to unzip all files and save all contents (.jpgs files) into a single folder.
Any suggestions on a unix command that does that?
Please note that some of the contents (jpgs) might exist with same name in multiple zipped files, I need to keep all jpgs.
unzip '*.zip' -o -B
as by default these utilities are not installed
see http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-can-i-zipping-and-unzipping-files-under-linux.html regarding installation
read about -B flag to realize its limitations.
