server shutdown when import sql data - azerothcore

Use the newest code to compiled.
When running the worldserver ,it has a error and shutdown.
Here is the error in the log .
Updating World database...
Duplicate filename "E:/AzerotherCore/data/sql/archive/db_world/6.x/2022_01_22_00.sql" occurred. Because updates are ordered by their filenames, every name needs to be unique!
Could not update the World database, see log for details.
If I rename the sql file, the massage comes below
Updating Auth database...
It seems like the update "2022_01_23_03.sql" '6291006' was renamed, but the old file is still there! Treating it as a new file! (It is probably an unmodified copy of the file "2022_01_23_00.sql")
Then I check the file with same name in "data\sql\updates" and "data\sql\archive", I found their code is the same ,too.
So, my question is :could I delete the sql files in "data\sql\archive" ,and then run the server without any potential issues?

It sounds to me that your config option Updates.ArchivedRedundancy has been enabled, if you disable it the worldserver will stop searching the Archived files.


Error in secure load of data source. An error occurred while decrypting data

I know a similar question already asked here but since given answer don't help me and my problem is kinda different I'm asking a new question.
I create data sources through admin panel -> Configure -> Datasources and it works fine. But if I restart server all created Datasources gonna missing from datasources list.
When I run ESB server I can see through logs that those datasources could not be loaded properly since ESB server is unable to decrypt sensitive data which it encrypted earlier:
DataSourceRepository Error in updating data source [remove:false] at path '/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
Error in updating data source 'myDatasource' from registry
[remove:false]: Error in secure load of data source
meta info: An error occurred while decrypting data
Although myDatasource is missing from datasources list I can still see it in registry through admin panel -> Registry -> /_system/config/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
I have the same issue. This seems to be some error introduced in 6.4.0.
6.3.0 does not exhibit this behaviour.
As a workaround, if you define the datasources in /conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml then the datasources load correctly at server startup. However this is not ideal solution as they cannot then be edited through the web console.
Alternatively you can download the registry entry , edit the password element to remove 'Encrypted=true' and change the password to be unencrypted. Then upload the edited file as a new registry entry alongside the old.
Both these methods are not feasible for production though as they leave the passwords unencrypted.
Out of interest are you running this on Windows? I discovered also on EI 6.4.0 that the Ciphertool utility will not run due to a malformed path. I suspect this might be related, but I cannot find where the malformed path is coming from it seems to be repeating the {carbon.home} element within the path :
C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\bin>ciphertool
Using CARBON_HOME: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0
Using JAVA_HOME: C:\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.3.0\jdk\jdk1.8.0_192
Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 51: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.getConfigFilePath(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.setSystemProperties(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.initialize(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.main(

Table synchronize error. Cannot drop the index because it does not exist or you do not have permission

I added a field to this table: STG_INVOICE_SUP_VW
But then I wasn't able to synchronize the table so I deleted it. Now if I'm trying to synchronize any table it's throwing this error below:
Cannot execute a data definition language command on (). The SQL
database has issued an error.
SQL error description: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL
Server]Cannot drop the index
because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
SQL statement: DROP INDEX
Problems during SQL data dictionary synchronization. The operation
Synchronize failed on 1 table(s)
Entire issue was related to an additional index created from SQL side.
If you create an Index on AX tables from SQL side then either you won't be able to synchronize the table or your created index will be dropped on synchronization(as suggested by by some users).You should create indexes from Application Object Tree.
I Deleted the index from SSMS and then synchronize worked perfectly.
It also solved one more issue. Incremental CIL was throwing an error below:
Cannot create a record in SysXppAssembly (SysXppAssembly). The record
already exists.
For incremental CIL issue I had already done the steps pointed here but it didn't fix it:
Stop the AOS Navigate to the XppIL folder in your AOS server
“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
Backup the files from the XppIL folder.
Delete the files from the XppIL folder. Note: files
only not sub folders.
Restart the AOS.
The XppIL folder files will be created after the AOS restart
From this link: Community.Dynamics
After fixing the table sync issue, Incremental CIL ran without issue.
Try creating index STG_INVOICE_SUP_VW._dta_index_STG_INVOICE_SUP_VW_25_692157136__K7_1_2_3_4_5_6_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_1 directly in SQL Server and then re-run DB sync in AX.

Login and account registration broken on MVC application

Hello I'm new to MVC and have been looking for a solution to my problem for the last couple days with no avail.
I've created a simple blog engine using ASP.NET MVC, after installing it on IIS on my local PC, I quickly realized I needed a database for the login service to work.
So I elected to use LocalDB on a PC that I plan to use as a server. I moved my files over to the PC and installed everything I needed. As soon as I installed SQLExpress with LocalDB and reset the site, everything was working perfectly. However, I noticed some minor typos on a section of the site that's not easily edited. Stupidly, I reinstalled the website entirely from a new build instead of just updating the view that needed correction like a smart person would do.
Now every time I attempt to login to an excising account or create a new one I simply get the error
Cannot attach the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf' as database 'aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352'.
From what I've learned, It's something to do with my LocalDB instance, but fixes I've found online seem to have no effect.
Admittingly, I'm pretty naive with it comes to SQL, so hopefully the fix is simple. If I've failed to provide vital information please tell me and I'll update the question. Additionally, an explanation of what exactly went wrong would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
When reinstalling your site, probably you had deleted database file aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf in your database directory. Since deleting MDF file doesn't affect registered SQL Express instance, SQL Express thinks the database still exists and trying to connect but failed.
First, try to attach the DB using SSMS query like this:
EXEC sp_attach_db #dbname=N'aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf', #filename1=N'App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf', #filename2=N'App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.ldf'
NB: I assumed your MDF file location stands in App_Data directory, change it to your actual database directory.
If attempt to attach by query doesn't work, try these steps:
Stop IIS/IIS Express pool if it still running.
Open a Windows Powershell instance on your server PC (install it first if doesn't exist).
Run the following command:
sqllocaldb.exe stop v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe delete v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe start v11.0
Recreate the DB instance on your project, including data connection in Server Explorer (remove then create).
Re-run the project in development machine, then copy all required files to server PC. The database instance should be (re-)generated at this time.
Restart IIS/IIS Express pool on server PC.
Additionally you may run Update-Database command from Package Manager Console to ensure database integrity.
If those solutions still won't work altogether, simply rename your database files and attach it on your project, verify the connection string then retry step (5) and (6) above.
Related problems:
EF5: Cannot attach the file ‘{0}' as database '{1}'
Cannot attach the file ".mdf" as database "aspnet-"
Delete .mdf file from app_data causes exception cannot attach the file as database
Cannot attach the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MvcApplication10\App_Data\aspnet-MvcApplication10-20130909002323.mdf' as database 'aspnet-MvcApplication10-20130909002323'

ADODB recordset error "Operation is not allowed when the object is open" (3705)

I have a legacy ASP application that I support. By support I mean that I haven't touched it since about 2005 because its just worked.
However there were a couple of data issues in the Access database that the ASP application uses. So like a fool I opened the database directly over a fileshare (using MS Access 2007), fixed the data and saved it down (in Access 2000 format).
Now the application will retrieve and display the data OK, but any updates fail with the error 3705: Operation is not allowed when the object is open. I have not changed the code in any way, the only change was the data update and database save.
I've found plenty of examples of this error, but they all relate to fairly simple issues like ensuring the recordset is closed before opening it, changing the CursorLocation enum, etc. I've tried most of these in the vain hope that something will work, but nothing has.
Any ideas how can I fix this?
I've installed a web based access database management system, and have tried to compact and repair the database. I received the error:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<snip>'. It is
already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view
its data. (-2147217911)
I have run the macro detailed here to determine who is logged onto the database, and just showed the admin user (which was me - while running it)
Those errors mean one thing: the database file is opened by some other process and thus is being locked.
Most likely that "web based access database management system" is the culprit, try to find how you can configure it to not lock the file, or get rid of it.
As a work around or way to verify the real problem, you can copy the .mdb file into different location and change the classic ASP connection string to check if you can update the database in its new location.
#Remou's comment above about checking the file and folder permissions was correct.
I had our server admin check the permissions, and it seems that the write access had dropped off the folder (and the files also inherit their permissions from the folder). He said that this has happened before when saving directly over the fileshare.
(accepting in lieu of an answer from #Remou)

Change SQLite database mode to read-write

How can I change an SQLite database from read-only to read-write?
When I executed the update statement, I always got:
SQL error: attempt to write a readonly database
The SQLite file is a writeable file on the filesystem.
There can be several reasons for this error message:
Several processes have the database open at the same time (see the FAQ).
There is a plugin to compress and encrypt the database. It doesn't allow to modify the DB.
Lastly, another FAQ says: "Make sure that the directory containing the database file is also writable to the user executing the CGI script." I think this is because the engine needs to create more files in the directory.
The whole filesystem might be read only, for example after a crash.
On Unix systems, another process can replace the whole file.
I solved this by changing owner from "root" to my own user, on all files in Database's folder.
Just do ls -l on said folder, and if any of the files is owned by root, just change it to your user, like:
# For each file do:
sudo chown "$USER":"$USER" /path/to/my-folder/file.txt
# Or "R"ecursive.
sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" /path/to/my-folder
(this error message is typically misleading, and is usually a general permissions error)
On Windows
If you're issuing SQL directly against the database, make sure whatever application you're using to run the SQL is running as administrator
If an application is attempting the update, the account that it uses to access the database may need permissions on the folder containing your database file. For example, if IIS is accessing the database, the IUSR and IIS_IUSRS may both need appropriate permissions (you can try this by temporarily giving these accounts full control over the folder, checking if this works, then tying down the permissions as appropriate)
This error usually happens when your database is accessed by one application already, and you're trying to access it with another application.
To share personal experience I encountered with this error that eventually fix both. Might not necessarily be related to your issue but it appears this error is so generic that it can be attributed to gazillion things.
Database instance open in another application. My DB appeared to have been in a "locked" state so it transition to read only mode. I was able to track it down by stopping the a 2nd instance of the application sharing the DB.
Directory tree permission - please be sure to ensure user account has permission not just at the file level but at the entire upper directory level all the way to / level.
If using Android.
Make sure you have added the permission to write to your EXTERNAL_STORAGE to your AndroidManifest.xml.
Add this line to your AndroidManifest.xml file above and outside your <application> tag.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
This will allow your application to write to the sdcard. This will help if your EXTERNAL_STORAGE is where you have stored your database on the device.
On win10 after a system crash, try to open db with DB Browser, but read only.
Simply delete the journal file.
In Linux command shell, I did:
chmod 777 <db_folder>
Where contains the database file.
It works. Now I can access my database and make insert queries.
On Windows:
tl;dr: Try opening the file again.
Our system was suffering this problem, and it definitely wasn't a permissions issue, since the program itself would be able to open the database as writable from many threads most of the time, but occasionally (only on Windows, not on OSX), a thread would get these errors even though all the other threads in the program were having no difficulties.
We eventually discovered that the threads that were failing were only those that were trying to open the database immediately after another thread had closed it (within 3 ms). We speculated that the problem was due to the fact that Windows (or the sqlite implementation under windows) doesn't always immediately clean up up file resources upon closing of a file. We got around this by running a test write query against the db upon opening (e.g., creating then dropping a table with a silly name). If the create/drop failed, we waited for 50 ms and tried again, repeating until we succeeded or 5 seconds elapsed.
It worked; apparently there just needed to be enough time for the resources to flush out to disk.
On Ubuntu, change the owner to the Apache group and grant the right permissions (no, it's not 777):
sudo chgrp www-data <path to db.sqlite3>
sudo chmod 664 <path to db.sqlite3>
You can set the permissions for group and user as well.
sudo chown www-data:www-data <path to db.sqlite3>
If <db_name>.sqlite-journal file exists in the same folder with DB file, that means your DB is opened currently and in the middle of some changes (or it had been at the moment when DB folder was copied). If you try to open DB at this moment error attempt to write a readonly database (or similar) could appear.
As a solution, wait till <db_name>.sqlite-journal disappears or remove it (is not recommended on the working system)
I had this problem today, too.
It was caused by ActiveSync on Windows Mobile - the folder I was working in was synced so the AS process grabbed the DB file from time to time causing this error.
On Linux, give read/write permissions to the entire folder containing the database file.
Also, SELinux might be blocking the write. You need to set the correct permissions.
In my SELinux Management GUI (on Fedora 19), I checked the box on the line labelled httpd_unified (Unify HTTPD handling of all content files), and I was good to go.
I'm using SQLite on ESP32 and all answers here are "very strange"....
When I look at the data on the flash of the ESP I notice there is only one file for the whole db (there is also a temp file).
In this db file we have of course the user tables but also the system tables so "sqlite_master" for example which contain the definiton of the tables.
So, it's seems hard to belive this can be a "chmod" problem, because if the file is read only, even creating table would be impossible as SQLite would be unable to write the "sqlite_master" data...
So I think our friend user143482 is trying to acesse a "read only" table. In SQLite source code we can see a function named tabIsReadOnly with this comment:
/* Return true if table pTab is read-only.
** A table is read-only if any of the following are true:
** 1) It is a virtual table and no implementation of the xUpdate method
** has been provided
** 2) It is a system table (i.e. sqlite_master), this call is not
** part of a nested parse and writable_schema pragma has not
** been specified
** 3) The table is a shadow table, the database connection is in
** defensive mode, and the current sqlite3_prepare()
** is for a top-level SQL statement.
