Possible to create 'transaction' for adding new user via firebase auth and writing to firestore? - firebase

I have a step in my new user flow where a user is registered with Firebase auth, and then a record is written to Firestore.
Is there a straightforward way to put both the user registration and the firebase write into a transaction, so if either one fails, they both fail?

Is there a straightforward way to put both the user registration and the firebase write into a transaction, so if either one fails, they both fail?
There are no Firebase products that support cross-product transactional operations. You'll have to nest both calls and always handle the errors. So do the authentication, and then write the data to Firestore or the Realtime Database.
A more convenient way of handling this situation would be to trigger a Cloud Functions in response to the creation of a Firebase user account. In this way, you will only need to handle a single operation on the client.


How do I authenticate Firebase functions/admin requests to Firestore

I was able to complete the process of generating a Firebase auth token on the front end, sending it to a Firebase Cloud Function, and using auth.verifyIdToken to decode it and pull out the user ID.
I want to use Cloud Firestore, but I have no idea how to use the user token/ID when making requests to Cloud Firestore from Firebase Functions. My goal is to then have those variables available when creating Cloud Firestore security rules.
a) Do I need to pass those variables in the Firestore request?
postsRef.where({uid //somehow?}, 'published', '==', true).get();
b) Should I use auth.setCustomUserClaims? Is that the only option when working from the Admin SDK?
c) What is different in usage between the ID and the decoded token? Should I pass both to Cloud Firestore? Is that even possible?
Let me know what you think, any info is helpful.
What you're trying to do is actually not possible. When you query Firestore from backend code using one of the server SDKs (including the Firebase Admin SDK), the query will always bypass all security rules. There is no way to change this behavior. Rules only apply to direct access from web and mobile clients.
What you'll have to do instead is duplicate the work of the rule in your backend code to make sure all the conditions are correct before making your query.

Protecting data in Firestore to be only readable by users with active In-App-Subscription

my app is fetching data from a Firestore database but this data should only be accessible to users who are currently subscribed to In-App-Purchases.
What is the best way to protect this data?
My first thought was routing everything through a Firebase Function, so the user has to send their subscription ID to the function, the function checks it and returns the data, but this would require way too many function calls for just a few users.
If you are not using any server client libraries then you can create a rule on firestore to restrict the reads on the table.
firestore rules docs..
You could simply check if the requesting user has subscribed to In-App-Purchases (assuming there is a flag in the user's data to confirm the same).

firebase firestore audit log in functions

I have a couple of http functions in my firebase project, because I prefer to hydrate, validate and update the data on the backend. I would like to use the automatic stackdriver logs, but I need to associate the log events with the authenticated user (the requests are authenticated). Is there any way to add some context to database updates? Or commit the changes in the name of the user (not the service account)?
Firestore triggers don't currently associate any information about the end user (not even if you're using Firebase Authentication and security rules), so you will have to write user information into each document in order to track who performed an action on it. It will not just appear in the environment or context.
If you go this route, I strongly suggest adding security rules that require the user to provide their Firebase Auth UID correctly in a document field, so you can be 100% sure it's correct.
Read this for more details: https://medium.com/firebase-developers/patterns-for-security-with-firebase-per-user-permissions-for-cloud-firestore-be67ee8edc4a

Is there a way to perform a transaction that writes to auth, firestore and storage

I'm new to firebase and I want to add it to my vuejs project.
But I'm wondering. Is the a way I can perform a transaction that creates user using the auth() and use the uid to create a user using firestore() and use the uid as a name to upload an image using storage(). However, the whole operation should revert, should any fail.
There are no cross-product transactions available for Firebase products. Of the three products you mentioned, only Firestore has transactions, and they are limited to documents within a single database.
What you will have to do is check for errors each step of the way, and undo any previous changes if something fails.

Cloud Functions for Firebase: How to read/write to database as an existing user?

I like to use firebase functions to test firebase rules I defined.
I would like to read/write to realtime database as an existing user to test if the rules work as expected.
I read in getting started page, I can write to realtime database as admin as follow:
admin.database().ref('/messages').push({original: 'some text'});
How can I do the same as a user I have created in firebase instead of as admin?
I believe when you get the Delta Snapshot from the triggered event that the current state of that snapshot is tied to the user. Since the Firebase team is providing you with the server-less environment, they attach the admin as well since it's in a secure location.
So just grabbing the ref from the current snapshot, should give you the ability to test the database rules. Just to clarify, I am talking about the snapshot.ref, and not the snapshot.adminRef.
Here is the reference from their documentation:
Returns a Reference to the Database location where the triggering write occurred. This Reference has the same end-user permissions as the client that did the write. So, if an unauthenticated client did the write, this Reference is unauthenticated. If the client that did the write is authenticated as a certain Firebase Auth user, this Reference is authenticated as that same user.
