Servo keeps jittering Arduino code for servo motor jittering - arduino

Servo keeps jittering at start up, buttons only reset to initial position being held, if let goes back to jittering.
There is a line of code as well for an osciloscope but im not using it if you can please point it out, also this is the original website and functioning, the tinkercad simulation works like intended, but on my arduino keeps jittering
Edit: I've checked that on the simulation it also jitters..
const unsigned int _PERIOD_US = 2200;
const unsigned int _0_DEG_US = 500;
const unsigned int _90_DEG_US = 1500;
const unsigned int _180_DEG_US = 2500;
unsigned int us_elapsed = 0;
unsigned int duty_us = _90_DEG_US;
unsigned int aux = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, INPUT);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
void loop()
if (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
duty_us = _0_DEG_US;
if (digitalRead(3) == LOW) {
duty_us = _90_DEG_US;
if (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {
duty_us = _180_DEG_US;
aux = micros() - us_elapsed;
if (aux >= duty_us) {
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
if (aux >= _PERIOD_US) {
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
us_elapsed = micros();


Trying to make a password using an array with arduino

I am a beginner to using the arduino and I'm stuck at a certain problem. What I have is a programm that prints numbers to the console with the press of a button. What I'm trying to get is to the point that I enter 4 numbers after which it checks if it is the same as an array of numbers that I set before.
Now the problem is that I dont know how to make the programm check if the array I entered with the buttons is the same as the one I wrote before.
int b1 = 4;
int bs1 = 0;
int b2 = 2;
int bs2 = 0;
int b3 = 3;
int bs3 = 0;
int count = 0;
int correctcode[] = {2,3,3,1};
int code[4];
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (b1, INPUT);
pinMode (b2, INPUT);
pinMode (b3, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
bs1 = digitalRead(b1);
bs2 = digitalRead(b2);
bs3 = digitalRead(b3);
if (bs1 == HIGH) {
Serial.print ("1");
if (count == 4){
Serial.println ("pincode ingevoerd, checking....");
if (bs2 == HIGH) {
Serial.print ("2");
if (count == 4){
Serial.println ("pincode ingevoerd, checking....");
if (bs3 == HIGH) {
Serial.print ("3");
if (count == 4){
Serial.println ("pincode ingevoerd, checking....");
// Button pins ( with external pulldown resistors )
const byte b1 = 4;
const byte b2 = 2;
const byte b3 = 3;
// Signal pins
const byte greenPin = 12;
const byte redPin = 13;
byte count = 0; // 0 ... 4 counted button presses
byte correctcode[4] = {2,3,3,1};
byte code[4];
void setup() {
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (b1, INPUT);
pinMode (b2, INPUT);
pinMode (b3, INPUT);
void loop() {
bool bs1 = digitalRead(b1);
bool bs2 = digitalRead(b2);
bool bs3 = digitalRead(b3);
if (bs1) add(1);
else if (bs2) add(2);
else if (bs3) add(3);
void add( byte value ) {
Serial.print (value);
code[count++] = value;
if (count == 4) {
if (check()) correct();
else wrong();
bool check() {
for (byte i=0; i < 4; i++) {
if (code[i] != correctcode[i]) {
return false;
return true;
void wrong() {
Serial.println(" -> wrong !");
digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW);
void correct() {
Serial.println(" -> correct !");
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW);
Compiled, but Untested
Don't duplicate code, but create functions. This can make code easier to read.
If you do not want an autorepeat ( after 500 ms ) for your buttons, better check for state changes (Pressed -> Released)
If multiple buttons are pressed, I added a priority. You might want to discard that state instead.
For more than 3 buttons, read about arrays :)

Arduino | Everything on the X-axis works but not on the Y-axis

I want to make a simple memory game for the Arduino. But instead of buttons I want to use a joystick to select the blinking LEDs.
I am in the early stage of the project but my Y-axis won't read and I can't figure the problem out.
const int X_pin = A4;
const int Y_pin = A5;
int Joy_Waarde;
const int led_Rood = 13;
const int led_Groen = 12;
const int led_Blauw = 11;
const int led_Geel = 10;
const int buzzer = 4;
int X_Value = 0;
int Y_Value = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode (led_Rood, OUTPUT);
pinMode (led_Groen, OUTPUT);
pinMode (led_Blauw, OUTPUT);
pinMode (led_Geel, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Het spel is begonnen!");
void loop() {
X_Value = analogRead(X_pin);
Y_Value = analogRead(Y_pin);
if (X_Value == 1023) {
digitalWrite(led_Groen, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led_Groen, LOW);
if (X_Value == 0) {
digitalWrite(led_Blauw, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led_Blauw, LOW);
if (Y_Value == 1023) {
digitalWrite(led_Geel, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led_Geel, LOW);
if (Y_Value == 0) {
digitalWrite(led_Rood, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led_Rood, LOW);
Hopefully you guys now something about it! Thanks in advance!
It worked, It was something with the wiring!
Thank you!

How to write a state change (edge detection) using analogRead() on Arduino?

I'm having trouble creating a toggle switch using an analog input connected to an RF receiver. I'm attempting to make a servo turn 180 degrees when the voltage reads higher than 800 and stay at 180 degrees until the button is pressed again. It only reads higher than 800 when I press a button on my key fob (RF transmitter). In my code it does this, but it doesn't hold at 180 degrees and wait until the button is pressed again to go back to 0 degrees.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
const int analogInPin = A0;
int led = 13;
float sensorValue = 0;
void setup(){
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
Serial.print("Voltage Output = ");
Serial.println(" ");
if (sensorValue > 800) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
EDIT: I'm pretty close with this edited code. I added a variable and an if statement. It turns the LED on and it stays on, but when pressed again it doesn't turn off. So close...
const int analogInPin = A0;
int led = 13;
int ledState = 0;
float sensorValue = 0;
void setup(){
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
Serial.print("Voltage Output = ");
Serial.println(" ");
if (sensorValue < 400 && ledState == 0) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
ledState == 1;
if (sensorValue < 400 && ledState == 1) {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
ledState == 0;
OK. I think I solved it! Take a look. It now turns the LED on when the button is pressed and stays on until the button is pressed again. This is how to create a switch using an analog input reading.
const int analogInPin = A0;
int led = 13;
int ledState = 0;
float sensorValue = 0;
void setup(){
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
Serial.print("Voltage Output = ");
Serial.println(" ");
if (sensorValue < 400 && ledState == 0) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
ledState = 1;
else {
if (sensorValue < 400 && ledState == 1) {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
ledState = 0;

Continuous servo rotation Arduino

I have a continuous rotation servo that I need to go clockwise and counterclockwise. I have found the mid point being at 100, and the clockwise and counterclockwise speeds I've found to be the most appropriate are 110 and 85, respectively. The servo rotates clockwise when button A is pushed, and counterclockwise when B is pushed.
I want a way to slow down the servo, once the button is released, at an exponential rate, so that it would say go from 110 to 100, or 85 to 100 in t (user definable) seconds. Is there a function anyone knows of that might help me accomplish this? or a way of doing this. Detailed answers appreciated as I am an Arduino noob.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
const int crServo = 12; // sets pin 12 as servo
const int buttonPinCW = 2; // sets pin 2 as button; CW => clockwise => FOCUS FAR
const int buttonPinCC = 3; // sets pin 3 as button; CC => counterclockwise => FOCUS NEAR
const int ledPinB = 4; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int ledPinG = 5; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int ledPinR = 6; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int crSpeedDefault = 100; // is the stay still position, motor should not turn
const int crSpeedCW = 110; // turns the motor full speed clockwise
const int crSpeedCC = 85; // turns the motor full speed counter-clockwise
int buttonStateCW = 0; //sets button 1 as off
int buttonStateCC = 0; // sets button 2 as off
void setup()
myservo.attach(crServo); // attaches the servo on pin 12 to the servo object
pinMode (buttonPinCW, INPUT); // sets button as input
pinMode (buttonPinCC, INPUT); // sets button as input
pinMode (ledPinB, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
pinMode (ledPinG, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
pinMode (ledPinR, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
myservo.write(crSpeedDefault); // default servo to crSpeedDefault
int startup() {
blinker(2, ledPinB);
blinker(1, ledPinG);
blinker(1, ledPinR);
void blinker(int count, int pin) {
for ( int x = 0; x < count; x++ )
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
void loop()
buttonStateCW = digitalRead(buttonPinCW);
buttonStateCC = digitalRead(buttonPinCC);
// clockwise rotation
if (buttonStateCW == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinR, HIGH);
// counterclockwise rotation
else if (buttonStateCC == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinG, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(ledPinR, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPinG, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
Updated with RMI's answer
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
const int crServo = 12; // sets pin 12 as servo
const int buttonPinCW = 2; // sets pin 2 as button; CW => clockwise => FOCUS FAR
const int buttonPinCC = 3; // sets pin 3 as button; CC => counterclockwise => FOCUS NEAR
const int ledPinB = 4; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int ledPinG = 5; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int ledPinR = 6; // sets pin 10 as LED
const int t = 1; // slow down
const int crSpeedDefault = 100; // is the stay still position, motor should not turn
const int crSpeedCW = 107; // turns the motor full speed clockwise
const int crSpeedCC = 87; // turns the motor full speed counter-clockwise
int buttonStateCW = 0; //sets button 1 as off
int buttonStateCC = 0; // sets button 2 as off
void setup()
myservo.attach(crServo); // attaches the servo on pin 12 to the servo object
pinMode (buttonPinCW, INPUT); // sets button as input
pinMode (buttonPinCC, INPUT); // sets button as input
pinMode (ledPinB, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
pinMode (ledPinG, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
pinMode (ledPinR, OUTPUT); // sets led as output
myservo.write(crSpeedDefault); // default servo to crSpeedDefault
int startup() {
//blinker(2, ledPinB);
//blinker(1, ledPinG);
//blinker(1, ledPinR);
void blinker(int count, int pin) {
for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
void loop()
buttonStateCW = digitalRead(buttonPinCW);
buttonStateCC = digitalRead(buttonPinCC);
// clockwise rotation
if (buttonStateCW == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinR, HIGH);
float speed = crSpeedCW;
Serial.print("CLOCKWISE-ROTATION \n");
for (int i = 0; i < t * 5; i++) {
speed += ((float)crSpeedDefault - speed)/ 10;
else if (buttonStateCC == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinG, HIGH);
float speed = crSpeedCC;
for (int i = 0; i < t * 5; i++) {
speed += ((float)crSpeedDefault - speed) / 10;
else {
digitalWrite(ledPinR, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPinG, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
Try This.
void loop()
// clockwise rotation
if (buttonStateCW == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinR, HIGH);
float speed = crSpeedCW;
for (int i = 0; i < t * 5; i++) {
speed -= (speed - (float)crSpeedDefault) / 10;
else if (buttonStateCC == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPinG, HIGH);
// Do the same here in reverse
else {
This will slow down the speed exponentially. You have to adjust hard coded numbers to suit your the ranges.

Arduino, if else LED "stuck"

So the code is not working properply, there are two leds that wont turn off "highliten" the problem. when i run the Else part of the program. i want to turn them off in the else part. :)
byte ledPin[] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}; //--------------------------------.
int ledDelay; // Del 1
int direction = 1;
int currentLED = 0;
unsigned long changeTime;
int potPin = 0;
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
int potpin = 0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin
int va;
void setup()
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, INPUT);
myservo.attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
for (int x=0; x<6; x++) {
pinMode(ledPin[x], OUTPUT); }
changeTime = millis();
void loop() {
int on = digitalRead(6);
if (on == HIGH)
// Here is the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if va < 523)
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
else if (va > 555)
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
// Here is the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
va = analogRead(potPin); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
val = map(va, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
myservo.write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
delay(1); // waits for the servo to get there
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
ledDelay = analogRead(potPin) / 4;
if ((millis() - changeTime) > ledDelay)
changeTime = millis();
void changeLED() {
for (int x=0; x<6; x++)
digitalWrite(ledPin[x], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin[currentLED], HIGH);
currentLED += direction;
if (currentLED == 6) {direction = -1;}
if (currentLED == 0) {direction = 1;}
in advance Thank you!
Right at the end of the sketch you have the following line:
if (currentLED == 6) { direction = -1; }
I think, without actually running the program, that the problem is here. In the previous line you have added one to the value of currentLED and you are checking to see if you have gone off the end of the ledPin array. You change the direction but you don't reset the currentLED position to be back inside the ledPin range.
The next time changeLED is called it tries to call digitalWrite(ledPin[currentLED], HIGH); but the value of currentLED is 6, which is outside the ledPin array. The Arduino probably gets upset at this point.
I think you simply need to change the statement to check whether currentLED == 5 rather than 6. This will mean that next time that changeLED is called the last LED will be turned on and the value of currentLED will be decremented (direction == -1), keeping it inside the ledPin range.
